View Full Version : T1 connection questions

09-11-2012, 03:12 PM
Looking to upgrade the internet connection at my house and I was thinking of going with a T1.

My question is, can you connect a T1 connection to a wireless router and still access the speed from the T1? Or does each computer have to connected to the T1?

09-11-2012, 03:21 PM
What do you have now? If you can get it Fios would be a better choice than a T1 line.

09-11-2012, 03:22 PM
A T1 line is pretty slow compared to today's oversold broadband connections.

09-11-2012, 03:34 PM
The area I live in has old copper wiring I've been told, which limits the speeds. I have awful internet speeds. I'm talking 75-80 kbs. I feel like a dinosaur.

AT&T is the service provider in the area and they offer nothing better than regular DSL. I go through Megapath for my current service and was interested in getting a T1 through them. I was told the T1 wouldn't be bogged down for any reason. It's a tax write off so I don't mind paying for it.

Just curious if every device in the house needs to be hardwired or can I set up a wireless router and still benefit from the T1 connection

09-11-2012, 04:47 PM
Household wireless is going to be several times faster than the T1 connection, so you wouldn't need a direct connection to each machine.

09-11-2012, 06:25 PM
A few things:

If you have shit wiring, how does paying for more bandwidth make your wiring better (i.e. how do you benefit from faster speeds if you have a physical limitation)?
Depending on what definition you're using, 80 KB/s is 640 Kbps which in turn is 0.64 Mbps, and T1 caps at just over 1.5 Mbps from what I remember, so at most you're going to see a 2.5x increase with 100% efficiency. If you're actually getting 80 Kbps, ignore this point, your speeds will be up to 20 times faster.
Have you considered satellite / mobile?

09-18-2012, 02:37 AM
Just curious if every device in the house needs to be hardwired or can I set up a wireless router and still benefit from the T1 connection

Every device in the house can be connected via wireless at 50x the speed of your T1 connection which will be the bottleneck. T1s are typically more stable than cable or DSL so if you can't get any bigger bandwidth in your area than the 1.5 mbps offered by T1 I'd say go for it.

09-18-2012, 07:33 AM
So, Megapath is going to run a T1 out to your house?

09-18-2012, 04:24 PM
I'm not sure how they were gonna do it, but I ended up going with Time Warner. I thought I was limited by the area and AT&T was the main provider. Turns out I can get 50mbs from Time Warner for dirt cheap compared to Megapath. Internet issue solved.

09-18-2012, 07:20 PM
Yeah, better. AT&T may be telling folks that the copper line's age is the problem, and it may well be in some cases, but if your out in a rural area and it sounds like you are, the more probable reason you don't get better DSL service is because they don't have any DSLAMs located within a mile of your home.

09-18-2012, 08:49 PM
Yeah, better. AT&T may be telling folks that the copper line's age is the problem, and it may well be in some cases, but if your out in a rural area and it sounds like you are, the more probable reason you don't get better DSL service is because they don't have any DSLAMs located within a mile of your home.

Nah, I'm in Simi Valley. Definitely not the sticks. I'm very happy with Time Warner though. Service, timely, the price, download speeds...

I just downloaded Borderlands 2 in 14 minutes. That would have taken me days before.