View Full Version : Voln Review

07-04-2012, 12:42 PM
Interesting, hope to see CoL get some looks .. though hopefully no wracking nerf heh.


As previously announced, we have undertaken a review of the society of Voln and have settled upon a number of changes that we believe will result in an overall improvement to the Order of Voln and its current state vis a vis the other societies. These changes have not yet been released into Prime/Plat/Shattered, but will be as part of the Monk release.

Note that the former unarmed combat abilities that made up "Voln-fu" will be folded into the upcoming Unarmed Combat System that will be released alongside the Monk profession. Some steps will be still related to unarmed combat, granting unique abilities to Voln brawlers.

While these changes represent the final state of our deliberations, we will monitor them closely following their release. Any comments, questions, concerns, or other feedback is welcome.

Symbol Changes:

Note: Several symbols have shifted position in what step on the Path to Enlightenment that they are learned on. In some cases, this was due to a change in relative power level and in other cases to better match the symbol to the nature of the Arkati associated with that step. If you are currently progressing in Voln, you will find that certain symbols that have shifted to the higher up steps will be no longer available until you reach the new rank.

Global Symbol Changes

Favor - The favor system has been somewhat streamlined to be less harsh on lower level players, who tended to be charged a relatively high favor cost versus the favor rewards they typically got from like-level hunting. In addition, "symbol favor" has been seperated from "advancement favor", so that a Voln member that is still advancing through the steps can freely spend their favor on symbols without having to worry about slowing down their progress towards the next step. Finally, visions recieved in the meditation chamber will no longer have a random error component.

Symbol Success Resolution - Previously, many symbols that required a success check on whether they affected the targeted foe or not used many different resolution systems. Some (like Sleep) used a psuedo CS/TD check, while others like Submission used a straight level check. As part of this review, we have combined all the disparate success resolution systems into a standard one indentical to that used by the Guardians of Sunfist sigils.

Step 1 - Symbol of Recognition

No changes.

Step 2 - Symbol of Blessing

The former magical metal blessing function of the Symbol of Holiness has been consolidated into the Symbol of Blessing. The Symbol of Blessing will now affect combat gear with an enchantment up to your Voln rank times 2 (VolnRank * 2). For example at Step 2, you be able to bless gear with an echantment value up to +4. By Step 25, you will be able to bless any blessable magical metal.

Step 3 - Symbol of Thought

No changes.

Step 4 - New Symbol

The current Symbol of Recovery is being removed and replaced with a new symbol: the Symbol of Diminishment. If successfully used on a creature, it will temporarily reduce a targeted undead creature's DS, TD, and CMAN defense by -1 per Voln rank you possess.

Step 5 - Symbol of Courage

No changes.

Step 6 - Symbol of Protection

The Symbol of Protection will provide a TD bonus equal to half your Voln rank, in addition to its current DS benefit.

Step 7 - Repositioned Symbol

The Symbol of Submission will be moved from Step 16 into this slot vacated by Charl's Throw. It has been updated to use the standard success resolution system noted above.

Step 8 - New Symbol

Kai's Strike will replace Kai's Punch. It will allow unarmed combat attacks to damage undead creatures without the normal requirement of blessed gear. Unlike the rest of the symbols, this is a passive ability and is automatically granted to all unarmed combat attacks without requiring favor.

Step 9 - Repositioned Symbol

The Symbol of Holiness will be moved from Step 16 into this slot vacated by Phoen's Kick. Its former weapon/armor blessing functionality will be consolidated into the Symbol of Blessing, leaving it to be solely a direct damage attack against the undead. It has been updated to use the standard success resolution system noted above.

Step 10 - New Symbol

The Symbol of Calming is being removed and replaced with a new symbol: the Symbol of Recall. This new symbol can only be used while you are dead. It will call upon Lorminstra for a boon when you are restored to life. Upon returning to life after a resurection or decay, you will receive a free full spell-up of all spells known to you, and the restoration of up to 10-20 foreign spells that were present on you at the time of death (using whatever duration and magnitude they possessed at the time of your death). Lorminstra will not favor those who voluntarily depart.

Step 11 - Symbol of Sleep

The immunity that the undead possessed to this symbol has been removed. While some undead may be able to rouse themselves after being affected, all will now be initially vulnerable. In addition, the mass version of this symbol will no longer affect other player characters in the room. Finally, it has been updated to use the standard success resolution system noted above.

Step 12 - New Symbol

The current Symbol of Turning is being moved to Step 22. In its vacated place will be a new symbol: the Symbol of Transcendence. This symbol will allow the player to step into the space between the corporeal and ethereal realms for 30 seconds. While in this state, players will take damage as if they were an incorporeal creature (i.e. critical wounds will be much harder to inflict upon them and combat maneuvers will be harder to land on them). After this symbol's duration expires, there is a 3 minute hard cooldown period where the symbol cannot be reactivated. This symbol may be invoked while the player is stunned, webbed, bound, or in RT, in which case the cooldown period is 10 minutes.

Step 13 - Symbol of Mana

The deed cost structure for this symbol has been altered. Initial use of this symbol will cost only favor and no deeds. After this use, the symbol will enter a soft cooldown period of 5 minutes, where additional activations will require 1 deed per use. Clerics may be interested to note that the symbol will become useable while dead, should any Miracles be required.

Step 14 - Symbol of Sight

No changes.

Step 15 - Repositioned Symbol

With the Symbol of Holiness moving to Step 8, the Symbol of Retribution will be moved from Step 19 to fill this slot. While dead, Retribution will function in much the same way, using the standard success resolution system noted above. If used while alive, Retribution will surround the user with an aura that reactively flares with divine retribution at undead who manage to strike the player (in much the same way as reactive armor flares). This use of the symbol has a duration of 10 seconds per Voln rank (stackable).

Step 16 - New Symbol

With the Symbol of Submission moving to Step 7, this slot will be filled with a new symbol: the Symbol of Supremacy. While this symbol is active, the player will receive a +1 bonus per two Voln ranks to AS/CS/CMAN against undead creatures. This symbol has a duration of 10 seconds per Voln rank (stackable).

Step 17 - Symbol of Restoration

A minimum of 10 HP will be returned per activation. Otherwise unchanged.

Step 18 - Symbol of Need

No changes.

Step 19 - New Symbol

With the Symbol of Retribution moving to Step 16, a new symbol will take its vacated slot: the Symbol of Renewal. Each use of this symbol will immediately restore 1 Spirit Point to the player. After each use, the symbol enters a hard cooldown period of 2 minutes where the symbol cannot be reactivated.

Step 20 - New Symbol

A new symbol has been created to fill the slot vacated by Charl's Throw II: the Symbol of Disruption. Invoking this symbol will cause the player and all group members to be surrounded by a churning spectral aura. This aura is anathema to non-corporeal undead. Any non-corporeal undead struck while under this symbol's effect will suffer a temporary disruption in their link to the corporeal plane. It will be dealt roundtime based on on the critical rank of the attack and will suffer a temporary penalty to AS/DS/CS/TD/CMAN while disrupted. Disruptions cannot be stacked or refreshed on particular creature, though once the first disruption has run its course, the creature may be disrupted again.

Step 21 - New Symbol

Kai's Punch II will be replaced with Kai's Smite. This attack will be an unarmed combat attack, activated via the SMITE verb. If it connects, instead of doing damage, it will temporarily pull a non-corporeal undead creature into corporealness. Against a corporeal undead creature, it will make the creature temporarily more susceptible to damage. It has no effect upon living creatures.

Step 22 - Repositioned Symbol

The Symbol of Turning is moving from Step 12 to fill the slot vacated by Phoen's Kick II. It has been updated to use the new success resolution system noted above, which should significantly increase the usability of the symbol for most classes.

Step 23 - Symbol of Preservation

No changes.

Step 24 - Symbol of Dreams

The Symbol of Dreams will be updated to double the rate at which the user recovers from the stat loss effects of Death's Sting. Players will also be able to talk with other players while under the effects of this symbol, instead of being required to be completely incommunicado.

Step 25 - Symbol of Return

No changes.

Step 26 - New Symbol

The ability of Voln masters to invite others into the Order will remain via the INVITE verb, but will no longer take up an entire symbol slot. Instead, a new symbol will be implemented to take its place: the Symbol of Seeking. Calling upon the zeal of the Great Spirit Voln, the player will be able to teleport from any Voln outpost directly to a chosen undead hunting ground in the general vicinity. This ability is similar to the effect of the tapestry in the Wehnimer's monastery, but will be available in all towns as an innate ability. Of note, players will be able to directly teleport from Icemule to the Cavern of Ages, or from Kharam-Dzu directly into the Water Temple. This symbol requires no favor to use.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Voln - General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


Suppressed Poet
07-04-2012, 01:09 PM
Fuck yeah!!!!

I stuck it out with my mage and refused to change from Voln. Glad they are making some much needed fixes and it makes me happy I toughed it out.

07-04-2012, 01:16 PM
Glad to see some CS buffs in here. Makes Voln a more attractive choice for casters!

07-04-2012, 01:25 PM
Very cool. But, monks...

07-04-2012, 01:28 PM
Some really good changes, TD buffs for voln along with a lot of other cool stuff we've requested. Tapestries in every town! Of course, after a decade of being totally ignored I finally gave up on voln and went sunfist a few months ago...

07-04-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm glad my sorc is still Voln. With the new changes, when they come out, it'll be a lot easier to step up in Voln aswell, seeing as use of favor won't diminish your accumulated favor to next step.

07-04-2012, 01:34 PM
Once again Coase comes through with great development.

Adventurer's Guild, GoS/warcamps, warrior guild updates and now this!!

Badly needed too.

07-04-2012, 02:27 PM
Amen on the badly needed part.

This will make Voln significantly more attractive, especially for Rift and Temple hunters. I'm moderately unhappy that they still left GoS as the only society with "camps" to go hunt in. It is still just such a big draw for people.

I'm happy with the new symbols and the refit of the old ones. The symbol of Recall is going to be very nice. I can see a cleric using it, symbol of mana, then using Miracle and just go right back to hunting without even needing to go rest afterward. The big help is probably for hunting non-corporeals. Looks like they really stepped it up there. The new blessing symbol changes are very nice. Overall, I'd give it a B+. They made a rather large stride the right way with this. If they'd added the graveyard/warcamp concept to it, I'd probably convert. As it is, I am simply happy that both my wizard and cleric are still masters in Voln.

07-04-2012, 03:51 PM
Personally, I'm really excited to see some of these changes. My ranger who joined Voln for RP purposes can finally actually use it for something other than Return.

07-04-2012, 04:03 PM
I hope Coase can add some warcamp type thing here. It would make me think about Voln for caster types. As it stands I still think COL is better for pures.

07-04-2012, 04:06 PM
They said on the officials, rather recently, that they will not be adding a camp like feature for Voln.

07-04-2012, 04:40 PM
As Voln is now I only use Courage, Protection, Holiness, and the occasional Dreams. I can see my char using these new symbols every hunt as he hunts undead exclusively. Nice to see Voln getting retooled in the face of all the other improvements to the game.

While the idea of a GOS like camp spawn is a super cool idea it looks like the master Symbol of Seeking kinda accomplishes something similar in terms of accessing hunting areas specific to the goal of the society.

07-04-2012, 04:41 PM
Agreed about the symbol of seeking. I think it's a good way to streamline hunting for the society.

07-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Agreed about the symbol of seeking. I think it's a good way to streamline hunting for the society.

Yeah. It suits me particularly because my char sticks around a town that has a huge gap in hunting areas. That would effectively eliminate his ever having to move towns due to leveling like many people do now. Except of course for those crazy GOSers.

07-04-2012, 05:21 PM
Symbol of Seeking requires no favor and you can bypass the swimming to get to Nelemar.. That's pure win!!

07-04-2012, 05:36 PM
True to form, they don't believe in incremental change at Simutronics. When they change something, they do it big. Will have to spend a little time digesting this, but it looks pretty awesome.

07-04-2012, 05:46 PM
True to form, they don't believe in incremental change at Simutronics. When they change something, they do it big. Will have to spend a little time digesting this, but it looks pretty awesome.

Heh, I was thinking this almost sounds too strong. The powers are pretty incredible sounding when you read them. Seeing how they execute should be interesting. They are so limited in scope, though. If you are in Voln, they really want you to only hunt undead. Reminds me of those ethereal weapons...lays the hammer down on undead but leaves you hanging in the wind if it's a demon, troll, orc or whatever. I suppose it appears that you could use about five of the powers with decent effect on living. Will be interesting to see if more have any real effect.

07-04-2012, 07:44 PM
I've always made it a habit to not use my voln symbols on living critters anyway since there's no favor return. With undead you can pull ahead, or at least break even. With living you're just spending favor, so the fact that most of this is geared toward undead doesn't bother me a bit.

07-04-2012, 07:48 PM
In before teh CoL whiners

07-04-2012, 09:14 PM
The need to program society favor bars into Stormfront. I'll tell you that Stamina bar has been enormously helpful in helping me manage Surge and maneuvers.

07-04-2012, 09:39 PM
The need to program society favor bars into Stormfront. I'll tell you that Stamina bar has been enormously helpful in helping me manage Surge and maneuvers.

Or figure out some way to accurately calculate one for uberbar, which would be way more likely to happen first, since players generally get things done much faster than GMs.

07-04-2012, 09:44 PM
I gotta admit, fairly amazing

07-04-2012, 11:01 PM
Or figure out some way to accurately calculate one for uberbar, which would be way more likely to happen first, since players generally get things done much faster than GMs.

True. It would be nice if GS had something for the casual player. Like some MUDs have programmable text based health bars. They look something like this and are totally customizable...

HP:||||||||||||||||MN:||||||||||||||||SP:||||||||| |||||||||

07-05-2012, 01:31 AM
Do you all feel that Sign of Wracking is still too powerful compared to GoS and Voln?

07-05-2012, 01:55 AM
Do you all feel that Sign of Wracking is still too powerful compared to GoS and Voln?

Never have.

07-05-2012, 01:58 AM
In before teh CoL whiners

Not a whine, though I am genuinely curious to see what they have in mind for COL. Looking at that +1 spirit every 2 minutes symbol I just can't see them leaving Wracking alone. I'm thinking hard timer.

07-05-2012, 01:05 PM
Awesome list. But when will it be in the game...

07-05-2012, 01:25 PM
It is pretty extensive. If it's not already fairly well developed, I have to believe that this sets the monk release back quite a bit, so long as they adhere to the idea that the two elements come out congruently. If all this needs to be developed, you're maybe looking at next summer? Who knows really? predicting Gemstone release dates is more of a comedic exercise than any sort of an art form.

07-05-2012, 02:00 PM
It is pretty extensive. If it's not already fairly well developed, I have to believe that this sets the monk release back quite a bit, so long as they adhere to the idea that the two elements come out congruently. If all this needs to be developed, you're maybe looking at next summer? Who knows really? predicting Gemstone release dates is more of a comedic exercise than any sort of an art form.

To me this announcement is bigger then monks because it will impact chars that already exist. I really hope they don't drag their feet on this but I don't expect much. It would be nice if they didn't announce this until it was near completion but I'm not holding my breath.

07-05-2012, 04:21 PM
It is pretty extensive. If it's not already fairly well developed, I have to believe that this sets the monk release back quite a bit, so long as they adhere to the idea that the two elements come out congruently. If all this needs to be developed, you're maybe looking at next summer? Who knows really? predicting Gemstone release dates is more of a comedic exercise than any sort of an art form.

Based on what I read, it's done and will be released when monks are ready to be released. It never came across to me as, "we're going to hold up monks for this to be completed." I think these changes are ready to roll in, and will, as soon as all monk stuff is complete. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't all come out once Simucon is done and over with.

07-05-2012, 04:26 PM
10 sounds absolutely amazing.

Can't wait.

07-05-2012, 04:28 PM
You don't see this before 2014 at the earliest.

07-05-2012, 04:33 PM
10 sounds absolutely amazing.

Can't wait.

Definitely seems cool. Hopefully it just restores all spells at the time of death to their previous duration. If it's all known spells, I could see that being annoying with 102.

07-05-2012, 04:37 PM
Definitely seems cool. Hopefully it just restores all spells at the time of death to their previous duration. If it's all known spells, I could see that being annoying with 102.

It'd be nice if they had the foresight to allow you to somehow set what spells you want to restore.

07-05-2012, 04:45 PM
Yet another example of everyone being whiny as shit about a potential review that turns out to be awesome.

07-05-2012, 04:47 PM
Definitely seems cool. Hopefully it just restores all spells at the time of death to their previous duration. If it's all known spells, I could see that being annoying with 102.

They have stated on the officials that this will be fine for anyone who is not a pure. If you are a pure, you are going to recover with 102 on you.

It'd be nice if they had the foresight to allow you to somehow set what spells you want to restore.

Again, according to what I've read on the officials, this is not the case. It's not a matter of setting flags, yet. It is simply, you recover your maximum known spells at full time limit. Minus 102 is you are a square or semi.

07-05-2012, 04:47 PM
You don't see this before 2014 at the earliest.

See, what blows me away is that this is the first detail that we've heard. We've given lots of feedback, with a pretty tight-lipped lack of response as to what they were going to change. That's fine, I understand that, because we can really be a pain in the rear when handed enough info, but I just don't see how this is that far down the development pipeline without the cat getting out of the bag before this announcement.

I think Kronius is closer on timeline than Drakefang/Galenok, though I hope I'm wrong.

Possible scenarios:

Already 3/4s done, decide to release before monks get done and release the voln improvements in a January 2013 release.
At the proposal stage with little to no coding done, but still released separately from monks: summer 2013 release.
Stick to the "congruent with monks release" plan, but 3/4s done: summer 2013 release.
Stick to the "congruent with monks release" plan... fall 2014, slowing down both releases as all bumps in both programs need to be fixed before release.
OMG monks!: 2018 release.

07-05-2012, 04:50 PM
It has to be released with monks--or at least the new UAC system--because of the changes to voln fu.

07-05-2012, 04:57 PM
Monks and uac will be out at the same time.

07-05-2012, 05:04 PM
See, what blows me away is that this is the first detail that we've heard. We've given lots of feedback, with a pretty tight-lipped lack of response as to what they were going to change. That's fine, I understand that, because we can really be a pain in the rear when handed enough info, but I just don't see how this is that far down the development pipeline without the cat getting out of the bag before this announcement.

I think Kronius is closer on timeline than Drakefang/Galenok, though I hope I'm wrong.

Possible scenarios:

Already 3/4s done, decide to release before monks get done and release the voln improvements in a January 2013 release.
At the proposal stage with little to no coding done, but still released separately from monks: summer 2013 release.
Stick to the "congruent with monks release" plan, but 3/4s done: summer 2013 release.
Stick to the "congruent with monks release" plan... fall 2014, slowing down both releases as all bumps in both programs need to be fixed before release.
OMG monks!: 2018 release.

I just don't fathom how we could be that far from monks being ready to be released. They've been beta'd and so has the UAC and a majority of their spells have been tested at the same time as the rest. Additionally, it would be beyond irresponsible into downright sabotage (corporately speaking) to hold up monks for a voln review. The Voln review, I believe, was initiated shortly into the monk creation process due to the insistence of removing the UAC from Voln (in the form of voln fu). We're not going to be told outright how ready everything is, however I really believe both monks and the voln review are well past any beta testing and are going to be release before school gets into full swing. At the very latest, right after Ebon Gate.

Beta monk testing was over a good while ago now. It was stated that monks and the associated systems looked good and the changes made due to testing were minor. Also, that there'd be no further testing involved on the players part. That just says to me they are closer the being complete that your assessment, Droit. Honest, you think they'd spit these review notes out and not be done or nearly done with them and then claim it'll force the pushback of the monk release? If anything I believe in Coase and that he's ready to push a button and it's he whom is waiting for the monks to be ironed out.

However, we are talking about SIMU here. They seem to be known for sticking knives in their own backs.

07-05-2012, 05:11 PM
Drakefang, logically speaking you are correct but don't forget Simu tanked that stat a long time ago.

07-05-2012, 05:38 PM
Based on what I read, it's done and will be released when monks are ready to be released. It never came across to me as, "we're going to hold up monks for this to be completed." I think these changes are ready to roll in, and will, as soon as all monk stuff is complete. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't all come out once Simucon is done and over with.

I believe we read the same thing. I just went back and re-read it, and there's nothing to indicate that it's done, however there are several words in there that could be read to imply that it isn't. For example, "we've undertaken a review" and "this represents.... our deliberations". These don't sound like, "we've finished coding some changes and have tested them and they're awesome" to me. I think they're a long way from done, but I'm still excited about the changes.

And regarding my various scenarios, one of the reasons they indicate in some cases another 2 years before release is that any time you release two things that are dependant on one another, then one small snag in either one holds up both of them. Whether or not monks are done becomes immaterial if you're insisting on waiting till the Voln changes are done before releasing monks. The exception being that whomever is working on the Voln changes is going to get some added pressure.

I think the changes are awesome, and hope they come out sooner rather than later. Heck, I hope they release them tomorrow. Time will tell.

PS: I am not Droit.

07-05-2012, 06:47 PM
They've shown that they will uncouple things (eventually) if one part of a release seems to be slowing up another. Worst case scenario this will delay monks long enough for them to finally decide to drop the voln review and kick out monks.

07-05-2012, 07:05 PM
My 2014 prediction was being generous, too. Call me a skeptic, but it took 1 spell (Balefire) years of development and a half year of beta testing. Monks have been in development way longer than that and just STARTED beta. Think about it, they don't have that many QCers on staff, if that 2012 list is even accurate anymore. If we see these before 2014 I will be SHOCKED and will happily eat crow.

07-05-2012, 07:06 PM
I have no idea how far along these releases are, but I will say that I wouldn't be surprised if monks took a little while to complete. During the beta, I was coming up with ~10 issues per day regarding monk/uac implementation. Many of these were minor, but a few had some serious balance implications. When you start messing with balance, it requires some pretty rigorous testing to make sure related systems aren't negatively impacted.

That being said, their releases don't usually lag too far behind their announcements, with some notable exceptions (e-lore).

07-05-2012, 08:41 PM
I'd hazard a guess that the Voln review was always intended to happen alongside monks since they both have UAC implications. Would you have said so before you had monks in beta, though? If they made an announcement that "the Voln review and development will coincide with monks" before monks went beta, we'd all be having a good laugh. Some of us are kind of doing that now... even after they're in beta.

Not surprised to hear that there were game balance issues with monks. Some of those abilities looked insane.

07-05-2012, 08:52 PM
I'd hazard a guess that the Voln review was always intended to happen alongside monks since they both have UAC implications. Would you have said so before you had monks in beta, though? If they made an announcement that "the Voln review and development will coincide with monks" before monks went beta, we'd all be having a good laugh. Some of us are kind of doing that now... even after they're in beta.

Not surprised to hear that there were game balance issues with monks. Some of those abilities looked insane.

I think as soon as they got into it and decided how they were going to do it, (how different it would be from other combat forms), they decided they needed to upgrade voln-fu and then it all kind of had to happen together. And they DID say before the monk beta.

07-05-2012, 09:00 PM
In spite of all the Voln lover crowing, you still have to hunt the undead for this stuff

07-05-2012, 09:03 PM
I hunt whatever I want, I still keep enough favor without having to target just undead

07-05-2012, 09:04 PM
In spite of all the Voln lover crowing, you still have to hunt the undead for this stuff

That is a draw back but for most of these changes, seems pretty worth it.

Suppressed Poet
07-05-2012, 09:50 PM
Perhaps I am optimistic, but I think they are done or near done too. The development team would have to had thought about this in the early stages of monk/UAC development because of Voln Fu.

Beyond that, people have been screaming for a voln overhaul for awhile. They have kept their silence. So why now? Why would they post this up in the officials at this chosen time? I think it is beacuse we will see it relatively soon. My guess is on or before Q1 2013.

07-05-2012, 10:22 PM
At least some of it appears to be done.

GameMaster Coase coded it differently.

Definitely implied it was completed in the past.

07-05-2012, 11:34 PM
I hunt whatever I want, I still keep enough favor without having to target just undead

You must have missed where so many of the benefits come against undead creatures.

07-05-2012, 11:46 PM
You must have missed where so many of the benefits come against undead creatures.

Not really. You can hunt living just fine with Voln, you just won't use 2/3 of the symbols to do so. You will still be capable of using more than just protection and courage. Will hunting undead be more beneficial and allow more flexibility, absolutely. However, the above statement doesn't really address the quote. Having more powers to fight undead doesn't mean you can only hunt undead.

Suppressed Poet
07-05-2012, 11:47 PM
Voln today doesn't really dictate you hunt undead exclusively upon mastery. Sure you have to balance your hunting, but once you get to the mid-levels you get a good ammount of favor for killing a single undead. I'd stand to say my mage does something like 80% living and 20% undead. He has never run out of favor after mastering. Although admitably, the only symbols he really uses on a regular basis are protection and courage. It will probably be more scaled to undead with more symbols used that actually has a decent effect.

If you take GOS, the best quality in my opinion is sigil of major bane for the critical weighting to attacks. The built in mechanics have enough of an encouraging factor that my bard almost exclusively hunts hated enemies and grimswarm. Voln is really no different except the favor system makes it a requirement you hunt undead to some degree.

On that note, I wonder how the changes to the favor system will impact higher level characters. It talks about it being both easier to obtain favor at the lower levels and seperating advancement from usage. My guess is they will borrow the same mechanics of GOS where you get 50 for a same level critter and +or- 5 per level difference. That is going to hurt those capped or near cap, as the current system is just 1 favor per level of the undead critter.

07-06-2012, 11:39 AM
I'd say that the whole Monk, UAC, Voln review is ready to go live very, very soon. Plat has a storyline going on that had an NPC using monk spells and the new UAC system against players last night. Afterwards there was a different voln NPC that was talking to us about voln monasteries being attacked and before he left he stated:
Vordilian says, "Perhaps this refugee will be the key to The Order's survival. If they know of things that could aid us against our enemy."
Vordilian says, "Maybe we can learn the skills you speak of."
Vordilian says, "And fight them on equal grounds."

Sounds like a storyline leading up to release of monks, uac and voln to me.

07-06-2012, 11:46 AM
I'd say that the whole Monk, UAC, Voln review is ready to go live very, very soon. Plat has a storyline going on that had an NPC using monk spells and the new UAC system against players last night. Afterwards there was a different voln NPC that was talking to us about voln monasteries being attacked and before he left he stated:
Vordilian says, "Perhaps this refugee will be the key to The Order's survival. If they know of things that could aid us against our enemy."
Vordilian says, "Maybe we can learn the skills you speak of."
Vordilian says, "And fight them on equal grounds."

Sounds like a storyline leading up to release of monks, uac and voln to me.

that's pretty awesome

07-06-2012, 01:38 PM
Hope you'e right RSR.

07-06-2012, 03:21 PM
I think anyone at cap or even near cap will have no issues with their favor, I don't remember a time when I haven't had unlimited spins on the orb. I have spammed the crap out of symbol of holiness on plane 5, and retribution while dead.

07-06-2012, 03:30 PM
I think anyone at cap or even near cap will have no issues with their favor, I don't remember a time when I haven't had unlimited spins on the orb. I have spammed the crap out of symbol of holiness on plane 5, and retribution while dead.

Don't forget that a tweaking of favor accumulation is part of this, and that tweaking seems to be designed to help younger characters with the disparity in favor gain. Hopefully the other end of that disparity, (lots of favor gain at high levels), doesn't get the down side of that tweak.

07-06-2012, 03:51 PM
Don't forget that a tweaking of favor accumulation is part of this, and that tweaking seems to be designed to help younger characters with the disparity in favor gain. Hopefully the other end of that disparity, (lots of favor gain at high levels), doesn't get the down side of that tweak.

It'd be nice if they gave all the existing voln masters the favor they spent mastering back. This won't happen but it would help me get some damn spins!

07-06-2012, 06:03 PM
I bet this releases right before, or right after EG ends. Heh.. we should start another betting pool =p

07-07-2012, 04:58 AM
>While I'm by no means looking for anything resembling a release date, I am curious if you can say ballpark where this is as far as development? -Balinworn

Sure. It's done. -Finros

>I guess just getting at are we thinking months, quarters, years down the road before players start to see this? -Balinworn

Nope. -Finros

There you have it. Wow.

07-07-2012, 04:58 AM
>While I'm by no means looking for anything resembling a release date, I am curious if you can say ballpark where this is as far as development?

Sure. It's done.

>I guess just getting at are we thinking months, quarters, years down the road before players start to see this?




07-07-2012, 05:00 AM



07-07-2012, 05:13 AM
His keyboard says no but their track record punches small children with a maniacal cackle.

07-07-2012, 11:40 AM

07-07-2012, 01:30 PM
I know this sounds crazy but this could be happening as early as next week. There is some sort of monk related event going on in Platinum, don't they sometimes get an early peek at new mechanics like this? Then there are the July-August platinum trials. Maybe someone at Simutronics realized it would be a great way to introduce monks and maybe get some more Plat subscribers if they released monks during the trial in Plat.

I know ... I KNOW. But it is at least possible. :)

07-07-2012, 04:23 PM
I know this sounds crazy but this could be happening as early as next week. There is some sort of monk related event going on in Platinum, don't they sometimes get an early peek at new mechanics like this? Then there are the July-August platinum trials. Maybe someone at Simutronics realized it would be a great way to introduce monks and maybe get some more Plat subscribers if they released monks during the trial in Plat.

I know ... I KNOW. But it is at least possible. :)

That'd require Simu to know some marketing....ok, they do know how to market to their existing player base. Can't totally discount the possibility.

07-07-2012, 05:40 PM
See, Kerl, I was pretty much spot on. I didn't think we'd get such a finished product post as the Voln Review was unless it was done or very close. It just read like it was done.

07-07-2012, 05:47 PM
It would appear that your swami hat is more accurate than mine. I think my earliest scenario was January. We'll see if it comes out before then. Hopefully it's in good shape and ready to go.

07-07-2012, 05:52 PM
Heh, as long as you weren't one of the ones saying 2014.

07-07-2012, 05:57 PM
It looks like Simu intends to make good on its standing promise to release things to Plat first, which is one of Plat's perqs. If they're being logical, then letting Plat have monks and the Voln review by itself until the end of the Plat trials makes sense. I'd expect Prime to get the two in Sept or so.

07-07-2012, 06:20 PM

It makes my cleric happy.

07-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Voln upgrades and UAC went live in plat tonight. Still no Monks yet, but the storyline isn't finished yet.

You are a Master in the Order of Voln.

You have learned and are able to use the following abilities:
Symbol of Recognition
Symbol of Blessing
Symbol of Thought
Symbol of Diminishment
Symbol of Courage
Symbol of Protection
Symbol of Submission
Kai's Strike
Symbol of Holiness
Symbol of Recall
Symbol of Sleep
Symbol of Transcendence
Symbol of Mana
Symbol of Sight
Symbol of Retribution
Symbol of Supremacy
Symbol of Restoration
Symbol of Need
Symbol of Renewal
Symbol of Disruption
Kai's Smite
Symbol of Turning
Symbol of Preservation
Symbol of Dreams
Symbol of Return
Symbol of Seeking

Suppressed Poet
07-07-2012, 10:06 PM
Can you tell us how the new favor system works? My guess was it is identical to GOS prestige system with 50 for like level critters + or - 5 per level difference.

Also, would love to see some logs of some of those new badass symbols being used.

07-07-2012, 10:12 PM
No prestige style numbers that display to you and no society task window that gives you your current standing in relation to the next step along the path.

Suppressed Poet
07-07-2012, 10:15 PM

Damn I'm so excited. Monks and UAC didn't really appeal to me, but I've been hoping and wanting these voln changes for a very long time.

07-07-2012, 10:21 PM
Voln upgrades and UAC went live in plat tonight. Still no Monks yet, but the storyline isn't finished yet.

My Foot-in-Mouth style is no match for their We-Showed-You technique.

07-07-2012, 10:31 PM
So anyone have a good crow recipe?

07-07-2012, 10:34 PM
So anyone have a good crow recipe?

Crow is good eatin.

07-07-2012, 10:36 PM
So anyone have a good crow recipe?

I just got my food contest recipe inspiration, thanks.

07-07-2012, 11:23 PM
I have to admit I'm surprised they put it all together without showing their hand till the last moment. Glad to see it.

07-08-2012, 12:29 AM
I wanna know what Finros' next project is slated to be. Very cool to see something come together like this.

Suppressed Poet
07-08-2012, 12:41 AM
I think what makes Finros great isn't he doesn't tell you until moments before it happens.

Anyone remember the slated changes for elemental lore and effects on wizard spells? First time I saw it I was all hell yes! 3 months later I was when is it going to happen? 6 months later I was did they forget? A year later I was fuck it...another broken promise.

This is a much better way of handling things and I give both him and Simu mad props.

07-08-2012, 11:15 AM
I think what makes Finros great isn't he doesn't tell you until moments before it happens.

Anyone remember the slated changes for elemental lore and effects on wizard spells? First time I saw it I was all hell yes! 3 months later I was when is it going to happen? 6 months later I was did they forget? A year later I was fuck it...another broken promise.

This is a much better way of handling things and I give both him and Simu mad props.

Yet everyone on the official boards and even here beg for tidbits and logs ahead of time... go figure.

07-08-2012, 06:37 PM
Yet everyone on the official boards and even here beg for tidbits and logs ahead of time... go figure.

Because that statement was fucking nonsense. It is not better to not be told anything, it's better to follow through on what you say or if you can't update the players with what the ACTUAL status is and not "lul it's totally being worked on" for a decade. Keeping the players in the dark is a fucking cop out. Pure and simple.

07-08-2012, 09:37 PM
Why precisely is Simu so tight lipped? Worried WoW is going to come steal some ideas from them? The GuildWars 2 guys are always breaking into their offices for their advanced gaming techniques!

07-08-2012, 10:18 PM
Awesome. My char now has an in-game reason for his extended hiatus. You're welcome, Volners.

07-14-2012, 09:29 PM
New symbols are live I believe.

07-14-2012, 10:40 PM
Master Benkueh, a refugee from the destruction of the only monastery dedicated to The Order of Voln in the erithi homeland of Atan Irith, arrived on Fearling Pass this evening. With aid from fellow members of The Order, as well as other helpful adventurers, he was able to make it safely to the monastery near Ta'Vaalor.

The Children of Ink attacked the monastery, assisted by a number of undead servants, using powerful magic and a unique fighting style that was shared only by Master Benkueh at first. The tide of battle seemed to be tipping in favor of The Children of Ink, but Master Benkueh was quick to share his knowledge of this new fighting style and then led a prayer to the Arkati of Liabo. As a result, the adventurers and members of The Order found themselves with new abilities as the Symbols learned on The Path to Enlightenment once again burned into their memories. Master Benkueh retired to the sanctuary of the monastery after the Children of Ink were forced into retreat. Upon visiting with the Grandmaster of the monastery, the knowledge of his training quickly spread to all of Elanthia.


The new Unarmed Combat System is now available! Be careful with those jabs, punches, grapples, and kicks! You don't want to hurt your friends by accident! :)

New/updated symbols have been released and can be used by those in The Order of Voln. The SOCIETY verb should now reveal an updated list of Symbols for applicable characters!

From the officials

07-14-2012, 10:50 PM
UCS and Voln but not monks?

07-14-2012, 11:01 PM
UCS and Voln but not monks?

Probably coming real soon.

07-14-2012, 11:15 PM
No idea if this is news to anyone but the associated CMANS got released as well.

07-14-2012, 11:17 PM
No idea if this is news to anyone but the associated CMANS got released as well.

So the assumption Monks are coming very soon probably isn't wrong.

07-14-2012, 11:27 PM
I think they were seperated by 1 or 2 days in the Platinum quest, too.

07-15-2012, 02:48 AM
The group goes with the person using Symbol of Seeking.

Goodbye Nelemar swim!

07-15-2012, 11:54 AM
Well. Symbol of Seeking is NOT cross realm like I had originally thought. It would be nice if it were but Finros' post clearly states it can be used for undead areas in the general vicinity.

Symbol of supremacy and dissipation seem to have the same duration as courage.

After some brief testing at the globe and on an undead hunt I have not seen a change in favor on my char.

07-15-2012, 12:22 PM
In addition, "symbol favor" has been seperated from "advancement favor", so that a Voln member that is still advancing through the steps can freely spend their favor on symbols without having to worry about slowing down their progress towards the next step.

This is the most exciting change for me, and it came way too fucking late.

07-15-2012, 12:32 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about how this UCS letting untrained characters eventually be able to take down anyone/anything. You can swing a big ass sword and never have a chance of getting near someone but swinging your fist, you can. It almost feels like this shit can straight up ignore AsG and redux.

07-15-2012, 12:38 PM
A clip of how symbol of transcendence works...

AS: +275 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +53 = +110
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Ineffectual strike knocks a wisp of ether from your left arm.

07-15-2012, 12:39 PM
And now I want to get into Voln.

07-15-2012, 01:12 PM
A clip of how symbol of transcendence works...

AS: +275 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +53 = +110
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Ineffectual strike knocks a wisp of ether from your left arm.

Yea, been meaning to try that one out. Also being able to used while under status ailments and rt makes this symbol highup on my list of oh so many cool society additions.