View Full Version : Retarded M.Ds

07-03-2004, 12:28 AM
TODAY I was verbally diagnosed as having an addictive personality disorder and would like to announce to the world that I do not. This is utter bullshit. Taking doses FAR less than epileptics do of certain benzos is not fucking pill abuse, this shit isn't even illegal.

In conclusion, Dr. So and So shall be permanently removed from the Stanley roster.

And the funny shit is how easy it is to cop these things once I get back to on-campus, only that it's a billion times more taxing than a discount prescription :sigh:.

Feel free to feed into my negativity.

-Straightedge Stanley

07-03-2004, 12:36 AM
I'd just like to ask where the picture in your signature is from? (Random, I know)

07-03-2004, 12:53 AM

From a film that I couldn't for the life of me finish watching.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

My buddy thinks Benecio Del Toro is a great actor. Suffice to say, he's a fucking idiot.

07-03-2004, 12:56 AM
I like Leloo's idea that I am going to completely misconstrue to support my idea in this thread.

In this movie, genuinely good (depp's character) is somewhat of an ILLEGAL drug addicted individual. However, it turns out that in the movie, through only the help of narcotics, is he able to gain true insight into the fear, and loathing, filled with a city of miscreants.

Blazing, that movie kicks colon. Don't hate. And yes, Depp is prolly 1000x better an actor than Del Torro.

07-03-2004, 12:57 AM
I tried ether after I watched that movie. Great stuff. The movie.

07-03-2004, 01:02 AM
I have no problems with Depp. But Del Toro sucks donkey balls. No question about it. I plan on giving the movie another go at a later point, as I don't like to watch any movie half-way through without finishing it. I made myself finish 28 Days Later, and even though I hated it immensely, at least I can say I gave it a shot.

Only movies I ever walked out of were Hulk and Jason X. Don't ask me why I even went to see them, as I don't have an answer besides boredom.

07-03-2004, 01:02 AM
Back to the subject though.

An M.D. writing triplicate-narcotic forms has profound implicatons due to its sketchiness. If you're not an epilpeptic, and you're taking them, 99 out of 100 times, the med will be stopped because of some intangible label of abusiveness.

The idiot kept on telling me to take bupropion, and I said no. So he said to take lexapro: No, again.

What I was prescribed were fucking wonder drugs, to imply that someone who is truly being helped through a process of consuming them in what is only a safe manner (the psychopharm', of course, disagrees) needs to be taken off of them, is utterly absurd.

07-03-2004, 01:16 AM
I'm trying to be as un-Republican as possible when I say this:

Lay off the pills. You're way out there.

07-03-2004, 01:36 AM
That's because I'm not on them right now.

And have to make a 50 bottle with 13 pills last for the summer.

07-03-2004, 03:41 AM
I love the line..

"I'll call you a cab"

"And I'll call you a cock sucker!"

BTW: What you do is pill abuse?!?! ROFL, okay there. Fucking stupid M.D.

- Arkans

07-03-2004, 03:44 AM
Bah, just a few ativans and klonopins. Nothing serious. Used to have xanax, but it was the same bullshit with that.

07-03-2004, 03:57 AM
Why, yes! Of course! Medical doctors are retarded! Why did I not realize this before? :rolleyes:

HarmNone...education means nothing

07-03-2004, 04:01 AM
I'm sorry, I meant psychopharmacologists. My bad.

07-03-2004, 04:10 AM
Yes, Stanley. Those guys are retarded, too. The only one in the whole universe who knows anything about anything is you. Now, excuse me while I go throw up.

HarmNone, thinks this whole subject is retarded

07-03-2004, 04:22 AM
Listen, Harmnone.

First of all, you just overanalyzed all this assumed bullshit to say that I said ALL MD's are retarded.

I'll break it down real Pagan-like:
In the 21st century sometimes words can have connotations of generaliation, for example, a "Retard" = does not *always* carry the label of implying tri-somi 21. Also, when have I ever said that I was ever right about anything?

07-03-2004, 04:32 AM
You are indicating by your post that an individual, highly educated in matters of pharmacology, has less knowledge of that subject than you do, Stanley. I am saying that I do not believe that. I will repeat it. I DO NOT believe that. :)

HarmNone does NOT believe that

07-03-2004, 06:02 AM
Fair 'nuff.

Just upset about mild fiending... :sigh:

07-03-2004, 06:18 AM
Truce, Stanley. :smilegrin:

Perhaps I should explain to you that I deal, as part of my work, with people who are dying, and their families. Occasionally, one of these dying people will be very young. He, or she, will be dying because they made the ignorant assumption that they could take this pill, or that pill, or some combination of pills, and nothing untoward would overtake them. Bad things only happen to other people. They were mistaken. They were very sadly mistaken.

Therefore, when I see posts that appear to disregard the dangers of drug use, or to make those dangers seem unimportant, I tend to react. The decisions you make for yourself are yours to make. I shall not speak against them. However, I will speak out when I see a statement made that is...well, for lack of a better word...ignorant and misleading.

In short, Stanley...that psychopharmacologist may know a lot more than you are giving him credit for. :)


07-03-2004, 06:42 AM
I just want to ask you one ignorant question.

I have, two or three times, taken absurd amounts of benzos to give me an adequate buzz (mixed in some liquor for full effect.) After happily surviving this incident, I've self-medicated myself, with what will be deemed by esteemed M.Ds as "unhealthy dosages" of the very same medications.
Knowing in the future, that just two shots with 6 mgs of xanax won't kill me, I have reverted to said unhealthy, self-medicated dosages.
I know that those few times I did absurd amounts, I was, physiologically speaking, well to do.
Why, would I ever end up in one of your morbid work scenarios, if what I'm doing now, is, yes, adequate enough to prepense my idea of a desirable buzz, but at the same time, exponentially sub-toxic in comparison to the few times I've dabbled in lethal dosages???

Sorry for what is probably a retarded question.

07-03-2004, 07:01 AM
In the first place, you are not medicating at all, self- or otherwise. You are simply seeking a high. Let's start by calling this spade a spade.

Benzos are known to be addictive. Higher doses are required, over time, to produce the effect you are, apparently, seeking. You are messing with your central nervous system, Stanley. You only have one, dear. Mix those drugs with alcohol, and you're playing Russian Roulette with your life on the line. What won't kill you one time might damned well do the job just dandily the next time. You are welcome to believe this, or not. :)

Now, should you end up hospitalized with an injury that requires pain-killers, you have placed yourself in a position commonly known as shit-outa-luck. You've screwed your CNS so badly that the drugs they can give you to kill your pain will be required in such doses as to endanger your ability to breathe. When doctors have to make a choice between a patient in pain and a patient not breathing, the choice is pretty easy for them. Wonder why...

Benzos were not created for the purpose of Stanley pleasure. They have a purpose, but that is not it. If you cannot find pleasure in life without using drugs to get there, you need serious help.

HarmNone...yes, Stanley, it COULD happen to you

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by HarmNone]

07-03-2004, 09:41 AM
Good call HarmNone, you explain it perfectly. I'll add only this:

WTF is epipeptic? Misfiring of the synapses of the digestive system?

My dad has epilepsy. He has to take two different types of meds, one per day, his entire life, since he was diagnosed after a grand mal seisure at the age of 12.

One day, the fam was out at a local small amusement park. I had a migraine, and mom went into her little pillbox to give me a tylenol. Twenty minutes later I was barely able to walk, slurring my words, and behaving generally like someone in a drunken stupor. I still had the migraine. Turned out she gave me one of dad's pills by mistake. Because I hadn't eaten anything substantial that morning and what I -did- eat was pure sugar (cotton candy at the park) the drug RACED into my bloodstream and looped me silly.

If she had given me two (since I usually take 2 tylenol for regular headaches - narcotics for migraines now) I would've been dead.


Be grateful Stanley, that your own stupidity with your behavior hasn't sent you to the morgue. You are lucky, but your luck won't last forever. It only takes one time for your system to say, "Dood..." and just plain quit on you. And it doesn't take more than what you're currently taking to happen.

If your body does not require something to function normally, and you use that something anyway, you will incur a risk of permanent damage. That is true for ANYTHING from legal/illegal drugs, to eating too much sugar, to eating too much fat. We take measured risks every single time we introduce something to our bodies when our bodies don't require that something.

To -intentionally- take a risk that high, knowing that the consequences can be that severe, is not "self-medicating." It is abuse, and a sign of either ignorance or apathy of one's own life.

07-03-2004, 10:05 AM
Stanley when you get older please dont be a drain on society. I dont want to have to support your burt out shell of a human being when your done fucking with your life.

07-03-2004, 11:09 AM
Drugs and alcohol are both the same
They make soup outa your brain
I dont wanna be chicken soup
I dont wanna be potato
I dont wanna be pea soup
I just wanna be me!

I think that was an anti-drug commercial from the 80's. Sadly, I still remember the little chant. So um yeah..dont do drugs.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-03-2004, 01:26 PM
Gee, you are a druggie. Go figure. Please resume with your senseless (now it makes sense) spam.

i remember halloween
07-03-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Bah, just a few ativans and klonopins. Nothing serious. Used to have xanax, but it was the same bullshit with that.

if its not abuse what is it?

07-03-2004, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the read Harmnone. I went to the doc today because my blood pressure was going from 115 over 80 to 70 over 50 from sitting to standing. They basically reiterated, again, that I need to stop that shit. I'll probably have to get blood work, again, too.
Anyhoo, I think I need to develop this thing called willpower..! :lol2:

07-03-2004, 09:33 PM
>>Anyhoo, I think I need to develop this thing called willpower.

You're the only one responsible for your choices, Stanley.


07-03-2004, 11:05 PM
I actually think the physical addiction that I had from quitting smoking and chaw was bigger than getting off of these benzos. But the mental addiction, for a plethora of reasons, is exponentially more addictive.

Yes, I said addiction :S

07-04-2004, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Thanks for the read Harmnone. I went to the doc today because my blood pressure was going from 115 over 80 to 70 over 50 from sitting to standing. They basically reiterated, again, that I need to stop that shit. I'll probably have to get blood work, again, too.
Anyhoo, I think I need to develop this thing called willpower..! :lol2:

You are welcome, Stanley. I hope the material was useful to you. :)


07-04-2004, 01:37 AM
Nah it was.

Most of this shit is mind over matter. Or so I'd like to believe. If I can patch things up with the idiot (figuritive term,) I'll try out this lexapro or wellbutrin. :shrug:

07-04-2004, 01:43 AM
Whatever you decide to "try out", Stanley, you need to do so with an eye to getting off pills altogether. You do not need them to treat an ailment, as you have no current ailment...other than being Stanley, that is. :D

HarmNone is teasing with the last part

07-04-2004, 02:08 AM
Might be some truth in the latter, Harmnone ;)