View Full Version : VBulletin License

06-13-2012, 09:31 PM
I have a VB 4.x license for publishing suite for sale if anyone is interested.

06-14-2012, 09:10 AM
Expiration date?

06-14-2012, 10:09 AM
The license doesn't expire:

There is some confusion around this phrase. When you purchase a vBulletin license for the 4.0 software products, you purchase a license that allows you to run that software indefinitely- it does not expire. If you are an existing customer who has an owned license, your license does not expire. If you are an existing customer who has a leased license, your license to run that software does expire (see FAQ: What is happening to leased licenses?).

The update service arrangement associated with an owned license does have an expiration. Some have confused the expiration of these update services with an expiration of the license and the corresponding right to run the software, which is not the case. Again, your owned licensed does not expire. Customers who paid their annual license update fee within the 12 months prior October 13, 2009 will continue to have access to updates, including security and maintenance releases. Access to these update services will expire 12 months from the when the license update fee was paid.