View Full Version : Things about mass transit that suck.

07-17-2004, 01:18 AM
Hi. Today I had the priveledge of forgetting my tunes, and got to sit next to some adorable half-human schoolgirls who used the word "Like" between everyone word, including the word "Like," itself.

Other things that piss me are:

2. People wearing WAY too much scented alcohol.

3. People talking on their fucking cellphones "I CAN'T HEAR YOU, SPEAK UP..."

4. When a 300+ pound person sits next to me when I've got a window seat

5. Sitting next to 300+ pound people.

6. Having standing passengers hold onto MY FUCKING RAILING, right infront of my face while their elbow breaks my nose when the bus stops short.

7. Not getting a seat.

8. People reaching over me to press the tape.


07-17-2004, 01:20 AM
9. To expensive.

07-17-2004, 01:26 AM
so how's summer school Stanley?

07-17-2004, 01:34 AM
Solution: bring iguana on bus.

07-17-2004, 04:25 AM
*have always avoided*


07-17-2004, 04:41 AM
Ugh. I have to take a bus to get to from the college to the fucking parking lot for the college. SUCKS. I feel your pain on the cellphones. I really love getting the sorority girls squealing like little piglets and shrieking into the phone, 'Yeah I'm riding the bus, yeah the bus to my car! Yeah we just passed Starbucks and we're almost up to 6th street now, no, it's not too packed but I hate riding this thing...."


07-17-2004, 04:44 AM

You're on a bus. It's not like you can afford to shut her up.

07-17-2004, 04:49 AM
Okay Bob. Please re-read what I wrote. Better yet, I will simplify for you since you have like...5 years until you go to college?

I have a car. The parking lot for the college IS REALLY FUCKING FAR AWAY. So, instead of walking miles in 100+ degree heat, I take the bus to it, carrying my mass of books, artist book, portfolio, etc. Suprisingly, the bus ride around campus is free (pretty much the only thing at this fucking university that is) so I take it. Trade-off is that I have to deal with the some of the asshats that ride it too.

07-17-2004, 05:03 AM
<<Better yet, I will simplify for you since you have like...5 years until you go to college?>>

You're still on a bus.

07-17-2004, 05:04 AM
I don't mind public transportation.. although I find that a lot of creepy people are on them... and I mean a lot. I think I've met all of 4 people who aren't creepy on a bus, and I take them rather often. It's not overly expensive for me up here, but meh.

07-17-2004, 05:24 AM
Bob still takes the short bus, he hasn't graduated to public transportation.

07-17-2004, 06:16 AM
I heard Bob got thrown off the short bus.....:whistle:

HarmNone never listens to rumors. Nope. Never.

07-17-2004, 09:53 AM
I Metro every workday. My biggest complaint is the cost. $3.15 each way. Thats $31.50 a week. Then parking is $3.50 a day. So why do I Metro?

Monthly parking is around $190 - $250 a month, traffic in DC is a bitch, and by doing half my commute on public transportation, I'm spewing less pollution, less wear and tear on my baby (new Mazda 6), and less on gas.

Other than that, I mostly enjoy it, but other things that bother me...

People who trash up the cars.

People who try to get on before anyone gets off. These people must like bricks in the face.

Funniest thing I've seen is 4 young black girls singing Chappelle's "I want to pee on you" song. Yeah, I was a little concerned about the behaviour, but I couldn't help but bust out laughing.

07-17-2004, 02:42 PM
Edaarin is afraid of Black girls

07-17-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Edaarin is afraid of Black girls

Who isn't?

Once they get that attitude thing going... you know someone is going to get hurt :scared:

07-17-2004, 04:56 PM

07-17-2004, 05:47 PM
Funniest thing I've seen is 4 young black girls singing Chappelle's "I want to pee on you" song. Yeah, I was a little concerned about the behaviour, but I couldn't help but bust out laughing.

drip drip drip...

I'll piss on you.

Yeah, I've seen/heard/both a bunch of retarded shit while on the bus. People from the bronx is crazy homes.

07-17-2004, 08:55 PM
Heh, I got plenty of funny ass bus stories. Fights are always the best.

07-18-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by RangerD1
Edaarin is afraid of Black girls

Who isn't?

Once they get that attitude thing going... you know someone is going to get hurt :scared: how sad.

07-18-2004, 12:11 PM
why you trying to turn facial tissue into a racial issue?

07-19-2004, 12:52 AM
Haha, welcome to my world Stanley. Well, except for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Being the driver DOES have some perks after all. Then again, I could probably add 30 rants to that list.... :(

07-19-2004, 12:54 AM
Wow, just Wow... Everyone be nice to Mint. I'm glad you've found some perks in the business though ;)

07-19-2004, 01:02 AM
if you're bothered by the person next to you, pull out your own cell phone, call somebody, and loudly tell them about the person you're sitting next to.

07-19-2004, 01:04 AM
i just got back from DC this weekend and rode the metro everyday. Much better than driving in all that traffic. When we left today, my girl and I gave our metro passes with like $10 left on them to a bellhop at the hotel. He was pretty happy about that ;)

~ Greg / Eldas

07-19-2004, 01:19 AM
Some rants before I go play FF:

People who hang out over the curb as I am pulling into the stop. They are just begging to get clocked by my mirror.

People that think the yellow line is arbitrary and stand right next to me when I am driving. I CAN'T SEE OUT MY RIGHT WINDOW WHEN YOU DO THAT.

People that step in front of the bus before it has come to a complete stop to put their bike on the bike rack. Idiots.

People that rush the door before others have exited the bus.

Obnoxious drunks.

People that wait until the last minute to ask me to radio in a transfer hold.

But I must point out that these people and the people others rant about in previous posts account for maybe 2 percent of the passengers I carry. The rest are just normal folk going to school, work, shopping, etc. Thank God.

07-19-2004, 02:10 AM
Hey Mint, i was at the Gorge this weekend and saw your old avatar you have of the woman doing the splits agaist the street sign. Anyway, so i'm at this burger joint in Vantage, WA on the way to the gorge called Blustery's burger something and over by the register they had that same pic on the wall with a bunch of other customer photos of them "trying" to pull that stunt. It totally threw me off when i saw that and i had to ask if you had anything to do with that. So what's the story? You ever been to that place in Vantage?

07-19-2004, 02:15 AM
What about people that ask you out at the bus station including the bus drivers?

07-19-2004, 02:24 AM
Surprisingly, I Can't relate to that shalla

07-19-2004, 03:32 AM
Heh, I am SO going to try that, Kadumi. Usually I just grit my teeth and deal with it but I figure one of these days I'll just snap and do your suggestion and see what happens.

And poor Bob...since you can't even drive on your own for another 3 years and still have to ask mom or dad or even an older sibling for a ride, I will simply pity you and let your silly little comments slide. :)

07-19-2004, 06:52 AM
Know what else sucks about mass transit?

It's damned expensive.

The metro here in Washington DC is PRICEY. It cost me 2.35 to go ONE WAY to the zoo on Saturday. And it was like... 3.15 to come home.