View Full Version : Weapon Specialization 1 question....

07-11-2012, 08:38 AM
I have 2 ranks in Weapon Specialization 1 with my claid. Sometimes when a critter turtles I switch over to a maul, for the extra AS, that is ebladed to kill the critter. Ever since I picked up the second rank the maul has killed me twice with fragments. It never did with 1 rank. Anyone else run into this issue?
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a beech-handled invar-studded maul in your right hand.
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to your chest breaking several ribs!
Hard to breathe!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
An arctic titan lumbers into view.
A frost giant lumbers in, followed by a swirling snowstorm!
Vindicate just arrived.
Vindicate just went northeast.
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
Focusing on your bloodlust, you shake yourself out of the stun!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a beech-handled invar-studded maul in your right hand.
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to your chest breaking several ribs!
Hard to breathe!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You become solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
You return to normal color.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...
The titan flails its huge arms around angrily.
The titan flails its huge arms around angrily.
A frost giant howls in icy delight as a bitter snowstorm swirls around her!
>grou open
Your group status is already open.
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a beech-handled invar-studded maul in your right hand.
An arctic titan carelessly steps on your dead body, squishing it.
An arctic titan limps south.
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a beech-handled invar-studded maul in your right hand.
A frost giant mutters an incantation.
The titan flails its huge arms around angrily.
Without warning, the winds intensify, howling as they rush through the area. Snow and sleet ride violently upon them, raking across your face!
A frost giant waves an icy hand!
A light blue glow surrounds a frost giant.
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a beech-handled invar-studded maul in your right hand.
The invar-studded maul in your right hand returns to normal.

07-11-2012, 08:50 AM
That looks like you got weaponfired... I think it's titans up there that cast that spell. It's ridiculously dangerous, even at cap. You should highlight the messaging, and as soon as you get hit with it (you get about 5 seconds before the first "flare"), disk or drop the weapon and pull your claidh back out.


KP has the messaging, and confirms that it was most likely that titan that nailed you.

07-11-2012, 08:59 AM
That looks like you got weaponfired... I think it's titans up there that cast that spell. It's ridiculously dangerous, even at cap. You should highlight the messaging, and as soon as you get hit with it (you get about 5 seconds before the first "flare"), disk or drop the weapon and pull your claidh back out.


KP has the messaging, and confirms that it was most likely that titan that nailed you.

Yep, that is it for sure. Thanks!

07-11-2012, 01:54 PM
There isn't a flat time on how long it can be before the weapon flares on you. It is based on how successful the cast and the level of the creature compared to yours. Weaponfire is really weird, it is a CS spell but there is also a hidden spell aim check of sorts that determines if it actually hits you. There are times when you will fail the warding and you won't get hit and even more rare you can ward off the CS attack and still be hit.

07-11-2012, 06:38 PM
I just started hunting the area and I just thought WSpec 1 might have something to do with it.