View Full Version : I miss it GSiii
Lord Montu
05-28-2012, 03:30 AM
I used to play GS iii. I started in 96 and played right up to the change to GS4. I played for years and would still be playing but for all the changes that took place when they went to GS4. Their were so many websites dedicated to GS3. Their were people that had characters over 100 and then made up new ones under another account to try their hand as something else wizard, empath, warrior. Their were guides on how to place your stats to be the best at what you wanted to be. Their were even auto rollers to get you the best stats for your character. I knew poeple that were in the lands when it was on AOL. I had a great time. I had one account with my start character Logrin he was a wizard and a poor one at that since I didn't understand the how the game worked when making him up. After a year or so I got a multi player account also. 9.99 and 19.99. I had a character for every profession. I had the best stats I could get for each of them I was ready to play GS iii for along time with all my friends. I knew many people like myself that had 2 accounts to play the game also that you could have two players in the game at the same time to transfer stuff between characters without any help from others.
Then came along GS4 now their was more training needed. Spells were changed or modified. Skills changed and it was harder to train and you needed more exp to train. Simu did it to get more money out of the players because it took you longer to train characters more money for them. I knew so many that left the lands because of that. I left the lands finally because of them changes. It's like field of dreams .... make a good game and they will come and we did .... then they changed the game to make more money off the players and what happened ???? ... we all left .... The old ones that I knew of left GS4 or stopped coming around. I left and gave up all I had made in the years I was in. My house ... lol in Icemule .... and my friends went their own ways never to be heard of again.
Tell you what, if I ever win the lottery I would go to simu and buy GSiii from them if they would sell it and operate it myself. It was not perfect but it sure was a great game to play. I miss playing it and the friends I made doing so. It was alot easier to play and enjoy and if I am happy you get my money and isn't that the idea. KISS Keep it simple st---p.
Why didn't they just keep GSiii and put GS4 out there for people to go to if they wanted to since you had to train in different things you could start with new characters rather then crippling your old ones when changing a game already in play ????? ...... you have shattered now and premium ..... why not go back and bring out GSiii like it was and see if the people come and play it.
I would come back to play it if they brought it back as it was and promised to keep it that way. Do not let a few whinners make you change the game and trash the majority of players for the few. It was a really awesome game to play and with all the characters I had I would still be playing today I know it.
If they ever bring it back I would be the first one to get in line to sign up again. Come on knock off the dust from GSiii and restart it and see what happens, you already have 3 GS4 games what will a GSiii game cost to bring back ???
Thanks for letting me go on about the past .... and a hope for the future ...
:medieval: lets get to it.
Lord Montu
Ice Mule
I don't know what you're smoking or what rose hued glasses you're looking through but to claim gs3 was better than gs4 is nuts. GS3 wasn't the perfect game and 95% of the changes they made were for the better.
05-28-2012, 12:37 PM
GS3 was broken.. well actually GS3 was a band-aided and patched broken game from way back and it just needed a reboot. It's still not perfect, but what's hurting GS is player base not game mechanics.
Tsk Tsk
05-28-2012, 01:11 PM
Their were so many websites dedicated to GS3.
There may be less websites now, but more centralized information ontop of chats where people can instantly share information when they have a question. Furthermore, you can’t blame Simu for individuals playing the game not making more websites.
Their were people that had characters over 100 and then made up new ones under another account to try their hand as something else wizard, empath, warrior.
People still do this.
Their were guides on how to place your stats to be the best at what you wanted to be.
Their were even auto rollers to get you the best stats for your character.
Now you can make your perfect build and ENHANCE that further with stat enhancives that were not avalible in GS3.
I knew poeple that were in the lands when it was on AOL.
Make new friends.
I had a great time.
Make new friends.
I had one account with my start character Logrin he was a wizard and a poor one at that since I didn't understand the how the game worked when making him up.
Sounds like you don’t know how GS4 works either so you can have the same experience again!
Then came along GS4 now their was more training needed.
More customization is a bad thing?
Spells were changed or modified.
Not sure what your gripe here is unless you were just making a statement of fact.
Skills changed and it was harder to train and you needed more exp to train.
I’d like to see you give an example of this. From what I recall it’s become easier to train as you can progress your skills throughout your level and change them through migration or fixskills (instant change they grant you every year). Ontop of getting a free thirty first days to change your skills and stats (up to 6 times I believe) instantly.
Simu did it to get more money out of the players because it took you longer to train characters more money for them.
From what I recall the experience amount to cap didn’t change much (something minimal like 72.5k), they just created a progressive system to would allow casual players to advance to the “fun” levels faster. Where they could be lords and ladies and hold vultite without having to wait months.
Tell you what, if I ever win the lottery I would go to simu and buy GSiii from them if they would sell it and operate it myself.
05-28-2012, 01:26 PM
There's hopping on the nostalgia train but I think this qualifies as hopping on the nostalgia rocket ship. Is there some reading comprehension problems that makes it an issue to keep up with spell changes?
Sounds like you don’t know how GS4 works either so you can have the same experience again!
I laughed. Really hard.
05-28-2012, 01:27 PM
But it was so much FUN to have the ability to permanently fuck up a character so as to be unplayable!
05-28-2012, 01:40 PM
But it was so much FUN to have the ability to permanently fuck up a character so as to be unplayable!
I played pre-IV and I have to say... it holds all the same appeal and is actually improved upon.
If you want nostalgia, I dunno, play Zork ( Its out there on the internet somewhere.
05-28-2012, 02:29 PM
But it was so much FUN to have the ability to permanently fuck up a character so as to be unplayable!
This actually was one of my favorite things about playing back in the day. Knowing absolutely nothing and having to figure things out for yourself was part of the game. It gets boring when you know everything and have all the nice toys.
05-28-2012, 02:35 PM
I just think their were better things in GS iii!
I left their after they switched to GS iv and never gave it a chance. I didn't see that their was no real difference in the amount of fun that could be had in GS iv as well. Their were so many friends their that left and didn't keep in touch with me after the change. Their are fewer websites, this is definitely related to their now being a GS iv and not related to the move to the widely available visually based games out their.
Their needs to be a GS iii, GS iv, GS iv platinum, and a GS iv shattered. When they update to gs v, their needs to be way to keep all the old instances along with all the new ones out their. Any changes or patches or modifications should be put on new instances to give the players more choices. Their is no reason that diluting the already thin player base even further should be avoided. Their is no reason I should have even tried GS iv, is their?
05-28-2012, 02:54 PM
I used to play GS iii. I started in 96 and played right up to the change to GS4. I played for years and would still be playing but for all the changes that took place when they went to GS4. Their were so many websites dedicated to GS3. Their were people that had characters over 100 and then made up new ones under another account to try their hand as something else wizard, empath, warrior. Their were guides on how to place your stats to be the best at what you wanted to be. Their were even auto rollers to get you the best stats for your character. I knew poeple that were in the lands when it was on AOL. I had a great time. I had one account with my start character Logrin he was a wizard and a poor one at that since I didn't understand the how the game worked when making him up. After a year or so I got a multi player account also. 9.99 and 19.99. I had a character for every profession. I had the best stats I could get for each of them I was ready to play GS iii for along time with all my friends. I knew many people like myself that had 2 accounts to play the game also that you could have two players in the game at the same time to transfer stuff between characters without any help from others.
Then came along GS4 now their was more training needed. Spells were changed or modified. Skills changed and it was harder to train and you needed more exp to train. Simu did it to get more money out of the players because it took you longer to train characters more money for them. I knew so many that left the lands because of that. I left the lands finally because of them changes. It's like field of dreams .... make a good game and they will come and we did .... then they changed the game to make more money off the players and what happened ???? ... we all left .... The old ones that I knew of left GS4 or stopped coming around. I left and gave up all I had made in the years I was in. My house ... lol in Icemule .... and my friends went their own ways never to be heard of again.
Tell you what, if I ever win the lottery I would go to simu and buy GSiii from them if they would sell it and operate it myself. It was not perfect but it sure was a great game to play. I miss playing it and the friends I made doing so. It was alot easier to play and enjoy and if I am happy you get my money and isn't that the idea. KISS Keep it simple st---p.
Why didn't they just keep GSiii and put GS4 out there for people to go to if they wanted to since you had to train in different things you could start with new characters rather then crippling your old ones when changing a game already in play ????? ...... you have shattered now and premium ..... why not go back and bring out GSiii like it was and see if the people come and play it.
I would come back to play it if they brought it back as it was and promised to keep it that way. Do not let a few whinners make you change the game and trash the majority of players for the few. It was a really awesome game to play and with all the characters I had I would still be playing today I know it.
If they ever bring it back I would be the first one to get in line to sign up again. Come on knock off the dust from GSiii and restart it and see what happens, you already have 3 GS4 games what will a GSiii game cost to bring back ???
Thanks for letting me go on about the past .... and a hope for the future ...
:medieval: lets get to it.
Lord Montu
Ice Mule
what is wrong with you? Most of this stuff isn't true.
05-28-2012, 04:23 PM
if there is any complaint I would have from the early days till now is the overwhelming desire from certain GM's to nerf everything.
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