07-17-2004, 09:48 PM
HSN WEEK 6: NEW MAJOR ELEMENTAL SPELL - STONE FIST · on 7/17/2004 7:26:11 PM 742

Stone Fist (514) will be released this evening!

Duration: Approximately 15 seconds + 1/4 warding

Type: Attack

Using the elemental powers of Earth, the Wizard is able to conjure a massive stone fist. This fist will grab on to the enemy, leaving it rooted where it stands, and hampering combat. The Wizard may then direct the stone fist to weaken the foe into submission, enabling him to attack with the final blow.

While held by one stone fist, targets are immune to additional casts of the spell. After the initial 14 mana cast, the fist remains linked to the caster's hand. Using various hand gestures, the caster can command the fist to act. These commands require additional mana and are subject to the rules of normal casting. To invoke an action, it must be targeted at the foe held by the caster's stone fist.

Stone Fist commands:

WAVE (2 mana) The fist will wave the target, leaving it somewhat disoriented and confused, adding Roundtime. This will not break the fist's hold on the target.

PUSH (2 mana) The fist will push the target to the ground, leaving it somewhat disoriented, knocking it down and adding Roundtime. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

THROW (3 mana) The fist will throw the target to the ground violently, causing it to sustain damage and knocking it to the ground. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

The following commands require training in Elemental Lore, Earth to use consistently. SLAP requires the least number of Lore skill ranks out of the three, while POUND requires the most Lore skill ranks.

SLAP (4 mana) The fist will slap the target, causing damage. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

CLENCH (6 mana) The fist will squeeze the target in its grasp, crushing it. This does damage to chest, back, and abdomen. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target.

POUND (8 mana) The fist will pound the target on the ground while keeping it in its grasp. Damage to head/neck or limbs only. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target.


Casting Stone Fist at certain items will crush them. Use at your own risk!

This message was originally posted in Wizards, Spell Uses. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=29&topic=6&message =730

07-17-2004, 11:09 PM
Stone Fist is now live:

You sense a sudden, violent burst in the elemental flows, and the image of a vast mountainous landscape fills your mind. The image shifts and twists, resulting in a sudden burst of movement. When you recover, you see a young man clad in deep purple robes, standing before a giant red boulder precariously perched at the edge of a massive chasm. The man begins to gesture, uttering mystical phrases that seem somehow familiar. Before long, the boulder begins to move towards the great, dark gap. It tilts slowly, halting for a long moment before it topples into the dark chasm. Time seems to dilate until a large crash echoes through your mind, followed by the rush of wind rising from the chasm. Soon a mass of small pebbles, apparently the remnants of the massive boulder, come flying out of the black gulch and form into a massive stone fist that hovers in the air before the young wizard for a moment, then hardens and begins to crack into nothingness.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

07-17-2004, 11:14 PM
Here's it in action with a level 40 wizard

A silverback orc swings a falchion at you!
AS: +154 vs DS: +260 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +47 = -27
A clean miss.

[[[[Note the AS here for later]]]]]

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
A silverback orc is enraged by SomeWizard's attack!
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +42 + CvA: +11 + d100: +80 == +263
Warding failed!
A silverback orc tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches him with a loose grip that quickly tightens.

SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +22 + CvA: +11 + d100: +68 == +271
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around a silverback orc and squeezes. 91 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks the silverback orc almost in two!
A silverback orc curls up in the snow and dies.
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the massive stone hand that holds a silverback orc's broken corpse firmly in its grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
SomeWizard says, "Haha."
You say, "Ouch."

SomeWizard says, "That was pounding."
You nod.

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
A silverback orc is enraged by SomeWizard's attack!
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +39 + CvA: +11 + d100: +61 == +247
Warding failed!
A silverback orc tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches him with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a waving motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +19 + CvA: +11 + d100: +68 == +274
Warding failed!
The stone hand waves a silverback orc around violently, leaving him looking dizzy and confused.
SomeWizard cackles!
You ask, "Waving?"
SomeWizard nods.

SomeWizard says, "Gunna throw it."
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a throwing motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +19 + CvA: +11 + d100: +91 == +297
Warding failed!
The stone hand throws a silverback orc and he goes flying through the air, then hits the ground with a loud thud. 54 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to back!
The silverback orc is stunned!
Suddenly, the stone hand erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
A silverback orc stands up with a grunt.

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +39 + CvA: +11 + d100: +76 == +262
Warding failed!
A silverback orc tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches him with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
SomeWizard says, "Going to push him."
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a pushing motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +19 + CvA: +11 + d100: +15 == +221
Warding failed!
The stone hand pushes a silverback orc violently, and he rolls helplessly to the ground.
Suddenly, the stone hand erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +39 + CvA: +11 + d100: +46 == +232
Warding failed!
A silverback orc tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches him with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
SomeWizard says, "Slap."
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a slapping motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +19 + CvA: +11 + d100: +36 == +242
Warding failed!
The stone hand lets a silverback orc go free for a moment, then quickly moves to slap him. 73 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
The silverback orc is stunned!
Suddenly, the stone hand erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
You say, "Ouch."

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +39 + CvA: +11 + d100: +81 == +267
Warding failed!
Moving with a sudden sense of unnatural purpose, the stone hand easily grabs a silverback orc and holds him tight within its stony grasp.

You ask, "Clench?"
SomeWizard says, "Yep."
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a clenching motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +19 + CvA: +11 + d100: +21 == +227
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around a silverback orc and squeezes. 93 points of damage!
A silverback orc curls up in the snow and dies.
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the massive stone hand that holds a silverback orc's broken corpse firmly in its grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
SomeWizard says, "Nice."
You feel the blood drain from your face.
SomeWizard chuckles.
>'That was nice
You say, "That was nice."

New Orc:

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air.
CS: +214 - TD: +42 + CvA: +11 + d100: +53 == +236
Warding failed!
A silverback orc tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches her with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
A silverback orc swings a silver falchion at you!
AS: +108 vs DS: +260 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +4 = -116
A clean miss.

[[[[[Looks like just stone fisting it lowered it's AS by about 45 points, I've never seen the orcs swing in defensive before and we hadn't damaged this one before, so I can't explain it otherwise]]]]]

SomeWizard asks, "Clench?"
You nod.
SomeWizard slowly moves his hand in a clenching motion, and the stone hand holding a silverback orc moves in response...
CS: +214 - TD: +22 + CvA: +11 + d100: +27 == +230
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around a silverback orc and squeezes. 88 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
The silverback orc is stunned!
>whis somewizard lowers attack AS too
You quietly whisper to SomeWizard, "Lowers attack AS too."
SomeWizard nods.
>shake head
You shake your head.

New orc, testing to see if it had hidden damage:

SomeWizard intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
CS: +214 - TD: +42 + CvA: +11 + d100: +38 == +221
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between SomeWizard and the silverback orc!
The silverback orc shakes violently!
>whis SomeWizard they have about 160 HP, if it did hidden damage I think that would have killed it
You quietly whisper to SomeWizard, "They have about 160 HP, if it did hidden damage I think that would have killed it."

SomeWizard nods.

SomeWizard gestures at a silverback orc.
The ground beneath SomeWizard rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a massive hand in mid-air. The stone hand attempts to grab a silverback orc but can not seem to reach her. Soon the stone hand goes still and collapses to a pile of rubble that quickly disintegrates to invisible dust.
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the massive stone hand that holds a silverback orc firmly in its grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.

>'What was that?
You ask, "What was that?"
SomeWizard says, "Casted a second one at it."

[Edited on 7-18-2004 by Drew]

07-17-2004, 11:23 PM
>cast scout
You gesture at an Ithzir scout.
The ground beneath you rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a large hand with slender fingers in mid-air.
CS: +457 - TD: +371 + CvA: +9 + d100: +30 == +125
Warding failed!
An Ithzir scout tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches her with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Old Ta'Faendryl, Southern Road]
Trees and brush thicken and grow with an increasingly vigorous appearance along the edges of the road to the north. To the south, the road is wider, the sicklier vegetation of the swampy lowlands apparently less able to compete with its cobbled surface. You also see an Ithzir scout that is held in place by a large stone hand with slender fingers, a curved silvery blade and a curved silvery blade.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming steel broadsword at you!
AS: +362 vs DS: +484 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +100 = +11
A clean miss.
>pound scout
Tsin's group just arrived.
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +7 == +122
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 27 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to abdomen!
The Ithzir scout is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Tsin's group just went north.
[Old Ta'Faendryl, Southern Road]
Trees and brush thicken and grow with an increasingly vigorous appearance along the edges of the road to the north. To the south, the road is wider, the sicklier vegetation of the swampy lowlands apparently less able to compete with its cobbled surface. You also see the Tsin disk, the violet Chazym disk, an Ithzir scout that appears stunned, a curved silvery blade and a curved silvery blade.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
An Ithzir scout staggers as she tries to clear her thoughts!
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.
>514 scout
*** TypoHelp: Converted "514 scout" to PREP 514 and CAST AT scout

You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Stone Fist...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an Ithzir scout.
The ground beneath you rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a large hand with slender fingers in mid-air. The stone hand attempts to grab an Ithzir scout but can not seem to reach her. Soon the stone hand goes still and collapses to a pile of rubble that quickly disintegrates to invisible dust.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming steel broadsword at you!
You evade the attack!
>pound scout
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +7 == +122
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 30 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to back!
The Ithzir scout is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the large stone hand with slender fingers that holds an Ithzir scout firmly in its grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
>pound scout
You pound one of your fists in to the other, and glance at an Ithzir scout.
* Ruenaer just bit the dust!
>514 scout
*** TypoHelp: Converted "514 scout" to PREP 514 and CAST AT scout

You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Stone Fist...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an Ithzir scout.
The ground beneath you rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a large hand with slender fingers in mid-air.
CS: +457 - TD: +371 + CvA: +9 + d100: +49 == +144
Warding failed!
An Ithzir scout tries to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches her with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Auralea just bit the dust!
>pound scout
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +39 == +154
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 52 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to abdomen looks painful!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
An Ithzir scout staggers as she tries to clear her thoughts!
[Old Ta'Faendryl, Southern Road]
Trees and brush thicken and grow with an increasingly vigorous appearance along the edges of the road to the north. To the south, the road is wider, the sicklier vegetation of the swampy lowlands apparently less able to compete with its cobbled surface. You also see an Ithzir scout that appears stunned, a curved silvery blade and a curved silvery blade.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
>pound scout
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +27 == +142
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 34 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to back!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>pound scout
Wait 1 sec.
Wait 1 sec.
>pound scout
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +5 == +120
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 22 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to chest!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>pound scout
You slowly move your hand in a pounding motion, and the stone hand holding an Ithzir scout moves in response...
CS: +457 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +23 == +138
Warding failed!
The stone hand closes its grasp around an Ithzir scout and squeezes. 60 points of damage!
The Ithzir scout falls to the ground in a crumpled heap.
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the large stone hand with slender fingers that holds an Ithzir scout's broken corpse firmly in its grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

07-17-2004, 11:23 PM
Does it work on non-corp undeads if at all.? How about really big critters or ones that break immobilization. How about on other stone critters?

07-17-2004, 11:28 PM
You gesture at a firephantom.
The floor beneath you rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a slender hand enscribed with runes in mid-air. The stone hand grabs at a firephantom, over and over, yet its efforts are in vain. Finally, the stone hand goes still and collapses to a pile of rubble that quickly disintegrates to invisible dust.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A firephantom swings a closed fist at you!
You block the attack with your shield!

You gesture at a sturdy wooden chest.
The floor beneath you rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a slender hand enscribed with runes in mid-air. It reaches for a sturdy wooden chest and effortlessly crushes it into dust!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)

07-17-2004, 11:31 PM
haven't illoke done the same shit, forever, just of the likes?

07-17-2004, 11:31 PM
If only you could make two and slap em together and squash everything in the room together like a cluster of caterpillars.

07-18-2004, 12:58 AM
It works on very large creatures, and as Gemstone101 said, doesn't work on non-corps (at least not on wraiths), works on undead though.

07-18-2004, 01:46 AM
The Illoke shaman version of stonefist is different from the player version. Their is just instant death, ours has two separate phases basically.

Just for the record, fisting boxes does not leave the plunder behind.

07-18-2004, 02:32 AM
It's pretty buggy and needs some tweaking if you ask me.

07-18-2004, 02:34 AM
I'm not a big fan of it either. I think it needs a lot of work.

07-18-2004, 05:12 AM
Much like everything that has come about in the last 8 years, it SuX0rs.

07-18-2004, 07:56 AM
<<Their is just instant death>>

I've never died from a stone fist.

07-18-2004, 11:02 AM
It seems, like immolation, that the lores have a lot to do with how effective it can be. With some 87 ranks of earth lore, I was critting the life out of most things in a single pound.

07-18-2004, 02:40 PM
Has anyone confirmed that it does lower a creature's AS or if that was just a fluke?

07-18-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Has anyone confirmed that it does lower a creature's AS or if that was just a fluke?

It lowers AS and DS

07-19-2004, 10:40 AM
I do not see it replacing my standard 415/904 combo.


07-19-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Their is just instant death>>

I've never died from a stone fist.

You obviously never hunted them with a character from level 50-60 then. When you actually DO.. come back and tell us all about your many deaths.


07-19-2004, 11:23 AM
Spend more time hunting and less time picking fights and you will.

07-19-2004, 11:32 AM
Yeah, not everyone can brag about not training over level 20 then going out and buying a high level character because he couldn't do it himself.

07-19-2004, 01:07 PM
After more research I've confirmed that Stone Fist does, in fact, suck. It's duration is pitifully short. Nothing beats rapid fire bolting.

07-19-2004, 01:17 PM
Yeah, when I saw here that stone fist was implemented.. I was like.. WHAT? Illoke stonefist??

but :bleh: heheee