View Full Version : How Experience Works

08-16-2003, 03:42 PM
We get a lot of questions on experience and absorption, so here's a post by Porcell detailing it.

How Experience Works:

The first thing you need to do is know how much experience you have in your head. The max your head can hold is 800 + Dis Stat + Log Stat.

The amount of experience you will absorb in a pulse has a base value equal to
int[(Amount in Head)/42 + 12]
"int" meaning drop the decimal.
This amount is now multiplied by a modifier which based on what type of room you are in, if you have a weapon in your right hand, and your Logic and Intel Stat Bonuses.

Room Type Modifier:
A) If you are in a natural mana node (Landing Park), a natural sanctuary (Landing TSC), a minor sanctuary (either cast from 213 or the bard song), or a major sanctuary (spell 220), then you get a modifier of 100 for room type.
B) If you are "in town" you get a modifier of 80 for room type. What is or is not "in town" would have to be researched to find the extents, but suffice it to say if you are in the East Tower or on Winter Street, those are considered in town.
C) If you are not in a type A or a type B room, then you get a 50 modifier. This would be any of the various hunting area rooms.

Weapon Modifier:
If you are holding a weapon in your right hand you get a -15 modifier. A wand does not count as a weapon. Having an open right hand (fist) does not count as a weapon, nor does a scroll. This would be any weapon object (Edged, Brawl, Blunt, Two Hand, Pole; I'm not sure how bows or arrows work) held in your right hand. Also, this only applies to the right hand; if your right hand is open and the left hand has a dagger, you don't get the penalty.

Stat Bonuses:
The sum of your Logic and Intel stat bonuses are summed to get the stat modifier. So if you have a -5 INBon and a -10 LOBon, you get -15 modifier.

So then, the final formula for how much you will absorb in any given pulse is:

int[Amount in Head/42 + 12] * [Room Mod + Weapon Mod + Stat Mod]%

Where the Modifiers can not be more than 100%.

That's it.
