View Full Version : Would you migrate to a new PC?

05-29-2012, 11:16 AM

05-29-2012, 11:30 AM
I probably missed the proposal in another thread or something. What would be the purpose? Is it to rectify the database errors? Or would this be a competing PC?

05-29-2012, 11:30 AM
Perfect scenario: Kranar upgrades host and vBulletin and this forum works properly.. and we can continue on without all the annoying errors.

I just don't have much faith in Kranar doing this.. as this has been a problem for over a year now.

05-29-2012, 11:30 AM
I probably missed the proposal in another thread or something. What would be the purpose? Is it to rectify the database errors? Or would this be a competing PC?


05-29-2012, 11:32 AM
Perfect scenario: Kranar upgrades host and vBulletin and this forum works properly.. and we can continue on without all the annoying errors.

I just don't have much faith in Kranar doing this.. as this has been a problem for over a year now.

Agree that would be perfect, but seeing as how silent he has been on this issue and Anticor is only now getting the ball rolling..

05-29-2012, 11:33 AM
I probably missed the proposal in another thread or something. What would be the purpose? Is it to rectify the database errors? Or would this be a competing PC?

The purpose would be to have a forum that works.

05-29-2012, 12:57 PM
Agree that would be perfect, but seeing as how silent he has been on this issue and Anticor is only now getting the ball rolling..


05-29-2012, 01:01 PM
There has been very little communication from the admins up until well, this weekend regarding the problems. That's been more frustrating than the issue itself.

05-29-2012, 01:11 PM
While the communication was lacking, and I won't deny that. I will argue that effort wasn't made, and isn't still being made, to correct the issue.

Which is kind of the reasong I threw up a "?" to Pk stating that it's just now being addressed. I hadn't in the past communicated anything because I didn't feel it was my place to air the discussions Kranar and I have had in the past. I did want to make sure you guys knew it was being looked into so I posted what I did. If you don't like that you're probably racist and hate weiner dogs.

05-29-2012, 01:14 PM
I do hate racist weiner dogs.

05-29-2012, 01:17 PM
I almost went into a sugar coma from GISing "racist weiner dogs" (using safe search, hate to imagine what full disclosure search would bring up)

05-29-2012, 01:32 PM
I went to vote and the PC errored on me. Does that coun't as a hanging Chad? I'll await the Supreme Court decision to see what I need to do.

05-29-2012, 01:33 PM
I give you extra credit for using hanging chad in proper context.

05-29-2012, 01:37 PM
I voted yes, because I would move. But it would really suck, and I'd rather Kranar fix this piece of shit.

05-29-2012, 01:37 PM
The obvious take away from this poll so far is Kranar should charge people between 15 and 40 bucks a month, no one would leave for a competing forum then.

05-29-2012, 01:44 PM
If everyone went, I'd go. I'm here for the people, not the post history. That said, I'd rather stay here and get it fixed. People + post history is better than people alone.

Also, I just got an error trying to post it. Not a Database Error - it's the one where a blue line shows up just above the box you type your response in and says, "The following errors occurred when this message was submitted" then a blank line where the errors are presumably supposed to be, then an Okay link. Am I the only one that gets these now and then?

05-29-2012, 01:51 PM
If everyone went, I'd go. I'm here for the people, not the post history. That said, I'd rather stay here and get it fixed. People + post history is better than people alone.

Also, I just got an error trying to post it. Not a Database Error - it's the one where a blue line shows up just above the box you type your response in and says, "The following errors occurred when this message was submitted" then a blank line where the errors are presumably supposed to be, then an Okay link. Am I the only one that gets these now and then?

I don't think I've ever seen that error.

05-29-2012, 01:52 PM
Also, my new Chrome tab finally says Database Error. And the first time I tried to post this, I got a database error.

05-29-2012, 02:05 PM
Also, my new Chrome tab finally says Database Error. And the first time I tried to post this, I got a database error.

I was going to reply here, but dbe. Srsly, it's awful today.

05-29-2012, 02:05 PM
I don't think I've ever seen that error.
I've seen it a few times, usually when I use the "quick reply" box at the bottom of the page instead of quoting someone or clicking "Go Advanced." It's usually followed by a full-on Database Error or the page just stalling out and looking like it's loading forever until I get annoyed and close it.

Conveniently, it happened when I tried to submit this. Screenshot:


Stuff I did (for Anticor, if it helps):

Quoted Stef and copied the text with (quote) tags

Hit back and pasted it into the Quick Reply window (trying to get the error to happen so I could screenshot it - and apparently succeeding)

Typed reponse, hit 'Post Quick Reply' and got the error, screenshotted.

Uploaded to Photobucket, tried to post again, and got a full-on Database Error (this frequently [always?] happens after the error in my screenshot here).

Typed more while waiting for the PC to pull its head out of its ass.

05-29-2012, 02:11 PM
Anticor, it's been an ongoing issue and almost a month since hearing anything back from Kranar (besides just now,) and you are an administrator of the site and also a daily poster. Maybe it's just my assumption you would keep us in the loop or at least give us a cursory "Hey guys, don't worry, I'm in touch with Kranar." Buckwheet mentions how easy it would be to start a new forum and then suddenly you guys are all up in concern mode. :lol:

05-29-2012, 02:19 PM
Anticor, it's been an ongoing issue and almost a month since hearing anything back from Kranar (besides just now,) and you are an administrator of the site and also a daily poster. Maybe it's just my assumption you would keep us in the loop or at least give us a cursory "Hey guys, don't worry, I'm in touch with Kranar." Buckwheet mentions how easy it would be to start a new forum and then suddenly you guys are all up in concern mode. :lol:

It's an assumption.

I've responded to every private inquiry, I might have even posted something about it in that db thread I'll go back and look. That's also kind of the shitty part about being an admin and a daily poster, sometimes you just don't get to say what you want to.

As for the timing, no idea but I'm pretty sure it's not concern mode on my part.

05-29-2012, 02:25 PM
Why would Kranar even care? He doesn't really participate here at all and obviously gets no joy from being "in charge" because he doesn't moderate at all. If he would just get the site fixed, he'd be the perfect admin imo. lol

05-29-2012, 02:30 PM
It's an assumption.

I've responded to every private inquiry, I might have even posted something about it in that db thread I'll go back and look. That's also kind of the shitty part about being an admin and a daily poster, sometimes you just don't get to say what you want to.

As for the timing, no idea but I'm pretty sure it's not concern mode on my part.

Your last post in that thread was on the 24th of April. And what exactly is it that's stopping you from updating us? Did Kranar have you sign a NDA? Why exactly are you administrator again?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-29-2012, 02:32 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head. Why would Kranar even care? If it's no longer an interest for him, and is a resource drain (of his time, money or whatever) he probably has it at the bottom of his list of shit to do.

If someone wants to "take it over", and all the headache and expense of hosting/admin that comes with it, I'm sure he'd give it to them. Well, maybe I'm not sure, but it can't hurt to ask.

Hopefully it's not some cockmonger who bans anyone they disagree with, but thems the risks you take with anyone running a "public" mesage board.

05-29-2012, 02:35 PM
I update you when I know something. When I don't know anything I don't update you...that's probably what stopped me. As for an NDA of course not but I don't get to post things I want to based upon things I see behind the scenes that make me form opinions of people other than what they try to display publically in their attempt to e-ttract them e-bitches for e-sex.

As for why exactly I'm an admin..no idea. I just clean up the spam, the trolls, and answer the legit PMs for requests for assistance as well as the bullshit PMs from people that need some titty baby rep changed because it hurts them to know someone doesn't like their popped collar or whatever.

We've been over the fact that I have no access to or control over any actual DB files/fields/data so I can't fix this issue, as such I can't really provide you an update or insight as to what's going on until I'm given one. Oddly enough I was given one...so I provided it.

05-29-2012, 02:35 PM
Your last post in that thread was on the 24th of April. And what exactly is it that's stopping you from updating us? Did Kranar have you sign a NDA? Why exactly are you administrator again?
Wow. Really? He hasn't kept you updated on one issue (that it seems Kranar was handling and not him), and you come out with this? Let's just totally forget all the IW bans, keeping up with every stupid thread we start so that if someone posts dong or breaks ToS he can handle it, banning bots/editing out their links, and answering God only knows how many PMs every day. Those are all insignificant. HE DIDN'T UPDATE US ON AN ISSUE THAT HAD NO UPDATES! OUTRAGE!1!!!!11! HE IS ABSOLUTELY USELESS!11!one!!eleven1!

05-29-2012, 02:45 PM
Guys the only person who deserves any blame for this is me, definitely not Anticor.

There is no NDA or anything, obviously not, my position has simply been to keep my distance from this place so that it can be run in a free and mostly open manner. In social respects I think it's served well, but obviously in the technical aspect it's resulting in a mostly disfunctional website that can hardly be accessed anymore, so that's gotta get fixed.

My opinion... you want an admin who virtually doesn't exist, that's at least been my experience on this website having seen way too many past admins get too personally or emotionally involved, burn out because something didn't go their way or hurt their ego, and then piss off a looooot of people in the process resulting in them having to step down.

But yeah, that can go too far if you let the software stagnate (doh!). So, I've said what I plan to do to rectify the issue, but honestly at the end of the day if you guys are so fed up that you feel it's best to jump ship some where else, then you gotta do what you gotta do, best of luck to Buckwheet and I'll be happy to have been involved in this community one way or another for over 10 years.

Let's keep in mind, the site isn't massive, but it's big enough that I constantly get solicitations from spammers or people who would like to you know... gather analytics (that's the euphemism) on the members of this forum. Advertisements, spam, you name it, and I turn it down each and every time because this place is free and open and should always remain that way. Not to say no one else in the world can do that, but you take the risk by wanting to jump ship to another Player's Corner clone where so little effort is being made to build it, that it's effectively a verbatim rip off of this website (is my frustration seeping through???). Also, while I completely respect the hard work all admins have done here, the temptation to get personally involved is big and has affected MANY previous admins. There have been admins who snooped on personal info, abused their power, ratted accounts out, it happens...

By being away in the distance, I just don't have the incentive to get involved at that level. If people get all dramatic on one another, I watch from the distance and have no need to take sides. That's kind of a benefit I think. Anyways, let's see how things go by next week and if it's still in the crapper, then yeah, it might be time to move on.

05-29-2012, 02:46 PM
Guys the only person who deserves any blame for this is me, definitely not Anticor.

There is no NDA or anything, obviously not, my position has simply been to keep my distance from this place so that it can be run in a free and mostly open manner. In social respects I think it's served well, but obviously in the technical aspect it's resulting in a mostly disfunctional website that can hardly be accessed anymore, so that's gotta get fixed.

My opinion... you want an admin who virtually doesn't exist, that's at least been my experience on this website having seen way too many past admins get too personally or emotionally involved, burn out because something didn't go their way or hurt their ego, and then piss off a looooot of people in the process resulting in them having to step down.

But yeah, that can go too far if you let the software stagnate (doh!). So, I've said what I plan to do to rectify the issue, but honestly at the end of the day if you guys are so fed up that you feel it's best to jump ship some where else, then you gotta do what you gotta do, best of luck to Buckwheet and I'll be happy to have been involved in this community one way or another for over 10 years.

You don't tell me who I can or can't blame. Ahole.

05-29-2012, 02:47 PM
Calm down slut, eesh.
You're the one getting all pissy over errors and declaring people useless despite significant (and unpaid) effort on their part. I'm just calling you retarded.

Also, I need to spread it around more before I can leave another red box in your rep, so here it is: Sometimes your idiocy astounds me. I should be used to it by now, but every now and then you still amaze me with the level of stupid you manage to dredge up.

05-29-2012, 02:48 PM
You're the one getting all pissy over errors and declaring people useless despite significant (and unpaid) effort on their part. I'm just calling you retarded.

Also, I need to spread it around more before I can leave another red box in your rep, so here it is: Sometimes your idiocy astounds me. I should be used to it by now, but every now and then you still amaze me with the level of stupid you manage to dredge up.

Rage more please, it's funny.

05-29-2012, 02:49 PM
I'm aware of some of the things Anticor it is responsible for and he does a good job at those things but I didn't know that he doesn't have access to the technical aspects of the forum. Hence me asking, and now I know.

Pretty sure I've told everyone that before. I'm just here to dry those e-tears and ban IW/Inspire.

05-29-2012, 02:50 PM
If someone wants to "take it over", and all the headache and expense of hosting/admin that comes with it, I'm sure he'd give it to them. Well, maybe I'm not sure, but it can't hurt to ask.

I believe Buckwheat has asked in the past and was denied.

I just want the forums to be working normally again... If it's Kranar.. if it's Buckwheat.. if it's Caels.. I don't care.

05-29-2012, 02:50 PM
To be fair, Kranar's right. More than losing all the previous posts I'd be most worried about having a new admin that didn't let us do almost whatever the fuck we wanted. Kranar and Anticor have basically been the best type (database errors aside, of course) of admin you could ask for.

05-29-2012, 02:50 PM
Per PB I'll be giving HN a call.

05-29-2012, 02:51 PM

05-29-2012, 02:52 PM
You're the one getting all pissy over errors and declaring people useless despite significant (and unpaid) effort on their part. I'm just calling you retarded.

Are you suggesting that Anticor ISN'T useless???

05-29-2012, 02:53 PM
To be fair, Kranar's right. More than losing all the previous posts I'd be most worried about having a new admin that didn't let us do almost whatever the fuck we wanted. Kranar and Anticor have basically been the best type (database errors aside, of course) of admin you could ask for.

Pk said I suck as an admin, I have rep to prove it and rep is srs.

05-29-2012, 02:54 PM
Pk said I suck as an admin, I have rep to prove it and rep is srs.

Wasn't that green though?

05-29-2012, 02:55 PM
Rage more please, it's funny.
The internet doesn't usually get to me, but this time it did. You know I think you're a stuck-up asshole. Many people also know that I appreciate the hell out of Anticor as a person, and have a huge amount of respect for him. Put the two together, and yeah. I'm going to rage. Enjoy your laughs, and thank you for not continuing to be a dick after he responded to you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower. I said something nice about Anticor in public, and it's making me feel dirty.

05-29-2012, 02:55 PM
You might suck but not in an admin capacity. :D

05-29-2012, 02:55 PM
Are you suggesting that Anticor ISN'T useless???

That's it I'm calling AARP and having you kicked out.

05-29-2012, 02:56 PM
Wasn't that green though?

No it wasn't you hurtful son of a bitch. I had to PM myself and ask myself to remove it so I could look at my rep without seeing red rep making me cry.

05-29-2012, 02:57 PM
Dude, people seriously PM you asking to remove red rep?


05-29-2012, 02:58 PM
I like Anticor too, he's a cool shit. I also like posting here on the PC but as Tisket mentioned not long ago if these errors keep up people are going to stop coming here so yes I went into snarky mode. I'm good at that. Sorry for being such a ceyrin.

05-29-2012, 02:58 PM
Per PB I'll be giving HN a call.

Notice I never, ever mentioned her name? Yea.. she's obviously one of the admins that Kranar was referring to when he said "abused their power".

No fucking thanks. I do not want to go back to the Dark Ages of the PC again.

05-29-2012, 02:58 PM
Rage more please, it's funny.

Don't take any guff from these swine PK!

05-29-2012, 02:59 PM
Not just red rep, but sometimes people send shit that I know I wouldn't want to see everytime I open my User CP. I don't remove it, I normally just edit it to suite my humor.

Also some PMs, etc. We get some spam bots that do PMs and grey rep and shit that I clean up. Fun stuff.

05-29-2012, 02:59 PM
No it wasn't you hurtful son of a bitch. I had to PM myself and ask myself to remove it so I could look at my rep without seeing red rep making me cry.

If it makes you feel any better I always bring up the picture of you in your avatar before I pet my wiener dog.

05-29-2012, 03:00 PM
I like Anticor too, he's a cool shit. I also like posting here on the PC but as Tisket mentioned not long ago if these errors keep up people are going to stop coming here so yes I went into snarky mode. I'm good at that. Sorry for being such a ceyrin.

Being such a Ceyrin should be a new term used when owning up to being a douche.

Also you apologized on the PC, you done fucked up now.

05-29-2012, 03:07 PM
To be fair, Kranar's right. More than losing all the previous posts I'd be most worried about having a new admin that didn't let us do almost whatever the fuck we wanted. Kranar and Anticor have basically been the best type (database errors aside, of course) of admin you could ask for.

This exactly. I'd move but would rather not. I love the PC because of how open it is. I also appreciate the no ads and shit.

I think Kranar has been the best admin/owner anyone could ask for in terms of monitoring. The fact he keeps his distance but still pays to keep this up and running is amazing. So kudos.

05-29-2012, 03:07 PM
If it makes you feel any better I always picture you before I pet my wiener.

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

05-29-2012, 03:10 PM
To be fair, Kranar's right. More than losing all the previous posts I'd be most worried about having a new admin that didn't let us do almost whatever the fuck we wanted. Kranar and Anticor have basically been the best type (database errors aside, of course) of admin you could ask for.

We can't post nipples

05-29-2012, 03:11 PM
We can post man-nipples.

05-29-2012, 03:20 PM
We can post man-nipples.

No one wants to see those.

05-29-2012, 03:29 PM
I do...

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-29-2012, 03:31 PM
I voted yes, because I would move. But it would really suck, and I'd rather Kranar fix this piece of shit.

If everyone went, I'd go. I'm here for the people, not the post history. That said, I'd rather stay here and get it fixed. People + post history is better than people alone.


05-29-2012, 03:33 PM
In social respects I think it's served well, but obviously in the technical aspect it's resulting in a mostly disfunctional website that can hardly be accessed anymore, so that's gotta get fixed.

so, is it going to be fixed or can it be fixed? I think that's the only real issue, and people aren't meaning to show any lack of appreciation for the boards or for you and Anticor, but it has been a long time and I don't think people are willing to wait as long as it takes for Simu to develop monks.

Anyway, thanks for all that you both do/have done.


05-29-2012, 03:53 PM
>so, is it going to be fixed or can it be fixed? I think that's the only real issue, and people aren't meaning to show any lack of appreciation for the boards or for you and Anticor, but it has been a long time and I don't think people are willing to wait as long as it takes for Simu to develop monks.

I'm more than sympathetic to the frustration people are having. I won't deny seeing Buckwheet start up another site has definitely expedited things on my end so in that sense it was a good move to get things rolling.

But... and this will sound disrespectful, Buckwheet has always had an agenda, he was an admin before and let his own involvement get carried away and just think sensibly about how he's trying to milk this situation. He's hacked these forums to steal all the data verbatim in the past and succeeded actually and now he's basically trying to copy and paste everything. I mean it's not like copyright means much of anything but it's a pretty low thing to do. If you want to start another forum, at least have the dignity/decency to write up your own content, own terms of service etc...

I would ask respectfully, don't jump ship just yet. It looks appealing, sure... but I got the message now, the fire has been lit under my ass, I will work to fix these issues as soon as I can.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-29-2012, 04:05 PM
Not just red rep, but sometimes people send shit that I know I wouldn't want to see everytime I open my User CP. I don't remove it, I normally just edit it to suite my humor.

Also some PMs, etc. We get some spam bots that do PMs and grey rep and shit that I clean up. Fun stuff.

Are people just really unaware that the admins can see who gave them the rep?

I figured Kranar was looking into it, especially once Anticor asked us to help out by posting what we did/what browser we're in, because technical support can be kind of a never-ending loop of wtf.

Edit to add:

As for an NDA of course not but I don't get to post things I want to based upon things I see behind the scenes that make me form opinions of people other than what they try to display publically in their attempt to e-ttract them e-bitches for e-sex.


05-29-2012, 04:17 PM
so, is it going to be fixed or can it be fixed? I think that's the only real issue, and people aren't meaning to show any lack of appreciation for the boards or for you and Anticor, but it has been a long time and I don't think people are willing to wait as long as it takes for Simu to develop monks.

Anyway, thanks for all that you both do/have done.


that is hilarious

05-29-2012, 04:30 PM
I would ask respectfully, don't jump ship just yet. It looks appealing, sure... but I got the message now, the fire has been lit under my ass, I will work to fix these issues as soon as I can.

Are there going to be any new features with the upgraded software? Like Tapatalk?

05-29-2012, 04:52 PM
But... and this will sound disrespectful, Buckwheet has always had an agenda, he was an admin before and let his own involvement get carried away and just think sensibly about how he's trying to milk this situation. He's hacked these forums to steal all the data verbatim in the past and succeeded actually and now he's basically trying to copy and paste everything.

I was kind of thinking the same thing. I don't have Buckwheets side of this story but I've seen you mention something like this about him before and now all of a sudden he talks about how easy it is to replicate the PC and shows everyone then a couple hours later there's a poll about migrating over to Buckwheets site.

I would like to think Buckwheet is just trying to be helpful here and give everyone an option since a lot of people are frustrated with the database errors, more likely upset about the lack of communication about the database errors, but at the same time I'm kind of leery as well. What kind of agenda are you talking about though? The snooping you were referring to earlier about other admins (not sure if you meant Buckwheet in this as well)? He just wants to be in charge?

05-29-2012, 05:03 PM
I'll be in charge. I swear I won't look at your personal informations.

...I am not a terrorist.

05-29-2012, 05:13 PM
I'll be in charge. I swear I won't look at your personal informations.

...I am not a terrorist.

You wouldn't pass the State Department background check.

05-29-2012, 05:17 PM
I got db errors while trying to read this thread, but I gather you're aware of that .

Carry on then.

05-29-2012, 05:22 PM
Are there going to be any new features with the upgraded software? Like Tapatalk?

I don't know what this tapatalk is so everytime I see someone mention it I think of tapioca pudding. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

05-29-2012, 05:26 PM
Are people just really unaware that the admins can see who gave them the rep?

I figured Kranar was looking into it, especially once Anticor asked us to help out by posting what we did/what browser we're in, because technical support can be kind of a never-ending loop of wtf.

Edit to add:


Not my rep Nikki, let's say someone sent you a neg rep with a Goatse inside a goatse so you could goatse when you goatse. You, being the delicate flower that you are, might find that in bad taste and vomit all over your keyboard. Then you'd PM me asking to get the rep removed. After receiving payment in the form of nudes I'd then remove that image in the rep, not the rep itself but I might change it to a meatspin or something else that's classy.

05-29-2012, 05:27 PM
I don't know what this tapatalk is so everytime I see someone mention it I think of tapioca pudding. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

It's an app you can use for your smartphone that makes reading forums like this actually enjoyable. It's free to the owner of the forum.. so not sure why Kranar wouldn't include it.

05-29-2012, 05:29 PM
PB's idea of a smart phone is having an educated switch board operator.

05-29-2012, 06:06 PM
You wouldn't pass the State Department background check.

I already have.

05-29-2012, 06:25 PM
Are there going to be any new features with the upgraded software? Like Tapatalk?

I asked Kranar a few months ago if he would include Tapatalk. He said he would look into it and then I didn't hear back.

05-29-2012, 07:22 PM
I asked Kranar a few months ago if he would include Tapatalk. He said he would look into it and then I didn't hear back.

He has more of an incentive to fix shit now.. let's hope it includes Tapatalk.

Gnome Rage
05-29-2012, 07:26 PM
I said no. Cause I'm lazy :3

and the titty thread would be gone.

05-29-2012, 07:28 PM
Pretty much the exact two reasons I came up with for saying no.

Gnome Rage
05-29-2012, 07:29 PM
My whole basis for acceptance here would be destroyed in one fell swoop and I'd have to start over. Turrible.

05-29-2012, 07:32 PM
My whole basis for acceptance here would be destroyed in one fell swoop and I'd have to start over. Turrible.

Wait. I think we all need to consider very carefully the things we might be able to get a single GR to do for acceptance on a new forum before we make any final decisions.

05-29-2012, 07:39 PM
DBE while trying to post.

Moving might mean consolidating the boob thread to a few easily perusable pages, right now you have to wade through a ton of shit to see some boobies, which is a shame. We could even have beerzombie in the first post.

Although, to be clear, my post e-peen is so retardedly epic I must cling to it in shame, out of a sense of duty and valor. I assume Cele backs me up on this.

05-29-2012, 07:41 PM
DBE while trying to post.

Moving might mean consolidating the boob thread to a few easily perusable pages, right now you have to wade through a ton of shit to see some boobies, which is a shame. We could even have beerzombie in the first post.

Although, to be clear, my post e-peen is so retardedly epic I must cling to it in shame, out of a sense of duty and valor. I assume Cele backs me up on this.

I already have 7000+ posts and 140k+ rep on the other forum. IR the new forum god.

05-29-2012, 07:48 PM
>so, is it going to be fixed or can it be fixed? I think that's the only real issue, and people aren't meaning to show any lack of appreciation for the boards or for you and Anticor, but it has been a long time and I don't think people are willing to wait as long as it takes for Simu to develop monks.

I'm more than sympathetic to the frustration people are having. I won't deny seeing Buckwheet start up another site has definitely expedited things on my end so in that sense it was a good move to get things rolling.

But... and this will sound disrespectful, Buckwheet has always had an agenda, he was an admin before and let his own involvement get carried away and just think sensibly about how he's trying to milk this situation. He's hacked these forums to steal all the data verbatim in the past and succeeded actually and now he's basically trying to copy and paste everything. I mean it's not like copyright means much of anything but it's a pretty low thing to do. If you want to start another forum, at least have the dignity/decency to write up your own content, own terms of service etc...

I would ask respectfully, don't jump ship just yet. It looks appealing, sure... but I got the message now, the fire has been lit under my ass, I will work to fix these issues as soon as I can.

First of all this is full of lies,sorry I missed this thread earlier.

I left because I went to play Dark age of Camelot. I never hacked the forum. So apparently the personal disagreements we had are now open for public disclosure even tho we agreed to keep that between us? I speak truthful statements and you bring up shit we settled YEARS ago, or so I thought?

I was given access to the information from your host and because I was still the registered owner of the domain. You know this because we talked about it and we signed legal documents securing the transfer to you. So please, do yourself a favor Kamal and stop lying.

Additionally, you have had years since then to step up and fix this and I am tired of waiting for it. If you think you have copyright claim let me know and I will send you my address where you can serve me with papers. If you think I have done something illegal I will send you the contact information for the local FBI office and police station and you can file a formal complaint.

Its not a low thing to do because you are not holding up your end of the bargain and providing this community you claim to care about any sort of reliable service in the past two years. You basically are always gone with no attention to even keeping this place going. But you did find time to host other websites on the site that people donated to you for running this site.

So here is the bottom line. Stop lying, step up and update the forum, be around to continue to maintain it, find a better host and not your shitty $5 a month blue host, stop lying about how hard it is to move the site or find a host. Its all shit. You know its shit, I know its shit.

Fix the fucking problems or find someone who is willing to do it for you. As you have seen I could have had this whole thing fixed for you in less than 15 hours and all people would be waiting for is some DNS to resolve.

I would do it for you right now, free of cost, and once I move it all over you can change the passwords. Every admin in the past who has decided to not participate has handed the keys over to someone else to continue to grow and improve the forum. For the first time in the history of the PC do we have an admin who is not even applying simple bug fixes and patches to the software of the forum.

The reality is man we used to be friends. We built the building blocks of this place TOGETHER. Somewhere along the way you changed and basically you treat me like shit because I stepped away. So fine, you want to treat me like shit then you should really explain to me why I should treat you any different.

I am glad the fire is lit, but it should have been lit when we had this disagreement years ago. I am never going to stop calling for improvement to this community so you should get used to truthful criticisms and stop trying to attack my integrity and character from things that happened years ago.

Also, you need to post up some proof about all the allegations against previous admins of the site you made:

There have been admins who snooped on personal info, abused their power, ratted accounts out, it happens....

05-29-2012, 07:49 PM
I said no. Cause I'm lazy :3

and the titty thread would be gone.

The titty thread will always live on in our hearts

05-29-2012, 07:54 PM
First of all this is full of lies,sorry I missed this thread earlier.

I left because I went to play Dark age of Camelot. I never hacked the forum. So apparently the personal disagreements we had are now open for public disclosure even tho we agreed to keep that between us? I speak truthful statements and you bring up shit we settled YEARS ago, or so I thought?

I was given access to the information from your host and because I was still the registered owner of the domain. You know this because we talked about it and we signed legal documents securing the transfer to you. So please, do yourself a favor Kamal and stop lying.

Additionally, you have had years since then to step up and fix this and I am tired of waiting for it. If you think you have copyright claim let me know and I will send you my address where you can serve me with papers. If you think I have done something illegal I will send you the contact information for the local FBI office and police station and you can file a formal complaint.

Its not a low thing to do because you are not holding up your end of the bargain and providing this community you claim to care about any sort of reliable service in the past two years. You basically are always gone with no attention to even keeping this place going. But you did find time to host other websites on the site that people donated to you for running this site.

So here is the bottom line. Stop lying, step up and update the forum, be around to continue to maintain it, find a better host and not your shitty $5 a month blue host, stop lying about how hard it is to move the site or find a host. Its all shit. You know its shit, I know its shit.

Fix the fucking problems or find someone who is willing to do it for you. As you have seen I could have had this whole thing fixed for you in less than 15 hours and all people would be waiting for is some DNS to resolve.

I would do it for you right now, free of cost, and once I move it all over you can change the passwords. Every admin in the past who has decided to not participate has handed the keys over to someone else to continue to grow and improve the forum. For the first time in the history of the PC do we have an admin who is not even applying simple bug fixes and patches to the software of the forum.

The reality is man we used to be friends. We built the building blocks of this place TOGETHER. Somewhere along the way you changed and basically you treat me like shit because I stepped away. So fine, you want to treat me like shit then you should really explain to me why I should treat you any different.

I am glad the fire is lit, but it should have been lit when we had this disagreement years ago. I am never going to stop calling for improvement to this community so you should get used to truthful criticisms and stop trying to attack my integrity and character from things that happened years ago.


also, titties.

05-29-2012, 07:55 PM
First of all this is full of lies,sorry I missed this thread earlier.

I left because I went to play Dark age of Camelot. I never hacked the forum. So apparently the personal disagreements we had are now open for public disclosure even tho we agreed to keep that between us? I speak truthful statements and you bring up shit we settled YEARS ago, or so I thought?

I was given access to the information from your host and because I was still the registered owner of the domain. You know this because we talked about it and we signed legal documents securing the transfer to you. So please, do yourself a favor Kamal and stop lying.

Additionally, you have had years since then to step up and fix this and I am tired of waiting for it. If you think you have copyright claim let me know and I will send you my address where you can serve me with papers. If you think I have done something illegal I will send you the contact information for the local FBI office and police station and you can file a formal complaint.

Its not a low thing to do because you are not holding up your end of the bargain and providing this community you claim to care about any sort of reliable service in the past two years. You basically are always gone with no attention to even keeping this place going. But you did find time to host other websites on the site that people donated to you for running this site.

So here is the bottom line. Stop lying, step up and update the forum, be around to continue to maintain it, find a better host and not your shitty $5 a month blue host, stop lying about how hard it is to move the site or find a host. Its all shit. You know its shit, I know its shit.

Fix the fucking problems or find someone who is willing to do it for you. As you have seen I could have had this whole thing fixed for you in less than 15 hours and all people would be waiting for is some DNS to resolve.

I would do it for you right now, free of cost, and once I move it all over you can change the passwords. Every admin in the past who has decided to not participate has handed the keys over to someone else to continue to grow and improve the forum. For the first time in the history of the PC do we have an admin who is not even applying simple bug fixes and patches to the software of the forum.

The reality is man we used to be friends. We built the building blocks of this place TOGETHER. Somewhere along the way you changed and basically you treat me like shit because I stepped away. So fine, you want to treat me like shit then you should really explain to me why I should treat you any different.

I am glad the fire is lit, but it should have been lit when we had this disagreement years ago. I am never going to stop calling for improvement to this community so you should get used to truthful criticisms and stop trying to attack my integrity and character from things that happened years ago.

Also, you need to post up some proof about all the allegations against previous admins of the site you made:

There have been admins who snooped on personal info, abused their power, ratted accounts out, it happens....


05-29-2012, 07:58 PM
You guys signed legal documents about this place? Holy shit, I thought this was just a fun forum for a game most of us no longer play, didn't know it was so serious.

05-29-2012, 07:58 PM
The titty thread will always live on in our hearts

Don't forget beerzombie too.

05-29-2012, 07:59 PM
And that's why I don't really want Buckwheet as an administrator. He cares too much.

Once you start caring, you start imposing rules. Or enforcing rules no one really cares about. Let me have my dystopian forums, kthx.

05-29-2012, 08:02 PM
And that's why I don't really want Buckwheet as an administrator. He cares too much.

Is that why you hate Ron Paul? :lol:

05-29-2012, 08:03 PM
You guys signed legal documents about this place? Holy shit, I thought this was just a fun forum for a game most of us no longer play, didn't know it was so serious.

Yes. I signed forms officially transferring the domain to Kamal during our last dispute where he temporarily banned me from the forum, then would not talk to me in IM, and when we finally talked I explained to him detail how I got the information, what I was doing, and why I was doing it.

We agree to stop fighting in the forum so that it didn't continue to impact the community, we apologized to eachother for our behaviors and he ubanned my account. So evidence of me posting now is proof that he felt the problem was reconciled.

As part of this process we signed forms that transferred ownership from me to Kamal for the domain name because I was still the legal owner of it since I never gave the domain to anyone when I let other admins run the site.

So this was all cleared up years ago. I think pre 2008, or around there even. CrystalTears would have to confirm because she was still very active in the moderator section at the time and might have closer dates. I know its against the agreement to post from the moderator section, but she can confirm the date ranges or anyone with access to the moderator section should be able to. Kamal agreed to just let it drop and so did I, but that was long before the constant problems of today.

05-29-2012, 08:07 PM
And that's why I don't really want Buckwheet as an administrator. He cares too much.

Once you start caring, you start imposing rules. Or enforcing rules no one really cares about. Let me have my dystopian forums, kthx.

I don't really understand where this comes from, but I have no plans to issue warnings or bans or rules or anything of the like. Think of it as a server administrator. They just make sure all the technical shit is working properly. They are not the big bad dictator that makes up the rules they just make sure the shit works inside the rules.

But regardless I don't care if I am administrator or not. I just want the forum to work, I have the skills and resources available to make it so, and Kranar has openly said he simply has no time to work on it except for possible weekend time and we have already seen the amount of time it takes to get things changed.

If Kranar fixes everything, then I am totally cool with it until shit starts breaking again..FOR TWO YEARS...then I am going to speak up again about the mickey mouse bullsquash that is going on.

05-29-2012, 08:09 PM
First of all this is full of lies,sorry I missed this thread earlier.

I left because I went to play Dark age of Camelot. I never hacked the forum. So apparently the personal disagreements we had are now open for public disclosure even tho we agreed to keep that between us? I speak truthful statements and you bring up shit we settled YEARS ago, or so I thought?

I was given access to the information from your host and because I was still the registered owner of the domain. You know this because we talked about it and we signed legal documents securing the transfer to you. So please, do yourself a favor Kamal and stop lying.

Additionally, you have had years since then to step up and fix this and I am tired of waiting for it. If you think you have copyright claim let me know and I will send you my address where you can serve me with papers. If you think I have done something illegal I will send you the contact information for the local FBI office and police station and you can file a formal complaint.

Its not a low thing to do because you are not holding up your end of the bargain and providing this community you claim to care about any sort of reliable service in the past two years. You basically are always gone with no attention to even keeping this place going. But you did find time to host other websites on the site that people donated to you for running this site.

So here is the bottom line. Stop lying, step up and update the forum, be around to continue to maintain it, find a better host and not your shitty $5 a month blue host, stop lying about how hard it is to move the site or find a host. Its all shit. You know its shit, I know its shit.

Fix the fucking problems or find someone who is willing to do it for you. As you have seen I could have had this whole thing fixed for you in less than 15 hours and all people would be waiting for is some DNS to resolve.

I would do it for you right now, free of cost, and once I move it all over you can change the passwords. Every admin in the past who has decided to not participate has handed the keys over to someone else to continue to grow and improve the forum. For the first time in the history of the PC do we have an admin who is not even applying simple bug fixes and patches to the software of the forum.

The reality is man we used to be friends. We built the building blocks of this place TOGETHER. Somewhere along the way you changed and basically you treat me like shit because I stepped away. So fine, you want to treat me like shit then you should really explain to me why I should treat you any different.

I am glad the fire is lit, but it should have been lit when we had this disagreement years ago. I am never going to stop calling for improvement to this community so you should get used to truthful criticisms and stop trying to attack my integrity and character from things that happened years ago.

Also, you need to post up some proof about all the allegations against previous admins of the site you made:

There have been admins who snooped on personal info, abused their power, ratted accounts out, it happens....

(i) If I have the key to your house, is it ok if I steal all your shit?

(ii) Kranar has no "end of the bargain." None of us pay for this site. Unless I am mistaken, Kranar doesn't make money off of it. I'm not comprehending what his obligations to us stem from.

(iii) No one is going to use your shitty forum if Kranar fixes this one. I understand you think you've undertaken some sort of coup d'etat and this is your manifesto - but it's not that serious. All 22 of us that post regularly understand that this a message board for a text-based roleplaying game and it is 2012, not 1998.

(iv) You'll never compete without the boob thread. It's not worth the drama.

05-29-2012, 08:11 PM

I'm just going to sit here for awhile and watch her boob move up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up an down

05-29-2012, 08:12 PM
And that's why I don't really want Buckwheet as an administrator. He cares too much.

Once you start caring, you start imposing rules. Or enforcing rules no one really cares about. Let me have my dystopian forums, kthx.

Like this shit

A mechanism is in place to deal with posters who come to these forums for the specific purpose of derailing threads, posting personal insults despite repeated warnings to cease, and generally causing disruption on the boards. This type of poster will have received U2Us from the moderators letting them know of the problems associated with their posting style, and giving them a chance to rectify the problem.

If you are found by a consensus of the moderators to be such a poster, and if you do not choose to change your posting style to fit more amenably into the boards as a whole, you will be banned for up to 90 days.

This post is to serve to clarify reasons why a poster might be banned from the boards for a period of time without having, necessarily, accumulated the requisite points through the Violations system. It is based on the section of TOS that allows the Administrator(s) to ban a poster for any reason deemed to be in the best interests of the boards as a whole.

05-29-2012, 08:14 PM
Time to bust out the popcorn... Anyhow, I've specified the steps I intend to take and I take full responsibility for this mess. I actually owe a sincere apology for letting this place deteriorate in terms of software and technical maintenance.

In all honesty, it's kind of a good thing that my ass is being kicked hard, learning a good lesson from it.

05-29-2012, 08:17 PM
Like this shit

You know that is the TOS direcly copied from this place?

Got that link right here for you buddy:


05-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Where else would we go to find useless pictures like these and post about a game 50% of us no longer play?


05-29-2012, 08:20 PM
You guys signed legal documents about this place? Holy shit, I thought this was just a fun forum for a game most of us no longer play, didn't know it was so serious.

Pretty sure that's SOP for transferring ownership of a domain.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Like this shit

Without thread derailments we wouldn't have such awesome gems as the $7 gas thread.



05-29-2012, 08:22 PM
Without thread derailments we wouldn't have such awesome gems as the $7 gas thread.



All I do is derail threads.

It's my fucking job.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-29-2012, 08:23 PM
You know that is the TOS direcly copied from this place?

Got that link right here for you buddy:



05-29-2012, 08:29 PM
The only bad part about this is nobody would ever believe it if I told them about it. On the other hand, Cassandra is a really pretty name.

05-29-2012, 08:30 PM
Also: Database Error. DE. Not DBE. That's driving me crazy.

05-29-2012, 08:31 PM
Also: Database Error. DE. Not DBE. That's driving me crazy.

I tried to post but all I got was DBE.

05-29-2012, 08:31 PM
You know that is the TOS direcly copied from this place?

Got that link right here for you buddy:



Imprecise troll is imprecise.

05-29-2012, 08:36 PM

Imprecise troll is imprecise.

I should have known he was just stealing Kranar's work.

05-29-2012, 08:37 PM
Did someone say thread derailment?


05-29-2012, 08:52 PM
The only bad part about this is nobody would ever believe it if I told them about it. On the other hand, Cassandra is a really pretty name.

I like that name. Just saying.

05-29-2012, 08:53 PM
First of all this is full of lies,sorry I missed this thread earlier.

I left because I went to play Dark age of Camelot. I never hacked the forum. So apparently the personal disagreements we had are now open for public disclosure even tho we agreed to keep that between us? I speak truthful statements and you bring up shit we settled YEARS ago, or so I thought?

I was given access to the information from your host and because I was still the registered owner of the domain. You know this because we talked about it and we signed legal documents securing the transfer to you. So please, do yourself a favor Kamal and stop lying.

Additionally, you have had years since then to step up and fix this and I am tired of waiting for it. If you think you have copyright claim let me know and I will send you my address where you can serve me with papers. If you think I have done something illegal I will send you the contact information for the local FBI office and police station and you can file a formal complaint.

Its not a low thing to do because you are not holding up your end of the bargain and providing this community you claim to care about any sort of reliable service in the past two years. You basically are always gone with no attention to even keeping this place going. But you did find time to host other websites on the site that people donated to you for running this site.

So here is the bottom line. Stop lying, step up and update the forum, be around to continue to maintain it, find a better host and not your shitty $5 a month blue host, stop lying about how hard it is to move the site or find a host. Its all shit. You know its shit, I know its shit.

Fix the fucking problems or find someone who is willing to do it for you. As you have seen I could have had this whole thing fixed for you in less than 15 hours and all people would be waiting for is some DNS to resolve.

I would do it for you right now, free of cost, and once I move it all over you can change the passwords. Every admin in the past who has decided to not participate has handed the keys over to someone else to continue to grow and improve the forum. For the first time in the history of the PC do we have an admin who is not even applying simple bug fixes and patches to the software of the forum.

The reality is man we used to be friends. We built the building blocks of this place TOGETHER. Somewhere along the way you changed and basically you treat me like shit because I stepped away. So fine, you want to treat me like shit then you should really explain to me why I should treat you any different.

I am glad the fire is lit, but it should have been lit when we had this disagreement years ago. I am never going to stop calling for improvement to this community so you should get used to truthful criticisms and stop trying to attack my integrity and character from things that happened years ago.

Also, you need to post up some proof about all the allegations against previous admins of the site you made:

There have been admins who snooped on personal info, abused their power, ratted accounts out, it happens....



05-29-2012, 09:13 PM
I go into full on rage mode for about five seconds when people use "Per So and so" outside of work. It drives me batty. Batty. Bad weiner dogs. BAD.

That is all. Please carry on.

05-29-2012, 09:50 PM
I go into full on rage mode for about five seconds when people use "Per So and so" outside of work. It drives me batty. Batty. Bad weiner dogs. BAD.

That is all. Please carry on.

I get a raging full on when people talk shit about Anticor. I never raged more full on in my life. Especially now that I know I can PM him with all my problems. I want to send him things about personal problems. Anticor, Nikki had a really unreliable server for minecraft. I paid money for the game and she hasn't supported what she said she would. Since I found out about that game through here, will you reimburse me the money I spent?

Also, i ain't ever fucking leaving the PC lol I don't want no shit new forum I like it here and ima post here until I die and then anticor will read my eulogy. Srs. This forum b so bad son and I love my DBErs.

I have bigger issues to deal with. Right now I have an awful rash on the top of my ass crack from doing situps with an abmat and I want anticor to rub lotion on it for me. Look it up. Abmat ass rash. If he doesn't do that for me, I'm leaving. Ok that's a lie. Itd still be nice. Anticor, do my fucking homework too. Pay my bills mother fucker I know you have mad cash flow. Why the fuck do I post here? You don't do nothing for me considering all the money I pay to be here.

Drunken Durfin
05-29-2012, 09:55 PM
I tried to vote "yes" and got a database error.

Fucking win.

05-29-2012, 09:56 PM
I tried to vote "yes" and got a database error.

Fucking win.

We now have two hanging chads. This shit is going to get ugly.

05-29-2012, 10:12 PM
Kranar's a decent admindude. But needs moar updates.

05-29-2012, 10:19 PM
We can post man-nipples.

I'm tempted to collect nipple pictures and see just how well you people can determine man-nips from woman-nips.

05-29-2012, 10:26 PM
I'm tempted to collect nipple pictures and see just how well you people can determine man-nips from woman-nips.

I can spot a female nipple from 400 horts.

05-29-2012, 10:32 PM
I'm tempted to collect nipple pictures and see just how well you people can determine man-nips from woman-nips.

Let's make a thread for nips and buttholes and see who can tell the difference!

05-29-2012, 10:39 PM
I think we should have a shirtless male PC'er thread. And by male I mean men (sorry Backlash).

05-29-2012, 10:40 PM
I think we should have a shirtless male PC'er thread. And by male I mean men (sorry Backlash).

Does that count me out?

05-29-2012, 10:42 PM
Let's make a thread for nips and buttholes and see who can tell the difference!

I'm thinking it would be too difficult to find enough shots of bungholes that were not obviously attached to a man. If that's REALLY how you wanna spend your time... I'll find the female and nips.

05-29-2012, 10:42 PM
Does that count me out?

No. I'll look at your tits.

05-29-2012, 10:43 PM
I think that it would be great if

Database error
The database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:
Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the forum.gsplayers.com home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another link.
The forum.gsplayers.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

05-29-2012, 10:51 PM
No. I'll look at your tits.

Cool. But my unclothed chest belongs to my girlfriend. Dont worry though. If she gets sick and is inches away from death and it becomes too stressful for me to deal with, i will break up with her and let everyone know that basically the only thing keeping me from showing everything about my body to anyone on the internet who asks to see it was because she asked me not to. But hey, at that point, who could blame me for wanting to be happy?

Also, I don't just post pictures of myself on forums anyways, clothed or unclothed. I lead a relatively private life. I don't feel the drive to show off online. If you ask Gib, he will post pictures of his skinny rage filled self without a shirt in the most angry way possible. Delias might too.

05-29-2012, 10:56 PM
Cool. But my unclothed chest belongs to my girlfriend. Dont worry though. If she gets sick and is inches away from death and it becomes too stressful for me to deal with, i will break up with her and let everyone know that basically the only thing keeping me from showing everything about my body to anyone on the internet who asks to see it was because she asked me not to. But hey, at that point, who could blame me for wanting to be happy?

Also, I don't just post pictures of myself on forums anyways, clothed or unclothed. I lead a relatively private life. I don't feel the drive to show off online. If you ask Gib, he will post pictures of his skinny rage filled self without a shirt in the most angry way possible. Delias might too.


05-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Cool. But my unclothed chest belongs to my girlfriend. Dont worry though. If she gets sick and is inches away from death and it becomes too stressful for me to deal with, i will break up with her and let everyone know that basically the only thing keeping me from showing everything about my body to anyone on the internet who asks to see it was because she asked me not to. But hey, at that point, who could blame me for wanting to be happy?

Also, I don't just post pictures of myself on forums anyways, clothed or unclothed. I lead a relatively private life. I don't feel the drive to show off online. If you ask Gib, he will post pictures of his skinny rage filled self without a shirt in the most angry way possible. Delias might too.

Can I take pictures of you when we hang out?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-29-2012, 11:03 PM
I get a raging full on when people talk shit about Anticor. I never raged more full on in my life. Especially now that I know I can PM him with all my problems. I want to send him things about personal problems. Anticor, Nikki had a really unreliable server for minecraft. I paid money for the game and she hasn't supported what she said she would. Since I found out about that game through here, will you reimburse me the money I spent?

Sorry, the server was making my laptop angry which is bad because my laptop is needed for me to make money. I have been slacking on bugging my friend if he'll let me use some of his epic server space to make a more stable one for us PCers. I will fully admit to that.


Also didn't you just like, die a lot and run around unable to open doors?

05-29-2012, 11:07 PM
Can I take pictures of you when we hang out?

Yes. when lol

Sorry, the server was making my laptop angry which is bad because my laptop is needed for me to make money. I have been slacking on bugging my friend if he'll let me use some of his epic server space to make a more stable one for us PCers. I will fully admit to that.


Also didn't you just like, die a lot and run around unable to open doors?

Yes. I got really good at getting killed and stayed really bad at opening doors. It is one of the things that people find most charming about me.

05-29-2012, 11:29 PM
Cool. But my unclothed chest belongs to my girlfriend. Dont worry though. If she gets sick and is inches away from death and it becomes too stressful for me to deal with, i will break up with her and let everyone know that basically the only thing keeping me from showing everything about my body to anyone on the internet who asks to see it was because she asked me not to. But hey, at that point, who could blame me for wanting to be happy?

Also, I don't just post pictures of myself on forums anyways, clothed or unclothed. I lead a relatively private life. I don't feel the drive to show off online. If you ask Gib, he will post pictures of his skinny rage filled self without a shirt in the most angry way possible. Delias might too.

As mean as I am, even my cruelty has limits. Making people look at my uncovered moobs crosses the line.

05-29-2012, 11:30 PM
I think we should have a shirtless male PC'er thread. And by male I mean men (sorry Backlash).

I've already posted a speedo shot. That's as much as your getting.

05-29-2012, 11:34 PM
Yes. when

Once you stop being a hippie and come back from south america

05-29-2012, 11:34 PM
C'mon fellas, work with me here.

05-29-2012, 11:35 PM
Once you stop being a hippie and come back from south america

Have you met italics?

05-29-2012, 11:38 PM
Have you met italics?

No but I've met hispanics.

05-29-2012, 11:39 PM
I bet you have.

05-30-2012, 06:07 PM
Whoa, new pc

05-30-2012, 09:18 PM
seems fucktional

Drunken Durfin
05-30-2012, 09:56 PM
I'm curious. Did the people who voted "no" do so because they were afraid they were going to lose the hard earned rep squares/post count/join dates?

05-30-2012, 10:04 PM
I'm curious. Did the people who voted "no" do so because they were afraid they were going to lose the hard earned rep squares/post count/join dates?

Probably, simpletons.

05-30-2012, 10:15 PM
Probably, simpletons.

Look who said no. Answers all questions. Muhwha hahahahah

05-30-2012, 10:53 PM
I did not vote. I was just planning to do whatever the majority did- I am 100% pure sheeple. Well, wait, sheeple is plural. What is the singular? Sheepson? That just sounds like my mother was into beastiality. Oh god, I hope she wasn't. OH GOD OH GOD MY BRAIN WHAT HAS BEEN SAID CANNOT BE UNSAID

05-30-2012, 10:58 PM
Well what happened was I saw that the jet engine would fall from the sky so I followed the rabbit and Kranar updated before all the dudes freaking out would be like criecrie! and suddenly WHAPPOW!. Then I woke up, giggled to myself and crawled back into my PC bed. Now what?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-30-2012, 11:03 PM
I'm curious. Did the people who voted "no" do so because they were afraid they were going to lose the hard earned rep squares/post count/join dates?

Celephais didn't vote but I'm 99 percent sure he wouldn't migrate to a new PC unless his enormous one million post count epeen was allowed to come with.

05-30-2012, 11:03 PM
Well what happened was I saw that the jet engine would fall from the sky so I followed the rabbit and Kranar updated before all the dudes freaking out would be like criecrie! and suddenly WHAPPOW!. Then I woke up, giggled to myself and crawled back into my PC bed. Now what?

I saw that I couldn't log on this morning and then masturbated and then went to school.

05-31-2012, 02:16 AM
I'm about to commit sacrilege and suggest that maybe we should consider encouraging Kranar to accept some advertisement deals. Just a few, just enough to get him some pocket money and pay for any expenses related to running the forum.

Ads don't bother me at all. I simply ignore them when I encounter them on other forums. They don't have to be intrusive.

I am braced and ready for the fallout from my blasphemy.

05-31-2012, 02:23 AM
I only dislike ads when they make noise, and/or run malicious scripts on my computer.

05-31-2012, 03:07 AM
I only dislike ads when they make noise, and/or run malicious scripts on my computer.

This is why I avoid the Huffington Post like the plague. Ohh, you want to watch a video? Let me play you a video advertising other content on this site. You want to pause it? Ok, click the pause button. Lol, just kidding, I'm not going to pause. Instead, I'm going to keep playing other ads on a loop preventing you from watching your video. Sucker!