View Full Version : Looking to buy Capped Wizard

Gemstone Four
07-10-2012, 03:14 AM
Please PM me with info and price. Thanks for looking!

Gemstone Four
07-10-2012, 05:38 PM
Why would someone negative rep this post with the quote "They Cost Money"?
Obviously because they can do in anonymously. Hehe.

07-10-2012, 06:30 PM
If that's someone's concern here, I'll happily vouch for the cleverly-monikered original poster in high-dollar transactions.

Gemstone Four
07-10-2012, 11:01 PM
Thanks Dan!

Gemstone Four
07-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Haha, another post by the same misguided soul stating "WELL THEY AREN'T FREE".
Obviously they are not free which is why I posted a message in the characters folder asking for a price.

I view reputation as a gauge if I want to do a deal with someone, are they trustworthy etc. not because they make stupid comments
on the forum page. Even though this kid obviously does not understand the concept of reputation I would never give him negative rep
for making the stupid comments he has because I have never done a deal with him. His lack of smarts does not reflect his REPUTATION as a good seller or buyer. It is people like this kid that makes this reputation system unreliable when trying to determine whether to do business with someone or not.
If anyone would like to do deals with me I will gladly provide real references rather than bogus negative rep comments by one unsophisticated kid. And no I won't be surprised when he posts another negative rep comment. hehe