View Full Version : People are STOOPID

07-15-2004, 01:10 AM
After my roommate told me this story, I began to wonder how some people can be so retarded. My guess: Jerry Springer.

My roommate is a cop in a bad town. He was patrolling today with his partner, and noticed a young girl that fit the descrip of a perp they were looking for. He pulls his cruiser over, and starts asking the girl a few questions. His partner gets out, and stands on the other side of the girl. The girl refuses to identy herself, is obstinate, and tells him to fuck off. He tells her she can answer the questions there, or down at the station.

The girl proceeds to flip out on him, and starts smacking him. This is assault on a police officer. As he tries to handcuff her, she shoves him and they fall on the ground. He begins handcuffing her on the ground with the assistance of his partner, and she bites him and draws blood. This is aggravated assault on a police officer. At this point, she is handcuffed and his partner is next to him. The girls older, pregnant sister then runs up to his partner, and punches him in the back of the head. They go to handcuff this girl, and she repeatedly punches them at which point the partner brings out his baton while my roommate brings out his mace. The girl then screams "I'm PREGNANT and you can't do anything to me or I'll SUE YOU". At this point, everyone comes out of their rowhouses to watch what is going on. This is in a very gang infested neighborhood, and the girl then screams "HELP ME I'M GETTING ATTACKED BY TWO WHITE COPS THEY ARE TRYING TO HURT MY BABY!", obviously trying to incite a riot. They finally get this girl in the back of the cruiser, and she kicks the plexiglass partition out and breaks it.

Needless to say, both of these girls are going to be spending a good amount of time in jail for something that didn't need to happen.

My question is, what the fuck is she smoking?

1) It doesn't matter if you are pregnant, handicapped, or retarded. If you attack a police officer, they have the right to use force (aka baton or mace).
2) What the hell does the fact that they are white have anything to do with it?
3) How does one rationalize such behavior and think that not only did she do nothing wrong, that she'd have the basis to sue on ANY level?

I just don't understand some people. Do people get their legal advice from Jerry Springer or something? The sad thing is, they would have been in the right to have used more force on this girl, but inevitably this girl would have tried to sue them. I hate, HATE, HATE people like this.

This is the line of thought for many people I deal with on a regular basis, as well. They think they can do anything, and when people do something to them, it's a lawsuit. This story has no other point than to illustrate that some people in this world are very, very stupid and think that threatening others with a lawyer will prevent them from having to deal with the repurcussions of their actions. Can you say retarded?

07-15-2004, 01:23 AM
Eh. People should know what happens when you fuck with police. To intentionally provoke violence with them is pretty stupid.

As an aside, I fucking hate cops. Like most things, the people themselves are not all bad and I've met some pretty cool cops. Its just the way they act where I'm from. They go out of their way to fuck with people for no good reason and alot of them are as crooked as anybody else. Its funny to watch the way a Cop treats me before and then after they find out what I do in the military.

That said, I try and stay respectful and not cause any problems *unless* they are fucking with me. Theres no sense in making a mountain out of a molehill and starting something that may not have unless you acted like an idiot.

Anyway, I'm saying all this because I'm taking an interrogation course, and theres like 65 law enforcement officials from local PD's to DEA and ATF in it and I fucking can't stand listening to all the little snide remarks, inside jokes and prejudiced assumptions these people make about regular people. I just want to stand up and say I hope that one of you cocksuckers ever tries to use this shit on me so I can tell you to eat a dick.

07-15-2004, 01:33 AM
Yup. Like any other agency, and the military, it's the few bad apples that give everyone else a bad name.

By the way, what job you going for Ranger, and what class you going to? Reid, Wicklander, etc?

07-15-2004, 01:37 AM
Job? Well I'm still in the military but I wanna go work for the CIA or State department (etc) when I get out.

what class you going to? Reid, Wicklander, etc?

The former.

07-15-2004, 02:50 AM
The only thing I can do when I hear stories like this is think to myself...karma.

People like that pregnant woman and the other girl will get what's coming to them (or so I can only hope).

07-15-2004, 03:19 AM
Wow. This should totally be pro-contraception post. That's fucking stupid.

07-15-2004, 03:20 AM
Also, wouldn't it be endangering the welfare of a child? For the pregnant, smoked out bitch?

07-15-2004, 03:24 AM
Aren't most cruisers equipped with cameras now anyway? So the whole friggin' thing is on tape and you can't lie about it.

07-15-2004, 03:26 AM
Pregnant assaultees are a huge problem because non-lethal weaponry can still kill the woman's unfortunate prisoner.

I really do want an m28 taser though.

07-15-2004, 03:32 AM
(Un)fortunately Kitsun, many departments do not yet have cameras. Furthermore, what takes place on the side of a vehicle will not be taped.

07-15-2004, 03:33 AM

07-15-2004, 04:18 AM
I hope the baby is born retarded (to piss of the mother) and grows up to be a serial killer (to make me laugh) and targets dumb bitches (for his own satisfaction).

A flawless plan.

07-15-2004, 07:28 AM
Godammit, reading stuff like that pisses me off.

My dad's parents were both cops (my grandmother was one of the first female officers in Pasadena, in the 40's). My mom was a Highway Patrol officer when I was younger, and now works in a civilian position for NAU PD. My dad is the Deputy Chief of Police in Flagstaff, my hometown. My Aunt Donna is a cop in Pasadena. My father-in-law is a cop in Aspen.

They're all good people. Not perfect, but good. My dad is one of the most ethical people I know. They're not racist, they don't mess with people, and they take (or took) their jobs seriously.

I know my dad, when he was actually still a patrol officer/sergeant, would have rather spent a shift helping someone who needed it than nailing a bunch of shitheads. When do you hear about cops like this? You don't.

That girl probably said "white officers" to incite some kind of righteous racial anger. Racism exists on both sides of the fence and in all corners of the ring, and it's not just perpetrated by whites towards minorities. Unfortunately, this doesn't get a lot of press attention.

I don't like people like those girls, but more than that, I hate - HATE - cops who pull lame bullshit on people. They ruin it for every other officer out there trying to do his/her job, take care of the things that need to be taken care of, and in some cases, just survive another day.


07-15-2004, 07:44 AM
Personally, Spun, I am very glad there are people like your family members out there doing their best to see to the welfare of me, my family, and all the others like us. Tell them Thanks! for me. :)


07-15-2004, 07:49 AM
I have to say...

Blazing and Ranger being nice to eachother...

It makes me a little misty.

I need a moment...

07-15-2004, 07:58 AM
I have to say...

Blazing and Ranger being nice to eachother...

It makes me a little misty.

I need a moment...

I'm feeling veklempt.

Talk amongst yourselves.

I'll give you a topic: Rome, would it have been different if Remus won?

07-15-2004, 08:09 AM
I'm a lil scared myself.

Weedmage Princess
07-15-2004, 08:45 AM
Ranger D is actually a soft pansy ::flees::

07-15-2004, 10:22 AM
I'm still trying to figure out what the subject has to do with Jerry Springer, other then the fighting that the two have in common. Is there alot of lawsuit talk on Springer?

07-15-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Everything said. In total agreeance.
Those girls are very dumb to have created a situation for themselves which will result in jail time.
Idiocy is no longer shocking to me.

07-15-2004, 10:59 AM
I feel bad for the kid.

07-15-2004, 08:16 PM
<I'm still trying to figure out what the subject has to do with Jerry Springer, other then the fighting that the two have in common. Is there alot of lawsuit talk on Springer?>

Maybe because Jerry Springer went from former lawyer to trash show host?

07-15-2004, 08:47 PM
Wow that's ghetto, then again they was in the ghetto, so shit like that happens. I hate cops too, cos what D said. Even though two of my some what older "brothers" are cops, but they're cool. They do make snide remarks though. I had one cop actually kick me out of the police station cos he made a snide remark to me and I told him off. I think he got offended when I called him a pencil pushing rookie. Then, it just went back and forth from there. I hate cops for those reasons alone.

Anyway, those girls was retarded too.

07-16-2004, 02:10 AM
People who hate cops for the above stated reasons don't want police assuming that they're ghetto hoodlums up to no good. They don't want to be labeled as criminals or trash because of their race, or the way they dress or talk.

Cops who make these kinds of assumptions suck. I would venture to say, however, that they're not in the majority.

On the flip side, cops don't want the general populace assuming that because they wear the uniform, that they're out to plant evidence, hassle people for no reason, or harass people. They don't like for people to assume that they'll resort to brutality at the slightest provocation or that if they do have to defend themselves, there was no reason to do so.

People who make these kinds of assumptions about cops suck. I would venture to say, however, that they're not in the marjority.


07-16-2004, 02:17 AM
Not where I'm from. simply because those cops are the majority where I'm from. Its a two way street. I don't care what you think of me not liking police. I don't go out of my way to let them know so its my business either way. Fuck my platoon sergeant was a cop and he hates them for the same reasons <shrug>

07-16-2004, 03:25 AM
Well said, Spun.

07-16-2004, 03:46 AM
My friend Dawn hates cops, no matter what she can't stand them.

So one day we sat down and talked about the issue. Now, she didn't come away from it sending donuts to Police stations... but she was a little less, assholey about it.

Now, that was a long talk, but a few points were..

It's about prevention. So many people bitch about cops not doing their jobs, yet they do do their jobs. And often, that is why they are hated.

From minor shit like speeding (which even I do) to whatever, people harass cops for doing their JOBS. Speeding is against the law, when someone gets pulled over, instead of respecting the officer who did his job, they bitch and whine.

How do you know they didn't just stop you from hitting a pedestrian? Or getting in an accident that might have killed you? That IS why speeding is controlled.

Cops prevent crimes by being in existence, do crimes still happen? Of course. But imagine what our country would be like if no one was there to enforce the law. And every day cops die in the line of duty, in a job that is mocked by so many.

In a way, it's just like our military. America's sheer force size is what prevented and prevents most countries from even thinking about attacking us even if they wanted to. Do some lil idiots get through and hurt our nation now and then? Yes, but imagine if we had no army, marines, navy, and airforce. America wouldn't last long.

And it is the same with the police. People may hate them, think they are useless, whatever.

They aren't. I am thankful everyday that people are willing to risk their lives to keep me and my family safe. Through bad and good experiences with cops, I've seen the the difference is police officers and how they handle things. And frankly, treating all cops badly for what the bad apples have done is just as wrong as treating all people of one race by what their bad apples have done.


[Edited on 7-16-2004 by Caiylania]

07-16-2004, 03:46 AM
Cops are people.... mostly stupid people who like to carry guns. YMMV.

07-16-2004, 04:11 AM
They aren't. I am thankful everyday that people are willing to risk their lives to keep me and my family safe.

I feel quite the oppisite. (Meaning, I don't feel all police are risking their lifes to keep my family safe, in fact I'd say some have gone out of the way to make it worse, but whatever) But thats my opinion that is based upon my real life experiences. Like i said in the initial post, I don't say or do shit to anybody unless provoked. I don't walk around going FUCK YOU PIG.

07-16-2004, 06:14 AM
No, all police are not risking their lives to make your personal life safe. But that's not what Caiy said, she said that she was glad that people existed who are willing to do so. You said you feel in opposition to that. Maybe you haven't met any police willing to risk their lives for you, which is a valid stance, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.


07-16-2004, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
No, all police are not risking their lives to make your personal life safe. But that's not what Caiy said, she said that she was glad that people existed who are willing to do so. You said you feel in opposition to that. Maybe you haven't met any police willing to risk their lives for you, which is a valid stance, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.



07-16-2004, 08:29 AM
I don't beleive I ever said they didn't. If you read my original post, I said that like most things there are those who are good.

07-16-2004, 10:30 AM
I can honestly see why alot of people respect cops, and in the other sense why alot of people don't. They save lives, and prevent crime, deter criminals, and make *some* people feel safer and more at ease. However, I have just seem too much of the opposite which can overshadow the good things unfortunately. Like Ranger said, alot of it is dependent on where your from and what you've seen personally.

07-16-2004, 10:37 AM
I've seen extreme cases of kindness, bravery and compassion in cops. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a society without controls. On the other hand I've also seen cruelty, stupidity, macho bs and immaturity on the part of the police. Its seems like men who like control in their life's gravitate to the police departments across the country. I think mandatory psychological profiles need to be in place for positions where you get to legally hold a gun and shoot people.

07-16-2004, 12:53 PM
A great wise man once said (george carlin) that if you need sensitivity training to know not to shove large cumbersome objects up someones ass, then you probaly shouldn't be a cop.

07-16-2004, 12:57 PM
Again, you can't judge the whole profession based on the actions of a few. The first time I went on a base, I can tell you that I thought the military was full of assholes. Thankfully, through better experiences, I learned that wasn't true.

Yes there are corrupt cops. There are corrupt politicians, corrupt school teachers, corrupt members of the Armed Forces, and even corrupt basketball players. The fact remains, they have a very stressful job that pays FAR less than any other job. Whether you like it or not, the streets are a safer place because of them. It's tough for you to realize this, as big city cops (Philly most notably) do give it to the minorities and gang bangers (heheh I know you love that term) more than they should.

07-16-2004, 01:16 PM
I realize this, which is why I said in my initial post that I just don't go around saying FUCK YOU PIG to every cop I see. I leave well enough alone and only espouse my feelings when absolutely neccessary. Such as when I have a 45 shoved in the back of my head during a traffic stop.

07-16-2004, 01:17 PM
Oh, and its not the term but rather the way people use that term to justify their questionable actions towards a segment of the population. You could call all black people niggers for all I care, its when you start acting on that, that I take issue.

07-16-2004, 08:51 PM
<I think mandatory psychological profiles need to be in place for positions where you get to legally hold a gun and shoot people.>

Yeah, that's a good idea. So good that EVERY SINGLE DEPARTMENT in New Jersey already does that. Did you think they just hired bums off the street and handed them a Glock?

The steps to become an officer are, in every department I've seen in CT, NJ, and PA:

1) Written Test (are you smart enough to do the job)
2) Physical Agility Test (are you fit enough to do the job)
3) Oral Interview (do you have communication skills)
4) Oral and Written Psychological Exam (are you fucking crazy?)
5) Background Investigation (are you a felon?)

It is more difficult to become a Police Officer than it is to become a Marine. And as we all know, Marines have bigger and badder things at their disposal. You can commit anything short of a felony, be fairly homicidal, have done tons of drugs, and get a waiver to get into the military, whereas any of these things would disqualify you to be a Police Officer.

07-16-2004, 09:22 PM
Why would anyone want to be a marine either way