View Full Version : Max lightened, crit padded full plate

05-06-2012, 11:19 PM
Interested in picking up a set of HCP full plate that is max lightened. I would prefer something around 7x enchant. I'm also potentially interested in a 6x or 7x fusion full plate as well. Please send me a PM with a description and a price. I can also be reached on AIM at LordDrakkonn.


05-07-2012, 04:54 PM
still searching..

05-07-2012, 05:07 PM
Join the club

05-07-2012, 05:34 PM
you fools! you want the damage padding!

05-07-2012, 08:49 PM
you fools! you want the damage padding!

You're right I do. I would MUCH prefer damage padding. Problems is I've never seen a set of 4x+ HDP+ plate for sale in the past year... I've seen a few sets of 4x+ HCP+ plate....

Regardless the stuff doesn't come up for sale often.

05-08-2012, 10:11 AM
Gotta make that HDP. I just made some 7x stuff, expensive as hell to do it though.

05-08-2012, 10:39 AM
Gotta make that HDP. I just made some 7x stuff, expensive as hell to do it though.

35mil in PP
15mil for 7x plate
The luck to get half a dozen merchant service.

05-08-2012, 11:51 AM
bought max light 8x full plate for 25 mil
bought PP with silvers for 9 and 10x enchants (app. 50 mil)
bought PP with silvers for HDP (app. 35 mil)
won droughtmans to make it EDP
removed spikes

-.- MFW fusion came out right around when I was making it 10x
x.o MFW I paid surcharges on the spikes it came with and then removed after
x.x MFW the price for PP services dropped the month after I had the padding added

o.O MFW I've spent more silvers on it than it's market value

05-08-2012, 11:55 AM
bought max light 8x full plate for 25 mil
bought PP with silvers for 9 and 10x enchants (app. 50 mil)
bought PP with silvers for HDP (app. 35 mil)
won droughtmans to make it EDP
removed spikes

-.- MFW fusion came out right around when I was making it 10x
x.o MFW I paid surcharges on the spikes it came with and then removed after
x.x MFW the price for PP services dropped the month after I had the padding added

o.O MFW I've spent more silvers on it than it's market value

Regardless of what you spent on it... jealous at the end result.

05-08-2012, 02:33 PM
I have some +27 (maybe 28) SWCP base changing plate armor. My plan was to get the padding removed, enchant it, then HCP it. I suppose for a fair offer I'd be willing to part with it.

05-08-2012, 04:46 PM
I have some +27 (maybe 28) SWCP base changing plate armor. My plan was to get the padding removed, enchant it, then HCP it. I suppose for a fair offer I'd be willing to part with it.

I appreciate the post WRoss, but I think I'll keep searching. I have some +35 38lbs full plate with lightning flares now. I've been debating on removing the flares and buying the PP's from someone in order to have padding added. Its so difficult to find HCP or HDP plate lately. It sucks that I'm not a premium member though, that removal service seems to come around more often on FWI.

05-08-2012, 05:02 PM
bought max light 8x full plate for 25 mil
bought PP with silvers for 9 and 10x enchants (app. 50 mil)
bought PP with silvers for HDP (app. 35 mil)
won droughtmans to make it EDP
removed spikes

-.- MFW fusion came out right around when I was making it 10x
x.o MFW I paid surcharges on the spikes it came with and then removed after
x.x MFW the price for PP services dropped the month after I had the padding added

o.O MFW I've spent more silvers on it than it's market value

Very jealous Mumblz, sounds like one nice set of full plate!

05-08-2012, 05:05 PM
I think you would be better off finding some 7x fusion plate and putting padding on that. Its much more of a project piece for sure, but to remove flares and then pad means you are not advancing the items worth.

You should be able to contract with a decent level enchanter and find a set of the plain 4x or 5x plate. Just have them start the project.

Usually items made with PPs end up not fetching the value back, but in the case of padding 7x fusion, I think that will be a much better long term investment.

05-08-2012, 08:14 PM
I have some +27 (maybe 28) SWCP base changing plate armor. My plan was to get the padding removed, enchant it, then HCP it. I suppose for a fair offer I'd be willing to part with it.

Thanks for the offer... but I'll take flares over SWCP.

05-11-2012, 12:02 AM
still searching..

05-14-2012, 09:36 AM
weekly bump, still haven't had any luck.