View Full Version : Antiques Roadshow (LAST CHANCE)

That Jay
09-10-2012, 02:18 PM
This is for GEMSTONE PLATINUM items only!

Remaining items available for bid. Once, Twice, SOLD format (updated every 24 hours or so).

Email UNINVITEDX@aol.com for bids and inquiries.

Trivial (Minimum bid $10 each)

a silver-woven white-corded harness ("A silver-woven white-corded harness made of fine silk and tied into elaborate knotwork is designed to be worn on the left hip and is easily able to be attached to armor or a belt. Secured by the elaborate knotwork are two scabbards. The first, richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard, is set for a quick draw, and the other, gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard, is positioned slightly behind and at a slight angle down.")
(Erithian weapon scripted harness)

a linen-wrapped slender bamboo cane
(Blind cane scripts. Ex. "Holdng your cane at an angle from your body, you lightly tap the ground ahead of you in a probing fashion.")

a threadbare dirty white blindfold
(Covers your eyes in your feature slot. Ex. "You slowly wrap your blindfold around your head and shroud your gold-flecked greenish-gold eyes." "He has cloth-swaddled greenish-gold eyes ")

a golden top-knot wig ("This expertly crafted wig is made of a bald, polished pate with a long top-knot of golden hair bound by a braided white silk cord.")
(Changes hair feature. Ex. before: "He has shoulder length, fine golden hair shaved at the temples. " Ex. after: "He has a bald, polished pate with a long top-knot of golden hair bound by a braided white silk cord. ")

an overstuffed brown leather book of patterns bound in hammered gold and an overstuffed black leather book of patterns bound in hammered gold
(Complete set of COBBLING patterns but currently attuned. Offered at buyers risk)

a raven black wool robe adorned with a trailing hem of rattling finger bones
(Full armor concealer)

a deep blue star-spangled cloak ("Lush velvet falls in generous folds from a tailored, high-collared yoke in hues the color of twilight touched by the lambent glow of Liabo. Stylized shooting stars picked out in metallic thread adorn each shoulder, and sprays of smaller stars grace places near the hem in imitation of several meteor showers. The entire effect is quite festive and has an air of celestial fireworks.")
(Scripted cloak. Ex. "You artistically hold out the folds of your star-spangled cloak with concinnity." "You reverently smooth out the folds of your star-spangled cloak." Etc.)

some cracked pine green brigandine

a red-stained polished rowan runestaff ("The polished rowan runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff.")
(+20 wand holding runestaff)

a tall and slender kakore runestaff ("The slender kakore runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff.")
(+20 wand holding runestaff)

a wide-grained dark mesille runestaff ("The dark mesille runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff.")
(+20 wand holding runestaff)

a thick grey ironwood scepter ("The grey ironwood scepter is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the scepter.")
(+20 wand holding runestaff)

a gnarled pale faewood staff ("The pale faewood staff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the staff.")
(+20 wand holding staff)

a lily white orase runestaff

a slender pale mossbark runestaff capped with a stylized silver eye inset with a blue sapphire tear
(+15/+5 defender runestaff)

a flexible bamboo staff sealed at both ends with clear dipped wax
(+15/+5 defender runestaff)

a dark stained mossbark runestaff with copper wire-wound grips
(+15/+5 defender runestaff)

a crude stone Marlu idol ("Comprised of some unidentifiable common ore, the surface of this statue has been blackened with a liberal application of soot. The figurine itself is, to put it simply, an abomination and the stuff of nightmares. Barbed wings of various sizes sprout from crevices and crannies, while tentacles in numbers too numerous to count are are frozen in mid-flail. Here and there a glimmer amidst the blackness proves to be a star diopside carved to resemble one of many eyes")
(Scripted idol. Ex. "You reverently place a crude stone Marlu idol on the ground." "You kneel down before a crude stone Marlu idol." "Bowing your head, you offer your prayers to the stone Marlu idol." "In a strange gesture, you bow to a crude stone Marlu idol." "As your hand comes into contact with your hideous Marlu idol, it encounters what feels to be, not stone, but rubbery flesh! You have but a moment to register this horrific fact before blackness briefly overwhelms you, leaving you fearfully unable to recall the past few moments." "You lean in to place a kiss on the Marlu idol, and its tentacles spring into a twisted semblance of life, catching your neck in a tightening stranglehold that makes it hard to breathe! Just as you start to turn a violent shade of blue, the tentacles withdraw, leaving you gasping for air with rapidly fading sucker marks on your neck.")

a gold-painted giant tuber idol ("Perched precariously atop a small wooden plinth is a tuber of enormous size. Flaking gold paint covers most of the very real and, judging by the smell, very rotten organic progidy. It is secured to the base with a series of bent nails and closer inspection provides little help in identifying its genus, whether it be potato, parsnip or turnip. Whatever it is, it is long, bulbous, and lists to port. A small gold plaque is affixed to the side. There appears to be something written on it." "In the Common language, it reads: Odnar, the God of Tubers and Facial Tics")
(Scripted idol. Ex. "You reverently place a gold-painted giant tuber idol on the ground." "You kneel down before a gold-painted giant tuber idol." "You reach out to caress the tuber idol and it promptly falls over with a wet thud! You frantically right it and it teeters a bit before finding its center of balance once more." "You perform a curious prayer ritual that begins with slapping yourself silly, chanting, "Go Odnar! Go Odnar!" The ritual ends with giving the tuber idol a resounding *SMACK*, sending it spinning erratically about its axis before wobbling to a stop!")

a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting
(+20, elementally scripted. Ex. "You lower the tip of your forked orase staff to the ground and trace a pattern, which glows with a dark brown light. You firmly tap the pattern with your staff, and a circle of shifting stones rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears."= Earth. It changes depending on the wielder's attunement or when a sorceror uses it)

a gruesome troll-arm sheath ("Created from a severed troll's arm, a strip of flesh has been pulled away from the sheath to form a loop to pass a belt through. The magically preserved limb still twitches occasionally, though its smell indicates the preservation is not total.")
(Scripted. Ex. "Your forked orase staff slides smoothly and silently out of the troll-arm sheath. After your staff is clear, the hole left in the troll-arm slowly closes, like a raw, red mouth." "You grunt with effort as you attempt to force your forked orase staff into the sheath. After a moment, something inside it gives, and you are able to slide the weapon slowly inside." "You drum your fingers against the sheath's outer skin, and the fingers at the end of the troll's arm tap against your leg." Etc.)

a spring green gardening satchel ("Strung from a long braided strap, the soft cotton satchel is sturdy enough to hold a variety of gardening tools, and roomy enough for a few extras if need be. Dyed a pale spring green, this container boasts a fold-over flap that has been embroidered with a multi-colored floral pattern and clasped with an enameled red ladybug.")
(MA shoulder and backworn. Contains scripted gardening tools. "In the gardening satchel you see a painted tin watering can, a three-pronged burnished steel cultivator, a teak-handled burnished steel trowel, a wide-brimmed straw gardening hat, a thigh-length floral cotton apron and a pair of tan cloth gardening gloves.")

a flame-shaped fiery crimson ruby talisman
(Neckworn +5 Elemental Lore - Fire Ranks, INNUMERABLE charges)

some fine wool casting gloves with silvery sigils
(Scripted spell caster's gloves. Changes depending on spell-using profession that wears it. Ex. "You easily slide your hands into your wool casting gloves, and then tug slightly to get them fitted properly to your fingers. As you flex your hands, the silvery sigils on the backs of your gloves shimmer" "You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of crackling energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving a luminous tail like a comet behind it." "You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting a magic phrase under your breath. A beam of umber light filled with dust particles shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove." Etc.)

a light goatskin sling
(Scripted to display polearms or runestaffs when worn. Can be worn two different ways. Ex. "You slip the butt end of your staff into the attached sock and wheel and strap the haft to the sling using a curious assortment of straps and buckles. The remainder protrudes overhead." "He is wearing a light goatskin sling with a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting poking overhead with the butt dragging behind attached to a leather sock and wheel" OR "He is wearing a light goatskin sling with a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting poking high overhead")

some leather spring-heeled boots.
(Scripted novelty boots. Ex. ""You stoop down and push the spring heels of your boots back into place, and they settle with a satisfying *CLICK*." "You tap the heels of your boots to the ground and release the catch on the spring. A loud *SPROING* sends you flying into the air. You soar into the air and land gracefully after several flips.")

a set of begrimed cloth handwraps
(Scripted. Ex. "You sniffle loudly and rub your cloth-wrapped hands under your nose." "You tug your cloth hand-wrappings into place around your fingers." "You run your cloth-wrapped hands through your brown hair, momentarily drawing your an awkward-looking mop of lifeless tresses from your dirt-brown eyes." Etc.)

an oversized burlap potato sack with ragged holes cut out for head and limbs
(Full armor concealer)

a black Erithian temple guard's robe embroidered with a circular runic design picked out in golden thread
(Full armor concealer)

a silvery maoral box ("The wood forming the sides of this box has been stained with a silver tint. One side of the box features a carved ebony gate with a golden knob protruding from it. A jet black leather strap hangs down from one of the corners of the box.")
(Beltworn VSA scripted container. Can be given a random "combination" lock that when unlocked sprays confetti. Ex. "You push the knob of the box inward, causing the lock mechanism to latch the lid shut. The knob spins around quickly, resetting its combination." "You spin the knob on your box to the left. You hear a singular audible click emanate from your maoral box. The lid of the maoral box springs open, showering you with multi-colored confetti.")

a hexagonal shrine-shaped censer "Sculpted to resemble a miniature six-sided roadside shrine this censer has a lid fashioned like a minaret roof. Its eaves are perforated screens allowing the smoke to waft gently out. Each face bears an arched bas-relief which form the sequence of a life consisting of a baby held by adoring parents, a boy at play, a young lad courting his love, an older man gearing up for battle, an aged warrior on a funerary bier, and the Ebon Gates."
(Beltworn incense burner)

a frost white crystal-inset ring
(Ghule eye color changing ring)

a makeshift misty grey sack made of a length of grave shroud containing a snow white bobcat kitten with enigmatic silver-flecked blue eyes
(Pet kitten)

an amber-bound flesh globule pendant
(Old Hunt For History item. Massive giantman shaman loresong. http://home.comcast.net/~gs4augie/h4h2/globulependant.htm)

a silver-edged trollskin scabbard
(Scripted to make a "troll" noise when a weapon is unsheathed. Ex. " As you remove your white ora lance from your trollskin scabbard, a series of throaty grunts fills the air.")

a glistening snakeskin sheath
(Scripted to make a "snake" noise when a weapon is unsheathed. Ex. "As you remove your white ora lance from your snakeskin sheath, you hear a sinister hiss.")

a griffin pelt weapon sling
(Scripted to make a "griffin" noise when a weapon is unsheathed. Ex. "As you remove your white ora lance from your weapon sling you hear a raucous snarl.")

a gossamer grave shroud scabbard
(Scripted to make a "wraith" noise when a weapon is unsheathed. Ex. "An eerily haunting wail rises skyward as you pull your white ora lance from your grave shroud scabbard.")

a white ora skull-pommelled espadon
(SKULL scripts. Can stun. Good for rogue's guild training. Ex. "As you poke your claidhmore, the mouth of the skull gapes open and bites your finger hard! The pain shoots straight up and stiffens your spine! That hurt!")

a razor sharp skull-pommelled claidhmore
(SKULL scripts. See above.)

a thick twisted orase staff
(+20 fire flared runestaff)

an ebon-fringed gold prayer rug
(Scripted with ALLMINE script. Ex. "You unroll your gold prayer rug and place it on the floor." Etc.)

an ebon-trimmed white prayer rug
(See above.)

an ironwood hafted eonake scythe
(+20 sanctified)

a silver eonake spear carved down the shaft with intricate runes
(+20 sanctified)

a suit of gleaming double chain of silvergilt and blued mithril links that shift in sky-tinged hues as the light plays off them
(+15 damage padded double chain)

a cameo-inset silver jewelry box ("Lined in rich, ruby red velvet, the jewelry box is a delicate display of overlapping filigree vines that twine about oval cameos. Each pale, elven face is raised from its delicate blue background and clearly feminine. Flowers adorn the hair of several, thought not all, and each is displayed in profile with their smooth features cast in expressions of wonder, joy, and adoration. An anemone hasp decorates the front and is inlaid with amethyst shards.")
(Contains an eahnor and vaalin-linked geldaralad)

a glowing crystal ball incised with numerous silvery Gosaena sigils
(Scripted Magic "8-ball". Ex. "You turn the crystal ball upside-down, then flip it back over. The crimson liquid within the orb begins to churn and boil, the outer glass becoming hot to the touch. Serpentine coils of silvery bubbles dance within the sphere, the tendrils twisting and writhing into recognizeable shapes. As you stare at your device, the words "Probably not" take shape." Etc.)

a filigreed moss agate tablet ("The tablet is but a single moss agate of immense size. The clear gemstone's interior is so filled with suspended green and brown tendrils that it resembles a piece of icy bog cut whole from a marshy plain. Silver traceries have been inset into its surface and repeat a pattern of interlocking scythes across its entirety. There appears to be something written on it.")
(Scripted tablet that one can RAISE to recite in prayer the inscription. Ex. "You raise your moss agate tablet high above your head and recite a prayer: "In darkness vast and unimagined, she bides. Beyond gates of unyielding ebon, she waits. Into murky mists of days to come, she sees. When fated death most final is nigh, she comes. " Finishing your prayer, you lower your tablet.")

a velvet-lined dark cherrywood case ("In the dark cherrywood case you see a handful of raven feathers, a jagged bear tooth, a plain wooden charm, a dusty glass jar, a handful of smooth oblong stones, a painted dried gourde rattle and a polished obsidian key.")
(Set of scripted shaman items)

a delicate silver scrying bowl supported by a trio of slender sickle-shaped legs
(FULLY UNLOCKED scrying bowl. Scripted. Ex. "You get out your flask and pour the water from your silver scrying bowl into it and then put the flask away again." "You gaze deeply into the water in your silver scrying bowl, opening your mind and unfocusing your eyes. After a moment colors and shapes begin to coalesce into a fog-shrouded vision of a mountain meadow in bloom. As the vision fades you slowly become aware of your surroundings again." "You get out your flask and pour the water from your silver scrying bowl into it and then put the flask away again.")

a shallow jade scrying bowl adorned on opposing sides with contemplative winged figures
(See Above.)

a slatted hard leather case ("Nestled within the slot of the hard leather case is a series of wooden slats, each one crafted of a different type of wood and engraved with a painted symbol."
(Scripted fortune telling case. Ex. "You tap upon your hard leather case three times before turning the case over with the slot down. A single slat of wood peeks out of the case and falls out. A soft aloeas slat engraved with the image of a blue moon clatters to the ground. You quickly pick up the slat and place it back inside your case.")

a silver pendulum necklace on a slender electrum chain
(Scripted fortune telling necklace. Ex. "You grasp your pendulum necklace in your hand and close your eyes, concentrating hard on a yes or no question." "You release the pendulum and it begins to swing. The pendulum begins slowly swinging in a circle, then straightens itself out and swings consistently side to side. A soft, ethereal voice from the pendulum says, "The answer you seek is no."")

an ancient bone-spined tome ("The yellowing faded pages of this ancient tome have spidery script detailing the deaths of thousands of adventurers. Each entry records their name, the year and cause of their life's end, each death considerably brutal and gruesome. Blood is caked across several pages in sharp contrast to the ominous starkness of the final blank page.")
(Beltworn scripted book. Ex. "You carefully open an ancient bone-spined tome." "You quietly peruse the passages in your bone-spined tome." "You turn the page in your bone-spined tome." Etc.)

a brass clockwork bracer ("Fine brass gears adorn the surface of this bracer. There are teeth meeting to rotate for some undivined purpose while a small invar tube and piston array is fitted to the underside. A small plaque appears bolted near the wrist joint. There appears to be something written on it." "In the Common language, it reads: Bollywogs's Gnomish Undiscovered Necessities, Since 5064!")
(Scripted spring loaded bracer, can put a small item inside and it is "propelled" out straight into your hand when opened. Ex. "You tap your clockwork bracer twice in quick succession, opening a small spring-loaded compartment! As it opens, a blue crystal is fired straight into the air, which you deftly catch!")

a leather and linked rings backscabbard
(Backworn large weapon displayer)

a small winged figure symbol of silvery hematite
(Scripted holy symbol. Ex. "You clasp your winged figure symbol and lift it from your chest as you raise your eyes to beseech your god for guidance. ")

a semi-transparent moss agate vial etched with a stylized sickle
(Neckworn scripted holy oil. Ex. "You easily remove the crystal stopper from your vial." "You sprinkle some oil from your vial all around you, annointing the ground in the name of Gosaena." Varies based upon chosen deity of user.)

Lesser (Minimum bid $30 each)

a rowan-stemmed meerschaum pipe inlaid with delicate silver tracery
(Self-filling and lighting pipe with ambient scripts. Ex. "You gently rub your pipe, and a pale blue glow surrounds the bowl. When the glow fades away your pipe is full of dark, aromatic tobacco." "You wave your pipe around in a circle and the bowl of the pipe suddenly glows a bright cherry red! Soon fragrant smoke begins to rise into the air." "You puff contentedly on your pipe. A thin trail of pale blue smoke rises into the air and slowly disappears.")

some white ora full plate
(Use your own mana SPIRIT WARDING II when rubbed, also sanctified)

a rough orase runestaff
(+25 acid flared)

an ivory white glowbark runestaff
(+27, cold flared)

a sleek faewood runestaff
(+25, +3 to Harness Power ranks)

a lustrous eonake katana ("The eonake of this katana has been highly polished, even in the thin valley of the blood groove. The metal has been left undyed, its brilliant white hue lending it a ghostly glow underneath the polish. The hilt is wrapped in softened and bleached hide woven into a checkerboard that breaks only to frame a small piece of mother-of-pearl. This material has been carved to resemble flickering flames that reach almost to the guard. The blade is unadorned, save for some erithian script near the blade's base. There appears to be something written on it." "In the Erithian language, it reads: Discord's Teacher")
(+20 SANCTIFIED katana with custom PUSH script. Ex. "You spot an almost imperceptible disturbance at the periphery of your vision. With an economy of motion, you send the blade of your eonake katana through the air in a deadly arc. BZZZT...*! An insect meets its destiny in mid-air as it floats to the ground, cleft neatly in twain!")

a lustrous eonake wakizashi ("The eonake of this wakizashi has been highly polished, even in the thin valley of the blood groove. The metal has been left undyed, its brilliant white hue lending it a ghostly glow underneath the polish. The hilt is wrapped in softened and bleached hide woven into a checkerboard that breaks only to frame a small piece of aquamarine. This material has been carved to resemble tapering icicles that reach almost to the guard. The blade is unadorned, save for some erithian script near the blade's base. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.")
(+20 SANCTIFIED short sword with Erithi weapon scripts. Ex. "Rotating your wrist, you spin your blade through the air and step easily into a back stance. With perfect control of your muscle, you exhale a long steady breath while extending your other hand with two fingers pointed upward while holding the wakizashi mere inches from your left cheek.")

a smooth black vaalin band inlaid with a faceted firestone flame
(Red fireball ring. Allows you to summon palm sized fireballs which are scripted to play with in various ways. Adjective for the type of red fireball summoned changes randomly. Ex. "As you rub the black vaalin band, a ball of vermilion red fire builds in your right hand." "Without hesitation, you raise the ball of red fire to your mouth and swallow, knowing full well that you can sever the flow of power at any time. As your jaw surrounds the red fire, you release your control and it winks out before burning you." Etc.)

a slender citrine-crusted silver band marked with wavy lines
(Orange fireball ring. See above. With two fireballs, they can interact with each other. Ex. "You casually juggle your scarlet red fire and your marigold orange fire from hand to hand.")

some amber-swirled russet marbrinus robes clasped with a golden blazestar
(+20 robes, +5 to Spell Aiming Bonus, +3 to Mana Recovery, +5 to Elemental Lore - Earth Bonus)

a twine-tied burlap seed pouch ("You take a closer look at an envelope pouch woven from strips of willow bark. You see nothing unusual.")
(Magic seed pouch. Produces magic seeds that can you can BURY to grow a plant that produces an herb. Ex. "You bury a magic seed, carefully folding loose dirt over it. Moments later, the small mound begins to tremble and a small finger of green emerges from the center of the spot." "The seed trembles. Slowly, a tender shoot uncurls from its drab sheath and lifts, expanding into two small leaves." "The seedling grows quickly, its stem lengthening as it sprouts new leaves." "The plant sprouts a small bud, which lifts hungrily toward the available light. It shivers for an instant then unfurls into a delicate flower!" "The plant continues to sprout leaves, its growth an amazing process to observe. The flower expands, until finally the petals fall away. More leaves cover the swelling seed pod the bloom leaves in its place." "The plant now appears to be mature, with shiny leaves ready to harvest!" "You also see an acantha plant" "You pluck some acantha leaf from the acantha plant!")

a fluffy white rotund stuffed rat ("Covered in a layer of fluffy white fur, the body of the toy rat is soft and yielding. Small iridescent whiskers protrude from either side of its pointy, pink suede-covered nose, and its tiny onyx eyes glitter brightly. Padded paws and a flexible silken tail add to the stuffed animal's charm, while a blush satin ribbon circles the creature's neck to dangle a silver tag at its throat. There appears to be something written on it." "In the Common language, it reads: HUG ME!")
(Scripted toy. When you HUG it, it talks to you with a random phrase that includes the owner's name. Ex. "You give your rotund stuffed rat a warm hug. A little rat's voice squeaks, "You're the best, Baldrick!"" "You give your rotund stuffed rat a warm hug. A little rat's voice squeaks, "Don't ever leave me, Baldrick. OK?"" "You give your rotund stuffed rat a warm hug. A little rat's voice squeaks, "I certainly love snuggling with you, Baldrick."" Etc.)

some silvery mithglin vambraces embossed with mithril studs
(Heavy Crit Padded for arms)

some silvery mithglin chausses inset with mithril flanges
(Heavy Crit Padded for legs)

an ivory lance ("You see a small crimson fist etched on the lance.")
(+25, sanctified, KAI flares, really really old flares that do various things based on how unlocked they are. This has been unlocked to at least the second level.)

a rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops
(+20 MASTERFULLY crit weighted)

a sturdy golvern executioner's sword decorated with ancient sylvan glyphs
(Some kind of vial dropper. Basically the vial dropping weapons flare and drop a vial that adds to either blood, mana, or spirit depending on what type of vial dropper they were. You must be able to learn from the creature to have a chance of flaring.)

a crystal-shafted white ora awl-pike embossed with elven glyphs
(Some kind of vial dropper. Basically the vial dropping weapons flare and drop a vial that adds to either blood, mana, or spirit depending on what type of vial dropper they were. You must be able to learn from the creature to have a chance of flaring.)

a twelve-foot vultite pike reinforced with numerous invar langets along its sturdy ash shaft
(+25 scripted lance with TRIP? flares)

a set of gleaming Vaikalimara battle plate distinguished by a noticeably curve-accentuating sculpted cuirass
(+30, female ONLY, full plate)

a rust-hued tart kiln ("The tart kiln is a wee little glazed ceramic box with a small door and a tiny knurled crank of polished brass on the side. There's only room for one or two small things in there at best.")
(Makes tarts from mana bread)

an alabaster Gosaena idol ("Detailed wings extend outwards from the small scythe-bearing robed figure of a woman sculped from a single block of calcite alabaster. The peripherial feathers are carved thinly with such delicacy as to be rendered translucent. This feature allows for a curious phenomenon which allows for the statue to be framed in a halo of light. Under the figure's hood, two eyes of inset blue sapphire gaze out impassively from a face of cold beauty cleverly captured by the stonemason's art.")
(Scripted idol. Ex. "You reverently place an alabaster Gosaena idol on the ground." "You kowtow before the Goseana idol, abasing yourself before the final arbiter of the dead. As you lower your head to touch the ground before it, a wave of bitter cold emanates from the idol and for a brief moment a shroud of silence descends, as unyielding as the grave." "Remaining as still as a statue before your Goseana idol, you give silent prayer to She who is silence incarnate. A quiet descends, briefly seeming to stifle sound and muffle thought, before the insistent clamor of the living world intrudes once more." "You run a thumb deliberately along the scythe blade of your alabaster idol and stifle a response to the pain as it draws a thin line of blood. Sight goes first as blackness suddenly envelopes you, followed by each other sense in turn, with feeling being the last until ultimately you are naught but formless thought in an endless void. Just as suddenly as it left, sensation comes rushing back and the world is normal once more, except for the fact that your thumb appears uninjured.")

a polished blue sapphire
(Scripted FOREHEAD GEM. Ex. "A sparkling icy blue light races across the surface of your blue sapphire as you tap it.")

a golden imflass weapons harness
(LA shoulder and backworn, "weapon identifying", makes different sounds depending on flare or weighing of weapon put in it)

Greater (Minimum bid $100 each)

a perfectly honed razern katana ("Wrought from the blackest of razern, this masterful weapon arcs in a sinuous, threatening curve. The ghostly blue pattern that marks the blade seemingly undulates in a quiet stillness, which finds itself interrupted abruptly by the tsuba that has been formed into the visage of an intersected spiral. Lastly, a single bleached strip of linen wraps its way down the hilt, forming a complicated braid of overlapping layers that assure a proper grip. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.")
(+25 VHCW, katana scripts. Ex. "You raise your katana overhead and then launch a vicious slash downward, pulling the blade back up, then slash in the other direction." Etc.)

a reverse blade razern wakizashi ("The most noticeable aspect of this wakizashi is that its cutting edge has been reversed. Instead of on the outside curve, the ghostly blue pattern marking the threatening edge can be found on the opposite. The tsuba forms the visage of an intersected spiral, giving way to a single strip of bleached linen that wraps its way down the hilt in a complicated braid of overlapping layers. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Siani's crafting mark.")
(+35 HCW, wakizashi scripts. Ex. "Centering your weight on the balls of your feet, you bring your wakizashi to chest height with the blade tip angled up. With the turn of your wrist you whip the blade into a frenzy of motion. Pushing out with one arm and taking one-step back, you end with the wakizashi's blade horizontal to your ear." Etc.)

a black marble intaglio ring ("Finely crafted from gold, the ring is set with a oblong piece of polished black marble held by six golden prongs. Skillfully carved into the marble is an intaglio of a tall warrior, heavily armed and poised to strike at an unseen foe. There appears to be something written on it." "In the Common language, it reads: Engraved inside the band are the words, "A hero is no braver than an ordinary warrior, but he is brave five minutes longer."")
(Creates "some hazy black mist armor" +15 HCP brigandine when turned. Ex. "As you twist the top of your ring, it begins to flower outward. Tendrils of black mist begin to flow out towards and around you. You begin to feel more burdened as the mist envelops you. Finally the tendrils quit emanating from the ring and settle down around you. Once quiescent, the tendrils merge together creating a hazy black mist in the image of some brigandine armor around you.")

a pair of black and white vultite hairsticks adorned with twin spirals of diamonds
(Can be worn in the hair. Ex. "Using your hairsticks as guides, you pull your shoulder length golden hair into a loose roll held at the nape of the neck." " He has shoulder length, fine golden hair bound into a loose roll held at the nape of his neck by a pair of black and white vultite hairsticks adorned with twin spirals of diamonds." You can change the look through a 7 styles. They can become SAIS. "You center your thoughts as you balance a pair of black and white vultite hairsticks adorned with twin spirals of diamonds on one open palm. With a swift movement, you bring your hands together, twisting at the last minute, like a leaf dancing on the wind. With a soft click, prongs spring away from each hairstick, leaving a sharp-bladed weapon in each hand. You twirl the weapons, feeling their perfect balance as you ready them for combat." 6x Vacuum Flares TWC Enhancive, 5x/1x Defender )

a linen-wrapped lor yoribo/a lor-hilted katana
(+25 quarterstaff or katana. Ex. "You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your yoribo and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place." "You pull a small lever on the base of your katana and the blade retracts swiftly, leaving you holding an innocent seeming yoribo.")

a heavy glowbark crosier capped with a blued crystal orb
(+27 runestaff, +3 Spell Aiming ranks, +5 Mana Recovery)

a fel-hafted vultite war maul
(+30, grappling flares)

an inscribed ivory handled no-dachi ("A slender blade in hues of starlight and shadow extends without flaw from a silver ring tsuba crafted to resemble a serpent swallowing is own tail. The grip is carved from a magnificent seamless piece of ivory and depicts two lovers embracing on the bank of a river. In the grass near the unwary woman's bared ankle, a small snake has been painstakingly carved in a pose as if about to strike and turn tryst into tragedy. Two thin metal spikes are attached to the handle of the no-dachi. They are angled so that they lie parallel to one another, against the length of the weapon. Tightly coiled steel springs are clearly visible beneath the spikes. The springs appear to be in absolutely perfect condition. You also notice a small enchanter's mark." "In the Common language, it reads: Serpent's Kiss")
(+30 permanent spike mech flares)

a bone-hilted white vultite khopesh adorned with black horsehair tassels
(+40 SCW, scripted with Dyhne customized ambient and activated scripts. Ex. "Contorted faces of both men and beast appear in the distorted reflection of your blade. Their mouths gape as if howling in anguish just beneath the surface of the metal, but there is only unbroken silence apart for the passing of the wind.")

a bone-hilted black vultite khopesh adorned with white horsehair tassels
(+40 SCW, scripted with Dhyne customized ambient and activated scripts. Ex. "Images appear, one after another, of scenes of brutal combat upon the polished blade of your weapon. Each vignette culminates with someone or something dying upon the point of the khopesh. After but a moment, the horrific visions fade from the surface of the metal leaving no sign of their passing.)

a blank deathpike
(+20 DEATH weapon. When it is swung against a living creature for the first time, it will change to be forever more set to that particular creature NOUN and against that creature it will be +40 and flare death flares.)

a woven cotton prayer mat ("The mat is woven from twisted strands of cotton dyed royal purple in an intricate eight point weave. The border is fringed, each knotted and finished with a carved wooden prayer bead. Embroidered into the mat in colorful silk is a depiction of a somber monk kneeling before a waterfall, eyes cast upwards in contemplation.")
(UNIQUE prayer mat. Cast one of two spells 3x a day. "You carefully kneel upon the cotton prayer mat, crossing your ankles behind you for balance." When it is set on the ground and you BOW to it, it casts PRAYER/313. "You kneel upon the cotton prayer mat and momentarily bow forward at the waist until your head touches its surface. You murmur a prayer under your breath and raise your eyes to the sky." When you KISS it, it casts PRAYER OF PROTECTION/303. "You kneel upon the cotton prayer mat and momentarily bow forward at the waist until your lips touch its surface. You murmur a prayer under your breath and raise your eyes to the sky.")

a suit of finely crafted zelnorn chain hauberk inlaid with deep black dreamstones
(+17AS/+18DS, minimum of 63 level to use, slightly RESISTANT to slashing attacks, very RESISTANT to shocking attacks, NO vulnerability)

an insubstantial dark ethereal scythe with an overarching great shadowed blade
(+40 ONLYBLESS weapon, will only strike the undead, like a permabless but will not work against the living)

an ancient golvern scythe ("Gnarled witchwood inlaid with silvery veins of twisted golvern makes up the haft of this weapon. A sweeping curved blade of golvern is attached sturdily to the haft. Along each side of the blade are finely inlaid etchings of pure veniom.")
(+25, EXCEPTIONALLY CRIT WEIGHTED, scripted. Ex. "You thrust your golvern scythe into the air and give a triumphant shout!" "You carefully buff the length of your golvern scythe, removing the debris of battle." "You hold your golvern scythe menacingly in front of you, its sharp point glinting in the light." "You stab the ground with the butt of your golvern scythe and draw the weapon toward you in a crisp salute." "You heft your golvern scythe in your hand a few times, admiring its clean lines and excellent workmanship." "You pound the butt of your scythe into the ground at your feet and stand confidently beside it." )

a deep grey velvet cloak
(VLA capacity LORMINSTRA cloak, several ambient scripts that fire all thematically linked to Lorminstra. Ex. "A dead moth lies upon the ground. Heeding the whisper in your mind you kneel and carefully pick it up. A thread of power runs through you, and when you open your hand, the insect flutters off. With a smile, you muse, "It is not your time yet, winged one."" "A quiet understanding comes over you, and you find yourself saying, "The Gates open for all that are willing to step through. Those that choose not, do so at their peril."" "Your cloak shimmers with a misty grey sheen, the light creating the illusion of an opening within the embroidered gate." "A scream of horror, muted and far away, echoes through your mind. With the swiftness of a winter blizzard your body goes cold. The image of a shining soul struggling one last moment before being imprisoned in a body of rotting flesh fills you and you shiver. "Another has been lost to the Eater of Souls."" Etc.)

a radiant golden crystal pendant ("Looking into the crystal you see the distorted image of a figure dressed in a radiant white robe.")
(Neck-worn full feature and inventory concealer, "As you rub your golden crystal the air around you seems to waver slightly as the glamour spell takes effect." Others who look at your character see, "You see a very tall, imposing figure with features hidden by a deeply hooded, radiant white robe," slightly modified by race of the character wearing it. If you touch the crystal while worn you can cycle through the following color choices for the robe: opalescent, iridescent, golden, silver, white, or copper-hued.)

a long polished white ora lance tipped with a fluttering black pennon
(+35 greater white ora -with permanent +3 wisdom bonus enchancement and 1x a day transport to temple. http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Iasha_white_ora_weapons)

a spiked zelnorn mantlet emblazoned with a crossed spear and scythe upon a green field
(+15AS/+15DS, spiked, tower shield, must be 63rd+ level to wield)

Epic (Minimum bid $300)

a rhimar-edged carving knife ("The knife has a long enruned ebony handle and a blade that is extremely keen. A soft golden glow surrounds the hilt.")
(WHITTLING KNIFE. Can carved ranger imbued rods and wands into random figurines symbols and charms of creatures, objects and Arkati. These carvings are imbeddible and the charms are wearable. As one uses the knife, one becomes better at carving and the adjectives change from rough and crude to elaborate and elegant, for instance. "You skillfully work the knife through the wand, sending wood chips flying." "As you work, an unfinished Arachne symbol begins to take shape." "You finish with a flourish and hold up a lovely Arachne symbol for everyone to appreciate!")

a striated misty grey runestone ("Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you recognize the "mist" rune.")
(MASS RAISE runestone, usuable by CLERICS ONLY, summons a unique spirit servant when the runestone is held and the spell is cast " a translucent mist-shrouded spirit" which has its own ambient scripts. Ex. "A chorus of softly singing voices drifts across your mind, completely bypassing your ears." "A faint humming plucks at the back of your mind, but the sensation is elusive and passes quickly." When 318 is cast at the servant, it will RAISE EVERYONE IN THE ROOM. This ability is usable 1x a day. The caster does not receive any experience for this raising.)

a striated misty grey runestone ("Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you recognize the "mist" rune.")
(See Above.)

a leather bandolier ("Surrounded by some swirling mist is a black oak vultite-headed spear.")
(Creates an unlimited supply of 4x disintigration flared spears. Ex. "You pull a black oak vultite-headed spear gracefully from your bandolier." "As you drop the vultite-headed spear, it dissolves into vapor.")

a hoarbeam longbow nocked with mother-of-pearl trillium blossoms
(+22, grants spell knowledge of MASS CALM 619)

09-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Cash Only?

That Jay
09-10-2012, 02:44 PM

That Jay
09-10-2012, 02:59 PM
Going ONCE!

a polished blue sapphire -$30 to Caithris
a radiant golden crystal pendant - $100 to Caithris

09-10-2012, 03:22 PM
The prayer mat was the first thing I ever designed.

GM Cyr did the work because I was still a host.

That Jay
09-10-2012, 03:55 PM
I can't tell you how many times I have lost that prayer mat to the janitor! Evil making something that has to be put down to be activated! :)

That Jay
09-10-2012, 05:16 PM

Going ONCE!

a polished blue sapphire -$30 to Caithris
a radiant golden crystal pendant - $100 to Caithris
a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting - $10 to Talryssa
a makeshift misty grey sack made of a length of grave shroud containing a snow white bobcat kitten with enigmatic silver-flecked blue eyes - $10 to Talryssa
some amber-swirled russet marbrinus robes clasped with a golden blazestar - $30 Varmok
an insubstantial dark ethereal scythe with an overarching great shadowed blade - $100 to Varmok

That Jay
09-10-2012, 06:54 PM

Going ONCE!

a polished blue sapphire -$30 to Caithris
a radiant golden crystal pendant - $100 to Caithris
a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting - $10 to Talryssa
a makeshift misty grey sack made of a length of grave shroud containing a snow white bobcat kitten with enigmatic silver-flecked blue eyes - $10 to Talryssa
some amber-swirled russet marbrinus robes clasped with a golden blazestar - $30 Varmok
an insubstantial dark ethereal scythe with an overarching great shadowed blade - $100 to Varmok
some white ora full plate - $30 to Sorak

That Jay
09-11-2012, 12:54 PM
Going TWICE!

a polished blue sapphire -$30 to Caithris
a radiant golden crystal pendant - $100 to Caithris
a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting - $10 to Talryssa
a makeshift misty grey sack made of a length of grave shroud containing a snow white bobcat kitten with enigmatic silver-flecked blue eyes - $10 to Talryssa
some amber-swirled russet marbrinus robes clasped with a golden blazestar - $30 Varmok
an insubstantial dark ethereal scythe with an overarching great shadowed blade - $100 to Varmok
some white ora full plate - $30 to Sorak

That Jay
09-12-2012, 01:49 PM

a polished blue sapphire -$30 to Caithris
a radiant golden crystal pendant - $100 to Caithris
a crutch-height forked orase staff liberally padded between the upper limbs with cotton batting - $10 to Talryssa
a makeshift misty grey sack made of a length of grave shroud containing a snow white bobcat kitten with enigmatic silver-flecked blue eyes - $10 to Talryssa
some amber-swirled russet marbrinus robes clasped with a golden blazestar - $30 Stencilus
an insubstantial dark ethereal scythe with an overarching great shadowed blade - $100 to Stencilus
some white ora full plate - $30 to Sorak

That Jay
09-12-2012, 05:01 PM

a rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops - $30 to Varmok
a fel-hafted vultite war maul - $100 to Varmok

That Jay
09-13-2012, 03:56 PM
Going TWICE!

a rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops - $30 to Varmok
a fel-hafted vultite war maul - $100 to Varmok

That Jay
09-13-2012, 09:16 PM

Going ONCE!

a rust-hued tart kiln - $30 to Talryssa
a twine-tied burlap seed pouch - $30 to Talryssa
a brass clockwork bracer - $10 to Talryssa

Going TWICE!

a rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops - $30 to Varmok
a fel-hafted vultite war maul - $100 to Varmok

That Jay
09-14-2012, 06:31 PM
Going TWICE!

a rust-hued tart kiln - $30 to Talryssa
a twine-tied burlap seed pouch - $30 to Talryssa
a brass clockwork bracer - $10 to Talryssa


a rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops - $30 to Varmok
a fel-hafted vultite war maul - $100 to Varmok

That Jay
09-16-2012, 08:00 AM

a rust-hued tart kiln - $30 to Talryssa
a twine-tied burlap seed pouch - $30 to Talryssa
a brass clockwork bracer - $10 to Talryssa