View Full Version : Sweet 5X Sanctified,scripted, flared,zested item. Click to see!

08-21-2012, 08:17 PM
A deeply blood-grooved glaes warblade with a spiked knuckleguard.

5x OHE Sanctified, Plasma flares, Zested skull that hurts you when touched. Falchion Based. Poke,touch,rub,tap,wave,and pound the warblade

[zesty]>wave warb
As you wave your glaes warblade, the mouth of the skull gapes open! A long, warbling wail issues forth! The eyes on the skull flash once, and then go still. The jaws snap closed with a *click*.

[zesty]>tap warb
You drum your fingers upon the skull of your glaes warblade. The eyes of the skull alight in a blazing crimson glow, and flash ominously before becoming quiescent

[zesty]>pound warb
You pound a deeply blood-grooved glaes warblade with a spiked knuckleguard with your fist, sending it flying

[zesty]>poke warb
As you poke your warblade, the mouth of the skull gapes open and bites your finger hard! The pain shoots straight up and stiffens your spine! That hurt!
[zesty]>pound warb
You are still stunned.

[zesty]>peer warb
The glaes warblade has a ruby-eyed ivory skull mounted upon it. The ivory is mottled brown and green and exudes a foul odor. The cracked teeth with the jaw are set crookedly, but someone took the time to sharpen them to a razor edge. The faceted rubies stuck within the eye sockets seem to follow you when you glance at the skull.

>wave my warb
As you wave your glaes warblade, the mouth of the skull gapes open! A long, warbling wail issues forth! The eyes on the skull flash once, and then go still. The jaws snap closed with a *click*.

>exam warb
The glaes warblade has a ruby-eyed ivory skull mounted upon it. The ivory is mottled brown and green and exudes a foul odor. The cracked teeth with the jaw are set crookedly, but someone took the time to sharpen them to a razor edge. The faceted rubies stuck within the eye sockets seem to follow you when you glance at the skull.

>analyze warb
You analyze your glaes warblade and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the glaes warblade for you.

Not sure what it looks like as a third party.

CB 0

08-21-2012, 08:24 PM
Interesting item . . . can a wizard work on this blade to enchant it further? All this fancy stuff new to me . . . Thenks

08-21-2012, 08:26 PM
It has flares, so no.

08-21-2012, 09:07 PM
No, but you could get flares removed by a merchant and enchant is further!

08-22-2012, 09:49 AM

08-22-2012, 07:58 PM

08-25-2012, 03:02 PM

09-03-2012, 09:47 PM
2M takes it.

09-03-2012, 11:04 PM
I'll take it.

09-04-2012, 10:57 AM
Sold! again, email for pick up lol.