View Full Version : 5x Tier 2 Briar Flaring Handaxe

09-09-2012, 05:26 PM
Been having lots of fun with this, but with EG right around the corner...


It pulses once every 30 seconds taking 1 hp and adding approximately 1% to the weapon, when active. Once it is at 100% you can raise it and get +10 AS for 2 minutes, this is generic AS so you could stow the weapon and keep that AS boost going.

The flares are stacking poison and flare damage at once, flares on stone creatures as well. Flares use up to (Usually use around 4-7%) 25% of the weapon's stored blood when they trigger.

a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade

Look (there is no show description): (If you tap it so the briars are not imbedded, then SHOW it to somebody, they can see the description.)
Minutely detailed etchings of fantastic creatures chase each other up the polished ivory haft of the francisca, each rubbed with fine jewel-toned powders. Topaz dragons pursue sapphire maidens, turquoise phoenixes are born in garnet flames, and griffins of aquamarine perch on onyx boulders. Heavily stylized curling emerald briars wind through the background, and creep out over the elegant tapered blade.
<additional message when you look at it and it is actively sucking your blood>
You gaze intently at the vines of briar and thorn wrapped about your wrist. They pulse and twist, as if uncomfortable with your scrutiny. Judging from the tinges of crimson throughout the vines, you estimate their influence on your ivory-hafted francisca to be about 17 percent.

Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.

You analyze your ivory-hafted francisca and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the ivory-hafted francisca for you.

1st - You remove a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade from in your crushed velvet justaucorps.
As soon as the ivory-hafted francisca is in your hand, several vines of briar and thorn slither out of the top of the blade and twine about your wrist. Droplets of crimson blood are quickly absorbed by the writhing vines.
3rd - XXXXX removes a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade from in his crushed velvet justaucorps.
As XXXXX gets a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade, several vines of briar and thorn slither out of the top of the blade and twine about his wrist. Droplets of crimson blood are quickly absorbed by the writhing vines.

1st - You feel a slight prick as the briar imbedded in your wrist digs a little deeper. The vines writhe briefly, veins of crimson pulsing within the viridian vegetation.
3rd - You notice the vines of briar and thorn extending from XXXXX's wrist to his francisca writhe briefly, veins of crimson pulsing within the viridian vegetation.

stow if not turned off by tapping:
1st - As the ivory-hafted francisca leaves your hand, the vines of briar and thorn viciously rip themselves from your wrist, leaving a bloody mess behind.
... 5 points of damage!
Loose arm hold.
You put a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade in your crushed velvet justaucorps.
3rd - As XXXXX's ivory-hafted francisca leaves his hand, vines of briar and thorn viciously rip themselves from around his wrist, leaving a bloody mess behind.
... 1 point of damage!
Loose arm hold.
XXXXX put a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade in his crushed velvet justaucorps.

tapping to turn off blood sucking:
1st - You gently tap and stroke the vines wrapped around your wrist. With a soft sucking sound, the imbedded briars pull away from your flesh, and the vines recede into the francisca's blade without further damage.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
3rd - XXXXX gently taps and strokes the vines wrapped around his wrist. With a soft, sucking sound, the imbedded briars pull away from his flesh, and the vines recede into the francisca's blade.

tapping to turn on blood sucking:
1st - You rap your knuckles sharply against your ivory-hafted francisca. Several vines of briar and thorn slither out of the top of the blade and twine about your wrist. Droplets of crimson blood are quickly absorbed by the writhing vines.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
3rd - XXXXX raps his knuckles sharply against a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade. Several vines of briar and thorn slither out of the top of the blade and twine about his wrist. Droplets of crimson blood are quickly absorbed by the writhing vines.

1st - As you raise your ivory-hafted francisca, the briars imbedded in your flesh release their stored blood in a massive pulse of power that you can feel in the core of your very being. The vines lose all crimson hues, and strength courses through your blood.
3rd - XXXXX raises his ivory-hafted francisca and suddenly looks stronger. The red-veined briars imbedded in his flesh pulse with power then fall quiescent, losing all crimson hues and reverting to a normal, dark green state.

Has odd messaging reffering to yourself in the third person for when the +10 AS ends, only you see this:
XXXXX no longer looks stronger.

1st - You raise your ivory-hafted francisca to your lips, as if kissing the blade for luck. An unseen thorn pricks your lip, fortunately drawing no blood.
3rd - XXXXX raises a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade to his lips, as if to kiss the blade for luck. Just before his mouth brushes the the blade, you notice a small briar whip out of the francisca. Judging by the faint look of quickly disguised surprise on XXXXX's face, he did not notice it until his lips brushed the blade.

1st - You idly wiggle your fingers along a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade. The francisca vibrates slightly, and a tiny vine, thankfully devoid of briars, shoots out from the blade to tickle your fingers.
3rd - XXXXX idly wiggles his fingers along a vibrantly etched ivory-hafted francisca with an elegant tapered blade. The francisca vibrates slightly, and a tiny vineshoots out from the blade to tickle his fingers.

Log showing swings from both sides and that the poison stacks.

XXXXX swings an ivory-hafted francisca at you!
AS: +230 vs DS: +184 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +36 = +105
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Glancing blow to your left leg!
Vines of vicious briars whip out from XXXXX's ivory-hafted francisca, raking you with its thorns. You look slightly ill as the glistening emerald coating from each briar works itself under your skin.
... 10 points of damage!

Poisoned! Taking 10 damage per round. Dissipating 1 per round.

You swing an ivory-hafted francisca at XXXXX!
AS: +230 vs DS: +159 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +28 = +122
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Weak slash across chest!
Slightly less painful than heartburn.
Vines of vicious briars whip out from your ivory-hafted francisca, raking XXXXX with its thorns. XXXXX looks slightly ill as the glistening emerald coating from each briar works itself under his skin.
... 5 points of damage!

Poisoned! Taking 4 damage per round. Dissipating 1 per round.
Poisoned! Taking 5 damage per round. Dissipating 1 per round.

09-10-2012, 12:03 PM
Sold! Thanks for the interest, everyone!