View Full Version : Ebon Gate 2009, Auction Item - Gold Ring Cloak - (orig) a viridescent woolen cloak

08-20-2012, 10:55 AM
at 35 mil to Grim Reaper .....SOLD.....shoot me an AIM on chrisford23 or PM...THX

(Original description of item at base of thread)

a viridescent rolaren mesh cloak
-5 lbs
-Roughly holds 127 lbs (ish...avg over a bunch of weighings...loresong doesn't fetch it
-gold ring teleportation
-Set "ring": pull cloak (wearing cloak) - You tug at the edges of your cloak, and a pulse of heady warmth licks out of it to suffuse your skin. The world spins about you for a moment, and your cloak utters a series of hungry crackles.
-Transport - turn cloak - >turn cloak - You throw the edge of your cloak over your opposite shoulder.
As the cloak settles about you, its fabric molds to your flesh in a wash of heady warmth. That warmth escalates to an uncomfortable degree that swiftly becomes unbearable. It feels as if flames are licking at every inch of your being, leaving no span of flesh, blood, or bone untouched. You scream, and darkness races up to consume you, followed by light and a slow cessation of agony as, with great reluctance, the fabric of the cloak releases you from its grasp.

-wear cloak
- With a flourish, you drape the rolaren mesh cloak over your shoulders.
- Passive after wearing - Shimmering swathes of color brighten the threading of your cloak.
- Passive after wearing - The cloth of the cloak settles against your neck, and a throbbing pulse, not unlike the beating of a heart, pounds through the fabric.
- Passive after wearing - As if stirred by a breeze, the edges of your cloak twitch and glide through still air.
- Passive after wearing - With a sigh, your rolaren mesh cloak goes deathly still.

-remove cloak
As you attempt to remove the cloak, its fabric tugs at your back with almost enough strength to leave runnels in your flesh. Once free, the cloak convulses violently before going still.

-pull cloak (not wearing cloak)
You tug on the cloak, admiring the quality of its weave.

-look at cloak
The cloak has been crafted from rolaren mesh and has been clasped with a small, emerald trident. Along the inside of the cloak, sea green silks make up the inner lining.

Watched by another:
With a flourish, PlAYER drapes the rolaren mesh cloak over his shoulders.
The cloth of PLAYER's cloak settles against his neck and vibrates slightly.
PLAYER tries to empty the contents of his cloak into his backpack, but nothing will fit.
Shimmering swathes of color brighten the threading of PLAYER's cloak.
PLAYER taps a viridescent rolaren mesh cloak that he is wearing.
The cloth of PLAYER's cloak settles against his neck and vibrates slightly.
PLAYER throws the trailing edge of his cloak over his opposite shoulder.
As the cloak settles about PLAYER, it appears to mold to his flesh in a display of carnivorous delectation. Once settled about its owner, the garment rapidly shrinks in size, diminishing to a pinpoint of darkness that vanishes with an explosion of infernal heat.


a viridescent woolen cloak
- allows wearer to teleport like a gold ring
- chance to backfire, nature of which is only known not to cost silver
- loresong
- cloakworn, holds very large for any number of items
- can be altered

I think that's it..please let me know if I've forgotten anything....thanks.

08-20-2012, 10:59 AM
What happens when it backfires?

08-20-2012, 11:03 AM
Dunno....haven't worn it for a while...any others out there know?
I'll have to also post the loresong.....if I can get it.....stunned my bard with a minor head injury the first time I tried :)

08-20-2012, 11:07 AM
that's one bad ass cloak!

08-20-2012, 11:09 AM
there were some of these that drained spirit on failure some that didn't have any chance of failure.. are you sure this one fails?

08-20-2012, 11:11 AM
Just taken "verbiage" from the original auction description....haven't yet seen it fail.

08-20-2012, 11:14 AM
20 mil

08-20-2012, 11:15 AM

08-20-2012, 11:16 AM
What happens when it backfires?

a double-layered raw silk travel cloak dyed a deep stygian hue
Two way travel identical to a gold ring
chance of failure which will drain 3/4 of your TOTAL spirit which means you can spirit death yourself if you're not careful.
Doesn't get 'navved'

^ That was my old cloak. Pay no attention to the 'little chance' Tsin bullshit spin.

there were some of these that drained spirit on failure some that didn't have any chance of failure.. are you sure this one fails?

I've never seen one that did not have spirit drain or have zero chance of failure.

08-20-2012, 11:17 AM

08-20-2012, 11:44 AM
I've never seen one that did not have spirit drain or have zero chance of failure.

I haven't seen one personally either, but I heard rumor of some of the Ebon's gate ones had zero chance of failure and made slightly different then Tsin's old cloak, but that's only rumor.

08-20-2012, 11:58 PM

08-21-2012, 12:18 AM

08-21-2012, 01:46 AM
identical to a old ring, meaning only travel in the same area?

08-21-2012, 02:34 AM
^ That was my old cloak. Pay no attention to the 'little chance' Tsin bullshit spin.

I've never seen one that did not have spirit drain or have zero chance of failure.

Is this cloak one of the transport-versions of the Ghule cloaks? That work in combination with the fangs / hats / rings / claws? I think the only ones were released in 05, maybe another set in 06. The Ghule items are buggy and apparently set off GM alarms when used, so they have not been re-released. BOW is one of the Ghule verb traps for this cloak, if the owner wants to try it.

The Tsin cloak referenced here is not this, but the "weathered oilcloth cloak" with the Fash'lo'nae loresong and the chance to fail if you over-use it. I own the one in Plat, and all you have to do to avoid failure is reset it between uses. TAP sets, and PULL transports you back and forth between settings, like a gold ring. If you TAP the cloak, go somewhere, and PULL it, you will never fail. If you pull-pull-pull, you start to have a chance to fail. But even then, it's very small. I have used it for years without a failure by resetting it between uses. It has a "motes" message when you leave and arrive using it. No pockets.


08-21-2012, 10:14 AM

08-21-2012, 02:21 PM
The Tsin cloak referenced here is not this, but the "weathered oilcloth cloak" with the Fash'lo'nae loresong and the chance to fail if you over-use it. I own the one in Plat, and all you have to do to avoid failure is reset it between uses. TAP sets, and PULL transports you back and forth between settings, like a gold ring. If you TAP the cloak, go somewhere, and PULL it, you will never fail. If you pull-pull-pull, you start to have a chance to fail. But even then, it's very small. I have used it for years without a failure by resetting it between uses. It has a "motes" message when you leave and arrive using it. No pockets.


I didn't know about the reset trick when I owned the cloak you have, wish I had. Still, my experience with the failure percentage wasn't what I would call very small. I also didn't realize the Ghuule cloaks had an upgraded transport option. Probably because they were so buggy as you said.

08-21-2012, 04:32 PM
Can you use it while being drowned in Nelemar?

08-21-2012, 06:08 PM
Dunno, never hunted Nelemar....are any actions available to you while you're drowning? i.e. turn items?

08-21-2012, 06:24 PM
You can remove and wear a ring you are already wearing, but can't get one from a container. Just not sure on the traps for the cloak.

08-21-2012, 07:03 PM
Can you use it while being drowned in Nelemar?

I have never tried it, but you can SCREAM out of a drowning in Nelemar if you have Shadowdeath vambraces. Which isn't necessarily a bug, since you don't make a noise, you just open your mouth and the shadows consume / transport you.


Grim Reaper
08-21-2012, 11:02 PM
I'll place a bid of 35mil.

08-22-2012, 04:26 PM

08-23-2012, 09:18 AM

08-24-2012, 10:09 PM