View Full Version : reddit
06-20-2012, 03:03 AM
Is reddit like a legitimate internet source now for awesomeness?
Why is it all my gaming news and memes from the past year seem to have come from there?
Why do I associate it with 4chan and solely its subreddit /b?
When did this happen?
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 03:17 AM
Reddit is basically 4chan that's a little better organized and masquerading as if it's better than 4chan. There's a whole lot of shitty comments that get upvoted and the hivemind can be incredibly racist, bigoted, sexist, etc.. and not in the "Oh you're just trying to be shocking way" but the "Oh god my racist uncle is making another joke about black people" way. That being said there's also a lot of really good stuff to be found if you don't mind wading through crap. I sort comments by controversial rather than best and try to stay away from the default subreddits.
06-20-2012, 04:52 AM
Not sure if SRS white knight, or reddit really is as bad as 4chan...
In all seriousness, reddit doesn't even compare to the filth on /b/. I consider myself a moderately savvy internet denizen, but I can't take 4chan in large doses. Not to say reddit doesn't have some problems with racism and misogyny, but it's not even in the same class.
06-20-2012, 05:58 AM
The political section is hilarious. It's a bunch of 14 year olds circlejerking. A year or two ago, someone posted an article and the author corrected someone. They blasted the author until he mentioned and proved he was the author, then the mods deleted his posts.
Also, the whole, "I have more karma than you!" is quite amusing.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 12:48 PM
The political section is hilarious. It's a bunch of 14 year olds circlejerking. A year or two ago, someone posted an article and the author corrected someone. They blasted the author until he mentioned and proved he was the author, then the mods deleted his posts.
Also, the whole, "I have more karma than you!" is quite amusing.
Accusations of karma whoring always crack me up, since they're imaginary points that pretty much serve no purpose. Also over at subreddit drama (I hang out there entirely too much) karma and karma whoring always seem to spark some of the most hilarious and bizarre slapfights.
06-20-2012, 01:11 PM
Accusations of karma whoring always crack me up, since they're imaginary points that pretty much serve no purpose. Also over at subreddit drama (I hang out there entirely too much) karma and karma whoring always seem to spark some of the most hilarious and bizarre slapfights.
The whole karmanaut/trappedinreddit drama is hilarious. Banning shittywatercolour for passing him in internet points. Classy.
06-20-2012, 04:14 PM
See, this is not making me want to read reddit. It's just that every video I'm seeing linked to me these days ssays "As seen on the reddit front page."
We have enough of a (legal, consenting adult) circlejerk here in our political folder for me. I don't think I could do it with kids.
06-20-2012, 04:42 PM
Yeah, the political discussions are pretty one-sided. However, reddit does make a good news aggregater, particularly because most everything gets fact-checked (eventually). I usually read the headline, read the link, then check out the top comments to find out why that article is bullshit or the headline is sensationalist.
On the plus side, at least the reddit circlejerk is to the left. It provides a welcome respite from the right-wing political folder here on the PC.
06-20-2012, 05:16 PM
See, this is not making me want to read reddit. It's just that every video I'm seeing linked to me these days ssays "As seen on the reddit front page."
We have enough of a (legal, consenting adult) circlejerk here in our political folder for me. I don't think I could do it with kids.
The thing is, with /b/, you get whatever is tossed up. On reddit, you have numerous different subreddits and with a simple add on, Reddit Enhancement Suite, you can filter which subreddits are viewed on your front page. For example, I filter out politics, starcraft, atheism, mylittlepony...etc.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 05:21 PM
The thing is, with /b/, you get whatever is tossed up. On reddit, you have numerous different subreddits and with a simple add on, Reddit Enhancement Suite, you can filter which subreddits are viewed on your front page. For example, I filter out politics, starcraft, atheism, mylittlepony...etc.
RES tagging is also pretty useful, in my experience
06-20-2012, 05:24 PM
Wait, isn't /b/ a reddit subreddit? Or is it 4chan? I've never visited the latter, and the only time I've ever been on the former is for the diablo subreddit which I've been directly linked to a bunch of times in the past few months.
06-20-2012, 05:26 PM
I remember a few months ago when they were going to close the subreddit "jailbait" which was where people literally traded pictures of child porn and the people on reddit blew up over it. It wasn't like it was a handful of people being noisy, it was thousands of people throwing a tantrum because Reddit was "censoring" their "right" to trade such images. I think I read somewhere that this subreddit got over 40,000 unique visitors a day. Since they closed that subreddit dozens of similar subreddits have taken its place where people continue to trade child porn.
The fact that such subreddits even exist and the fact that so many people were whining about the original one being closed is enough for me to write the entire website off as a cesspool of shit.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 05:49 PM
I remember a few months ago when they were going to close the subreddit "jailbait" which was where people literally traded pictures of child porn and the people on reddit blew up over it. It wasn't like it was a handful of people being noisy, it was thousands of people throwing a tantrum because Reddit was "censoring" their "right" to trade such images. I think I read somewhere that this subreddit got over 40,000 unique visitors a day. Since they closed that subreddit dozens of similar subreddits have taken its place where people continue to trade child porn.
The fact that such subreddits even exist and the fact that so many people were whining about the original one being closed is enough for me to write the entire website off as a cesspool of shit.
Yeah, back before it finally got taken down, if you typed in "reddit" on google, instead of linking to the main r/reddit, it linked to r/jailbait, and instead of finding that bad, a lot of people just found it funny. There was also a huge uproar when ShitRedditSays (the aforementioned SRS) teamed up with SomethingAwful to get preteen_girls and other jailbait-oriented and sexualizing-children subreddits taken off the site (by plastering the media with lists of offending subreddits), and people were screaming about their free speech being taken from them.. the admins were also careful to make it clear that it was a reluctant decision to do it and they did it for legal reasons and not moral ones.
Memefactory did a pretty fair assessment (IMO) of Reddit during ROFLcon-- chronicling the good like RaoP, the charity drives, Reddit Secret Santa, the outpouring of support many times for people in crisis or feeling depressed (r/suicidewatch has literally saved people's lives), stuff like AtheistHavens and such, but also delves into the crappy bits too, including pedophilia/people trying to justify trading child porn:
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
06-20-2012, 05:51 PM
I remember a few months ago when they were going to close the subreddit "jailbait" which was where people literally traded pictures of child porn and the people on reddit blew up over it. It wasn't like it was a handful of people being noisy, it was thousands of people throwing a tantrum because Reddit was "censoring" their "right" to trade such images. I think I read somewhere that this subreddit got over 40,000 unique visitors a day. Since they closed that subreddit dozens of similar subreddits have taken its place where people continue to trade child porn.
The fact that such subreddits even exist and the fact that so many people were whining about the original one being closed is enough for me to write the entire website off as a cesspool of shit.
While I agree that it was fucked up, there is a lot more than Anderson Cooper let on. First of all, it wasn't child porn in the since you are thinking. It was usually pictures ripped from facebook of teenage girls and boys. Secondly, 40,000 unique visitors a day is about .5% of the total traffic on reddit per day. The uproar that I heard was that SRS (google them if you want to hear how absurd they are) was purposely going into jailbait and requesting actual porn, solely to get it shut down. Then, when they admitted to doing it, nothing happened.
On another note, you'd probably like r/spacedicks or r/picsofdeadkids
06-20-2012, 06:00 PM
I think any time that you need to distinguish what sense of child porn you're talking about, you're probably better off just walking away.
06-20-2012, 06:02 PM
I think any time that you need to distinguish what sense of child porn you're talking about, you're probably better off just walking away.
It's still fucked up, but not as fucked up as the stuff you'll see on 4chan.
06-20-2012, 06:05 PM
While I agree that it was fucked up, there is a lot more than Anderson Cooper let on. First of all, it wasn't child porn in the since you are thinking. It was usually pictures ripped from facebook of teenage girls and boys.
No, there was literally child porn being traded. Granted a lot of it was just looking for Facebook pictures of "sexy" 13 year old girls to share with the Reddit community but there was actual child porn too. Also they encouraged underaged girls to share pictures of themselves.
It's just disgusting really no matter how you look at it.
06-20-2012, 06:08 PM
Also they encouraged underaged girls to share pictures of themselves.
That was SRS trying to get the subreddit banned. They even admitted to it. Just like they admitted to egging on someone to commit suicide. Classy folks.
06-20-2012, 06:16 PM
Scoliosis Research Society? I always did think those fuckers were bent out of shape.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 06:17 PM
The suicide thing was a MRA hoax to slander SRS. (
Also, citation needed that ShitRedditSays was encouraging anyone to post child porn, or SA for that matter (a large portion of SRSers are from SA). At the time, SRS had roughly 14k users, which was and is a measly, tiny subreddit compared to the amount of subscribers and creators of underage pornography subreddits, especially r/jailbait. Anyone who thinks 14k users can game a subreddit visited by millions of unique visitors is being delusional.
06-20-2012, 06:19 PM
Basically, reddit is one of the biggest communities on the web; it has literally millions of members. It's going to be a mixed bag no matter what you do.
06-20-2012, 06:20 PM
The suicide thing was a MRA hoax to slander SRS. (
Also, citation needed that ShitRedditSays was encouraging anyone to post child porn, or SA for that matter (a large portion of SRSers are from SA). At the time, SRS had roughly 14k users, which was and is a measly, tiny subreddit compared to the amount of subscribers and creators of underage pornography subreddits, especially r/jailbait. Anyone who thinks 14k users can game a subreddit visited by millions of unique visitors is being delusional.
That makes so much sense that you are an SRSer
ETA: The lawsuit might not be real nor the suicide, but the fact there were at least two, if not more, SRS people in there egging on someone to commit suicide is classy. The whole, "We don't like you forcing your ways on others so we are going to change that by forcing our ways on you." is really childish.
I don't know anything about reddit but from the way you guys are talking to each other and calling each other "SRS's" I just want to make sure...You guys didnt join scientology by accident right?
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 06:33 PM
That makes so much sense that you are an SRSer
I mostly post in SRD, shittyaskscience, askscience, fifthworldproblems, socialism, various movie/show subs, programming, some freelance and writing subs, aviation (and flying), boston, some beauty subs like MUA and laqueristas and I mod a private 2X-type sub with about 5k people in it.
That being said, yeah I do lurk SRS and SRSD and I think it's hilarious how much people hate SRS and treat them like bogeymen. It's a small subreddit that only exploded or became well known due to the Streisand effect, and while I don't necessarily agree with everything or even the majority of stuff they post, people freaking out over SRS but not r/circlejerk or other circlejerks and downvote brigades is just amazingly funny to me. It doesn't even matter if SRS is being serious or just trolling because either way, mission accomplished.
Basically, reddit is one of the biggest communities on the web; it has literally millions of members. It's going to be a mixed bag no matter what you do.
Yup. When people ask me about reddit or talk to me about it, I try to give a fair view of it. It's like any other site where you have a ton of people and relatively few rules and moderation (well, depending on the sub).. you're going to run into some awesome people, some "meh" people (pun threads and stuff), and some shitty people. Wade in accordingly and try to keep in mind that there are going to be awesome parts and crappy parts.
06-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Basically, reddit is one of the biggest communities on the web; it has literally millions of members. It's going to be a mixed bag no matter what you do.
I don't necessarily condemn the entire site because of some of its users, yeah you can't really help what kind of people visit your site. It's as Nikki mentioned earlier though they were reluctant to remove the jailbait subreddit and only did it for legal reasons and not moral ones.
06-20-2012, 06:48 PM
That being said, yeah I do lurk SRS and SRSD and I think it's hilarious how much people hate SRS and treat them like bogeymen. It's a small subreddit that only exploded or became well known due to the Streisand effect, and while I don't necessarily agree with everything or even the majority of stuff they post, people freaking out over SRS but not r/circlejerk or other circlejerks and downvote brigades is just amazingly funny to me. It doesn't even matter if SRS is being serious or just trolling because either way, mission accomplished.
The thing that makes SRS so bad is that they censor any discussion. If you go in there and disagree in the slightest, you are banned. I was banned for posting in men's rights, which was funny because I was calling out the link for being misleading. They are worse than the mods on the GS officials.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 06:51 PM
ETA: The lawsuit might not be real nor the suicide, but the fact there were at least two, if not more, SRS people in there egging on someone to commit suicide is classy. The whole, "We don't like you forcing your ways on others so we are going to change that by forcing our ways on you." is really childish.
It was all over Subreddit Drama, from what I saw only one prominent user was accused (Alyosha?) and then her name was cleared, and the other SRSers in on it were sockpuppets/only a day old and were deleted when the hoax story broke? I dunno but the mods do encourage non-SRSers and SRSers to report "shitty" comments made by SRSers outside of SRS (holy fuck what a mouthful), so they can be held accountable and banned. If you go to SRS and search "mailbag" there are a couple hilarious mail exchanges floating around from pissed off banned SRSers in situations like that.
06-20-2012, 06:57 PM
My problem with SRS is that I'm a very liberal person who believes that racism and misogyny are negative things that should be rooted out of society's vernacular--basically SRS's assumed target audience--BUT I can't stand the sanctimonious tone of that subreddit. If they're alienating people like me, they're doing it very wrong.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 06:58 PM
The thing that makes SRS so bad is that they censor any discussion. If you go in there and disagree in the slightest, you are banned. I was banned for posting in men's rights, which was funny because I was calling out the link for being misleading. They are worse than the mods on the GS officials.
I actually understand why they do this, but this is actually my main issue with SRS prime. I post on an alt account to SRS-D but I don't always agree with what gets posted to SRS and the circlejerking gets obnoxious to me, especially when they deliberately take jokes out of all context, and context to me is the most important part of viewing what someone is saying. I dunno, I have a depraved sense of humor so I'm really not bothered by a post of a guy's present to his wife being a Back to the Kitchen spoof t-shirt based on back to the future. I also drastically diverge from SRS on a lot of social issues (when I read about people being transracial I want to claw my eyes out of my eye sockets, for instance, or how enjoying yoga is cultural appropriation) and I'm put off a lot by the mocking of people in STEM fields. I get there's a lot of circlejerking on reddit about how being a STEM is best but holy crap. So yeah- I definitely agree they're not a rainbows and sunshine sub, but I appreciate what they do even if I don't always agree and even when I don't agree, the trolling is quality trolling.
06-20-2012, 07:01 PM
This thread makes my eyes cross.
eta: also, first time in my PC history that this is actually appropriate: :weirdthread:
06-20-2012, 07:15 PM
I actually understand why they do this, but this is actually my main issue with SRS prime. I post on an alt account to SRS-D but I don't always agree with what gets posted to SRS and the circlejerking gets obnoxious to me, especially when they deliberately take jokes out of all context, and context to me is the most important part of viewing what someone is saying. I dunno, I have a depraved sense of humor so I'm really not bothered by a post of a guy's present to his wife being a Back to the Kitchen spoof t-shirt based on back to the future. I also drastically diverge from SRS on a lot of social issues (when I read about people being transracial I want to claw my eyes out of my eye sockets, for instance, or how enjoying yoga is cultural appropriation) and I'm put off a lot by the mocking of people in STEM fields. I get there's a lot of circlejerking on reddit about how being a STEM is best but holy crap. So yeah- I definitely agree they're not a rainbows and sunshine sub, but I appreciate what they do even if I don't always agree and even when I don't agree, the trolling is quality trolling.
I guess my main point would be: Would this conversation be possible in a SRS subreddit?
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 07:22 PM
I guess my main point would be: Would this conversation be possible in a SRS subreddit?
The parts about complaining about SRS prime and Rule X, no. That's pretty much like the first and second rule of fight club. They (the mods) have explained why it exists and it's kind of one of those unspeakable topics, though you're invited to talk about pretty much anything else over in SRS-D as long as it's done in "good faith" (this gets hairy a lot and provides more great fodder for SRD).
There is a new sub that sprung up though, r/forabetterreddit which is trying to be like SRS but without the heavy moderation/banning rules.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 07:26 PM
On another note, you'd probably like r/spacedicks or r/picsofdeadkids
06-20-2012, 07:28 PM
The parts about complaining about SRS prime and Rule X, no. That's pretty much like the first and second rule of fight club. They (the mods) have explained why it exists and it's kind of one of those unspeakable topics, though you're invited to talk about pretty much anything else over in SRS-D as long as it's done in "good faith" (this gets hairy a lot and provides more great fodder for SRD).
There is a new sub that sprung up though, r/forabetterreddit which is trying to be like SRS but without the heavy moderation/banning rules.
When you have to use censorship to maintain your message, you have no message.
06-20-2012, 07:39 PM
Going to reddit ad searching for things like "big nipples" or "lesbians" is why I like reddit.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 08:02 PM
When you have to use censorship to maintain your message, you have no message.
Which is why collectively, reddit hates r/askscience and its heavy handed moderation policy.
06-20-2012, 08:48 PM
Which is why collectively, reddit hates r/askscience and its heavy handed moderation policy.
they stay in their own sun, though.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-20-2012, 09:05 PM
they stay in their own sun, though.
The SRS mods only have the power to ban people from SRS, not from reddit proper. Seriously, one moment you're complaining that SRS doesn't control its members outside of SRS (omg they made someone kill themself!) and then you complain that they're too vigilant?
The whole, "If they have to censor, there whole argument is invalid" is lazy and just not true. Is the fact that most countries censor child pornography invalidating the fact that child pornography is a disgusting, awful thing? If you don't like SRS, don't visit, but the hatred and vitriol for it is so fucking stupid. Free speech has its limits, and beyond that, that's just the way reddit works. I've been banned from random subreddits posting to totally unrelated subreddits, and really, nothing of value was lost. It's not like I was going to post to r/mensrights or r/pyongyang anyway.
06-21-2012, 12:54 AM
The SRS mods only have the power to ban people from SRS, not from reddit proper. Seriously, one moment you're complaining that SRS doesn't control its members outside of SRS (omg they made someone kill themself!) and then you complain that they're too vigilant?
The whole, "If they have to censor, there whole argument is invalid" is lazy and just not true. Is the fact that most countries censor child pornography invalidating the fact that child pornography is a disgusting, awful thing? If you don't like SRS, don't visit, but the hatred and vitriol for it is so fucking stupid. Free speech has its limits, and beyond that, that's just the way reddit works. I've been banned from random subreddits posting to totally unrelated subreddits, and really, nothing of value was lost. It's not like I was going to post to r/mensrights or r/pyongyang anyway.
I'm well aware of how banning works on Reddit. Comparing SRS to askscience is very interesting. In askscience, they'll delete your post if it is not scientific. If you keep trolling, they might ban you. Now, in SRS, they'll see a comment in another subreddit, link it to SRS, get everyone to come in and berate you, then ban you from the SRS subreddit. They might even decide that anyone who posts in that subreddit should be banned and make bots to do so. Hell, they might even be opposed to the objectification of women, but come to this forum and objectify themselves for attention. As fun as this conversation is, I'm going in for surgery in the morning. See you in a few weeks!
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-21-2012, 02:42 AM
"Hell, they might even be opposed to the objectification of women, but come to this forum and objectify themselves for attention. "
LOL, really? REALLY?
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