View Full Version : Things about working at a club that suck:

07-17-2004, 03:22 AM
Inspired by Stanley's mass transit hatred, I decided I'd lay out some of the things I hate about working at a club. If you frequent clubs, take note:

1) Guys who wear ultra tight shirts. You aren't even cool enough to be called gay. You're just a loser.

2) Girls who wear ultra tight shirts. Yes, I CAN see your tits, and yes, your nipples are ripping a hole through the fabric. I'm a very heterosexual man, but seeing girls try to trump eachother by wearing less and less clothing gets boring after awhile. There is a lot to be said for covering yourself up and having self respect. This goes doubly for the fat girls who try to squeeze into spandex.

3) A spritz goes along way. Seriously, there is no need to bathe with your cologne bottle. You will smell like smoke and sweat in about twenty minutes regardless.

4) Standing in the middle of walkways. Look around, dumbass. There are 2500 people packed in here, and you are standing in the way of half of them. Walkways aren't meant for chitchat, they are meant to walk on.

5) The stalagmite (or is it stalagtite I always forget) haircut. Looking like Sonic the Hedgehog is not a positive fashion trend. Spiking out the top of your hair is somewhat acceptable, but the people who look like they sat in a wind tunnel with glue in their hair should be shot. Repeatedly.

6) Undertippers. Look douchebag, they are $1 beers. Think you can MAYBE find some pocket change to tip with? If you don't tip on dollar beers, die.

7) Flagrant overtippers. Nobody is impressed with your Jewish bankroll of two twenties wrapped around fifty singles with a rubber band to hold it shut. Put it away, the only person you are impressing is the bartender who will not sleep with you anyhow.

8) The regulars. Hi, my name is Jim. I was born in Trenton, I've lived in Trenton for 29 years, and I have come to the same club four nights a week since I could walk. I hit on, and get rejected by, the same girls I went to high school with who also come here every night wearing ultra tight shirts and no underwear. FIND A NEW HOBBY.

9) The people who just won't leave. Listen, last call is made at 1:30 and then again at 1:45. This gives you 30 minutes to finish your beer and get the fuck out. Don't make me ask you seven times to leave my club at 2:01. You'll get tossed out on your ass after the second time I politely ask you.

10) Last minute pissers. See above, but replace the guy in this situation with a woman, and multiply it by 40. Not only do you women take 20 minutes to pee, you also wait until 1:59 before deciding "Like oh my god, like, I have to piss."

11) Bad dancers. You can't dance. You know it, and your mom and friends probably know it, too. There's no need to let everyone else in the club in on your little secret, too. The Elaine dance and the Cabbage Patch are not socially acceptable dance moves. Also, breakdancing hasn't been cool since the late 80's so get your fat ass off my floor.

12) Sissy fighting. If you're going to fight, fight. Don't whine and shove eachother, knock that fucker out. Nobody respects a sissy fighter, and your chick will go home with someone else...like me.

13) The blind. Do you not see that trash can...right in front of you, right next to you, and behind you? Why must you fumble about with your blinders on before putting the beer down on the ground? You are the kind of people we let get beat up at the end of the night.

14) Document falsifiers. aka fake ID people. "So, you're telling me that you are 5'4 and hispanic, Miss Jones? That is interesting. I wasn't aware high heels could make you shorter." You're not getting in, don't even try. Do what I did and steal your mom and pops liquor and fill the bottle up with water. If I couldn't club at 16, you can't either. Bitch.

That is all for now...these are just the things I had to deal with tonight. Keep this stuff in mind when you go to a club, and try not to make yourself look like a total douchebag.

07-17-2004, 03:34 AM
Okay, I don't think I've laughed this hard on a post in a long time.

The one about the women in tight shirts, and the document falsifiers. You sound just the way I do when I bitch about something. Fucking hilarious.

07-17-2004, 04:00 AM
LMAO. I agree with every single one, except the dancers.

I love to watch people make asses of themselves, and even on the reverse, watch people with courage become better.

Either way, it is a riot. :D

07-17-2004, 04:36 AM
I can't dance when I'm sober.

I like to think I dance better when I'm drunk, but then again, I'm drunk. I think my body is looser and usually by that time all I'm REALLY doing is just rubbing my body up against someone.

So...my boyfriend <3 me drinking tequila

07-17-2004, 02:47 PM
I'm totally coming to your club and doing half of those things.

07-17-2004, 03:00 PM
This gets my vote for post of the year.

07-17-2004, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247

5) The stalagmite (or is it stalagtite I always forget) haircut. Looking like Sonic the Hedgehog is not a positive fashion trend.

Stalagmite. The rule of thumb for telling the difference: A stalagtite hangs *tite* from the ceiling - a stalagmite *mite* reach the ceiling.

And yeah as a haircut <snicker>.


07-17-2004, 03:09 PM
<<The Elaine dance>>


<<Don't whine and shove eachother, knock that fucker out.>>

Also hahahahaha.

07-17-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Prestius

Originally posted by Blazing247

5) The stalagmite (or is it stalagtite I always forget) haircut. Looking like Sonic the Hedgehog is not a positive fashion trend.

Stalagmite. The rule of thumb for telling the difference: A stalagtite hangs *tite* from the ceiling - a stalagmite *mite* reach the ceiling.

And yeah as a haircut <snicker>.


Actually, there is no such thing as a stalagtite. The proper name is stalactite while the other is stalagmite.

And the best way I've found to remember which is which is that the stalactite with the 'C' hangs from the Ceiling while the stalagmite with the 'G' is on the Ground.


07-17-2004, 07:01 PM
:chuckle: Other than the bad dancing, which I'm sometimes guilty of (I'm there to have fun with the spouse, not score)...

Yeah. Just, yeah.

07-17-2004, 07:05 PM
Which club do you work at Blazing? I know that my friend and I have made a few of those comments recently about some of the Philly clubs.

07-17-2004, 07:14 PM
I just saw an episode of cops where the bouncer is the one who actually gets arrested because some drunk shmuck wouldn't stop coming at him.

07-17-2004, 08:42 PM
<Which club do you work at Blazing? I know that my friend and I have made a few of those comments recently about some of the Philly clubs.>

Name of the club must be withheld to protect the innocent, and of course our regular, Jim. Mostly though, I don't want to see Ranger fulfill his promise to do the Cabbage Patch in a size XXXS shirt.

I think some of the funniest things that happen at the club are the breakups.

Scenario 1: Lots of alcohol. Guy breaks up with girl. Girl goes around hooking up with every guy in sight, guy starts crying and begs for girl back. Girl laughs and goes home with three guys.

Scenario 2: Lots of alcohol. Girl breaks up with guy. Guy starts crying and girl goes around hooking up with every guy in sight. Pathetic guy attempts to fight new guy that girl is hooking up with, gets beat up, cries some more, and takes a taxi home. Girl laughs and goes home with three guys.

Newsflash for the guys: Unless you are 100 percent absolutely, positively sure, breaking up with a girl in a club is not a good idea. If you make this mistake, just clip your balls off, hand them over, and take a taxi home to wait for the train to stop running through her. You have lost in the game of manhood.

Of course, the funniest moment to date has been the drunken pickup attempt. I'd have put it on the list, but I'm pretty sure this might be the only time in history this has happened. Piss drunk guy walks up to girl at bar. Leans over, starts rapping to her. Orders two shots, does a little toast, drinks the shot, smiles, opens mouth to speak to girl, pukes all over girl. We had to give her a new shirt, although I'm guessing the needed therapy sessions will have to be picked up by her insurance provider.

07-17-2004, 08:48 PM
I don't want to see Ranger fulfill his promise to do the Cabbage Patch in a size XXXS shirt.

....on top of the bar at 2:04 am with a mohawk, doused in CK1 right before I get into a slap fight with Snapp.

07-17-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247

5) The stalagmite (or is it stalagtite I always forget) haircut. Looking like Sonic the Hedgehog is not a positive fashion trend. Spiking out the top of your hair is somewhat acceptable, but the people who look like they sat in a wind tunnel with glue in their hair should be shot. Repeatedly.

This one was hilarious, cos I mentioned that to some dude that came to our after party just last night. He asked me, "Do you like my hair?" I said, "Your hair-do is so 1997, you need a new hair cut." Which made this post 100x's funnier.

07-17-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
.....I get into a slap fight with Snapp.


07-20-2004, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Prestius

Stalagmite. The rule of thumb for telling the difference: A stalagtite hangs *tite* from the ceiling - a stalagmite *mite* reach the ceiling.

And yeah as a haircut <snicker>.


I always think of it as stalactite. 'T' for top, as it in, it's hangs from the top of the cave.

I was at a wedding this weekend. Nothing says good times like middle aged drunk white men in khaki's and polo shirts dancing to OutKast and 50 cent at the country club.

[Edited on 7-20-2004 by SnatchWrangler]

07-20-2004, 03:35 PM
Blazing i feel your pain, i am a military policeman, and on my post here in Korea, my station is right next to the bus stop that is directly across from the walk through gate, so at curfew we have about 400 drunks lined up for the bus right next to my station and we (mp's) are constantly policing up the drunks pissing everywhere... even on the brand new police station (boy was he up the creek). I do so hate drunks, which i think is the reason i don't drink as much as i used to, i definantly don't get shit faced anymore.

07-20-2004, 06:24 PM
Never been to a club.

Don't like people.

Would set a club on fire... but wouldn't attend one.
