View Full Version : Help: Smoothing out miniature designs

07-11-2004, 12:48 PM
Well, I won Bemm's tournament aboard the Dhu Gilly and I get a nifty set of customized ones. While terribly fun to design, its been more alter writing than I've done in quite a long time. I think I'm on my seventh revision now and it feels like I keep missing stuff.

So if anyone is feeling bored and wants to help me smooth out the grammar, phrasing or whatever; please do!

If anyone around Illistim feels up for a match, let me know!


SHORT: a regal Nalfein/princess/miniature
SHOW: You see a finely-dress Nalfein princess miniature crafted with remarkably intricate details. She appears poised with an air of royalty, a dainty golden circlet resting lightly on her brow. Her slender figure is especially pronounced by her silken robes casually tied at the waist. A pattern of beautiful black roses adorns the flaring green sleeves of her garment.
ATTACK: The slender Nalfein princess giggles and snaps her fingers. An enveloping darkness rises from the ground. From the murky depths, shadowy tendrils entangle the (target) while jagged streams of black viciously impale it repeatedly.
MISS: The Nalfein princess throws her arms high to cast a spell! Her incantation is interrupted as she flusters to catch her slipping robes. Blushing furiously, she secures them again.
DEATH: The Nalfein princess gestures wearily as she loses consciousness and summons a surprised hamster that lands awkwardly on her body.

SHORT: a cigar-chewing/goggled Nalfein/miniature
SHOW: You see a roughly crafted Nalfein miniature wearing a pair of dusty glaes goggles. The style of the craftsmanship seems a perfect match with the oil covered, rugged, cigar-chewing and spiky haired look of the elf. A pair of heavy razern-bound acid cannons rest casually over his shoulders.
ATTACK: The spiky-haired Nalfein nods his head and his goggles fall to cover his eyes. He deftly alternates between twirling and loading his two heavy razern-bound acid cannons. With a smirk, he fires them both at (target) with unerring accuracy; a loud sizzling sound fills the area.
MISS: The spiky-haired Nalfein quickly loads his acid cannons and prepares to aim when he seems to be struck by inspiration. Losing interest in his target, he traces an elaborate swirling design in the ground with streams of acid.
DEATH: One of the Nalfein's cannons explodes, leaving nothing behind but a puddle of steaming green goop.

SHORT: a hulking/razern golem/miniature
SHOW: This towering form is made from jagged, animated shards of pure razern. From its elongated eye socks emits a dull red glow, giving this hulking golem a purely malevolent appearance. Its partially clenched bulky fists resemble the halves of a crude iron maiden.
ATTACK: Unleashing an unearthly bellow, the razern golem charges toward (target) with astonishing speed. The golem clenches its fists around its prey in a vice-like grip, and then with a sinister laugh, the mangled opponent is hurled away into a heap.
MISS: The razern golem smashes its fists into the ground, sending debris that barely misses (target). It suddenly bellows, "REND, TEAR, and DESTROY!"
DEATH: As the magic that held the razern golem together dissipates, it crumbles to a lifeless jagged heap on the ground.

SHORT: A tiny razern/hairball/launcher
SHOW: This delicately crafted miniature is made from blackened silver forged to resemble the form of a roaring panther. A clever design filled with levers, springs and latches allows this launcher to fire objects a great distance. Besides a group of placid felines lounging on the launcher is a pile of stringy hairballs.
FIRE: A gaggle of hacking sounds is heard from the depths of the cannon before a group of felines crawl out of the large end of the launcher. A tiny kitten purposefully pounces onto the firing lever.
HIT: The *SpRoInG* is heard from the launcher as it sends gigantic hairball crashing comically on top of (target).
MISS: A *SpRoInG* is heard from the launcher, followed by a screech of claws on metal and a troubled meow as a veercat is sent sprawling from the barrel of the cannon.

SHORT: A twisted/shadow creature/miniature
ALTERNATE: a twisted shadowling miniature
ALTERNATE: a twisted shadow fiend miniature
SHOW: You see a deep black twisted creature enshrouded by a billowing ethereal cloak. Any limbs that can be seen of this miniature appear to be mangled and malformed.
FIRE: The shadow creature swirls and thickens until it becomes more substantial while the darkness seems to bleed tendrils into its outstretched arms.
HIT: The creature suddenly flings jagged black spears that slash (target) with a sickening tearing sound.
MISS: The shadow creature writhes about in irritated swirls of darkness before launching a series of shadowy spears! The objects become insubstantial before reaching its target.

SHORT: a tiny smooth/golvern/golem
SHOW: You see a towering golem composed of resplendent golvern. Strapped to the massive figure’s back is a lumpy blackened steel rucksack with a crude dog’s head design upon the side. It appears to be wearing a tightly ringed invar mesh loincloth.
FIRE: The golvern golem quickly thrusts its hand into its rucksack and pulls out a stone mastiff by the scruff of its neck.
HIT: The golvern golem hurls the stone mastiff at (target). The intensely powerful impact turns the pitifully yipping mastiff into a shower of rocky debris.
MISS: As the golem arches back to hurl the mastiff, its jaws catches onto the golem’s loincloth and almost pulls it free. The golem tosses the mastiff aside, readjusts its invar mesh loincloth and attempts to smooth out any wrinkles.

SHORT: A small golvern/Nalfein/keep
SHOW: You see a masterfully detailed miniature version of an expansive Nalfein keep made from solid golvern. Gleaming razern outline the elegant spires that rise high into the air. An orderly placement of archer slits line the exterior walls while murder holes guard the gatehouse.
FIX-OUTER: Teams of Nalfein nimbly scale the keep and make repairs. Before finishing, a member makes a rude gesture over the walls.
FIX-INNER: Teams of Nalfein nimbly scale the inner walls and make repairs. Before finishing, a member screams profanities over the walls.
FIX-MACHINES: A team of Nalfein workers scramble to repair the siege equipment! Before leaving, one of them makes funny faces over the walls.

07-11-2004, 01:49 PM
I have no suggestions since I have yet to get a miniature altered, but for what it's worth, I *LOVE* that keep.

07-11-2004, 01:54 PM
Awwww, thank you! I think my absolute favorite is probably the princess. I'm glad Bemm has been busy since it let me really refine my ideas and I'm attached to them all now.

As a side note, I missed your fan dance yesterday because of class. Don't suppose you kept a log? *pleads*

07-11-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
Awwww, thank you! I think my absolute favorite is probably the princess. I'm glad Bemm has been busy since it let me really refine my ideas and I'm attached to them all now.

As a side note, I missed your fan dance yesterday because of class. Don't suppose you kept a log? *pleads*

I didn't keep a log, but you can see it as I wrote it. Which.. um.. looks just like a log, 'cept there are no other people moving around. It's a cheesy performance but that's alright.

Unfortunately, can't see what Uni and Strata were wearing. Matching robes, hairsticks, fans, and sandals in black and green. Had to give the stuff back after the show.

(Lysistrata moves to stand before the audience, addressing them with a respectful incline of her head.)

Speaking in Elven, Lysistrata says, "Thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, for attending the pageant, and the dance demonstrations in particular. I hope you enjoy the show myself and my cousin, the Lady Uniana of Le'Gondren, are about to perform for you."

Speaking in Elven, Lysistrata says, "As is obvious, dancing is different in every elven culture. This particular dance is a specialty of the Nalfein, unpracticed by the other Houses."

Speaking in Elven, Lysistrata says, "I'd like to take this moment to advise the audience not to perform something of this nature without proper training such as Nalfein ladies routinely receive, and to warn you all to keep away from the edge of the performance area."

(Lysistrata finishes her speech with another nod of her head and bestows a radiant smile on all in attendance.)

(Lysistrata and Uniana smoothly take their places in the center of the stage.)

(Uniana and Lysistrata stand back to back, with their heads gently resting against each other's shoulders, supporting each other's weight with eyes closed as if asleep.)

Lysistrata recites:

"The Rose awakens."

(Lysistrata opens her mismatched eyes and moves away from her cousin with slowly measured steps, while Uniana does the same, both of them turning to face the audience.)

(Uniana and Lysistrata each open one of their fans, coyly hiding all but their eyes behind glittering fan slats, keeping the closed fan tucked discreetly in their trailing sleeves. They glance at each other from the corners of flirtatious kohl-lined eyes as they step further away, until they are seperated by ten paces.)

(Lysistrata and Uniana begin to move in a circle facing outwards to the audience on all sides, their fans fluttering in time to the quiet rhythmic *click* of their sandals against the floor. Their every stylized movement carries the weight of long practice and ages of tradition.)

(Lysistrata and her cousin, finding themselves back in their starting places at opposite sides of the circle, abruptly turn to face each other, their hard-soled sandals delivering a decisive *CLACK!* on the floor to emphasize the movement.)

Uniana recites:

"The Rose opens."

(Uniana extends her previously unopened fan in front of her and opens it with a snap, a noise echoed as Lysistrata does the same. They spin with a flurry of silk, loosing the fans from their grip. Each delicate woman catches the other's fans by the handles easily, deftly avoiding the obviously sharp edges of the fan blades.)

(Lysistrata and Uniana's fans flash brightly in the light as they fly through the air higher and higher in a carefully orchestrated dance, looking like giant green and black butterflies winging swiftly from woman to woman.)

(Uniana's pale lilac eyes remain impassive, carefully expressionless as she performs each motion with flawless precision. Each time a fan is caught, the elven lady is seemingly spun around by the force of the toss with the newly caught fan's blades pointed outwards, sure to cut anyone in the audience who ventures too close.)

Lysistrata recites:

"The Petals fall."

(Lysistrata begins to slow the toss of the fans with Uniana, each of them dipping low to catch now, bending gracefully like tall grass in the wind. They move towards one another slowly, taking one quietly clacking step with each toss.)

(Uniana now waits to throw her next fan until she holds two of them, first lofting them into the air in a complex flipping motion before sending them back to Lysistrata.)

(Lysistrata's fans whip around her delicate hands in a deadly whir that would surely cost a less experienced handler their fingers, although her expressionless gaze never seems to be on anything but her cousin. She and Uniana now toss two fans at once to each other until they are less than two feet apart.)

(Uniana and Lysistrata now engage in a show of skilled sleight-of-hand, their fans seeming to roll and flip from palm to palm, passing them back and forth with extra flourishes.)

(Lysistrata starts dropping her fans as she passes them to Uniana, only to have her cousin deftly catch them and drop them back into Lysistrata's hands in the same way.)

Uniana recites:

"The Rose sleeps."

(Uniana slows more and more with every pass of the fans, stopping all together when they each hold their original pair. With all the care of ritualized movement, they close their deadly fans and slowly hang their hands at their sides, billowing sleeves gracefully allowed to hide their props.)

(Lysistrata and Uniana lean forward at the same moment, as though melting into the other's embrace. Although they remain standing, their position is one of repose, each resting with her cheek on the other's shoulder, eyes closed.)

(Uniana and Lysistrata remain in that pose for a long moment before stepping back and turning to the audience as one, hiding their fans behind their backs in a gesture respect as they make simultaneous matching curtsies to the crowd.)

07-15-2004, 01:43 AM
Oh, that princess mini is too cute! I want one!

And heh, I have the outfits for the fan dance too!

You are holding a green silk fan with sharp obsidian blades in your left hand.
You are wearing a set of four faenor hairsticks holding her hair in an elaborate chignon, a deep-sleeved emerald faille robe appliqued with dark silk roses around the floor-length hem over a black linen robe visible at collar and cuffs, a dainty ebony and silk fan and a pair of green silk-strapped sandals.

And the hottie:
>lo lyYou see Lady Lysistrata Scio.
She appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
She appears to be young and average height. She has cunning, mismatched grey and black eyes and ivory skin. She has long, lustrous deep scarlet hair that falls nearly to the ground, with a dainty curl at the tips. She has a delicate, refined face and meticulously groomed features.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a black brocade fan with sharp faenor blades in her right hand and a sleek dark bladed silk fan in her left hand.
She is wearing a set of four ebonwood hairsticks holding her hair in an elaborate chignon, a deep-sleeved black silk robe painted with barely discernible roses around the floor-length hem over an emerald green linen robe visible at collar and cuffs, and a pair of thin ebonwood-soled sandals.

I kind of do want some robes like that and a set of four hairsticks >_< Why can't we wear those all the time and get levels by being precious?

Le sigh

07-15-2004, 11:51 AM

I wish I could've been there for the dance! In protest of not having the outfits anymore, you should do those dances nekkie! Yeah thats it!

Where didja get the inspiration for the dance?

07-16-2004, 09:17 AM
Don't mind Kitsun he is just gloating about winning the Tournament. :whistle:

07-17-2004, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Kitsun

I wish I could've been there for the dance! In protest of not having the outfits anymore, you should do those dances nekkie! Yeah thats it!

Where didja get the inspiration for the dance?

Japanese bon dancing, with a teeny tiny bit of flamenco. Another dance Strata and Uni are planning to do for Ebon Gate will be more flamenco-ish, with a story.

08-17-2004, 08:04 PM
>w00t! My mini got mentioned as being l33t, count my day made. ~Uniani

Bumped this thread so people could show off their miniatures.

Calling Uniani out here to show off her maiden!

[Edited on 8-18-2004 by Kitsun]

08-17-2004, 08:57 PM
Well Wulfhen has the Uniana mini. He made her on the first run because I wanted another one more than one of her and well he's a big sweetie.

This is what she looks like:
a slender elven maiden miniature
Elegantly posed, the elven maiden demurely regards the world from behind a triple-bladed silk fan. Her slender wrist holds the fan at an angle to allow for the delicate painting, that of a cherry blossom lying in a wreath of thistles, upon its silk surface to be seen. Her slender frame is wrapped in a stylish iridescent gown that shifts colors as differing light hits it while her petite feet are covered in matching slippers.

Wulfhen presses the back of his elven maiden miniature a bit.
With a delicate sigh, the elven maiden miniature minces forward slowly, the faintest hint of a smile crossing her lips. With a snap of her wrist, she brings the fan up to cover her face and lowers her eyes coyly. Hitherto unnoticed, her other hand suddenly holds a small stiletto, and she lunges forward to stab and slash a violet-eyed elven miniature swiftly!

Wulfhen presses the back of his elven maiden miniature a bit.
The elven maiden miniature coyly brings her fan to conceal her face and waves it a few times, the glittering blades within flashing slightly.

Death is just a boring one.

My minis are these
a violet-eyed elven miniature
a dark-branded berserker miniature

Which I am pretty sure you have seen.

08-17-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Wulfhen presses the back of his elven maiden miniature a bit.
With a delicate sigh, the elven maiden miniature minces forward slowly, the faintest hint of a smile crossing her lips. With a snap of her wrist, she brings the fan up to cover her face and lowers her eyes coyly. Hitherto unnoticed, her other hand suddenly holds a small stiletto, and she lunges forward to stab and slash a violet-eyed elven miniature swiftly!

Ack... I wish I had known that his did that... Michi's is similar and I wouldn't have made it like that if I had known. :(

08-17-2004, 10:19 PM
Actually the funny part, Uniana, is that I hadn't seen yours. The Nalfein maiden I was referring to was the one I had used to win the run 2.

a finely dressed Nalfein maiden miniature holding a pair of delicate silk fans

Looks like the ladies had a run on the fan shop.

Its kinda hilarious that we both have berserkers done up too.

08-18-2004, 05:44 AM
Heh! I just think we all have wonderful tastes!

<3 you guys and the Nalfein and/or fan uberness