View Full Version : Spotting traps without disarm training

06-22-2012, 08:29 AM
Per Krakii:

The Perception skill can help in detecting traps. Disarming Traps skill is needed to disarm the traps. Items needed to disarm various traps include disarming kits, which can be purchased from locksmith shops, dagger-based weapons, and lockpicks.

I recently fixskilled away from lockpicking, but was wondering... with no (or very minimal) disarm training, can I reliably spot traps at 2x perception (level 93)? I can wedge, pop, and bash, but nobody with "formal" disarm training at this point. It'd be nice to open the non-trapped boxes without messing with the town locksmith (or tracking down a picker).

06-22-2012, 11:57 AM
I've done zero testing but my warrior with 96 ranks of Precp and 0 disarm has spotted traps in the mid 300 range without lore. I seem to be pretty decent at spotting sub -300s with cast on lore and 3 checks of the box.

He's also missed plenty of traps to and no clue if those were -100s or -400s. Being he's been hunting OTF/Nelmar it could be anywhere in that range.

06-22-2012, 12:12 PM
My hope is to use this on those wonderfully light OTF boxes that I keep picking up, so I expect I'll encounter traps that are fairly high. I seem to also recall that bards can sing to boxes for information... would a loresong from my bard reveal the presence of a trap reliably?

I'm at 195 ranks of Perception, and have self-cast lore, so I'm going to give it a go this weekend. I'll update the thread with my results, as I haven't been able to find the information anywhere else to this point.

06-22-2012, 12:44 PM
I'd be curious to see if all perception and zero disarm is productive as getting just a few ranks or even one rank of disarm.

06-22-2012, 12:45 PM
You can see traps fairly easily if you are 2x perception. Also, if you have 402, just cast that before you look for it.

06-22-2012, 01:27 PM
My ranger with no disarm, 2x perception and 613 sees a lot of traps. I have no way to tell if he sees all or most of the traps however, because I'm just looking for glyphs so I can 125 them. I've never had a picking character, so I don't have a good sense of how frequent traps are, but there are some times when I feel like it was really unlikely that I had that many untrapped boxes.

My suggestion would be to just train 10 ranks of disarm for the +50 skill bonus (assuming picking uses skill and not ranks).

As far as glyphs go, with 30 AS ranks, I've only missed one in something like 4 years of 125ing.

06-22-2012, 02:46 PM
train up to 416

06-22-2012, 02:50 PM
train up to 416

Thought of that, too... next train I may take a swing at getting to 416. That'd make my life MUCH easier.

06-23-2012, 04:48 AM
Isn't detecting traps based on skill, instead of ranks? If so, then the first 40 ranks of disarm would be a better use of TPs than double training in perception. Depending on training costs for your profession, it may be cheaper even if trap detection is based on ranks.

If you get to the point where you have a low probability of missing a trap, then squaring, cubing and so on that probability will reduce the chance of missing a trap to a ridiculously low number.

Regarding Piercing Gaze, it's not necessarily 100% effective in detecting traps. Also, if you use that spell without first manually detecting, then you'll get rifted a lot.

Always use self-cast Disarm Enhancement when manually detecting.

06-23-2012, 08:00 AM
Spotting Traps


Disarm Traps: Skill
Perception: Skill
Intuition Bonus
Presence (402)
Disarm Enhancement (404)
Self Control (613)
Song of Luck (1006)
Room Lighting: Bright


Trap Discovery Difficulty
Interference (212)
Weapon Deflection (412)
Sounds (607)
Room Lighting: Dark and/or Foggy


06-24-2012, 01:21 PM
I like the inclusion of Weapon Deflection... makes sense based on the messaging of the spell.