View Full Version : Potential 100 Bard Trade

06-12-2012, 01:09 PM
Hi there,

I just returned to the game, and I'm interested in potentially trading my main character for something new. The bard is capped, of course, and I'm looking for another lv100 character in return (assuming this works out economically - don't know present character values well). No rogues, sorcerers, paladins. Fixskills is available. This would be a character transfer, not account.

The character is pretty much known in only one area, and has a good reputation. Hunts the temple without issue on self-spells. Would come with basic clothes but no armor/weapon, as they use sonic gear. Please PM with any interest! :)

Race: Erithian Profession: Bard (shown as: Bard Laureate)
Gender: Male Age: 130 Expr: 14302720 Level: 100
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Constitution (CON): 90 (30) ... 90 (30)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Agility (AGI): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Discipline (DIS): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Aura (AUR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Logic (LOG): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Intuition (INT): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Wisdom (WIS): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Influence (INF): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Mana: 303

X (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 200 100
Combat Maneuvers...................| 302 202
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 302 202
Ambush.............................| 140 40
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Dodging............................| 203 103
Arcane Symbols.....................| 90 20
Magic Item Use.....................| 90 20
Harness Power......................| 201 101
Elemental Mana Control.............| 90 20
Mental Mana Control................| 130 35
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 175 75
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 130 35
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 145 45
Perception.........................| 151 51
Climbing...........................| 130 35
Swimming...........................| 160 60
First Aid..........................| 62 13

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 75

Spell Lists
Bard...............................| 70
Training Points: 46 Phy 0 Mnt (808 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

342 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2013.

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.

Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

You may reset your society status one time. Enter SOCIETY RESET for details.

X, your Adventurer's Guild information is as follows:

You currently have 172297 unspent bounty points.

You have accumulated a total of 2601633 lifetime bounty points.

You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 366 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 187 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Skins task 66 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 469 times.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 1 time and failed 1 time.
You have succeeded at the Procure Herbs task 218 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 532 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 8 times and failed 3 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Bandits task 402 times.
You have succeeded at the Help Kill Creatures task 714 times.
You have succeeded at the Help Kill Bandits task 577 times.

>artisan skills
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are an apprentice with 199 ranks.
In the skill of fletching, you are a highly skilled laborer with 420 ranks.
In the skill of cobbling, you are a novice with 38 ranks.

06-12-2012, 01:30 PM
For what it's worth, a capped bard with that much XP is about the top of the charts when it comes to character value. If you're looking to trade, you'd be looking at possibly a similar amount of XP mage, else a much larger amount of XP in another class. I only mention it because you said you weren't up on current character values. Very nice character, and best of luck. :beer:

06-12-2012, 02:08 PM
For what it's worth, a capped bard with that much XP is about the top of the charts when it comes to character value. If you're looking to trade, you'd be looking at possibly a similar amount of XP mage, else a much larger amount of XP in another class. I only mention it because you said you weren't up on current character values. Very nice character, and best of luck. :beer:

Thanks very much for the helpful advice! I will keep it in mind as I consider offers (if any should come). An equivalent wizard actually wouldn't be an unwelcome trade. :)

06-13-2012, 11:09 PM
bounty points? artisan skils?

06-14-2012, 11:47 AM
bounty points? artisan skils?

Thanks for the reminder. I updated the OP with this info.

06-14-2012, 12:46 PM
For what it's worth, a capped bard with that much XP is about the top of the charts when it comes to character value. If you're looking to trade, you'd be looking at possibly a similar amount of XP mage, else a much larger amount of XP in another class. I only mention it because you said you weren't up on current character values. Very nice character, and best of luck. :beer:

I'm not sure you'd ever find a similarly XP'd mage to swap straight up with. They're still the gold standard as far as classes are concerned, especially the high XP mages.

06-14-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm not sure you'd ever find a similarly XP'd mage to swap straight up with. They're still the gold standard as far as classes are concerned, especially the high XP mages.

Very true. The reality is that bards and mages who get to that level experience hardly ever move unless that person is leaving the game. And usually at that point they're immediately snapped up by someone who hangs onto them in perpetuity. Quite a few of the biggest mages and bards are alts, and will likely never move. They sit enchanting, purifying, and loresinging their days away.

06-14-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm not sure you'd ever find a similarly XP'd mage to swap straight up with. They're still the gold standard as far as classes are concerned, especially the high XP mages.

Well, folks with capped anything - including mages with somewhat lower XP - are still free to offer. :)

The only proposal I've received so far is for cash, which I can't accept right now. So, door's wide open.

06-14-2012, 02:25 PM
Graka, Paladins are REALLY fun and extremely powerful if you do it right. If you get offered a ncie capped Paladin you should think about it. I have one and it has been an absolutely BLAST! They are scarce on TP's prior to cap, but once you get a couple mill past cap you start enjoying all the great beenfits of having a metric crap ton of ways to hunt, things to do, and styles to play. The ability to cycle WoF, use GoS signs (including mana exchanging) with fusion items to massively boost stam regen and padding, etc..... hunt with 1615/1630 effectively to kneel, stun or grapple (ivas followers) and then MSTIKE like a beast is amazing. Randomly throwing out 135 is beans as well. Take into account hunting with a shield that has 1609 is beast...add some reactive flares = win. Grab a weapon type and choose your damage type.. ambush from the open if you want. Invasions? no problem.. because you will eventually have massive As/DS a nice CS and be able to 135/1630 them down.. get caught up in something? no big deal. Just beseech and you are good to go. Odds of being offered a nice capped Paladin dont come around often and you would be entitled to some cash/coin/trades as well if it wasn't close to your experience. Use that extra silver to beef your dude up. I know Gelstone had a paladin that was GoS a bit ago.

06-14-2012, 03:41 PM
Graka, Paladins are REALLY fun and extremely powerful if you do it right. If you get offered a ncie capped Paladin you should think about it. I have one and it has been an absolutely BLAST! They are scarce on TP's prior to cap, but once you get a couple mill past cap you start enjoying all the great beenfits of having a metric crap ton of ways to hunt, things to do, and styles to play. The ability to cycle WoF, use GoS signs (including mana exchanging) with fusion items to massively boost stam regen and padding, etc..... hunt with 1615/1630 effectively to kneel, stun or grapple (ivas followers) and then MSTIKE like a beast is amazing. Randomly throwing out 135 is beans as well. Take into account hunting with a shield that has 1609 is beast...add some reactive flares = win. Grab a weapon type and choose your damage type.. ambush from the open if you want. Invasions? no problem.. because you will eventually have massive As/DS a nice CS and be able to 135/1630 them down.. get caught up in something? no big deal. Just beseech and you are good to go. Odds of being offered a nice capped Paladin dont come around often and you would be entitled to some cash/coin/trades as well if it wasn't close to your experience. Use that extra silver to beef your dude up. I know Gelstone had a paladin that was GoS a bit ago.

The advice is much appreciated, but I have previously had a capped paladin. It didn't work out so much in the end. :)

I think the classes not excluded in the OP are the ones which most appeal to me.

06-19-2012, 02:38 PM
Little bump. Still open to trade offers if anyone's interested. Does have to be capped, doesn't necessarily have to be as much EXP. :)

06-19-2012, 03:05 PM
If you change your mind on a Pally let me know. I totally have one.

06-19-2012, 03:10 PM
No problem Graka, I just see tons of people try to use low level or low capped Paladins as THW warriors and they die constantly and think Paladins suck. If you train them the proper way for the TP's you have.... there's not much reason to die other than stupidity or something wild happens. I have only died once in ages in the temple.. and that is because I was dual boxing a wizard, told my Paladin to go to Nelemar without a sword or shield in his hand.. and then forgot I sent him to the temple. Even without a sword and a shield he lasted FOREVER before he died, lol. 15 Minutes of him getting swarmed on was too much in the end :) but like you said in the end... you have to like what you have!

06-19-2012, 03:21 PM
If you change your mind on a Pally let me know. I totally have one.


06-19-2012, 05:25 PM
You'd probably find it much easier selling this bard and purchasing a different capped character. When a level 50 bard sells for the same amount as some other capped professions (empaths, rogues), there's some huge difference in valuation you'll need to overcome to get this deal worthwhile for yourself. Unless you really don't care about value, desperate want to avoid dealing in cash and just want to dick around with a lesser exp total'd wizard for whatever reason.

06-19-2012, 05:40 PM
^^^ That

06-19-2012, 07:39 PM
You'd probably find it much easier selling this bard and purchasing a different capped character. When a level 50 bard sells for the same amount as some other capped professions (empaths, rogues), there's some huge difference in valuation you'll need to overcome to get this deal worthwhile for yourself. Unless you really don't care about value, desperate want to avoid dealing in cash and just want to dick around with a lesser exp total'd wizard for whatever reason.

Would if I could. :) I am disabled and live with restrictions on my resources, so suddenly taking in a chunk of cash would cause issues. Gotta play within the rules, which makes a trade the easiest option available to me (though it might be hard to achieve in practice).

Sylvan Dreams
06-19-2012, 11:10 PM
Would if I could. :) I am disabled and live with restrictions on my resources, so suddenly taking in a chunk of cash would cause issues. Gotta play within the rules, which makes a trade the easiest option available to me (though it might be hard to achieve in practice).

Not if you accept Paypal then pay for your new character with Paypal. Money never crosses the bank account.