View Full Version : Ron Paul and Braveheart

Drunken Durfin
06-11-2012, 10:02 AM
When I read this:

CSMonitor.com - Why did Rand Paul forsake his dad Ron Paul for Mitt Romney?

My first thought was that scene from Braveheart with Robert the Bruce and his leper father:

Leper: You will embrace this rebellion. Support it from our lands in the north. I will gain English favor by condemning it, and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south. Sit down. Stay a while.

Robert: (slumping into a chair) This Wallace, he doesn't even have a knighthood, but he fights with passion and he inspires.

Leper: (laughs) And you wish to charge off and fight as he did. So would I.

Robert: Well, maybe it's time.

Leper: (sitting, getting serious) It is time to survive. You're the 17th Robert Bruce. The 16 before you passed you land and title because they didn't charge in. Call a meeting of the nobles.

Robert: But they do nothing but talk.

Leper: Rightly so. They're as rich in English titles and lands as they are in Scottish, just as we are. You admire this man, this William Wallace. Uncompromising men are easy to admire. He has courage, so does a dog. But it is exactly the ability to compromise that makes a man noble. And understand this: Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of England. And none of us, and nothing of Scotland will remain, unless we are as ruthless. Give ear to our nobles. Knowing their minds is the key to the throne.

Ah, politics. I rather a revolutionary war to be honest, but that is never going to happen as long as we have iPhones, TV and pizza.

06-11-2012, 01:05 PM
When I read this:

CSMonitor.com - Why did Rand Paul forsake his dad Ron Paul for Mitt Romney?

My first thought was that scene from Braveheart with Robert the Bruce and his leper father:

Ah, politics. I rather a revolutionary war to be honest, but that is never going to happen as long as we have iPhones, TV and pizza.

Yea.. because an all out civil war will work out to everyone's best interests.

I don't think you are giving the Tea Party (Ron Paul's strong base) enough credit. There have been major strides that started in 2010 and hopefully will continue in 2012. Continue to vote out the RINO's and Democrats and stop promoting RINO's like Boehner to leadership roles and you will see even more change happening.

This can be done at the voting booth and doesn't require people to die to make the change.

06-11-2012, 01:21 PM
Tea Party is more of Rand's base than Ron's. Maybe when it started it was Ron's, nut where it is now is Rand's.

06-11-2012, 01:57 PM
Tea Party is more of Rand's base than Ron's. Maybe when it started it was Ron's, nut where it is now is Rand's.

Could you be more specific?

06-11-2012, 02:10 PM
Where the Tea Party started in early 2010 to where it is today (or even by the 2010 election) is vastly different. They were originally fiscal conservatives who wanted the government's hands out of everything. Then, the Republican campaign finance machine and liberal media got involved, vastly changing the views. The fundraisers brought along a lot of social conservatism, while the liberal media portrayed the Tea Party via Palin and O'Donnell. The Tea Partiers have gone from grassroots to super Republicans. Since 2010, their platform has fallen apart and they've played nice with the rest of the Republicans more and more. While the original base might have been more aligned with Ron, they've shifted away from him mainly because of foreign policy and his state's rights views on many social issues. Rand, on the other hand, exemplifies what the Tea Party is today.

06-11-2012, 02:20 PM
Where the Tea Party started in early 2010 to where it is today (or even by the 2010 election) is vastly different. They were originally fiscal conservatives who wanted the government's hands out of everything. Then, the Republican campaign finance machine and liberal media got involved, vastly changing the views. The fundraisers brought along a lot of social conservatism, while the liberal media portrayed the Tea Party via Palin and O'Donnell. The Tea Partiers have gone from grassroots to super Republicans. Since 2010, their platform has fallen apart and they've played nice with the rest of the Republicans more and more. While the original base might have been more aligned with Ron, they've shifted away from him mainly because of foreign policy and his state's rights views on many social issues. Rand, on the other hand, exemplifies what the Tea Party is today.

I'll buy most of that... though I wouldn't put much faith in what the msm is portraying the Tea Party as... they have their own liberal agenda. They will do anything and everything they can to marginalize the Tea Party movement. Remember, they are fundamentally against Tea Party ideals like living within your means, smaller government, self responsibility, etc...

But what are the different positions that Rand Paul has vs. his father? I will mention that I believe Ron Paul goes way too far to make the government smaller.. and I'm a HUGE proponent of a smaller government.

Drunken Durfin
06-11-2012, 11:24 PM
This can be done at the voting booth and doesn't require people to die to make the change.

John J. Rambo: Are you bringing any weapons?
Burnett: Of course not.
John J. Rambo: Youre not changing anything.