View Full Version : 7X Perfect/handaxe base/Fully unlocked anfelt scripts/auction grapple flares.

08-12-2012, 08:49 PM
****CURRENT OFFER OF 30M**** - If this offer isn't beat in the next day or two it will be sold!

full +35 and is named "the grapple master." I'll get the exact name of the weapon if there are some serious offers out there. This is a really nice weapon. Nothing like Mstriking with grapple flares. It is damn awesome.

PM me with offers if you are serious about this. Looking for offers 30M+

You remove an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike from in your spidersilk gem satchel.

You carefully examine the vultite francisca and determine that the weight is about 3 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Brinemead's crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read fran
In the Common language, it reads:
The Grapplemaster.

You carefully inspect your vultite francisca.

After a careful inspection you determine that an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified handaxe.

You remember that you registered this item a couple months ago.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vultite.
>analyze fran
You analyze your vultite francisca and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item can be altered, but should not be altered into something broken, dull, or weak-looking, as the messaging indicates superior craftsmansip that is kept maintained.
The francisca is fully unlocked.

You can tell that the francisca is as light as it can get.

>;zesty fran
--- Lich: zesty active.
*** Checking fran for zests ***
[zesty]>point fran
You point at your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>attend fran
You attend to your vultite francisca, making the francisca as presentable as possible.
[zesty]>bow fran
In a strange gesture, you bow to an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>cheer fran
You look at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike and cheer!
[zesty]>clench fran
As you tighten your grip, the familiar weight and balance of your vultite francisca lends you confidence.
[zesty]>clean fran
Feeling a tad bit obsessive, are we?
[zesty]>clutch fran
You clutch your vultite francisca, your palms sweating with fear.
[zesty]>cringe fran
You glance at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike and cringe.
[zesty]>cuddle fran
You eye your vultite francisca speculatively as you ponder cuddling up with it. How desperate are you, anyway?
[zesty]>curtsy fran
In a strange gesture, you curtsy to an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>daydream fran
You stare dreamily at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike, not really thinking anything at all.
[zesty]>drool fran
You drool at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike!
[zesty]>duck fran
Closing your eyes, you lower your forehead to your vultite francisca in a reverent gesture.
[zesty]>dust fran
You carefully buff the blade of your vultite francisca, removing the debris of battle.
[zesty]>exhale fran
You blow on your vultite francisca.
A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the francisca then slowly fades away.
[zesty]>fidget fran
You fidget, glancing at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>flip fran
Flip what? Do you think you're an acrobat?
[zesty]>flirt fran
Surely there are more interesting things to flirt with than your an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike?
[zesty]>fluster fran
You glance bashfully at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike, blush, and mumble a few words.
[zesty]>flutter fran
High Lord Constal's group just arrived.
[zesty]>fly fran
You turn your head towards an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike and flutter your eyelashes.
High Lord Constal's group just went east.
[zesty]>gag fran
You hoot excitedly at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike in your hand before running around and flapping your arms in the air.
[zesty]>gawk fran
The francisca does not care that you are choking.
[zesty]>gaze fran
You gawk at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
You heft your vultite francisca in your hand a few times, admiring its finely honed edge and excellent workmanship.
[zesty]>grip fran
This is not a switchable one/two-handed weapon.
You grip your vultite francisca a little tighter.
[zesty]>growl fran
You growl ferociously at the vultite francisca in your hand!
[zesty]>grumble fran
You grumble at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike!
[zesty]>hiss fran
You glance at the francisca and hiss.
[zesty]>hold fran
You relax your hold on the vultite francisca in your hand.
[zesty]>hug fran
You glance at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike in your hand as if it really needs a hug.
[zesty]>hum fran
Do you want to rock the francisca to sleep, too?
[zesty]>jeer fran
You stare at the vultite francisca in your hand and jeer! Boooooo!
[zesty]>kick fran
You cannot kick at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>kiss fran
You pucker up and blow a kiss at the vultite francisca in your hand.
[zesty]>knock fran
You knock upon an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>lean fran
You shift your weight slightly in an abbreviated combat move and thrust forcefully with your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>leer fran
Your lips curl into a malicious leer as you contemplate the vultite francisca.
[zesty]>lick fran
You lick the vultite francisca in your hand.
[zesty]>nod fran
You nod to the vultite francisca.
[zesty]>nudge fran
You try to nudge your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>peer fran
You peer closely at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike, but see nothing of interest. Maybe if you examined it closely, you would see more.
[zesty]>pet fran
You thumb the vultite francisca in your hand.
[zesty]>point fran
You point at your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>pluck fran
You can't pluck that!
[zesty]>poke fran
Going around poking things isn't going to get you far.
[zesty]>pound fran
You pound an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike with your fist, causing it to shake slightly.
[zesty]>press fran
You hold your vultite francisca menacingly in front of you, its sharp edge glinting in the light.
[zesty]>prod fran
You give your francisca a little prod with the tip of your finger.
[zesty]>push fran
You hold your vultite francisca menacingly in front of you, its sharp edge glinting in the light.
[zesty]>pull fran
You pull your vultite francisca in close to your body, its keen edge pointing outward.
[zesty]>punch fran
You cannot punch at an old wickedly curved vultite francisca perfectly balanced by a vicious spike.
[zesty]>tap fran
You impatiently tap the flat of your vultite francisca's blade against the side of your leg.
[zesty]>tilt fran
[LNet]-GSIV:Velfi: "any clerics available to pop into Haven for a dead Akaari please? got her at north market"
[zesty]>tickle fran
You tilt your vultite francisca side to side, making the light play off it.
[zesty]>turn fran
You brush your fingers lightly against your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>touch fran
You turn over your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>twist fran
You thumb the vultite francisca in your hand.
[zesty]>stare fran
You stare at your vultite francisca.
[zesty]>wave fran
The blade of your vultite francisca slices cleanly through the air as you bring it around in a sweeping arc.
Completed testing of fran in its current location. There may be more/different zests if the fran is wearable, or can be opened/closed.
--- Lich: zesty has exited.

08-14-2012, 09:36 PM
Bump, added a lot more info!

08-15-2012, 01:02 PM
Updated: Current offer is 30M

08-16-2012, 07:12 PM