View Full Version : New Forum Issues

06-05-2012, 09:49 AM
When I am on the Forum tab and use "quick links>todays posts" it takes me to the Whats New? tab on the "new posts" page. I then have to click back on the Forum tab to get back to the "quick links>todays posts" link.

06-05-2012, 10:03 AM
I don't like that either.

06-05-2012, 10:08 AM
I think the idea is that once you are on the "Post for today" page. You can just refresh it. This will still show you topics with posts of today and it should change the forum icon back to the "new posts" color so you know what has new stuff since you last refreshed.

06-05-2012, 10:13 AM
The difference between the "new posts" and "todays posts" links is that both will show all the new posts but the "todays posts" link will also show any activity that day after this header...

The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read.

Does clicking "new posts" also mark everything as read? I dunno.

06-05-2012, 10:16 AM
Right. When you click "Today's Posts". Just refresh that page. There is no need to navigate back to "Today's Posts".

06-05-2012, 10:16 AM
I don't think it does but I haven't played with it that much (that's what she said).

06-05-2012, 10:19 AM
I think the idea is that once you are on the "Post for today" page. You can just refresh it. This will still show you topics with posts of today and it should change the forum icon back to the "new posts" color so you know what has new stuff since you last refreshed.

Unless this version of vbulletin'd "Today's Posts" is different from any other "Today's Posts" link I've used on other forums, including the old version of the PC, refreshing the page does not show new threads that have been posted in or created. It will just bold and change the color of threads with new posts that were already listed in the same order it was in when you first clicked "Today's Posts".

06-05-2012, 10:26 AM
Unless this version of vbulletin'd "Today's Posts" is different from any other "Today's Posts" link I've used on other forums, including the old version of the PC, refreshing the page does not show new threads that have been posted in or created. It will just bold and change the color of threads with new posts that were already listed in the same order it was in when you first clicked "Today's Posts".

Weird. I read on one of the forums that issue was resolved. But I guess not as I just tested it. So yeah that does suck.

Ah here is the fix: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=230302

It also looks like it can be fixed by using styling. Book mark the following URL and add it your quick links or whatever:


06-05-2012, 10:28 AM
This link still works for me: http://forum.gsplayers.com/search.php?do=getdaily if you have the pc on your quick links toolbar or whatever.

06-05-2012, 10:30 AM
This link still works for me: http://forum.gsplayers.com/search.php?do=getdaily if you have the pc on your quick links toolbar or whatever.

Yeah, I've saved that link on my favorites bar in the past for forums that don't have the shortcut quickly available.

Stanley Burrell
06-05-2012, 01:11 PM
Needs more chrome wheels. Oh! A flash animation of booty shaking MTV bitches sexing it up to our Plaaaaya's Corner Forum edit: logo, with the thingy, yo it's Monday, fuck this shit. And it's 12 o'clock somewhere.

Thanks for getting on that ASAP.

06-05-2012, 01:16 PM
I don't think it does but I haven't played with it that much (that's what she said).

I miss Michael Scott. The Office sucked after he left.

Stanley Burrell
06-14-2012, 03:15 PM
I don't understand why when you respond to a conversation on your visitor messages it appears in the other person's profile. And why visitor messages have less VB tag options. Sorry for the 9-day bump.

06-15-2012, 02:09 AM
I don't understand why when you respond to a conversation on your visitor messages it appears in the other person's profile. And why visitor messages have less VB tag options. Sorry for the 9-day bump.

If that person is on your friend list then everything they do appears on your activity page and vice versa.