View Full Version : a wire-strung vaalin nail

07-25-2012, 08:00 AM
Auction will go once, twice & sold every 24hr +/- few hours without further bid. Item will only be withdrawn if the minimum bid is not met. Preferred delivery in Teras Isle & FWI. Landing or Solhaven delivery available at a pre arrange timing.

1) a wire-strung vaalin nail

brand new, unbroken lockpick, superb quality as per vaalin (http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Lockpick)

>inspect nail
You carefully inspect your vaalin nail.
You determine that you could wear the nail anywhere on your body.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vaalin.
>analyze nail
You analyze your vaalin nail and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This vaalin nail is designed to be worn under-the-tongue. It can be freely altered, but should remain small.
You can tell that the nail is as light as it can get.
>wear nail
Opening your mouth, you slip the vaalin nail underneath your tongue.
>tap nail
You flick your tongue, exposing the vaalin nail in your mouth.
>remove nail
Opening your mouth, you remove the vaalin nail from underneath your tongue and wipe off the surface.
>rub nail
You run your tongue over the surface of your vaalin nail.
You glance down to see a wire-strung vaalin nail in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>tap nail
You roll your vaalin nail on your knuckles before snatching it back up.

when worn, over a period of time...

The vaalin nail clicks against your teeth.
The vaalin nail causes a build-up of saliva in your mouth.
The vaalin nail swishes back and forth in your mouth.
The vaalin nail slips from under your tongue, causing you to gag. With a short fit of coughs, you're able to reposition the nail, exposing it in the process.
Wichai looks slightly alarmed as he begins to gag for no reason. During a short coughing fit, a wire-strung vaalin nail is exposed under Wichai's tongue.

mb: 125k
cb: 750k to GTG - SOLD
buyout: 1 million

07-25-2012, 08:21 AM
Odd those are the scripts for the slivers, I thought the wire strung where worn around neck or wrist Ill look into it

07-25-2012, 09:38 AM
There was a merchant that came one time at last years EG that would add these scripts to any lockpick scripted already or not. I believe he only showed up once though.

07-25-2012, 09:49 AM

07-25-2012, 09:59 AM
The vaalin nail causes a build-up of saliva in your mouth. <--- just found this

07-25-2012, 11:49 AM

07-25-2012, 07:18 PM

07-26-2012, 06:11 AM
I heard these wearable lockpicks that hide under your tongue won't be taken if you get thrown in jail? True? False? Can you break out of jail with it? heh

07-26-2012, 06:44 AM
True you still have it when you get thrown in jail.... problem is the jails I tried it in, they had no key hole guess its good for RP or maybe there is some jails with key holes on the inside...

07-26-2012, 06:48 AM
If I remember, I thought the point was picking the box with your stuff so you didn't have to pay the fine? It's been so many years since I've been in jail I could be mistaken.

07-26-2012, 07:33 AM
heh i can't really confirm but from another thread started on this kinda lockpick, it won't be removed from you... the last time i was in jail was like more than 10 years ago LOL...

anyway it's going twice & will be sold within the next 24hr if no further bids :)

07-27-2012, 02:50 AM
will be sold within the next 6 hrs if no further bids

07-27-2012, 09:15 AM
SOLD, kindly contact me for transaction - AIM : tc4mez