View Full Version : New warrior questions

08-29-2012, 03:03 PM
I haven't played GS since 2000 and have been back about a week. I rolled a warrior a couple nights ago and wanted to ask some questions.

First off, I am going two handed and currently using a claidh (surprise, surprise). I want to go maul/mattock or lance later on (at level 10+) most likely.

I don't have other characters to use to spell myself up, and hunting is dangerous in the level 5-9 range for a two hand weapon swinger.

I'd love some advice on how to hunt through these levels so I can get to level 10 and some 4x armor and 4x weapon. Where to hunt, how to do it safely, places that at least give some decent boxes for this level.

I maxed my str, dex, and agi and will fixskills it before my time is up.

Thanks everyone in advance!

08-29-2012, 03:31 PM
Hunt rats until you're 8. Then move to manticores and thraks. If you are getting hit in offensive, hunt in a stance where the monster can't hit you. On my wizard I think I was hunting rats in guarded until 4. It should be easier for an actual warrior.

08-29-2012, 03:34 PM
That makes sense, my AS with the claidh is 110 in offensive at level 5. It takes a while to get fried in rats, was hoping to get fried faster so I went to hobs and one cut my head off with a claid (irony) and his AS was 68 and my DS 47. So I need to stance down and it should be much more safe.

08-29-2012, 03:40 PM
Move to Icemule. Hunt thyrils until level 6, then cockatrices and ice spiders, then monkeys on Thurfel's Isle, then wall guardians, then deranged sentries, then silverbacks, then Thurfel's Cellar. That'll get you to level 20.

Thyrils: Very slow, good treasure, decent gen rate
Cockatrices: Very slow, good treasure, ice spiders can be annoying
Monkeys: High DS, low AS, and swing a cudgel. Decent treasure.
Wall Guardians/Deranged Sentries: High AS, low DS, slow to swing. Stance dance them. Good loot.
Silverbacks: Crappy loot, decent AS/DS, stance dance to win
Thurfel's Cellar: Crazy swarms, lots of CMans, good treasure. Very fun to hunt, but you will die a few times.

And all of those areas are almost always deserted.

08-29-2012, 03:42 PM
Move to Icemule. Hunt thyrils until level 6, then cockatrices and ice spiders, then monkeys on Thurfel's Isle, then wall guardians, then deranged sentries, then silverbacks, then Thurfel's Cellar. That'll get you to level 20.

Thyrils: Very slow, good treasure, decent gen rate
Cockatrices: Very slow, good treasure, ice spiders can be annoying
Monkeys: High DS, low AS, and swing a cudgel. Decent treasure.
Wall Guardians/Deranged Sentries: High AS, low DS, slow to swing. Stance dance them. Good loot.
Silverbacks: Crappy loot, decent AS/DS, stance dance to win
Thurfel's Cellar: Crazy swarms, lots of CMans, good treasure. Very fun to hunt, but you will die a few times.

And all of those areas are almost always deserted.

Hows the population in Icemule these days? Will I be able to find pickers and will people fog in when I die? LOL

08-29-2012, 04:15 PM
Icemule is definitely not as populated as the Landing, but a lot of people are regulars, and can fog and whatnot if help is needed. The amunet is pretty much non-existant there, so that might be the last place to look for help. Locksmiths can be hard to find, but there are plenty of older characters that could pop/bash boxes no problem.
Also, the only House in Icemule, White Haven, has free spells, healing, lockpicking, etc etc every Wednesday at 9:00pm. :)

08-29-2012, 04:59 PM
Icemule is definitely not as populated as the Landing, but a lot of people are regulars, and can fog and whatnot if help is needed. The amunet is pretty much non-existant there, so that might be the last place to look for help. Locksmiths can be hard to find, but there are plenty of older characters that could pop/bash boxes no problem.
Also, the only House in Icemule, White Haven, has free spells, healing, lockpicking, etc etc every Wednesday at 9:00pm. :)

Great, thanks for sharing!

I think I may try the old Icemule out.

08-29-2012, 05:14 PM
Great, thanks for sharing!

I think I may try the old Icemule out.

Many players use the town locksmith these days instead of looking for a picker. They generally charge through the nose, but in general you come out ahead, and you don't waste valuable hunting time looking for someone to open a thyril box or somesuch.


08-29-2012, 05:44 PM
I haven't played GS since 2000 and have been back about a week. I rolled a warrior a couple nights ago and wanted to ask some questions.

What PC, I'll look for you in Icemule.


08-29-2012, 07:20 PM
What PC, I'll look for you in Icemule.


My name is Racktarr. Im headed towards town as I type.

08-30-2012, 10:10 PM
Also, the only House in Icemule, White Haven, has free spells, healing, lockpicking, etc etc every Wednesday at 9:00pm. :)



But yes, Icemule is a great place to spend lower levels, I concur. Locksmiths are likely to be your biggest problem. Plenty of fun things to hunt. And you'll often find crusty, old warriors hanging around in Town Center who are very willing to help with guild work if you ask 'em, once you get to level 15 and beyond.

09-01-2012, 05:33 AM
Every time I see one of these topics I can't help but get this phrase in my head.

"We have purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke."