09-24-2012, 03:55 AM
Cash bids accepted at $8 per million from a verified Paypal acct via gift.
1. a grey-stringed stained leather satchel MB:15m BO:25m
Scripted, VLA, Beltworn, Max light & deep
Weighs 6 empty, 130 full
You estimate that a grey-stringed stained leather satchel can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the satchel, attaching it to your belt. The satchel appears to serve some purpose.
You analyze your stained leather satchel and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You can tell that the satchel is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
You pull the flap over the top of your stained leather satchel and tie it down tightly by wrapping its strings around the satchel's stout metal hooks.
You unwrap the strings holding your stained leather satchel shut and lift the flap to access its contents.
2. a crystal-domed green scarab ring/a crystal-domed blue scarab ring MB:10m BO:20m
SHOW(green): Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a green scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.
SHOW(blue): Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a blue scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.
Green = Unpoison , Blue = Undisease
TAP (changes from green to blue and back)
1st: You tap your crystal-domed ring deftly and its sapphire scarab flashes green.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: As Durakar taps his crystal-domed ring, a bright green glow surrounds it for a moment.
1st: You pop open the crystal dome of your ring, and the shimmering sapphire scarab skitters around the tiny circle of its domain. Blue-green sparks crackle across the runes on its carapace. When its movement subsides, you pop the dome closed again, carefully fastening the ring's minute gold latch.
3rd: Durakar pops open the crystal dome of his ring and gazes at the shimmering sapphire scarab that is exposed. You see faint blue-green traceries of energy before he pops the ring closed again.
1st: You turn a crystal-domed green scarab ring round and round on your finger. Its high domed shape and tight fit make it a bit ungainly to move, but you continue twisting it until you get just the ring angle to catch the most light.
3rd: Durakar preens.
RUB (after all uses are done)
1st: You stare into your crystal-domed green scarab ring, remembering fondly the last time you used it.
3rd: Durakar stares absently at his crystal-domed green scarab ring, apparently lost in thought.
1st: You tilt your hand in a graceful gesture, and a sparkle of blue-green light accents your movement.
3rd: Durakar tilts his hand in a graceful gesture, a sparkle of blue-green light accenting his movement.
1st: You rub a speck of something off the crystal dome of your ring.
3rd: Durakar stare intently at the domed surface of his ring before flicking off a speck of something with the tip of his finger.
1st: You poke a crystal-domed blue scarab ring gingerly, causing a ripple of crackling energy to trail up your wrist. For a moment, minute arcs of blue-green light sizzle on the end of your finger.
3rd: Durakar poke his finger at a crystal-domed blue scarab ring and lets out a yelp!
WEAR (while not worn)
1st: As you slide the blue scarab ring onto your finger, the gold band expands to move easily over your knuckle and then shrinks to fit your finger perfectly.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: As Durakar slides a crystal-domed blue scarab ring onto his finger, a startled look crosses his face.
WEAR (while worn)
1st: You pat you pockets and dig through the folds of your clothing, looking for your blue scarab ring.
3rd: Durakar pats his pockets absently.
1st: You fiddle with your crystal-domed blue scarab ring, but it seems reluctant to leave your finger. You tug on it for several seconds until finally you manage to twist it off past your knuckle.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: Durakar struggles briefly with his crystal-domed blue scarab ring before finally sliding it off his finger.
3. some cut-away forest green armor tightly fitted and studded on the left shoulder with an ancient sigil SOLD
1. a grey-stringed stained leather satchel MB:15m BO:25m
Scripted, VLA, Beltworn, Max light & deep
Weighs 6 empty, 130 full
You estimate that a grey-stringed stained leather satchel can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the satchel, attaching it to your belt. The satchel appears to serve some purpose.
You analyze your stained leather satchel and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You can tell that the satchel is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
You pull the flap over the top of your stained leather satchel and tie it down tightly by wrapping its strings around the satchel's stout metal hooks.
You unwrap the strings holding your stained leather satchel shut and lift the flap to access its contents.
2. a crystal-domed green scarab ring/a crystal-domed blue scarab ring MB:10m BO:20m
SHOW(green): Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a green scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.
SHOW(blue): Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a blue scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.
Green = Unpoison , Blue = Undisease
TAP (changes from green to blue and back)
1st: You tap your crystal-domed ring deftly and its sapphire scarab flashes green.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: As Durakar taps his crystal-domed ring, a bright green glow surrounds it for a moment.
1st: You pop open the crystal dome of your ring, and the shimmering sapphire scarab skitters around the tiny circle of its domain. Blue-green sparks crackle across the runes on its carapace. When its movement subsides, you pop the dome closed again, carefully fastening the ring's minute gold latch.
3rd: Durakar pops open the crystal dome of his ring and gazes at the shimmering sapphire scarab that is exposed. You see faint blue-green traceries of energy before he pops the ring closed again.
1st: You turn a crystal-domed green scarab ring round and round on your finger. Its high domed shape and tight fit make it a bit ungainly to move, but you continue twisting it until you get just the ring angle to catch the most light.
3rd: Durakar preens.
RUB (after all uses are done)
1st: You stare into your crystal-domed green scarab ring, remembering fondly the last time you used it.
3rd: Durakar stares absently at his crystal-domed green scarab ring, apparently lost in thought.
1st: You tilt your hand in a graceful gesture, and a sparkle of blue-green light accents your movement.
3rd: Durakar tilts his hand in a graceful gesture, a sparkle of blue-green light accenting his movement.
1st: You rub a speck of something off the crystal dome of your ring.
3rd: Durakar stare intently at the domed surface of his ring before flicking off a speck of something with the tip of his finger.
1st: You poke a crystal-domed blue scarab ring gingerly, causing a ripple of crackling energy to trail up your wrist. For a moment, minute arcs of blue-green light sizzle on the end of your finger.
3rd: Durakar poke his finger at a crystal-domed blue scarab ring and lets out a yelp!
WEAR (while not worn)
1st: As you slide the blue scarab ring onto your finger, the gold band expands to move easily over your knuckle and then shrinks to fit your finger perfectly.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: As Durakar slides a crystal-domed blue scarab ring onto his finger, a startled look crosses his face.
WEAR (while worn)
1st: You pat you pockets and dig through the folds of your clothing, looking for your blue scarab ring.
3rd: Durakar pats his pockets absently.
1st: You fiddle with your crystal-domed blue scarab ring, but it seems reluctant to leave your finger. You tug on it for several seconds until finally you manage to twist it off past your knuckle.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
3rd: Durakar struggles briefly with his crystal-domed blue scarab ring before finally sliding it off his finger.
3. some cut-away forest green armor tightly fitted and studded on the left shoulder with an ancient sigil SOLD