View Full Version : MBP, Heimer Staff, & Perfect Spikestar

05-24-2012, 04:35 PM
+22 MBP
VR to shock attacks
1x lightened


7x Altered Heimer Script Staff

10 Mil

5x altered perfect spikestar

10 Mil

You remove a raven black Saramar-enruned spikestar from in your ebon spidersilk cloak.

Perfectly forged from raven black vultite, the head of the spikestar is molded with gaseous swirls that partially obscure deep craters, reminiscent of the surface of the faceless moon.
Eleven battle-worn spikes protrude from the top and bottom half of the head, each etched with a separate Saramar rune.
Rivers of blood-red glaes fill shallow channels that slash lettering across the spike-free equator, presenting the weapon's name.
You notice a small enchanter's glyph and your crafting mark.

There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
Lornon's Wrath

It's also Max Light.. I forgot to mention that in my original post.

J>anal spike
You analyze your Saramar-enruned spikestar and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.

You can tell that the spikestar is as light as it can get.
J>weigh spike
You feel fully energetic again.
You carefully examine the Saramar-enruned spikestar and determine that the weight is about 4 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
JR>weigh spike
You carefully examine the Saramar-enruned spikestar and determine that the weight is about 4 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
JR>weigh spike
You carefully examine the Saramar-enruned spikestar and determine that the weight is about 4 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

So kind of a price breakdown:
Perfect spikestar|4 Mil
4x-5x Enchant|2 Mil
Max Light service|1 mil?
Alter Scroll|3 mil
Total|10 Mil

Now before you price quote junkies get your panties in a bunch about the price breakdown and the value I've placed on the Lighten service and Alter scroll keep in mind that those are pretty much what the average cost of those figures are... Of course these values are negotiable and so is the price on this spikestar.

So you've bought a perfect spikestar for 3 mil:|Well I've sold them for 4.5 mil before..
So an alter doesn't mean much to you:|Well that's the price of an alter scroll..
So you get stuff lightened all the time:|Some people don't pay premie prices, some people have a life and don't get to visit every merchant that comes through, or some people just aren't lucky enough to get picked very often.

send me PM if interested in any of these.

05-25-2012, 04:44 PM

05-29-2012, 08:20 AM
added info on spikestar.