View Full Version : Arizona Competitive?

09-26-2012, 09:58 PM
It's surprising how often Arizona has come up in our discussion fo the 2012 presidential election. Here's some of the times it's come up..


Is Arizona about to become a big part of the political discussion again?

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state — or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.

More... (http://hosted2.ap.org/OHCOL/8ef5320729ce4298abefc1903704c7d5/Article_2012-09-25-Obama-Challenges/id-452fe2908564475dbecaaa7a4effeb71)

09-26-2012, 10:02 PM

We hate everyone equally.

The official state slogan.

09-26-2012, 10:45 PM
Shut up Clyde!!

09-26-2012, 10:50 PM
It'd be stupid at this point for Obama to put more money into his campaign in Arizona. He is polling ahead in Ohio, Florida, and California. That's pretty much game over. He should just build up his warchest to help out in the 2014 midterms.

09-27-2012, 08:08 AM
It'd be stupid at this point for Obama to put more money into his campaign in Arizona. He is polling ahead in Ohio, Florida, and California. That's pretty much game over. He should just build up his warchest to help out in the 2014 midterms.

It's over because of some polling that out samples Democrat voting?

You're being played.

09-27-2012, 11:13 AM
It's over because of some polling that out samples Democrat voting?

You're being played.

Like you did with PK, want to put a bet that Obama doesn't win?

09-27-2012, 11:40 AM
Can neither candidate win? Please?

09-27-2012, 11:45 AM
Can neither candidate win? Please?

Ron Paul is going to swoop in at the last minute to save the day, save the world and most likely save the universe.

09-27-2012, 11:48 AM
Ron Paul is going to swoop in at the last minute to save the day, save the world and most likely save the universe.

What is he gonna die for our debt and cleanse the World of war and other terrible things?

09-27-2012, 12:21 PM
What is he gonna die for our debt and cleanse the World of war and other terrible things?

Nah man. He's gonna pass out FREE WEED FOR EVERYONE!!!!


09-27-2012, 12:40 PM
Nah man. He's gonna pass out FREE WEED FOR EVERYONE!!!!

But Obama already legalized it!

09-27-2012, 03:55 PM
Like you did with PK, want to put a bet that Obama doesn't win?

Bueller? Bueller?

09-27-2012, 04:53 PM
Like you did with PK, want to put a bet that Obama doesn't win?

When I lose, can I blame someone else, thus negating my bet because its hard for me to scrape together $20?

I'm not saying Romney will win... I'm simply looking at the "polls" that get used by the MSM and how often they use over sampled Democrats to produce the result they want you to believe.

Like I said, you're being played.

09-27-2012, 04:58 PM
Ron Paul is going to swoop in at the last minute to save the day, save the world and most likely save the universe.It's a fact that none of the so-called mainstream candidates have a plan to reverse the inevitable heat death of the universe.

09-27-2012, 05:02 PM
It's a fact that none of the so-called mainstream candidates have a plan to reverse the inevitable heat death of the universe.

I thought the universe was going to end because eventually the universe will grow so big that it will cool down and will no longer be able to sustain life?

09-27-2012, 05:26 PM
It's a fact that none of the so-called mainstream candidates have a plan to reverse the inevitable heat death of the universe.

Gingrich might have had one.

09-27-2012, 05:31 PM
When I lose, can I blame someone else, thus negating my bet because its hard for me to scrape together $20?

I'm not saying Romney will win... I'm simply looking at the "polls" that get used by the MSM and how often they use over sampled Democrats to produce the result they want you to believe.

Like I said, you're being played.

I look at pretty much every reputable poll across the board, as long as their standard deviation is acceptable. I rarely watch any news except PBS and BBC World.

09-27-2012, 05:33 PM
When I lose, can I blame someone else, thus negating my bet because its hard for me to scrape together $20?

Haha, rich, you're still crying about this?

09-27-2012, 05:40 PM
What ever happened with that bet? You guys bet $20 about whether Ron Paul would get the nomination. Mitt Romney got it. So what's the problem?

09-27-2012, 05:41 PM
Part of the bet was coming up with sources we could agree upon. He never did so the bet never happened.

09-27-2012, 05:42 PM
So you don't agree Mitt Romney won the nomination?

09-27-2012, 05:43 PM
So you don't agree Mitt Romney won the nomination?

Ron Paul is going to swoop in at the last minute to save the day, save the world and most likely save the universe.


09-27-2012, 05:43 PM
So you don't agree Mitt Romney won the nomination?


09-27-2012, 05:44 PM
I guess I'm just not getting it. I remember you guys making the bet, and then Mitt Romney got the nomination. I don't see the grey area.

09-27-2012, 05:47 PM
It was about the delegate count, there were multiple sources showing different numbers. The fact of the matter though is we never finalized the bet by coming up with a list of sources. There is no grey area about it.

09-27-2012, 05:53 PM
Oh, I guess I just figured that you guys would use the current presidential race as a source.

09-27-2012, 06:10 PM
It was about the delegate count, there were multiple sources showing different numbers. The fact of the matter though is we never finalized the bet by coming up with a list of sources. There is no grey area about it.

It was determined that Ron Paul did not have enough delegates to secure the nomination for the Republican ticket. That fell to Mitt Romney.

It has zero to do with any website you wanted to use, it had nothing to do with how Ron Paul was "robbed" of delegates... it had everything to do with the nomination for President needing 1144 delegates and Mitt Romney having more than enough.

You are correct though, there was no grey area about it... just someone who couldn't live up to his bet.

09-27-2012, 06:11 PM
Oh, I guess I just figured that you guys would use the current presidential race as a source.

Everyone except PK believed this.

09-27-2012, 06:12 PM
Part of the bet was coming up with sources we could agree upon. He never did so the bet never happened.

Source? What about the actual convention where the actual delegates were actually counted? The result doesn't get anymore concrete than that.

09-27-2012, 07:28 PM
Hey man, not my problem you never discussed sources. That was part of the bet, doesn't matter what the eventual outcome was. Get over it.

09-27-2012, 08:00 PM
Hey man, I can't afford $20.12! I know I made the bet, but come on, you can't expect me to live up to that, can you???


09-27-2012, 08:35 PM
Listen, I'm really hurting for cash, I spent all of my money this week sucking dick and now I need another fix, help me out bro!

Two can play that game.

09-27-2012, 09:00 PM
Two can play that game.

Two can play.. only one pays the bets he loses though.

It's ok.. like I said, I knew the type of person you are.

09-27-2012, 09:04 PM
You'll have to excuse me if I don't give any fucks what YOU think.

09-27-2012, 09:16 PM
You'll have to excuse me if I don't give any fucks what YOU think.


09-27-2012, 11:12 PM
I thought the universe was going to end because eventually the universe will grow so big that it will cool down and will no longer be able to sustain life?Sort of: instead of merely being unable to sustain life, the universe will be unable to sustain any physical process whatsoever. All the lights go out, everywhere, forever.


...in bed.

09-27-2012, 11:30 PM
I had a little time to kill so I went back through the Ron Paul @ Tampa thread to settle this once and for all.
"Romney will easily hit the 1144 number. If you believe he won't, let's make a wager." - PB #160
"Like the wager you had with Kranar?" - Andy #161
"No, like a wager where there is a definitive and verifiable answer. Will Romney achieve 1144 delegates before August and therefore locking up the nomination prior to the GOP Convention?" - PB #162
"Yes, what's your wager." - Andy #163
"Whatever you want. Also, we need to select a source for the actual delegate count. I will probably not approve of www.ronpaulfanboyclub.com.. just saying." PB #165
"I'm open to suggestions on "reliable" sources." Andy #166
[slap fighting] Every other post since

Considering that PB went out of his way to describe the point of contention as "definitive and verifiable" and that PB was the one to declare a "need" to select a source, it's a little odd that he has been the one to continually shy away from doing so. Also, if you note above, another clause in the bet was "before August", so citing the fact that fmr. Gov. Romney is the nominee is not relevant.

Matter settled! I look forward to it never being brought up again.


Side note: "I do find it amusing seeing a site like Huffington Post list Arizona as a "tossup" state, the state has voted Democrat 2 times in the last 50 years or so and has been a constant vocal opponent of Obama but they are suddenly a "tossup state" and might vote for Obama. I guess it's possible, who knows how many illegal aliens are voting this time around, amirite?!" Ha! Ha! Oh Terrence. You got Huffed.

09-27-2012, 11:54 PM
Side note: "I do find it amusing seeing a site like Huffington Post list Arizona as a "tossup" state, the state has voted Democrat 2 times in the last 50 years or so and has been a constant vocal opponent of Obama but they are suddenly a "tossup state" and might vote for Obama. I guess it's possible, who knows how many illegal aliens are voting this time around, amirite?!" Ha! Ha! Oh Terrence. You got Huffed.


09-28-2012, 12:04 AM
This thread is awesome so far so I'm not going to ruin it with facts. But I was at a student vote rally today and one of the tea party kids was shouting about Gary Johnson. I thought of you guys!

09-28-2012, 12:15 AM
It surprises me that Arizona has such idiotic attitudes. Hey, I guess the people of Arizona elected their law makers. Not a place I will ever go or recommend to anyone.

09-28-2012, 07:45 AM
I had a little time to kill so I went back through the Ron Paul @ Tampa thread to settle this once and for all.
"Romney will easily hit the 1144 number. If you believe he won't, let's make a wager." - PB #160
"Like the wager you had with Kranar?" - Andy #161
"No, like a wager where there is a definitive and verifiable answer. Will Romney achieve 1144 delegates before August and therefore locking up the nomination prior to the GOP Convention?" - PB #162
"Yes, what's your wager." - Andy #163
"Whatever you want. Also, we need to select a source for the actual delegate count. I will probably not approve of www.ronpaulfanboyclub.com (http://www.ronpaulfanboyclub.com).. just saying." PB #165
"I'm open to suggestions on "reliable" sources." Andy #166
[slap fighting] Every other post since

Considering that PB went out of his way to describe the point of contention as "definitive and verifiable" and that PB was the one to declare a "need" to select a source, it's a little odd that he has been the one to continually shy away from doing so. Also, if you note above, another clause in the bet was "before August", so citing the fact that fmr. Gov. Romney is the nominee is not relevant.

Matter settled! I look forward to it never being brought up again.


Side note: "I do find it amusing seeing a site like Huffington Post list Arizona as a "tossup" state, the state has voted Democrat 2 times in the last 50 years or so and has been a constant vocal opponent of Obama but they are suddenly a "tossup state" and might vote for Obama. I guess it's possible, who knows how many illegal aliens are voting this time around, amirite?!" Ha! Ha! Oh Terrence. You got Huffed.

Point me to a verifiable source that showed Ron Paul had the needed delegates to win the nomination. All we need is one.

Just one.

09-28-2012, 08:12 AM
I had a little time to kill so I went back through the Ron Paul @ Tampa thread to settle this once and for all.
"Romney will easily hit the 1144 number. If you believe he won't, let's make a wager." - PB #160
"Like the wager you had with Kranar?" - Andy #161
"No, like a wager where there is a definitive and verifiable answer. Will Romney achieve 1144 delegates before August and therefore locking up the nomination prior to the GOP Convention?" - PB #162
"Yes, what's your wager." - Andy #163
"Whatever you want. Also, we need to select a source for the actual delegate count. I will probably not approve of www.ronpaulfanboyclub.com (http://www.ronpaulfanboyclub.com).. just saying." PB #165
"I'm open to suggestions on "reliable" sources." Andy #166
[slap fighting] Every other post since

Considering that PB went out of his way to describe the point of contention as "definitive and verifiable" and that PB was the one to declare a "need" to select a source, it's a little odd that he has been the one to continually shy away from doing so. Also, if you note above, another clause in the bet was "before August", so citing the fact that fmr. Gov. Romney is the nominee is not relevant.

Matter settled! I look forward to it never being brought up again.

Ahhh ok, so basically everything pk said is totally true.

09-28-2012, 04:48 PM
Point me to a verifiable source that showed Ron Paul had the needed delegates to win the nomination. All we need is one.

Just one.Surely you don't seriously believe this is in any way relevant.
1. The point of contention was how many delegates Romney would have by a specific date. While it would demonstrate that he didn't have that number if Paul did (sufficient), there are other possibilities (not necessary). For instance, Paul could have had a mere 650, which along with Santorum and Gingrich's delegates would have kept Romney from reaching the 1144 mark.
2. More importantly, the two of you never agreed on a source, a stipulation you insisted on. (And for the record, you shot down the only suggested source.) This is how conditions work. I can say "I'll give you a dollar IF you whistle Dixie." If you then do not whistle Dixie, it is very strange for you to belittle me for not giving you a dollar.

09-28-2012, 06:01 PM
:heart:Surely you don't seriously believe this is in any way relevant.
1. The point of contention was how many delegates Romney would have by a specific date. While it would demonstrate that he didn't have that number if Paul did (sufficient), there are other possibilities (not necessary). For instance, Paul could have had a mere 650, which along with Santorum and Gingrich's delegates would have kept Romney from reaching the 1144 mark.
2. More importantly, the two of you never agreed on a source, a stipulation you insisted on. (And for the record, you shot down the only suggested source.) This is how conditions work. I can say "I'll give you a dollar IF you whistle Dixie." If you then do not whistle Dixie, it is very strange for you to belittle me for not giving you a dollar.

The only reason for the site was to safeguard PK from using www.ronpaulisthebestever.com as a delegate count site and say "SEE, HE WILL BE PRESIDENT!!".

The spirit of the bet was simple: PK - Ron Paul will be the nominee. PB - Mitt Romney will be the nominee.

It's fine though.. I knew I would never see a penny from someone like that. It's far more entertaining to illustrate the type of person he is. I don't need his weed money.

09-28-2012, 06:23 PM
If you can't see the humor in your insisting on clauses and provisions in the first place, then relying on "the spirit" of the thing to endlessly belabor the issue, I can't do anything for you.

09-28-2012, 06:44 PM
If you can't see the humor in your insisting on clauses and provisions in the first place, then relying on "the spirit" of the thing to endlessly belabor the issue, I can't do anything for you.

The idea that I require you to do anything for me is hilarious.