View Full Version : Mistwood Case that is a Fully Unlocked Gostahl Gambling kit

07-25-2012, 12:36 AM
A smooth mistwood case painted with interlocking sigils
Haven't seen this one up for sale yet, last price drop to 4 million. Can deliver anywhere...

>analyze case
You analyze your mistwood case and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The mistwood case is fully unlocked.

This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. This item cannot be lightened or deepened.

This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers.

You can tell that the case is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Information for this Ganbling Kit tested by Gostahl last year:
Pull/push to open up secret weapon area
Gostahl says, "If you managed to be one of the lucky ones to get a fully unlocked one...
Gostahl says, "You can RUB it to store up to 5000 silvers; TAP it to get the silvers back; It's not weightless, coins weigh a lot
Gostahl says, "You can LOOK IN the case when open, to see how many are in there.
Gostahl says, "You can also LATCH it and UNLATCH it to lock it up.
Gostahl says, "And finally, you can drop it, to act like a little table; It can store about 5 items ON it when it is a table.
Gostahl extends a set of narrow legs from under a smooth mistwood case painted with interlocking sigils and carefully places his case on the floor
Gostahl lifts a smooth mistwood case painted with interlocking sigils from the floor and collapses a set of narrow legs underneath it
Gostahl says "If it's dropped, it can not be taken by others.
Gostahl says, "For four hours, it is safe.
Gostahl says, "People CAN take items from on and inside it.
Gostahl says, "So I suggest CLOSING IT and LATCHING IT."
Gostahl says, "They cannot unlatch your kit on the ground, either.
Gostahl says, "So latching is the KEY."

>remo case
You sling the mistwood case off from over your shoulder and fasten the strap to the side of the case.
>wear case
You unfasten the strap on the side of the mistwood case and sling it over your shoulder.
>close case
You reach over your shoulder and close the mistwood case.
>open case
You reach over your shoulder and open the mistwood case, being careful not to spill the contents.
>push case
You push at the secret compartment door inside your mistwood case, exposing any weaponry.
>put kni in case
You discreetly stow the skinning knife into a secret compartment inside the mistwood case.
>pull case
You pull at the secret compartment door inside your mistwood case, concealing any weaponry.
>drop case
You extend a set of narrow legs from under the mistwood case and carefully place your case on the floor, setting it up as a table.
>get case
You lift the mistwood case from the floor and collapse a set of narrow legs underneath it.

Information from other posts:
*Unique scripts for storing various items in large, medium, and small compartments
*Scripts for putting notes into it and taking them out
*Scripts for and storage in a special compartment for weapons that you can push/pull to hide
*Rub/tap to store 5k silvers in it.
*Weighs less than 2, max lighten/deepened. Holds a medium amount.
*Shoulder worn.
*Folds out into a table when you 'drop' it and you can set things on it. No one else can pick it up for four hours ("allmine" script).

07-30-2012, 07:03 PM
Reducing the Case to 5 million


08-03-2012, 01:07 AM
Last chance 4 million!

08-07-2012, 01:24 AM