View Full Version : a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'

06-05-2012, 03:29 PM
A few things, the enchant on this seems to bounce from 3x-5x it mostly seems to be based on the level of the person swinging it. I gave give it to a lvl 50 character and he cannot hand it off to a level 10. But when he put it into a bag and gave it to him he could pull it out. Weapon flares on every hit, average seems to be about 15, with the high being 25 and the low being about 8.

I will be accepting trades, interested in full plate, two handed edge or interesting one handed edge weapons or a set of one handed edge for a two weapon user.

a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'

The warblade is forged of some unknown alloy that is extremely light and flexible, yet remains highly resilient. The metal gleams with a bluish hue. The edge of the warblade is honed to an uncommon sharpness. Inscribed along the length of the blade are ancient runes of some forgotten origin

>inspect warblade
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.
>anal warblade
You analyze your alloy warblade and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the alloy warblade for you.
>weigh warb
You carefully examine the alloy warblade and determine that the weight is about 16 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>asses warbl
You assess the warblade for structural weaknesses and strengths.

Careful examination indicates the alloy warblade has a base strength of 99 and a base durability of 225. You also determine the current integrity of the alloy warblade to be at 100.0%.

Here is their loresong:

Evil and ruin befell the Lands.
Seven strong hearts and seven stout hands,
wielding fire to stem the flow,
Guarded the pass against their foes.

Seven stood in the darkest hour.
Fire in hand, whilst the village did cower.
Against the ancient evil of old,
they stood as one, brave and bold.

Seven blades flashing bright,
mighty brands to pierce the night.
Did set all their foes a'straight,
withering them in ruint fate.

Aelthed, Orin, were the first to fall,
Five now stood and fought for all.
Farouk, Karo, followed soon,
Three blades still shined against the moon.

Three blades left began to fade.
Without all seven their doom was made.
Iubdan, Manser, fought till death,
with ebbing strength and waning breath.

Ottar held his blade up high.
Lightning crashed against the sky.
Seven blades their powers meshed,
to cleave asunder demon flesh.

With fading breath and dying sight,
Ottar passed beyond the Light.
The weapons great, their wielders strong.
Together these blades shall right the wrong.

Seven blades, each with a light,
came together in blazing might.
Separate, each had a fire.
Brought together they formed a pyre.

The village free, the seven dead,
Weapons were laid beside each head.
And if the lores of old ring true,
Seven blades shall rise anew.

MB:10 million
BO:20 million
Delivery will be in either Landing or FWI any questions or anything feel free to post or drop me a PM

06-05-2012, 04:10 PM
I think this is one of the dwarven swords.....

ETA: Fuck it, 10m

06-05-2012, 04:14 PM
I love these weapons. Flare every time is great.

06-05-2012, 04:33 PM
Yes its one of the dwarven warblades falchion based

06-05-2012, 04:49 PM
Where's the other?

06-05-2012, 04:52 PM
Its being used by a two weapon rogue

06-05-2012, 04:53 PM
Its being used by a two weapon rogue

I might be wrong, but don't they grow in power together, and if there are others in the room?

06-05-2012, 04:57 PM
The damage of the flares increase by about 10, but hard to swing both of em at once when they weigh 16lbs each

06-05-2012, 05:39 PM
20 mil

06-05-2012, 06:12 PM
Sold for BO

06-06-2012, 09:27 PM
Fun weapon to play with! Flares would be scary good with all the dwarven weapons in the same room.

06-06-2012, 09:34 PM
too bad they dont all exist any more, having all 7 in a group is a ton of fun, as enchant increases the more in use and the flares change and should improve

once upon a time these sold for 50 or so million too, we are spoiled by how common both flares and weighting have become really.