07-08-2004, 11:27 PM

The schedule for the combined elven and sylvankind cultural pageant in Ta'Illstim is as follows:

Niiman (Thursday) Day 8 of Koaratos
6:30 pm Pageant Opening
9:00 pm Ceremony Honoring Sylvan Nanrithowan Renewal Agenda for Nanrithowan Ritual:
9:00pm Song "Yuriqen" by Chutnee
9:15pm "History of Nanrithowan and its Renewal" by Iscikella
9:30pm Nanrithowan Renewal Ritual
10:30pm Opening of Renewal Celebration with a traditional sylvan dance by Godyva
10:45pm Introduction of "Lord Modwir" and "Lady Nature" into the celebration by Bablistia
11:00pm Dance "The Stars Light the Forest" by "Lady Nature"
11:15pm "Lord Modwir" and "Lady Nature" go about their "rounds" till approximately midnight.

Day of the Huntress (Friday) Day 9 of Koaratos
6:00 pm "Retelling of the Battle of Khalerineth Valley"
7:00 pm "The Military of Ta'Vaalor: Presenting select uniforms and armaments of the elements of the Vaalorian Corp" by Officer Ferites Arafel-shalan of the Golden Hawks
7:30 pm "A Re-telling of the Battle of the Susserlin River" by Sage Ceranus D'Melgan of Ta'Nalfein
8:00 pm "Lecture on Ashrim Naval History" presented by Aetheri Machtes.
9:00 pm Sixth Irregular Tyramia Hollow Fishing Tournament sponsored by the Elanthian Explorers' Society (EES). Following the tournament, sit back, relax, and tell tall tales in the "One That Got Away" story contest!
Midnight Scavenger Hunt Begins

Feastday (Saturday) Day 10 of Koaratos
Noon Scavenger Hunt Ends
2:00 pm Archery Tournament
5:00 pm Songs and Stories from the Sylvan and Elven traditions:
The Duties of a Noble Wife - Coinquenda Camise
The Legend of Tyleo Tyle - Iscikella
The Wind Whispers My Love - Chastity
Ithnishmyn - Chutnee
The Legend of the Ivory Tower - Chutnee
The Lore of Lornon's Eve - Bablistia
Trail of Ages - Tellian
Perception of Magic - Tellian
The Night Came Down - *Uniana Le'Gondren*
8:00 pm Dance Demonstrations
Elven Court Dancing - Elrawyn Eowewyn & Coinquenda Camise
Traditional Nalfein Fan Dance - Lysistrata Scio & *Uniana Le'Gondren*
The Wild Side: A Sylvan Dance- Godyva & Nilandia
Vaalor Military Drill - The Golden Hawks
9:00 pm (or immediately after the Hawks' drill) - Royal Ball

All times are, needless to say, Elven.