View Full Version : a voluminous jet black wig (with hidden albino serpent inside) EG

07-16-2012, 06:54 PM
a voluminous jet black wig

wear my wig
You put on the jet black wig, completely enveloping your natural hair.

tap my wig
You tap your jet black wig, stirring the albino serpent dwelling in it. The serpent slithers out from the wig, tasting the air with its forked tongue before retreating back into your voluminous, jet black hair.

prod wig
You lightly pull on the edge of your jet black wig, readjusting its fit.

remove wig
You carefully remove the jet black wig from your head, revealing your natural hair.

I'm not sure if there's anymore zests, but those are the ones I found.. Got this done at Ebon Gate

MB 500k
BO 2mil