View Full Version : Platinum gold-mine

That Jay
08-02-2012, 01:01 AM

For sale. Auction format. Once, twice, gone. No anonymous bids. A character name or email address is required. I will sell the items on one account at a time. Items to be added as I sort. No characters will be sold. Only items. Doubles are not typos.

Email inquiries. UNINVITEDX@AOL.COM

Fluff: (minimum bid $10 each)
a dashing emerald cap decorated with a single colorful pitohui feather (OLD heavily scripted)
an emerald green cloak adorned with colorful pitohui feathers and clasped with a thin veniom chain (OLD heavily scripted)
an emerald green sack trimmed with colorful pitohui feathers (contains a mischievous fat brindled kitten with white tufted ears - PET)
some blue coral prayerbeads inlaid with tiny emerald tridents (scripted)
some ocean-blue casting gloves with silvery sigil (scripted for spell casters)
a driftwood vial with a spiral of sea-blue coral (scripted holy oil)
a faceted garnet ampulla in thread-of-gold netting (You sniff delicately at the garnet ampulla, and detect the faint scent of rich Vaalorian leather, fine tobacco, and aged brandy suffused with the tang of newly minted silvers.) Custom perfume. "Old Boy's Club"

Lesser: (minimum bid $30 each)
a woven cotton net (5x returner)
a woven rope throwing net (5x returner)
a folded crimson tourney tent (fully unlocked)
a supple crimson leather cloak with square golvern buttons (HOODED feature hiding)
a domed fluted platinum band (3x mist armor - PLATE)
an eldritch black ora longsword with a grasping claw-shaped handguard (Greater Black Ora with teleport and enchancement)
an eldritch black ora longsword with a grasping claw-shaped handguard (Greater Black Ora with teleport and enchancement)
an elegant ora kaskara with transverse loop quillions (7x bubble flares)
an elegant golvern kaskara with transverse loop quillions (5x bubble flares?)
two volume set of cobbling books full of patterns (a blackened leather-bound book stamped with a golden ankh on the cover and a blackened leather-bound book stamped with a golden ankh on the cover)
a grey iron wolf-head helm (mage rechargeable STRENGTH)
an icy blue vultite falchion (3x, ice elemental ewave)
a scorched red vultite falchion(3x, fire elemental ewave)

Greater: (minimum bid $100)
a vultite scythe inset with spiraling veins of crystal (4x modified halberd, when held gives the user spell knowledge of RAISE DEAD)
a worn tooled leather saddlebag (weightless sack, shoulder worn)
a polished black warhorn (summons a storm)
a gleaming gold warhorn (tremors or quake)
an ebony pendant (dispells sanctuaries several times a day when rubbed)
a tarnished bronze glyph (cast Vtulls Fury 3x a day when rubbed)
a crystal-edged vultite dagger (chronomage dagger)
a crystal-edged vultite dagger (chronomage dagger)
a verdant green leaf-hilted warblade (10x briarthorn flared tier 1, blessable)
a verdant green leaf-hilted warblade (10x briarthorn flared tier 1, blessable)
a blackened silver gauntlet-sword (5x greater bubble flares -katar)
a curved niello silver gauntlet-sword (5x greater bubble flares - katar)
some giant tortoise shell armor (7x HCP PLATE and shell armor)
a black rapture cloak (unattuned)a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin' (1 of 7 named Dwarven Warblades)
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Karo' (1 of 7 named Dwarven Warblades)
a silver-flecked urglaes pavis bound with invar edging (Warrior pavis - casts Heal)
a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging (Cleric pavis - casts Quake)
a plumed dark ora helmet inscribed with runes of power (casts EWAVE a few times a day when rubbed)
a slim bladed amber-hilted sword (8x fire/web blessing flares)
a slim bladed amber-hilted longsword (8x fire/web blessing flares)
a long driftwood harpoon (10x switchable steam or lightning flares and 12x versus giants)
a pale blue coral trident symbol inlaid with white pearls (transports once a day to Charl's shrine)

Epic: (minimum bid $300 each)
TONIS SET ( a pair of crimson suede gloves branded with silvery wing symbols along the palms, a pair of crimson leather boots embroidered with silver wings upon the ankles)
a steel short sword (See http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Steel_short_sword_%28saved_post%29)

08-02-2012, 01:16 AM

For sale. Auction format. Once, twice, gone. No anonymous bids. A character name or email address is required. I will sell the items on one account at a time. Items to be added as I sort. No characters will be sold. Only items. Doubles are not typos.

Email inquiries. UNINVITEDX@AOL.COM

Fluff: (minimum bid $10 each)
a dashing emerald cap decorated with a single colorful pitohui feather (OLD heavily scripted)
an emerald green cloak adorned with colorful pitohui feathers and clasped with a thin veniom chain (OLD heavily scripted)
an emerald green sack trimmed with colorful pitohui feathers (contains a mischievous fat brindled kitten with white tufted ears - PET)
some blue coral prayerbeads inlaid with tiny emerald tridents (scripted)
some ocean-blue casting gloves with silvery sigil (scripted for spell casters)
a driftwood vial with a spiral of sea-blue coral (scripted holy oil)
a faceted garnet ampulla in thread-of-gold netting (You sniff delicately at the garnet ampulla, and detect the faint scent of rich Vaalorian leather, fine tobacco, and aged brandy suffused with the tang of newly minted silvers.) Custom perfume. "Old Boy's Club"

Lesser: (minimum bid $30 each)
a woven cotton net (5x returner)
a woven rope throwing net (5x returner)
a folded crimson tourney tent (fully unlocked)
a supple crimson leather cloak with square golvern buttons (HOODED feature hiding)
a domed fluted platinum band (3x mist armor - PLATE)
an eldritch black ora longsword with a grasping claw-shaped handguard (Greater Black Ora with teleport and enchancement)
an eldritch black ora longsword with a grasping claw-shaped handguard (Greater Black Ora with teleport and enchancement)
an elegant ora kaskara with transverse loop quillions (7x bubble flares)
an elegant golvern kaskara with transverse loop quillions (5x bubble flares?)
two volume set of cobbling books full of patterns (a blackened leather-bound book stamped with a golden ankh on the cover and a blackened leather-bound book stamped with a golden ankh on the cover)
a grey iron wolf-head helm (mage rechargeable STRENGTH)
an icy blue vultite falchion (3x, ice elemental ewave)
a scorched red vultite falchion(3x, fire elemental ewave)

Greater: (minimum bid $100)
a vultite scythe inset with spiraling veins of crystal (4x modified halberd, when held gives the user spell knowledge of RAISE DEAD)
a worn tooled leather saddlebag (weightless sack, shoulder worn)
a polished black warhorn (summons a storm)
a gleaming gold warhorn (tremors or quake)
an ebony pendant (dispells sanctuaries several times a day when rubbed)
a tarnished bronze glyph (cast Vtulls Fury 3x a day when rubbed)
a crystal-edged vultite dagger (chronomage dagger)
a crystal-edged vultite dagger (chronomage dagger)
a verdant green leaf-hilted warblade (10x briarthorn flared tier 1, blessable)
a verdant green leaf-hilted warblade (10x briarthorn flared tier 1, blessable)
a blackened silver gauntlet-sword (5x greater bubble flares -katar)
a curved niello silver gauntlet-sword (5x greater bubble flares - katar)
some giant tortoise shell armor (7x HCP PLATE and shell armor)
a black rapture cloak (unattuned)a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin' (1 of 7 named Dwarven Warblades)
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Karo' (1 of 7 named Dwarven Warblades)
a silver-flecked urglaes pavis bound with invar edging (Warrior pavis - casts Heal)
a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging (Cleric pavis - casts Quake)
a plumed dark ora helmet inscribed with runes of power (casts EWAVE a few times a day when rubbed)
a slim bladed amber-hilted sword (8x fire/web blessing flares)
a slim bladed amber-hilted longsword (8x fire/web blessing flares)
a long driftwood harpoon (10x switchable steam or lightning flares and 12x versus giants)
a pale blue coral trident symbol inlaid with white pearls (transports once a day to Charl's shrine)

Epic: (minimum bid $300 each)
TONIS SET ( a pair of crimson suede gloves branded with silvery wing symbols along the palms, a pair of crimson leather boots embroidered with silver wings upon the ankles)
a steel short sword (See http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Steel_short_sword_%28saved_post%29)

I didn't realize the Dwarven warblades made it to plat. Much less the profession shields.

That Jay
08-02-2012, 01:21 AM
Only 3 of the 7 warblades were EVER released in Platinum despite constant begging. All of the profession pavi made it.

08-02-2012, 08:22 AM
Saw the title and thought they released an actual gold mine (i.e. Mining craft skill) in Plat.

So you are leaving Jay? Big loss for Plat there. Good luck in whatever you find yourself doing.