View Full Version : 50 item containers

08-23-2012, 09:17 AM
Looking for cheap containers from one of the general stores around Elanthia that hold exactly 50 items. Anyone have any knowledge about where I can find these?


08-23-2012, 09:42 AM
Since I know what you're planning to do with these, I know you don't mean jars. I don't know of a container that holds exactly 50 items however. My suggestion is to just write a script to fill the container and make full use of "inventory hand full" to make sure you have the right amount.

08-23-2012, 09:44 AM
Pretty sure large sacks in Mule do 40, so I might just go with those if nothing else.

08-23-2012, 12:46 PM
It depends on the weight of the item. Having sold thousands of gems in bulk, I can tell you that a large sack from Icemule can hold more than 50 of most gems, but I can also say that some gems weigh more than others, so it isn't always the case. I am pretty sure they hold a base weight for "any number of items".

08-23-2012, 12:50 PM
agree with Kerl, besides the items with "only space for a couple/few/several items" the only item # limited containers are jars, or the 500 item cap.

08-23-2012, 12:59 PM
Thanks. I've used those sacks for ranger imbeds and they were always 40 to my recollection. Never realized it was because of weight. Guess I'll just get to testing to find what I need.

08-23-2012, 04:34 PM
Is there a reason you need the container to only hold up to 50 of the items? Seems like you could just do something like this to count or move 50 of the object:

;e GameObj.left_hand.contents.find_all { |obj| obj.name =~ /derpderp/ }.size
;e 50.times { fput "_drag ##{GameObj[Lich.lootsack].contents.find { |obj| obj.name =~ /derpderp/ }.id} ##{GameObj.left_hand.id}" }

The knapsacks are usually LA (large sacks are MA).

08-23-2012, 05:07 PM
Is there a reason you need the container to only hold up to 50 of the items? Seems like you could just do something like this to count or move 50 of the object:

;e GameObj.left_hand.contents.find_all { |obj| obj.name =~ /derpderp/ }.size
;e 50.times { fput "_drag ##{GameObj[Lich.lootsack].contents.find { |obj| obj.name =~ /derpderp/ }.id} ##{GameObj.left_hand.id}" }

The knapsacks are usually LA (large sacks are MA).

Because I don't speak Russian, or whatever language that is. Would make it easier for me, but whatever, I'll figure something simple out.

So yes, all those herbs were foraged with just macros! (except my Cleric had a simple whisper/uncurse looping script.)

08-23-2012, 05:48 PM
Do you intend to stack the large sacks in your store? Because I gave that a try by sticking 7 slimes in a large sack, but when I did SHOP SELL it said I had to empty the sack first.

08-23-2012, 06:34 PM
I use a simple Stormfront script to empty jars into large sacks. I run the script and it dumps 10 gems at a time. It would be very easy to just record a script of you taking 50 of x out of container y and placing it into container z.

08-23-2012, 06:35 PM
is jarring considered bundling to the npc healer?

08-23-2012, 06:39 PM
is jarring considered bundling to the npc healer?

It is.

08-23-2012, 06:39 PM
is jarring considered bundling to the npc healer?

jarring ruins herbs for bounties. Found that out the hard way. ::mutter::

08-23-2012, 06:48 PM
I use a simple Stormfront script to empty jars into large sacks. I run the script and it dumps 10 gems at a time. It would be very easy to just record a script of you taking 50 of x out of container y and placing it into container z.

That's the plan.

08-23-2012, 06:51 PM
Do you intend to stack the large sacks in your store? Because I gave that a try by sticking 7 slimes in a large sack, but when I did SHOP SELL it said I had to empty the sack first.

Nope. If I was going to do that I might as well just stack em 50 high on the counter like I was doing. I think I fit 3750 herbs that way. I'm going to sell em by the sack for now to a few people. Just trying to make it as easy as possible. I can write simple script to fill a container. Basically the same as my script to stack them on the table.

08-23-2012, 06:51 PM
put shake my jar
put put left in my sack
goto a: