View Full Version : 80 trains critters/area on teras
06-28-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi All,
It's been mentioned before but I'd like to see an 80 train area on teras. As it stands now the gap from fire mages to the temple is too big. That forces people off the rock to cap. If that is intended then so be it. We could do major fire elementals or maybe lava pyrothags. Who knows? Just something to let characters cap without have to do the bowels, or the tower/otf. Maybe put a basement on the temple for smaller critters.
06-28-2012, 03:17 PM
waaay over due
07-03-2012, 02:12 PM
It would be really cool to do something like this for a huge swatch of area under the temple. Kind of like a lost city of atlantis. The storyline could tie into how we were raided by the krolvins and the dwarves were mining under the city/temple in order to build a fortress, when they stumbled upon some ancient city ruins. Add critters from the 70's on up to cap. Have a few safe rooms built for "hiding from invaders" where all the townsfolk disperse to when enemies come. This area could even be restricted to Kharam-Dzu citizens only and in order to enter the fortified area you will need to have a passcode for the "boulder" or whatever to be removed. Then the people of the rock could stage their battle-plans on how to overtake the citty when it is fully invaded (The likes of a grimswarm camp) Yes, this would be good.
07-05-2012, 02:47 PM
good ideas here, im currently hunting fire mages, but once I hit about 75+ im going to have to leave teras. Im sure something could be put together here, would be even more awesome if there was an invasion/storyline.
07-11-2012, 09:44 AM
I hit 72 or so and the aggravation of hunting mages was no longer worth it at like-level, so I took off to Maaghara. I would love to see an area on the Rock bridging the gap between Mages and Nelemar. I feel like if they were going to do that, they would have by now, though.
07-11-2012, 10:02 AM
theres gotta be more room in that volcano for a hunting area lvl 80-95 that could be an additional way to go thru to get into the temple. Fuck if im going to hunt the bowels or some shit in the landing once I break like 73, guess ill be headed to TI for a bit or try riding from 75-90+ on bandits/gem/herb bountys(time to work on foraging I guess.
07-11-2012, 10:07 AM
The issue isn't room, it's a combination of 1) GM coding resources, 2) GM appetite to take on the project, 3) approvals, 4) QC, 5) Finding an appropriate in-character way to justify the expansion and a storyline to release it with, and the list goes on. Honestly, if they're going to put time into new hunting areas, it should be cap or post-cap, not 80s-90s. That upper end is only going to get more crowded as more and more players cap. It's going to become a problem, but I just don't know if modern-day GS has the DEV to do anything about it.
07-12-2012, 03:38 PM
Teras has a capped/post cap hunting area. What im talking about is somewhere to plug the gap from 75-90. With the time and effort they have put into this krolvin shit they could have added new grounds to teras and wehnimers post cap area.
07-13-2012, 04:26 PM
I left Teras at about 76 to do some time in planes 1-2 of the Rift. Came back to Teras at 85 and am doing ok in the temple. As a cleric self spell is considerable, plus I wear some imbeds. I only die about 1 hunt in 4. Nevertheless, I still run like a sissy from elementals. Just can't touch em!
08-14-2012, 07:51 PM
I run from the elementals at cap :)
08-15-2012, 02:59 PM
80+ level krolvin would be fun. Ah the good times at Krolvin corsairs tripping everywhere.
08-15-2012, 03:06 PM
How about some volcanic turkeys.
08-15-2012, 03:39 PM
Volcanic turkeys.. like a phoenix? That maybe has some sort of anti-death thing like the MTK's, and when you kill them, they rise from the ashes and try to kill you all over again! I'd hunt those, if I were old enough.
08-23-2014, 03:21 PM
lava roltons
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