09-04-2012, 06:25 AM
Watch Step Up Revolution Online (http://www.ewedding.com/sites/WatchStepUp4RevolutionOnlineNow). They don't make these things to win awards. The plot is simple and cliched and the acting is borderline bad (they're dancers who can act, not the other way around). That being said, all the dance scenes are well choreographed and feature some catchy music. So if you know what you're going into and aren't expecting to have your mind bent like a Nolan film then you should be fine. I was dragged by a girlfriend and only contemplated running once. watch The Expendables 2 online (http://watchtheexpendables2onlinevp.webstarts.com/). I'm giving this movie an 8 because it was way more fun than any critic seemed to understand. That said, please note this caveat - I'm a product of the 80's when all these guys were the stars of the day and I'm a big believer in action movies where you can actually tell what's happening in the action sequences, which you can in this. I'd go as far as to say this is Simon West's best film. Watch The Dark Knight Rises online (http://www.ewedding.com/sites/dowatchthedarkknightrisesonlinev/). I had the special joy of watching all three movies back-to-back, and I really think that fans of the series and the Batman universe alike who found this finale less than satisfactory might wish to consider taking a nice long walk in the opposite direction of the theatre instead of getting in line for something that they can't dignifiedly embrace. Watch The Dark Knight Rises online (http://www.cafemom.com/group/10795/forums/read/17199965/Watch_The_Dark_Knight_Rises_Online_HD_Movie_on_Put locker). I look at The Dark Knight Rises, and I don't see the box-office behemoth of the summer or the cinematic main course of the year that ranters and ravers around the world are flocking to.