View Full Version : Buying Characters of all Professions

Gemstone Four
05-27-2012, 12:12 AM
Hello all!

I am thinking of returning to the game after a long absence.

I just finished my 30 day free trial period on my new account and boy the sledding is slow and only one character.

What I would like to do is buy characters of different professions around level 30 and try them out before I choose one to level up. The ones I don't use I will just keep for spell ups, utility and mules.

Since I am looking at trying out many professions I don't want to spend much money. Taking over an account with several characters would be best but I would definitely buy individual characters as well.

Please PM me with anything to help me get started again.

Thank you!

Gemstone Four
05-29-2012, 01:04 AM
Have Rogue. looking for others. Thanks!