View Full Version : Veil Iron Warmask, Lor Runestaff, and More!

07-31-2012, 05:25 PM
Flat prices, buy it all or I'll burn it. Pickup in the Landing!

a mail mesh bag of scrap metal - +17, HDW, 7 lbs, war hammer base SOLD!

an intricate veil iron beard clip shaped like a stylized ruby flame - pin worn (if you have a beard!) 500k

some robust full plate inset with chips of raw gems and ores - 4x, 53 lbs, small races only 350k

a full suit of invar platemail etched with ancient dwarven runes - +2, SWDP, standard full plate weight 250k

a convex ora round shield - 4x 2-slot fusion large shield, 10 lbs 250k

an invar-edged veil iron flamberge - 5x, 12 lbs 200k

a supple shadow grey wand harness - weighs 2, MA, shoulder worn 50k

07-31-2012, 05:58 PM
dwarven sized hauberk 200k
black lor runestaff 500k also

Jace Solo
07-31-2012, 06:18 PM
a blackwood scroll case -50k

some heavy mud-caked boots - VSA (2 items), 2 lbs 50k