View Full Version : Gherkins at Bardfest

07-20-2012, 12:52 AM
**alright sorry I cleaned it up a bit, you'll have to skip over some of the interference noise especially me dropping 20 some odd pickles**

Chalica recites:

"And while our judges do their judging, we have a little bit of entertainment for you."

Chalica recites:

"Ewin over there has promised us a couple poems for the evenin. Ewin?"

Myniart grins at you.
Chalica applauds you.

sJ>rgambit tumb
A series of tiny slivers of green sprout up from Archales's rose vine anklet, and in a surreal manner, they quickly grow larger, unfurling leaves, and then bursting into tiny rosebuds, nearly ready to bloom.
You tuck your chin towards your chest and fall to the ground in an elegant roll. You tumble smoothly and spring to your feet, ready for action!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Jeight applauds you.
Cruxophim turns to you and cheers!
Glyhne applauds you.
Jeight grins at you.
Fender turns to you and cheers!
Seomanthe beams happily at you!
Myniart turns to you and cheers!
Capell applauds.
Thandi applauds.
Mhiia applauds you.
Bevan kisses Jersea tenderly on the hand.
Roelaren turns to you and cheers!
J>say alright.. this requires props..
You say, "Alright.. this requires props.."
Barzillia turns an inquisitive ear toward you.
Bevan applauds you.
Mhiia turns to you and cheers!
Terces says, "Wow you get up really well."
J>get my packa
You remove a plainly wrapped package from in your black leather pack.
Speaking cheerfully to Glyhne, Cruxophim says, "I won a medal! Somehow..."
(Thia huddles closer to Dagor, whispering to him.)
Terces whispers to the group, "Thats what he said."
Glyhne chuckles.
J>say who would like a .. prop..
You say, "Who would like a .. prop.."
J>grin flash
You flash a quick grin.
Speaking gratefully to Jersea, Bevan says, "Thank you very kindly for the loan, my lady."
(Glyhne pats Cruxophim on the back.)
Myniart raises her hand.
Cruxophim gulps.
Terces raises his hand.
J>get gherk
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Thandi raises her hand.
Jeight whispers to the group, "ROFL."
Terces exclaims, "Prop me!"
J>drop gher
Cruxophim flutters his wings, stirring the air slightly.
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Terces put a stout witchwood runestaff in his bourde cloak.
Glyhne returns to normal color.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Speaking to Jersea, Malisai says, "You know you have to do it again right."
J>drop gher
Jeight raises her hand.
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Mhiia's rose vine anklet writhes slightly, the vine's tendrils creeping and shifting slightly as it repositions itself along her ankle.
Glyhne raises her hand.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Myniart picks up a sweet gherkin.
Glyhne exclaims, "Me!"
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Vialena points at Picler.
Radoria takes a drink from his spiced rum.
Radoria blinks his eyes a few times as though just realizing he is rather drunk.
Jeight picks up a sweet gherkin.
Fremie ponders.
Thandi picks up a sweet gherkin.
J>say please pick up a gherkin..
You say, "Please pick up a gherkin.."
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your black leather pants.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Terces picks up a sweet gherkin.
Maags removes a sweet gherkin from in her silky cloak.
Terces carefully inspects his sweet gherkin.
Glyhne sighs.
J>drop pack
Fremie asks, "Are you sure they are safe?"
You drop a plainly wrapped package.
Maags turns over her sweet gherkin.
Fremie snickers.
Picler snaps his fingers.
Seomanthe grins slowly.
Picler snaps his fingers.
J>say yes.. my gherkin is clean
You say, "Yes.. my gherkin is clean."
Seomanthe glances around the room.
J>grin flash
You flash a quick grin.
J>get my packa
You remove a plainly wrapped package from in your black leather pack.
Bevan puffs rapidly on his ivy patterned pipe, some pale gold wisps of fragrant spice-scented smoke dancing about him.
J>get my gher
Get what?
Jersea smirks at Malisai.
Myniart chuckles.
Vialena tickles Picler as they grin at each other.
Speaking to Malisai, Jersea asks, "I do?"
J>open my pack
You open a plainly wrapped package.
Speaking to Fremie, Glyhne says, "There was a lot of talk about hos and rakes."
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Picler removes a crisp dark green pickle from in his hide cloak.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Mhiia picks up a sweet gherkin.
Picler says, "I have my own."
Maags becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>drop gher
Seomanthe laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Picler taps a crisp dark green pickle, which is in his right hand.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
J>get my gher
Seomanthe picks up a sweet gherkin.
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Ruabadra picks up a sweet gherkin.
Glyhne stares at Picler.
J>get my gher
Terces raises his sweet gherkin to his nose and inhales. Blinking rapidly, he jerks the gherkin away.
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Glyhne laughs!
Cruxophim picks up a sweet gherkin.
J>get my gher
Seomanthe raises her sweet gherkin skyward!
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Cruxophim waves to a sweet gherkin.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Picler grins.
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Maags appears to lose some internal strength.
Seomanthe glances at Chalica.
Ruabadra raises her sweet gherkin to her nose and inhales. Blinking rapidly, she jerks the gherkin away.
Mhiia raises her sweet gherkin to her nose and inhales. Blinking rapidly, she jerks the gherkin away.
Chalica grins.
Roelaren picks up a sweet gherkin.
Seomanthe grins slowly.
Jersea picks up a sweet gherkin.
Cruxophim raises his sweet gherkin skyward!
Blinking a few times, Ruabadra stares oddly at a sweet gherkin.
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
Malisai picks up a sweet gherkin.
Speaking to you, Myniart says, "That is a lot of gherkin."
J>drop gher
You drop a sweet gherkin.
Roelaren takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Picler removes a frosted bumpy green bottle from in his leather backpack.
Glyhne picks up a sweet gherkin.
Chalica frets.
Mhiia grins wryly.
J>nod sage myni
Jersea takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
You nod sagely at Myniart.
Picler pours a few drops of perfume from his bumpy green bottle on himself.
Terces exclaims, "Careful! Gherkin in your eye will make you cry!"
Misun shifts her weight.
Jersea put some gigantic white fluffy ears in her silky sheened shawl.
Picler pours a few drops of perfume from his bumpy green bottle on himself.
Chalica grins.
Fender grins at Mhiia.
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Picler put a frosted bumpy green bottle in his leather backpack.
Roelaren softly says, "Yum."
Thandi takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Jeight laughs at Terces!
J>get my gher
You remove a sweet gherkin from in your plainly wrapped package.
J>say alright
You say, "Alright."
J>steeple good
With a serene smile, you lace your fingers together in quiet repose.
Picler takes a bite of his dark green pickle.
J>put gher in my pant
You put a sweet gherkin in your black leather pants.
You hum a random, wandering tune.
Cruxophim throws back his head and roars with laughter!
Radoria takes a drink from his spiced rum.
J>grin slowly
You grin slowly.
Radoria takes a drink from his spiced rum.
Radoria blinks his eyes a few times before squinting off into the distance, looking quite drunk.
Glyhne bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
J>scream ewin
You clear your throat.
Myniart raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Glyhne flashes a wide grin.
Mhiia can offer you only a blank expression.
Jersea takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
J>recite There was a young fellow named Perkin
Roelaren takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
You recite:

"There was a young fellow named Perkin"

Jersea takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
>recite who was always jerkin his gherkin
You recite:

"Who was always jerkin his gherkin"

J>grin wry
Speaking to her sweet gherkin, Glyhne says, "I like when they die loudly."
You grin wryly.
Vialena stares off into space.
Seomanthe dubiously says, "Uh oh.."
Radoria blinks oddly a few times.
Chalica whispers, "Perform till I come back."
J>rgambit get air gherkin from pant
You quickly remove a sweet gherkin from your black leather pants and snap your arm out, as if grabbing the gherkin from thin air.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Jeight snickers.
Thia nods at Dagor.
Jeight bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
J>tap gherkin
Jersea takes a bite of her sweet gherkin.
Cruxophim raises his hand.
You tap a sweet gherkin, which is in your right hand.
Maags glances at a sweet gherkin in her hand.
Thandi snickers.
Vialena winces.
Beldin snickers.
J>recite His father said PERKIN!; Stop jerkin your gherkin!
You recite:

"His father said PERKIN!
Stop jerkin your gherkin!"

>grip gherkin
Cruxophim waves to Maags.
You grip your sweet gherkin a little tighter.
Mhiia snickers.
Jersea tosses the last bit of sweet gherkin into the air and catches it in her mouth!
J>recite Your gherkins fer ferkin not jerkin
Radoria chuckles.
You recite:

"Your gherkins fer ferkin not jerkin"

Terces giggles.
Jeight says, "Amen."
J>raise gherkin
You raise your sweet gherkin skyward!
Maags smiles at Cruxophim.
Glyhne's jaw drops.
Thandi laughs!
You whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
Glyhne laughs!
Ruabadra acts puzzled.
You bow.
Myniart waves a sweet gherkin around.
Cruxophim ponders.
Jeight bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
Seomanthe bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
You sit down.
Thandi hoots.
Mhiia bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Puptilian turns to you and cheers!
Fender raises his voice in merry laughter.

An old huntress on her way to provide for her family overhears what is said. She gasps with disgust while quickly grabbing a bar of lye soap from her backpack.

The huntress says, "Ewin, I can't believe you weren't brought up with better manners than that. Maybe this will teach you a lesson!"

She then promptly washes your mouth out with the soap and continues on her way.

The GameMasters have instructed their assistant, the old woman, to wash your mouth out with soap. What you are saying in no way adds to the experience of the game but often offends other players. You are NOT getting an official warning at this time but rather a friendly reminder to please watch what and how you say things.

Only you will know of having your mouth washed out therefore there is no need to tell anyone else unless you wish to. Please do try to watch what you say.
Jeight laughs!
Myniart turns to you and cheers!
Jeight waves a sweet gherkin around.
Maags laughs!
You snicker.
Telsas chuckles.
Thandi lets out a cheer!
Cruxophim amusedly asks, "What's ferkin'?"
Jersea raises an eyebrow.
Jeight waves a sweet gherkin around.
Speaking to Radoria, Ruabadra says, "I don't get it."
Cruxophim hugs Maags, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Maags turns to you and cheers!
Terces whispers to the group, "I think I need to be THIS high for this joke."
Cruxophim beams happily at Maags!
Kirael scratches her nose.
Maags waves a sweet gherkin at you.
Radoria glances at Ruabadra.
Cruxophim applauds you.
Vialena buries her face in her hands.
Ruabadra looks rather confused.
Radoria topples over.
Glyhne whispers something to Cruxophim.
Telsas applauds you.
Maags hugs Cruxophim, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Fremie agrees with Radoria.
Terces says, "Something for gherkins apparently."
Cruxophim wiggles his nose.
Jeight takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
Thandi takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
Ruabadra looks rather confused.
sJ>grin slow
You grin slowly.
Ruabadra sits up.
Fremie begins chuckling at Ruabadra!
Maags just tried to pull a sweet gherkin.
Speaking to Ruabadra, Jersea says, "Apparently it's impolite to lick your pickle in public."
Speaking calmly to Aurien, Bevan says, "And Ylena was hauled off in irons for the box song."
Maags blinks at a sweet gherkin in her hand.
Myniart raises her sweet gherkin to her nose and inhales. Blinking rapidly, she jerks the gherkin away.
Roelaren shakes her head.
Picler chuckles.
Chalica stands up.
Puptilian whispers, "Ok that was funny."
The brilliant aura fades away from Terces.
Radoria attempts to move himself into a sitting position, only to fall flat on his back!
Cruxophim amusedly says, "Is it proper to do it public? Doesn't sound like."
Bevan puffs rapidly on his ivy patterned pipe, some pale gold wisps of fragrant spice-scented smoke dancing about him.
Picler pops his pickle into his mouth and smiles.
Radoria sits up.
Roelaren takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
Mhiia begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Jeight takes a bite of her sweet gherkin.
Radoria says, "'Bare the way!"
Vialena stands up.
Jeight tosses the last bit of sweet gherkin into the air and catches it in her mouth!
Chalica says, "You're in good hands with Ewin for the next couple minutes. I've got a pun waiting on me."
Radoria rubs his crystal amulet.
Radoria gets an odd look on his face.
Bevan thoughtfully says, "Times do change."
Chalica grins.
Ruabadra takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Cruxophim glances suspiciously at a sweet gherkin in his hand.
Bevan chuckles.
Glyhne bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Myniart whispers to the group, "Try licking your gherkin."
Bildiom just arrived.
Seomanthe waves a sweet gherkin at Cruxophim.
Ruabadra leans softly against Radoria.
Chalica goes down a walkway.
Seomanthe waves a sweet gherkin at Cruxophim.
Maags whispers, "Just wonderful!"
You cough.
Vialena exclaims, "Thank you all, and good luck performers!"
Ruabadra removes some frothy Bardfest brew from in her rabbit fur stole.
Speaking to Bevan, Jersea says, "Unfortunately."
Vialena goes down a walkway.
Ruabadra takes a drink from her Bardfest brew.
Ruabadra blinks her eyes a few times before bobbing her head, looking quite drunk.
Myniart bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
Cruxophim waves a sweet gherkin at Seomanthe.
Maags grins.
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Bevan agrees with Jersea.
Seomanthe snickers.
Ruabadra mutters something about dancing green mice.
Jersea glances at you.
Ruabadra takes a drink from her Bardfest brew.
Ruabadra blinks her eyes a few times, looking quite drunk.
Myniart raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Puptilian leans on you, giving you a companionable grin.
sJ>grin jer
You grin at Jersea.
Ruabadra bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
You shrug.
Thandi whispers to the group, "I love when my pickle tickles the back of my throat."
Speaking cheerfully to Seomanthe, Cruxophim exclaims, "En garde!"
Cruxophim waves a sweet gherkin at Seomanthe.
Mhiia takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
Glyhne smirks.
Terces smiles and swings his gherkin at Jeight getting pickle juice in her eye.
Glyhne takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Mhiia begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Seomanthe begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Cruxophim sets about preparing Glyhne to be as presentable as possible.
Myniart glances between Terces and Jeight.
Jeight gasps.
Cruxophim loses his intense expression.
Ruabadra rubs Jeight.
Jeight wrings her hands.
Thandi laughs at Jeight!
Myniart scoots over in front of Jeight.
Jeight says, "Gherkin."
Ruabadra tries to stuff her sweet gherkin in her ear.
Eruheran whispers to the group, "Lol!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Glyhne says, "I looked better last night."
Jeight says, "In my eye."
Glyhne sniffs.
Misun stands up.
Myniart stares at Terces.
Speaking bashfully to Glyhne, Cruxophim says, "You've got, uh.. pickle juice on yer chin."
Seomanthe rubs Jeight.
Misun goes down a walkway.
Cruxophim flashes a wide grin.
Glyhne says, "That's snot."
Jeight says, "Makes other people cry."
Glyhne grins at Cruxophim.
Jersea smiles at Tolwynn.
Terces whispers to the group, "Okay my wife is staring at me like i HAVE lost it."
Cruxophim winces.
Jeight gives Terces a good pinch!
Seomanthe takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Glyhne takes a bite of her sweet gherkin.
Thandi touches Jeight.
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Puptilian grins at you.
Ruabadra bites into her sweet gherkin with a crisp *SNAP*!
Myniart pokes Terces in the ribs.
Seomanthe grins.
Kieve stands up.
Ruabadra takes a drink from her Bardfest brew.
Ruabadra blinks her eyes a few times before bobbing her head, looking quite drunk.
(Cruxophim rubs his hand on his pants.)
Terces offers Myniart a sweet gherkin.
Myniart whispers to the group, "I bet."
Terces wiggles his eyebrows.
Roelaren leans on Barzillia resting her head against his shoulder.
Myniart declines Terces's offer.
Eruheran whispers to the group, "As if we haven't gone far enough into the gutter...there goes the pickle juice in the eye."
Ruabadra takes a drink from her Bardfest brew.
Ruabadra blinks her eyes a few times before bobbing her head, looking quite drunk.
Thandi drops a sweet gherkin.
Glyhne snickers.
Terces begins pouting.
Cruxophim sneezes, trying vainly to keep from spraying you.
Mhiia takes a big bite of her sweet gherkin.
Thandi picks up a sweet gherkin.
Fender takes a drink from his Bardfest brew.
Fender looks quite relaxed.
Terces offers Jeight a sweet gherkin.
Barzillia rests a gentle hand on Roelaren's arm.
Glyhne groans.
Thandi drops a sweet gherkin.
Jeight whispers to the group, "Shes thinking "he bettah keep that gherkin in his pocket"."
Thandi picks up a sweet gherkin.
Mhiia takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Ruabadra gawks at Cruxophim.
Speaking wryly to Glyhne, Cruxophim exclaims, "Oh thanks!"
Thandi drops a sweet gherkin.
Roelaren blinks at Cruxophim.
Thandi picks up a sweet gherkin.
Cruxophim winks and flashes a sly grin.
Kieve just came down a walkway.
Glyhne exclaims, "-I- was joking!"
Thandi says, "Slipperly little sucker."
Ruabadra put a sweet gherkin in her rabbit fur stole.
Glyhne sighs.
Ruabadra removes a gauzy aquamarine scarf from in her rabbit fur stole.
Fremie snickers at Thandi.
Seomanthe says, "These are not bad snackles."
Glyhne tosses the last bit of sweet gherkin into the air and catches it in her mouth!
Seomanthe takes a small nibble of her sweet gherkin. A dribble of pickle juice runs down her chin.
Cruxophim giggles at Thandi.
Roelaren takes a bite of her sweet gherkin.
Seomanthe passes a hand over her smooth, densely freckled ivory face.
Fremie stands up.
Seomanthe snickers to herself.
Fremie stretches.
(Ruabadra wipes Cruxophim's sneeze off of her.)
Puptilian rubs Seomanthe gently.
Glyhne says, "It was a bad joke.."
Roelaren gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Roelaren gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Roelaren.
Myniart whispers to the group, "You better be careful or you won't get to crash on the floor at dcon, you will be on lock down."
Terces whispers to the group, "Wow Thandi up and down up and down.. that poor gherkin."
Seomanthe begins chuckling at Puptilian!
Maags asks, "Gherkin pie?"
Ruabadra put a gauzy aquamarine scarf in her rabbit fur stole.
Cruxophim wiggles his nose.
Speaking to Seomanthe, Puptilian asks, "Need a drink after this?"
Mhiia takes a bite of her sweet gherkin.
Maags gazes in awe at a sweet gherkin in her hand.
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Seomanthe stares at Maags.
Roelaren gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Roelaren gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Roelaren.
Ruabadra takes a drink from her Bardfest brew.
Fremie stretches his arms out in front of him, attempting to loosen the tension in his neck and shoulders.
Seomanthe grins at Puptilian.
Dagor smiles and nods at Thia then walks up to Aurien.
Speaking to Puptilian, Seomanthe says, "Lots."
Ruabadra blinks oddly a few times.
Speaking bashfully to Ruabadra, Cruxophim exclaims, "Sorry!"
Mhiia tosses the last bit of sweet gherkin into the air and catches it in her mouth!

07-20-2012, 03:50 PM
that was a couple minutes lost I won't be getting back.

07-20-2012, 03:52 PM

07-20-2012, 04:11 PM
An old huntress on her way to provide for her family overhears what is said. She gasps with disgust while quickly grabbing a bar of lye soap from her backpack.

The huntress says, "Ewin, I can't believe you weren't brought up with better manners than that. Maybe this will teach you a lesson!"

She then promptly washes your mouth out with the soap and continues on her way.

The GameMasters have instructed their assistant, the old woman, to wash your mouth out with soap. What you are saying in no way adds to the experience of the game but often offends other players. You are NOT getting an official warning at this time but rather a friendly reminder to please watch what and how you say things.

Only you will know of having your mouth washed out therefore there is no need to tell anyone else unless you wish to. Please do try to watch what you say.


07-20-2012, 04:26 PM
I'm of the opinion that you getting soaped was lame...actually, beyond it. The rest was amusing. I just don't picture non-adults being at bardfest. Doesn't strike me as something the 11-15 years olds are into.

07-20-2012, 04:30 PM
Eh, I do know of a few kids that play GS. I'd say he deserved the soaping, being that he knew full well about the games rules and a song about jacking off probably isn't the best of things to sing there. I am glad they are enforcing such things too...

I'd prefer GS4 itself not turn into another version of Lich Chat.

07-20-2012, 05:49 PM
Should pretty much expect to get soaped there. I think it could have been better executed, though. A proper limericks should have an AAABBA rhyme scheme rather than AAAAAA.

There once was a boy named Perkin
Who often jerked his gherkin
When caught with his trousers down
His father said with a frown
Boy, don't you know that's for ferkin?

Just a suggestion for next time. Bardfest is surely good trollbait.

07-20-2012, 06:36 PM
Raunch always wins it! Shoulda stuck to my usual. ;) Sadly, I missed the Thursday night Bardfest rounds but from the read, this was a hilariously executed act. Big thumbs up!

10-05-2012, 02:45 AM
Thaaaaat was a lot of fun. *grin*