View Full Version : spectral butterfly pouch

06-10-2012, 10:35 PM
a drawstring-tied blue silk pouch embroidered with colorful butterfly wings.

It works once an hour. The butterfly will last for 15 min and will follow you from room to room.
Its non functional so you can still have it on with 3 other belt worns.

>open pouch
You manipulate the drawstring and open the blue silk pouch. A brilliant white light shines from within as a spectral fairywing butterfly squeezes through the opening and flies out. Once the butterfly is free, you close the pouch again.

>look at butterfly
The butterfly is faintly transparent, and its glimmering gold wings are edged with eldritch luminescence. Wide grey lines enclose glacier blue teardrops on its forewings

>wave butterfly
You beckon to the fairywing butterfly, which flutters toward you. Cold air from its spectral wings caresses your fingertips as it hovers briefly nearby.

>raise butterfly
You raise a hand skyward, and the butterfly follows your gesture, spiralling dizzily upward in a sparkling cloud of ethereal light.

>exhale butterfly
You blow lightly on the fairywing butterfly as it hovers in midair. Its form ripples and flows like something out of a dream, and it dissolves into a cloud of ethereal light before coalescing again out of the cloud.

A spectral fairywing butterfly flutters in a small loop-the-loop before drifting downward.

A spectral fairywing butterfly flutters skyward, trailing snowflake-sized motes of luminescence from its faintly glowing wings.

A spectral fairywing butterfly flutters languidly along, fading in and out of existence on alternate wingbeats.

Streamers of eldritch light trail after a spectral fairywing butterfly as it dances through the air.

As a spectral fairywing butterfly flies in a small, tight spiral, motes of ghostly luminescence scatter off its wings to create a miniature, ethereal snowstorm.

A spectral fairywing butterfly flies in a giddy spiral around xxxxx.
((A spectral fairywing butterfly flies in a giddy spiral around you. A faint hint of frost shivers through the nearby air as the ghostly insect wings past.))

A spectral fairywing butterfly flutters skyward, trailing snowflake-sized motes of luminescence from its faintly glowing wings.

Streamers of eldritch light trail after a spectral fairywing butterfly as it dances through the air.

A spectral fairywing butterfly flutters in and circles around you.(when it follows you from room to room)

A spectral fairywing butterfly shimmers with white light before vanishing entirely. Nothing remains of the butterfly but a few faint, snowflake-sized motes of luminescence that fall through the air and glimmer out.