View Full Version : logs from Monk beta testing
05-03-2012, 08:39 AM
Post them here.
05-03-2012, 10:14 AM
Post them here.
I uploaded my log to a discreet website as to not break EULA.
05-04-2012, 08:10 PM
Baseline auto-training and stats, to give an idea of expected paths.
Caroyst (at level 0), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Combat Maneuvers...................| 10 2
Brawling...........................| 10 2
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 5 1
Physical Fitness...................| 15 3
Dodging............................| 15 3
Arcane Symbols.....................| 5 1
Magic Item Use.....................| 5 1
Harness Power......................| 5 1
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 5 1
Perception.........................| 5 1
Climbing...........................| 5 1
Swimming...........................| 5 1
Training Points: 6 Phy 0 Mnt (16 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)
16 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2012.
Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.
Further information can be found in the FAQs.
Name: Caroyst Race: Elf Profession: Monk (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 135 Level: 0
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Constitution (CON): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Dexterity (DEX): 70 (15) ... 70 (15)
Agility (AGI): 90 (35) ... 90 (35)
Discipline (DIS): 90 (5) ... 90 (5)
Aura (AUR): 50 (5) ... 50 (5)
Logic (LOG): 50 (0) ... 50 (0)
Intuition (INT): 60 (5) ... 60 (5)
Wisdom (WIS): 40 (-5) ... 40 (-5)
Influence (INF): 30 (0) ... 30 (0)
Mana: 1 Silver: 983
05-04-2012, 08:13 PM
>list titles
You have access to the following titles from the SKILL group:
Master Trader
Pit Fighter
Martial Artist *
Martial Arts Master *
Grappler *
Monastic Master of the Iron Grip *
Kickboxer *
Monastic Master of the Tornado *
Pugilist *
Monastic Master of the Steel Fist *
Wandering Mystic *
Monastic Master of the Sun *
Grandmaster of the Sun *
Monastic Master of the Red Moon *
Grandmaster of the Red Moon *
Monastic Master of the Shadow Moon *
Grandmaster of the Shadow Moon *
Monastic Master of the Ivory Moon *
Grandmaster of the Ivory Moon *
Monastic Master of the Hidden Moon *
Grandmaster of the Hidden Moon *
Monastic Master of the Stars *
Grandmaster of the Stars *
Knife Thrower
Axe Hurler
Hammer Thrower
05-04-2012, 08:14 PM
>list titles
You have access to the following titles from the PROFESSION group:
Monastic Acolyte *
Ascetic Monk *
Monastic Brother
Monastic Adept
Monastic Master of the First Circle
Monastic Master of the Second Circle
Monastic Master of the Third Circle
Monastic Master of the Fourth Circle
Monastic Master of the Fifth Circle
Monastic Master of the Sixth Circle
Grandmaster of the Ancient Way
Monk *
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 08:58 PM
Carthenna, the following Combat Maneuvers are accessible to your profession (Monk):
Combat Movement (cmovement)
Combat Focus (focus)
Combat Mastery (cmastery)
Quickstrike (qstrike)
Bearhug (bearhug)
Dirtkick (dirtkick)
Disarm Weapon (disarm)
Sweep (sweep)
Feint (feint)
Headbutt (headbutt)
Charge (charge)
Precision (precision)
Garrote (garrote)
Stun Maneuvers (stunman)
Cheapshots (cheapshots)
Subdual Strike (sstrike)
Multi-Fire (mfire)
Spin Attack (sattack)
Side by Side (sidebyside)
Combat Toughness (toughness)
Surge of Strength (surge)
Trip (trip)
Evade Mastery (emastery)
Cunning Defense (cdefense)
Duck and Weave (weave)
Burst of Swiftness (burst)
Perfect Self (perfectself)
Internal Power (ipower)
Punch Mastery (punchmastery)
Kick Mastery (kmastery)
Grapple Mastery (gmastery)
Mystic Strike (mysticstrike)
Ki Focus (kifocus)
Slippery Mind (slipperymind)
Inner Harmony (iharmony)
Stance of the Mongoose (mongoose)
Rolling Krynch Stance (krynch)
Flurry of Blows (flurry)
05-04-2012, 09:01 PM
>cman help kifocus
Skill Name: Ki Focus
Mnemonic: kifocus
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 15.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 9
Description: Center yourself and focus on your inner ki to enhance your next melee attack. The bonus is +15 to one's Attack Strength (AS) or Unarmed Attack Factor (UAF) at rank 1, +25 at rank 2 and +35 at rank 3.
>cman help iharmony
Skill Name: Inner Harmony
Mnemonic: iharmony
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 40
Other Requirements: None
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You focus yourself in order to shake off many negative spell effects. You have a 75% chance at rank 1, and a 100% chance at rank 2, to shake off a negative spell effect every 30 seconds. At rank 3, you may shake off a negative spell effect immediately upon assuming the stance.
>cman help mongoose
Skill Name: Stance of the Mongoose
Mnemonic: mongoose
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 20
Other Requirements: A weapon suitable for a retaliatory attack, or an empty hand.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: If the defender successfully parries an attack while in a forward or greater stance, he or she may launch an automatic retaliatory melee or unarmed strike at -2 RT. The chance to launch this retaliatory strike is 50/75/100% at ranks 1/2/3, and such strikes are limited to once every (6 - Rank) seconds.
>cman help gmastery
Skill Name: Grapple Mastery
Mnemonic: gmastery
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: Increases proficiency with unarmed combat grapple attacks.
>cman help kmastery
Skill Name: Kick Mastery
Mnemonic: kmastery
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: Increases proficiency with unarmed combat kick attacks.
>cman help burst
Skill Name: Burst of Swiftness
Mnemonic: burst
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 30, with a cooldown period during which the reactivation cost doubles to 60. At Rank 1, the cooldown period is 5 minutes, Rank 2 is 4 minutes, Rank 3 is 3 minutes, Rank 4 is 2.5 minutes, and Rank 5 is 2 minutes.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Increases your Agility Bonus by a base amount of 6 points, plus an additional 2 points per rank, and your Dexterity Bonus by a base amount of 3 points, plus an additional 1 point per rank, for 90 seconds (refreshable).
>cman help flurry
Skill Name: Flurry of Blows
Mnemonic: flurry
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 30
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 9
Description: Allows the attacker the opportunity to freely make multiple JAB attacks against foes in the same area. There is a 50% chance of making a second JAB at rank 1, and a 75% chance at rank 2. At rank 3, there is a 75% chance of making a second JAB attack, and a 50% chance of a third JAB if the second is successful.
05-04-2012, 09:02 PM
>cman help krynch
Skill Name: Rolling Krynch Stance
Mnemonic: krynch
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 20
Other Requirements: None
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You position yourself to apply the momentum from an unarmed strike against one foe to your next unarmed strike against a different foe. This has a chance of immediately raising your attack tier against the second foe to that of your attack tier against the first.
>cman help mysticstrike
Skill Name: Mystic Strike
Mnemonic: mysticstrike
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost:
Other Requirements:
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 3
Rank 3: (Squares) 4
Rank 4: (Squares) 5
Rank 5: (Squares) 6
>cman help punchmastery
Skill Name: Punch Mastery
Mnemonic: punchmastery
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: Increases proficiency with unarmed combat punch attacks.
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 09:05 PM
You attempt to kick a triton combatant!
Your attack is hindered by holding a leg of garlic-rosemary turkey!
You have decent positioning against a triton combatant.
UAF: 25 vs UDF: 287 = 0.087 * MM: -15 + d100: 53 = 52
A close miss!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
05-04-2012, 09:05 PM
Finros says, "Okay, I've turned on unarmed combat. Let me whistle up a foe to demonstrate."
A triton combatant thrusts with an oak-shafted silvery blue trident at Tonyshalhoub!
AS: +424 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +52 = +408
... and hits for 125 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm!
* Tonyshalhoub drops dead at your feet!
A triton combatant sweeps its silvery blue trident out in an arc behind it, its eyes darting around as if seeking out its next opponent.
Finros says, "Whoops."
05-04-2012, 09:06 PM
Randt attempts to kick a triton combatant!
UAF: 31 vs UDF: 287 = 0.108 * MM: 0 + d100: 77 = 77
A close miss!
Randt attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 31 vs UDF: 287 = 0.108 * MM: 100 + d100: 45 = 55
A close miss!
Rindon attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 38 vs UDF: 287 = 0.132 * MM: 0 + d100: 6 = 6
A clean miss!
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 09:21 PM
Finros attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 431 vs UDF: 287 = 1.501 * MM: 96 + d100: 31 = 175
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Nice strike to the neck, but lacks power.
Channie says, "UAF Unnarmed something."
Caroyst says, "Ratio gets multiplied by some baseline and then the roll is added."
Soriko asks, "Unarmed attack force and unarmed defense force?"
Channie says, "Ah."
Finros says, "Unarmed Attack Factor and Unarmed Defense Factor."
Caroyst asks, "Not sure what gives the baseline, maybe previous attacks factor in?"
Soriko exclaims, "I was close!"
Finros says, "So, for example..."
Finros attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 431 vs UDF: 254 = 1.696 * MM: 94 + d100: 22 = 181
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Quick strike to the side takes the triton combatant by surprise!
Finros says, "We have 431/254, which equals 1.696."
Finros says, "Decimals in Gemstone. Odd, I know."
Finros says, "That's multiplied by the Mutliplier Modifier, you add a d100, and get the endroll."
Finros says, "No, it's a true (fixed point) decimal number calculation."
Finros says, "The ratio aspect gives some interesting properties."
Odjuji asks, "So what determines the mm?"
Finros says, "I'll give you the generalities for what makes up the components."
Finros says, "Part of what I'd like to test here is how intuitive the system is."
Finros says, "For UAF, think of it as similar to AS. It's determined from your brawling skill, combat maneuvers skill, equipment bonuses, and spells. And some other odds and ends."
Soriko asks, "Do stats figure in?"
Finros says, "For UDF, it's similar to DS. It is determined from various defensive skills, plus equipment and spells."
Finros says, "There are some stat components, yes."
Finros says, "You may note that stance plays no roll in the UAF. You have the same UAF whether you are in an offensive or defensive stance."
Finros says, "Where stance does come in, is the multiplier."
Rindon raises an eyebrow.
Finros attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 431 vs UDF: 254 = 1.696 * MM: -7 + d100: 36 = 25
A clean miss!
Finros says, "In a defensive stance, you'll see I don't have a very good multiplier."
Finros attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 431 vs UDF: 254 = 1.696 * MM: 87 + d100: 51 = 198
... and hit for 4 points of damage!
Deft jab to neck.
Finros says, "In an offensive stance, I do."
Finros says, "The main components that go into the multiplier are the attacker's stance, and the ability of the defender to evade/block/parry."
Vilthulko says, "That's good to know."
Vilthulko grins.
Finros says, "Unarmed combat also has "tiers."."
Rindon says, "That has some neat testing implications."
Odjuji asks, "That a significant difference on the mm when shifiting there a percentage value at each step?"
Finros says, "You'll notice that my attack there had a 198 endroll, and yet it did 4 points of damage and no wound."
Finros says, "Yes, it's normalized to 100. So it's about 20 per step, but it's more complicated than that."
Finros nods at Odjuji.
Finros says, "There are two components to how effective an attack is."
Finros says, "The first is the actual attack type."
Finros says, "Meaning jab, punch, grapple, or kick."
Finros says, "The second is the "tier" at which the attack is taking place."
Finros says, "When you start out on a target, you're at tier 1."
Speaking dubiously to Finros, Bristenn inquires, "C-c-c-c-c-c-c-combo?"
Finros says, "You raise to higher tiers through following a combat progression, and sometimes through a bit of luck."
Finros stares at Bristenn.
More to come...
05-04-2012, 09:31 PM
I see why it took so fucking long. They decided to make it non intuitive and with odd numbers, rather than nice even ones.
05-04-2012, 09:32 PM
Can someone post the skill costs, please?
05-04-2012, 09:33 PM
Can someone post the skill costs, please?
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 09:38 PM
Finros says, "There is messaging in combat to indicate this progression. You don't see it as a third party, but you'll see it as an involved party in the attack."
Finros says, "Jabs are fast light blows that give you a higher chance of gaining the next combat tier."
Finros says, "Punching is a medium damage strike with a lesser chance."
Finros says, "Grapples are great at disabling opponents."
Finros says, "And kicks are heavy damage."
Odjuji asks, "Interesting and this based soleyy oin what you do or can the target do something that drops you down a tier again?"
Finros says, "Kicks have little chance of garnering a tier-up though."
Finros says, "For the most part you won't drop tiers once you achieve it."
Bristenn asks, "The message for 'oh hey next tier' is the 'strike leaves opponent vulnerable to (something) attack' message?"
Finros says, "So, let's have ourselves a live demonstration since we've got a brawler here."
Finros points at Bristenn.
Vilthulko asks, "Do tiers work on an individual basis, or can a group build up tiers to "gang up" on something?"
Finros says, "I'll whistle up a new combatant and let Bristenn go to town on it."
Bristenn says, "Neat. It's beatin' time."
Odjuji nods.
Odjuji says, "Good one."
Finros says, "It's on an individual basis. But there are combat maneuvers that allow you to carry over tiers, or make second attacks at other tiers."
Odjuji nods.
Bristenn says, "Someone take notes, because I'm not a genius at mechanics."
Finros says, "I suggest you start out with a jab or two, but handle it however you want."
A triton combatant thrusts with an oak-shafted silvery blue trident at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +74 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +25 = +405
... and hits for 132 points of damage!
Strong slash to your right leg!
Muscles exposed!
Not a pretty sight.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
...departing in 14 mins...
A triton combatant sweeps its silvery blue trident out in an arc behind it, its eyes darting around as if seeking out its next opponent.
Finros sighs.
Vilthulko says, "Heh."
Bristenn says, "Oop."
Soriko starts chortling.
Tonyshalhoub starts chortling.
Randt says, "Oops."
Rindon snickers.
[Roll result: 56 (open d100: 50)]
Bristenn feints low, but the triton combatant isn't fooled for a second.
Awesomus just arrived.
Finros says, "I need to fix that to spawn them inactive."
Randt stares at Awesomus.
Baira begins chuckling at Awesomus!
Awesomus tosses back her head and runs her fingers through her hair.
You are healed.
Finros says, "Go for it."
Bristenn says, "Alright, let's give this a go, then. Heh."
Finros nods at Bristenn.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 287 = 1.456 * MM: 73 + d100: 63 = 169
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Quick jab to right hand only twists a finger.
Bristenn attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 287 = 1.456 * MM: 75 + d100: 37 = 146
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Grabbed at elbow! Right arm snapped to side, leaving the bone protruding.
The triton combatant starts to favor its wounded arm!
Vilthulko says, "Ooo."
Bristenn attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 283 = 1.477 * MM: 69 + d100: 30 = 131
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Descending fist ends its arc against right knee, sending the triton combatant stumbling back. Once smitten, twice shy!
The triton combatant starts to favor its wounded leg!
'well then
You say, "Well then."
Bristenn attempts to kick a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 266 = 1.571 * MM: 69 + d100: 48 = 156
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Well-aimed side kick gives the triton combatant a limp!
The triton combatant is knocked to its knees!
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 250 = 1.672 * MM: 89 + d100: 18 = 166
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Solid blow to upper right arm.
The triton combatant no longer favors its right arm.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 246 = 1.699 * MM: 91 + d100: 82 = 236
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Fast strike to inner thigh knocks the triton combatant off-balance!
The triton combatant is knocked into a sitting position!
Bristenn attempts to kick a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 246 = 1.699 * MM: 89 + d100: 20 = 171
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Powerful roundhouse kick catches the triton combatant under the right armpit and continues through!
The combatant's silvery blue trident falls to the ground.
The triton combatant no longer favors its leg.
Channie says, "Ooh."
Baira looks thoughtfully at a triton combatant.
Soriko says, "...ouch."
Bristenn attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 255 = 1.639 * MM: 89 + d100: 59 = 204
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the triton combatant a new perspective on life!
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Channie says, "That was fun."
Bristenn points at a triton combatant.
Baira says, "Yikes."
Vilthulko says, "Badass."
Vilthulko grins.
Baira says, "It's Linda Blair-like."
Finros says, "There we go. It'll go faster as you get used to it."
Odjuji asks, "Fun so Bristenn sees different messages then we do?"
A triton combatant's slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
Channie asks, "How does this work on Undead?"
Finros says, "Extra messaging, yes."
Soriko says, "I'll go ahead and say it."
Bristenn asks, "I think I see about the same ish?"
Soriko asks, "Fatality?"
Finros says, "He sees messaging indicating his current tier, and what the foe is currently vulnerable to."
Sirina grins at Soriko.
Bristenn says, "And, yeah, I just realized that I'm definitely not dropping brawling."
Odjuji nods.
Rindon asks, "How many tiers are there?"
Finros says, "As does the target, if the target is a player. You have an idea of what's coming."
Baira grins at Bristenn.
Bristenn asks, "I can aim unarmed strikes?"
Finros says, "Three tiers."
Odjuji says, "Again i gonna reoll all me guys as monks."
Finros says, "Yes."
Finros nods at Bristenn.
Odjuji asks, "Does CRITS work the same?"
Finros says, "Something like "jab target right leg" will aim."
Bristenn says, "Ooh."
Bristenn asks, "So the regular AIM verb has no bearing on it, righto?"
Bristenn says, "As, being, you know, warrior and all, mine is set to head."
Rindon says, "I'm gonna punch a kobold in the nose so hard.."
Bristenn snickers to himself.
Finros says, "Not currently, no. I've gone back on forth on it."
Bristenn says, "Hrm."
Bristenn says, "It's a lot of typing either way."
Finros says, "Unlike regular attacks, there's no attack/ambush difference. So I'm still going back and forth on whether it should apply."
Finros says, "You make a good point, though."
Finros nods at Bristenn.
Channie searches through a pile of vultite studded gloves for a moment, but she does not pick up anything.
The tension in Finros's skin eases and you notice that his complexion returns to normal.
Finros says, "The answer is, its complicated."
Finros nods at Odjuji.
Bristenn says, "It's something I'd probably macro."
Finros says, "They work similarly, but not identically."
Finros says, "Now, let's talk equipment."
Finros says, "You'll notice some piles of gloves and boots on the floor."
Odjuji says, "Well how would a brawler stack up agains soething in plate."
Finros says, "This is unarmed equipment."
Finros says, "You don't hold it, you wear it."
Finros says, "Many special abilities that apply to weapons also apply to equipment."
Finros says, "You can bless it to use it against undead, you can cast eblade, you can enchant it, it can have flares, it can be crit weighted, and so on."
Rindon asks, "Does enchant add to UAF on a 1:1 ratio?"
Finros says, "Yes."
Soriko says, "Crit weighted boots. Try that with a gkick."
Finros says, "You can *also* use certain held brawling weapons."
Rindon says, "Nice."
You grin.
Odjuji asks, "Same level restrictions as in need to be level 10 to use vultite tipped boots?"
Bristenn says, "So not unlike the pAS 5:1 MB of Voln Fu."
Finros says, "If you use a pair of gloves and also hold a couple of appropriate brawling weapons, you'll be able to use all the equipment in the attack."
Finros says, "There are two sets of boots and two sets of gloves on the floor right now. The vultite ones are 4x, the non-vultite are 0x."
Speaking to Finros, Rindon asks, "How does TWC factor in?"
Bristenn searches through a pile of vultite studded gloves for a moment, but he does not pick up anything.
Finros says, "That said, using multiple pieces of equipment does have a downside as well. You'll see penalties to your multiplier for using them."
Finros says, "On the the other hand, there's a chance for three independent flares."
Bristenn says, "Ah, ye olde trade off."
Finros grins.
Odjuji says, "Geez its gonna take some figuring."
Speaking to Finros, Rindon asks, "Will your MM be penalized for one piece of equipment or just more than one?"
Speaking to Odjuji, Channie asks, "What, you can't just go out and play and not worry about technical details?"
Finros says, "TWC doesn't factor in here. It's all one attack using multiple pieces of equipment."
Finros says, "The multiplier isn't penalized for worn gloves and boots. It is for held items."
Speaking to Finros, Bristenn asks, "Got some brawling weapons and another combatant we can demonstrate this on?"
Soriko asks, "Is there a benefit to using unenchanted gloves and boots?"
Speaking to Finros, Rindon asks, "So you don't need to train twc, you can just hold two fist scythes, for example, and get a chance of flares from both of them?"
Finros says, "Well, you can eblade them."
Finros says, "And use regular blessing,"
Finros says, "The same advantages you see with unenchanted weapons."
Soriko says, "Yes, but I mean, with nothing like that. Just one their own."
Finros says, "Take off the gloves for a second. I'll give you an eblade and see if you can get a flare."
Finros says, "No, there's no inherent advantage."
Finros says, "They're more of a platform for gaining advantage."
Finros gestures at some sturdy leather gloves.
A bolt of energy leaps from Finros's hand to the gloves which seems to absorb the energy. After a few moments the gloves begins to shine with a brilliant luminescence.
Bristenn asks, "Want me to grab a couple brawling weapons?"
Finros says, "Stand by for a combatant smoking someone again. I forgot to make this tool generate them docile."
Finros snickers.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a triton combatant engages Naitalya in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A triton combatant thrusts with an oak-shafted silvery blue trident at Naitalya!
AS: +424 vs DS: +82 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +98 = +471
... and hits for 150 points of damage!
Off-balance slash to Naitalya's left arm shatters her elbow.
* Naitalya drops dead at your feet!
A triton combatant sweeps its silvery blue trident out in an arc behind it, its eyes darting around as if seeking out its next opponent.
Finros says, "Weapons, you say...."
Finros picks up a tiger-claw.
Finros makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Finros gestures at a tiger-claw.
A bolt of energy leaps from Finros's hand to the tiger-claw which seems to absorb the energy. After a few moments the tiger-claw begins to shine with a brilliant luminescence.
Bristenn says, "Oo, a tiger-claw."
Finros offers Bristenn a tiger-claw.
Bristenn says, "Alright, first with just the gloves."
Finros makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Finros gestures at a knuckle-blade.
A bolt of energy leaps from Finros's hand to the knuckle-blade which seems to absorb the energy. After a few moments the knuckle-blade begins to shine with a brilliant luminescence.
Finros offers Bristenn a knuckle-blade.
Bristenn accepts Finros's knuckle-blade.
Bristenn put a knuckle-blade in his white wool surcoat.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 438 vs UDF: 287 = 1.526 * MM: 71 + d100: 59 = 167
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Fancy twisting jab to side confuses foe!
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
Bristenn attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 438 vs UDF: 287 = 1.526 * MM: 76 + d100: 27 = 142
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Uppercut to solar plexus. Air forced from the lungs!
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
Bristenn snickers to himself.
Bristenn says, "Uppercut to the chest, huh."
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 287 = 1.560 * MM: 50 + d100: 59 = 137
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Solid blow to upper left arm.
The scintillating brown light surrounding the tiger-claw fades some.
The scintillating brown light surrounding the knuckle-blade fades some.
Bristenn attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 285 = 1.571 * MM: 49 + d100: 75 = 152
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Strong hook from the side pins left elbow against the torso!
The triton combatant starts to favor its wounded arm!
The scintillating brown light surrounding the tiger-claw fades some.
The scintillating brown light surrounding the knuckle-blade fades some.
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
The voice of Odjuji says, "You coming from a low place i reckon."
Bristenn attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 273 = 1.641 * MM: 51 + d100: 47 = 130
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Strong hook from the side pins left elbow against the torso!
The triton combatant starts to favor its wounded leg!
Finros says, "You'll notice that not every piece of equipment has a chance of triggering every time."
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 263 = 1.703 * MM: 56 + d100: 16 = 111
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Feeble strike to leg. The triton combatant probably scratches itself harder than that!
Finros says, "It's somewhat randomized when you're using multiple pieces."
Rindon says, "Was wondering about that."
Finros says, "That's intentional."
Caroyst asks, "Is he dropping Eblade charges for each bit of gear?"
More to come...
05-04-2012, 09:52 PM
Quick overview.
UAF based on skills
UDF based on skills + EDP
MM based on stance with penalties for weapons and gear in hand, bonus for brawling worn items and tier effects
Damage based on tier and endroll
Attacker can see where they are vulnerable and the current tier.
attacks have short term effects like slows, hindering limbs (AS/DS/UDF penalty) and knocking them out.
Volnites can attack undead at step 8 without blessed worn brawling gear.
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 09:54 PM
The triton combatant no longer favors its left arm.
Channie laughs!
Bristenn attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 267 = 1.677 * MM: 61 + d100: 90 = 192
... and hit for 49 points of damage!
The triton combatant pinned in a crushing grip! Need a hug?
The triton combatant appears to be moving more slowly!
The scintillating brown light surrounding the tiger-claw fades some.
The scintillating brown light surrounding the knuckle-blade fades some.
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
Finros says, "I'll doublecheck that the charges are working correctly."
Finros seems to be waiting for something.
Finros says, "They don't seem to want to flare though."
Bristenn says, "Moving more slowly? Neat."
Finros says, "Keep trying."
Bristenn attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 267 = 1.677 * MM: 56 + d100: 19 = 112
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Grab to head falls short, and fingers find no purchase.
** As Bristenn's gloves lands home, it flares with a burst of fire! **
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable.
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
Channie asks, "You can grapple while holding the weapons?"
Bristenn says, "Ahha."
Rindon says, "Tada."
The triton combatant is no longer moving as slowly as before.
Randt says, "There it goes."
Finros says, "There we go. Not very impressive."
Channie says, "That's interesting."
Finros says, "But it works."
Bristenn attempts to punch a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 267 = 1.677 * MM: 53 + d100: 66 = 154
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Blow to kidney!
The scintillating brown light surrounding the knuckle-blade fades some.
The scintillating red light surrounding the gloves fades some.
Bristenn attempts to grapple a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 257 = 1.743 * MM: 56 + d100: 25 = 122
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Eye socket provides a convenient fingerhold!
Finros says, "You can grapple while using them, yes. But remember there are penalties."
Bristenn says, "Haha, gross."
Caroyst asks, "Can you throw?"
Finros says, "Throwing is sort of folded into grappling."
Bristenn says, "Throw seems to be a disabled verb."
Finros nods.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 448 vs UDF: 228 = 1.964 * MM: 60 + d100: 4 = 121
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Feeble strike to leg. The triton combatant probably scratches itself harder than that!
Bristenn attempts to kick a triton combatant!
UAF: 438 vs UDF: 228 = 1.921 * MM: 88 + d100: 55 = 224
... and hit for 105 points of damage!
Shattering kick to spine sends the triton combatant flying through the air, already fully limp!
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Finros says, "I disabled throw to remove any attempts at Voln Fu. They wouldn't work right."
Odjuji comes out of hiding.
Odjuji searches a triton combatant.
Odjuji gathers the remaining coins.
A triton combatant's slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
Finros says, "Grapples can knock the target unconscious."
Bristenn smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand!
Finros says, "And slow them down."
Finros says, "And stuff like that."
Caroyst asks, "Is there an effect with cpress?"
Bristenn says, "I like that spine-shattering kick right thar."
Finros says, "Favoring a limb means that they're suffering from a bit of disablement."
Finros says, "Lessened attacks and defense, and so on."
Bristenn says, "..oddly as amusing as the double-spin flying roundhouse."
Channie removes some sturdy leather gloves from in her golden yellow pack.
Finros says, "Favoring the right arm means their AS and UAF drop and their parry ability is lessened."
Bristenn carefully places a knuckle-blade on the ground.
Rindon asks, "Is that a random effect or is it the same each time for a specific limb?"
Finros says, "For example."
Finros says, "That's an example of it being similar to crit tables. Specific attacks have specific effects."
Finros says, "Grapple has the most interesting effects in my opinion."
Finros says, "But everyone can judge that for themselves."
Finros says, "Oh, I forgot to mention, if you're Voln at rank... 8, I think, you can hit undead without blessed equipment.,"
Zemonk exclaims, "Wow!"
Randt nods.
Caroyst reaches for a tiger-claw, which suddenly glows brightly, causing him to yelp with pain and drop it.
Channie says, "Ooh fun."
Rindon asks, "Without expending favor?"
Speaking to Finros, Randt asks, "Based off the voln fu symbol step?"
Finros says, "And if you're wearing spell 1209, Dragonclaw, you can hit magical creatures (like cyclops) without a magical piece of equipment."
Finros nods at Rindon.
Bristenn asks, "Neat. I was going to ask (but uh, couldn't find a good opportunity), what about the holes in Voln now without those symbols?"
Zemonk says, "Well voln fu allowed that anyway."
Finros says, "Voln Fu is disabled, and undead can be hit at rank 8. No other Voln changes are present at this time."
Bristenn sniffs.
(Bristenn sadfaces.)
Finros says, "We'll be doing Voln changes at the same time as monks going live."
(Bristenn happyfaces!)
Finros says, "But that isn't part of this testing."
Channie says, "So long as the changes are good ones..."
Channie asks, "For this, no one's Volning?"
Odjuji says, "Voln is sort of dying since sunfist."
Bristenn exclaims, "I am!"
Speaking to Odjuji, Channie says, "No it isn't."
Randt says, "You can voln, but the fu symbols won't work, is what I'm taking from this."
Zemonk asks, "We arent joining societies in this instance?"
Finros says, "Fu is disabled, all other symbols work normally."
Finros says, "You can if you want."
Finros says, "I may be able to help with that in a few days."
Finros says, "I'm still working madly in the background here to make sure everything is set up right."
Finros grins.
Zemonk nods.
Baira says, "You're doing a great job, too."
Baira nods.
Bristenn says, "I'm just happy that I'm effective-esque on something a) higher in level than me and b) still in my wonderful fullplate."
Finros says, "Once that calms down a bit, we can establish standards for setting players up with advanced abilities."
Finros says, "You'd be able to kill it faster in lesser armor and a higher level, of course."
A delicate pale blue sprite with braided hair flutters in.
Finros says, "And it wasn't swinging back."
Finros grins.
Randt stares at a delicate pale blue sprite with braided hair.
Bristenn says, "That too."
Caroyst abruptly jabs at a delicate pale blue sprite with braided hair!
Randt abruptly punch at a delicate pale blue sprite with braided hair!
Bristenn asks, "Summon another right quick, actually?"
Finros says, "Stand by for another death."
Finros snickers.
Rindon asks, "So action penalty decreases MM?"
Soriko cowers.
Randt exclaims, "ME!"
Randt starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Channie exclaims, "My turn!"
You notice Caroyst botch an attempt to conceal himself.
A triton combatant thrusts with an oak-shafted silvery blue trident at Iliahshe!
AS: +424 vs DS: +79 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +76 = +450
... and hits for 183 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash!
Iliahshe's chest is ripped open!
* Iliahshe drops dead at your feet!
A triton combatant sweeps its silvery blue trident out in an arc behind it, its eyes darting around as if seeking out its next opponent.
Randt says, "Snap."
Bristenn says, "Oop."
Channie snaps her fingers.
Baira winces.
Randt snaps his fingers.
Naitalya says, "It's like monk bingo."
Bristenn snickers to himself.
[Roll result: 99 (open d100: 84)]
Bristenn feints to the right, the triton combatant almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.
Jarrys grins at Naitalya.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 287 = 1.456 * MM: 87 + d100: 33 = 159
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Sudden sideways jab to right arm gets through the triton combatant's defenses!
Kakoon steps through the exit portal.
Bristenn attempts to jab a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 287 = 1.456 * MM: 98 + d100: 9 = 151
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Quick strike to the side takes the triton combatant by surprise!
Bristenn attempts to kick a triton combatant!
UAF: 418 vs UDF: 287 = 1.456 * MM: 89 + d100: 85 = 214
... and hit for 103 points of damage!
Rapid spin brings leg around with immense power, caving in the triton combatant's entire torso in the process!
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Bristenn says, "Let's see, how did my MM change.."
Finros says, "Looks like you got a good tier up progression t here."
Finros says, "Whoever said action penalty was correct; it's based off of that."
Rindon nods.
Vilthulko asks, "So robes are best?"
Vilthulko nods.
Finros says, "The MM has a decent random component in it, so it's hard to tell from just a few strikes at what's happening."
The voice of Odjuji says, "Is there much more here? I have to leave for an event real soon but will come back later and tests stuff."
Soriko says, "It'd make sense, with all that moving about."
Finros says, "You'll get a feel for it over time."
Finros says, "Or at least I did, and other staff members have."
Speaking to Finros, Randt says, "But I'm fairly stupid."
Randt frowns.
Finros says, "Nope, we're basically done."
The voice of Odjuji says, "Cool this will be fun..i gotta figger out why my cs so low later."
Finros asks, "So, questions about anything, anybody?"
Vilthulko says, "Maybe the new voln changes will revive the society. I can hope. Hehe."
Vilthulko grins.
Bristenn asks, "Now, if I'm holding say a non-brawling weapon (usually my bastard sword), or were I using a shield, I couldn't use UCS?"
Speaking to Finros, Soriko asks, "I wouldn't be me if I didn't ask but... I notice the boots have vultite toes. Any chance on getting the cobbling system to work with that? Sort of like forging, but for unarmed stuff?"
Bristenn removes a suit of heavy steel field plate-and-mail from in the Bristenn disk.
Rindon asks, "You may have answered me without me seeing, but whats our CS stat?"
The voice of Odjuji says, "Think it logic."
Finros says, "You can make the actual attack, but it'll be at a heavy penalty, and you'll get messaging about what you're holding hindering things."
Finros says, "In answer to the CS question, Logic is what you want for MnM."
Finros says, "But again, remember monks are squares."
Finros asks, "Other questions?"
Vilthulko says, "I love the messaging when you try to UCS yourself."
05-04-2012, 11:24 PM
You attempt to jab a great boar!
You have decent positioning against a great boar.
UAF: 93 vs UDF: 44 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 83 + d100: 83 = 249
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Fast strike to inner thigh knocks the great boar off-balance!
The great boar is knocked into a sitting position!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Small flying insects flit about in seemingly random directions, never alighting on anything for more than a moment.
A great boar grunts as he scrambles to his feet!
You attempt to grapple a great boar!
You have good positioning against a great boar.
UAF: 93 vs UDF: 58 = 1.603 * MM: 88 + d100: 50 = 191
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The great boar chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The great boar goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
A great boar is awakened by your attack!
You attempt to punch a great boar!
You have excellent positioning against a great boar.
UAF: 93 vs UDF: 38 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 100 + d100: 67 = 267
... and hit for 108 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have 18 kills remaining.]
The great boar silently lets out a final agonized squeal and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Three hit combo SON!
05-04-2012, 11:25 PM
You know that's not even 1/2 of the skill costs, right?
05-04-2012, 11:27 PM
You know that's not even 1/2 of the skill costs, right?
Correct. The stub isn't fully completed yet, you realize this, right?
05-04-2012, 11:31 PM
1) 0 10/0 (24) Armor Use........................26) 0 0/6 (12) Arcane Symbols
2) 0 8/0 (24) Shield Use..........................27) 0 0/7 (12) Magic Item Use
.................................................. .............28) 5 0/6 (12) Harness Power
3) 0 2/1 (24) Edged Weapons................29) 0 5/20 (12) Spell Aiming
4) 0 3/1 (24) Blunt Weapons..................30) 0 0/15 (12) Mana Control: Elemental
5) 0 5/2 (24) Two-Handed Weapons......31) 0 0/8 (12) Mana Control: Spiritual
6) 0 4/1 (24) Ranged Weapons..............32) 0 0/8 (12) Mana Control: Mental
7) 0 2/1 (24) Thrown Weapons...............Spell Research
8) 0 6/2 (24) Pole Arm Weapons............33) 0 0/38 Minor Spiritual
9) 22 4/2 (24) Brawling..........................34) 5 0/38 Minor Mental
10) 0 2/2 (24) Two Weapon Combat.......Elemental Lore (12)
11) 22 10/6 (24) Combat Maneuvers......36) 0 0/40 Air
12) 0 5/2 (24) Multi-Opponent Combat...37) 0 0/40 Earth
13) 0 3/2 (24) Ambush............................38) 0 0/40 Fire
14) 22 4/0 (36) Physical Training.............39) 0 0/40 Water
15) 33 4/4 (36) Dodging..........................Spiritual Lore (12)
.................................................. .............40) 0 0/12 Blessings
General Skills..........................................41 ) 0 0/12 Religion
16) 3 1/0 (24) Climbing...........................42) 0 0/12 Summoning
17) 3 2/0 (24) Swimming........................Sorcerous Lore (12)
18) 0 3/4 (24) Disarming Traps..............43) 0 0/35 Demonology
19) 0 3/3 (24) Picking Locks...................44) 0 0/35 Necromancy
20) 0 3/2 (24) Stalking & Hiding.............Mental Lore (12)
21) 10 0/2 (24) Perception....................45) 0 0/12 Divination
22) 0 1/2 (24) First Aid..........................46) 0 0/12 Manipulation
23) 0 0/3 (24) Trading...........................47) 0 0/12 Telepathy
24) 0 2/2 (24) Picking Pockets...............48) 0 0/12 Transference
25) 0 2/2 (24) Survival...........................49) 10 0/12 Transformation
Tsk Tsk
05-04-2012, 11:39 PM
1) 4 10/0 (24) Armor Use
2) 0 8/0 (24) Shield Use
3) 0 2/1 (24) Edged Weapons
4) 0 3/1 (24) Blunt Weapons
5) 0 5/2 (24) Two-Handed Weapons
6) 0 4/1 (24) Ranged Weapons
7) 0 2/1 (24) Thrown Weapons
8) 0 6/2 (24) Pole Arm Weapons
9) 22 4/2 (24) Brawling
10) 0 2/2 (24) Two Weapon Combat
11) 20 10/6 (24) Combat Maneuvers
12) 11 5/2 (24) Multi-Opponent Combat
13) 0 3/2 (24) Ambush
14) 12 4/0 (36) Physical Training
15) 20 2/2 (36) Dodging
16) 0 1/0 (24) Climbing
17) 0 2/0 (24) Swimming
18) 0 3/4 (24) Disarming Traps
19) 0 3/3 (24) Picking Locks
20) 0 3/2 (24) Stalking & Hiding
21) 0 0/2 (24) Perception
22) 0 1/2 (24) First Aid
23) 0 0/3 (24) Trading
24) 0 2/2 (24) Picking Pockets
25) 0 2/2 (24) Survival
26) 0 0/6 (12) Arcane Symbols
27) 0 0/7 (12) Magic Item Use
28) 8 0/6 (12) Harness Power
29) 0 5/20 (12) Spell Aiming
30) 0 0/15 (12) Mana Control: Elemental
31) 0 0/8 (12) Mana Control: Spiritual
32) 7 0/8 (12) Mana Control: Mental
33) 0 0/38 Minor Spiritual
34) 8 0/38 Minor Mental
36) 0 0/40 Air
37) 0 0/40 Earth
38) 0 0/40 Fire
39) 0 0/40 Water
40) 0 0/12 Blessings
41) 0 0/12 Religion
42) 0 0/12 Summoning
43) 0 0/35 Demonology
44) 0 0/35 Necromancy
45) 0 0/12 Divination
46) 0 0/12 Manipulation
47) 0 0/12 Telepathy
48) 0 0/12 Transference
49) 0 0/12 Transformation
05-04-2012, 11:40 PM
Correct. The stub isn't fully completed yet, you realize this, right?
...that was my point?
Drunken Durfin
05-04-2012, 11:46 PM
Where is skill #35?
05-05-2012, 12:00 AM
So how does MoC work with monks?
05-05-2012, 12:02 AM
Any MnM clips?
05-05-2012, 12:02 AM
I read the list and was like "What, no Flurry of Blows?"... and then they actually had it. Come on, Simu.
Where is skill #35?Probably the 3rd spell circle, right? But monks only have two (so far?).
05-05-2012, 12:09 AM
Flurry of Blows is nice..
You attempt to jab a great boar!
You have good positioning against a great boar.
UAF: 104 vs UDF: 62 = 1.677 * MM: 105 + d100: 71 = 247
... and hit for 33 points of damage!
Strong strike to abdomen makes the great boar gasp for air!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
You quickly pivot and follow up with a jab against a great boar!
You have decent positioning against a great boar.
UAF: 104 vs UDF: 40 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 100 + d100: 73 = 273
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Fast strike to inner thigh knocks the great boar off-balance!
The great boar is knocked into a sitting position!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec
It is basically the UAC mstrike, since MoC is only useful for FoF.
05-05-2012, 12:12 AM
Any MnM clips?
>inc 1202
You fold your hands and deeply intone a sonorous mantra, focusing your mind upon the Iron Skin spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You feel your skin grow tight all across your body and your complexion takes on a leathery quality.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>inc 1204
You fold your hands and deeply intone a sonorous mantra, focusing your mind upon the Foresight spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Opening your mind's eye to the progression of time, a myriad of possible future events fills your consciousness.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>inc 1201
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Force Orb spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a great boar.
A translucent orb of force coalesces out of the air next to a great boar.
CS: +37 - TD: +30 + CvA: +25 + d100: +70 == +102
Warding failed!
The orb quickly spins about him then strikes!
The great boar is crushed by the orb for 8 damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on the great boar's chest!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
05-05-2012, 12:12 AM
It is basically the UAC mstrike, since MoC is only useful for FoF.
Aww man, welcome to frown town. Lame!
05-05-2012, 12:13 AM
Oh, and I'm level 10 with 5 spell ranks.
05-05-2012, 12:13 AM
Aww man, welcome to frown town. Lame!
You can still use it for brawling weapons I guess, but it'd just be a regular attack.
05-05-2012, 12:20 AM
It's a monk feat in Dungeons and Dragons, is the point I was making. Gelston.
>inc 1202
You fold your hands and deeply intone a sonorous mantra, focusing your mind upon the Iron Skin spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You feel your skin grow tight all across your body and your complexion takes on a leathery quality.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)wat?
05-05-2012, 12:21 AM
Yeah, my effective AsG between level and lore is 10, so I'm in cuirboulli.
05-05-2012, 12:23 AM
Just tried to TK a kobold; any idea the syntax if you have stuff on the ground?
05-05-2012, 12:24 AM
As far as UAC? It doesn't change if they are on the ground.
Additionally you can aim your strikes. Like if the kobold is prone:
kick kobold head
05-05-2012, 12:25 AM
R>kick orc neck
You attempt to kick a dark orc!
You have excellent positioning against a dark orc.
UAF: 104 vs UDF: 63 = 1.650 * MM: 109 + d100: 62 = 241
... and hit for 108 points of damage!
Magnificent rising side kick smashes through the dark orc's neck, removing his head from his body.
A dark orc gives a last shudder and dies.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
05-05-2012, 12:28 AM
TK = Telekinesis/1206
05-05-2012, 12:30 AM
>cast rol
You gesture at a rolton.
A translucent force moves outward from you and toward a rolton.
A rolton is buffeted by the force and is knocked to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
05-05-2012, 12:38 AM
You ask, "Can 1214 disarm PCs?"
Finros says, "Yup."
05-05-2012, 12:39 AM
Oh, no idea! I'm not there yet
05-05-2012, 12:54 AM
1206, 1210, 1211, 1212, and 1235 are currently turned off in Test. Finros is hoping to get some of them up in the next few days.
Kakoon attempts to grapple you!
Kakoon has good positioning against you.
UAF: 91 vs UDF: 51 = 1.784 * MM: 97 + d100: 70 = 243
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
You are stunned for 40 seconds!
You choke, momentarily unable to speak!
You go limp as you are rendered unconscious!
Stunned, slept, and when I was unstunned and conscious, I couldn't speak for like 10 secs.
05-05-2012, 12:59 AM
Kakoon attempts to grapple you!
Kakoon has good positioning against you.
UAF: 91 vs UDF: 51 = 1.784 * MM: 97 + d100: 70 = 243
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
You are stunned for 40 seconds!
You choke, momentarily unable to speak!
You go limp as you are rendered unconscious!
Stunned, slept, and when I was unstunned and conscious, I couldn't speak for like 10 secs.
Monks are going to be great for cybering.
05-05-2012, 07:14 AM
lol, PK. These (later) logs are great. It will be something to see a monk in a swarm jabbing and kicking around the room. Minor Mental might also yield a few fun toys for non-monks as well.
I'm really excited, remember when sorcerers were told that monks were a big release for our profession too? I wait with bated breath.
Seriously though, what seems to go into UDF? I mean, I imagine ninja skills don't work well on something packing a sword and shield and armor. Or is suspension of disbelief the name of the game? Monk ninja kicks spiked armor, monk impales self.
It's a monk feat in Dungeons and Dragons, is the point I was making. Gelston.wat?
This is the GM's way of being able to have their cake (the visual of a monk in robes) while eating it too (having monks be functional melee fighters). Otherwise they would fall to realism of either being destroyed in combat, or having to explain how someone in heavy armor is crane kicking you in the face. It is like super dfredux, which is of similar illogical birth but at least this can be claimed to be magic.
It is also why robes will suddenly become more in demand, and plate, less so. Call up your broker and say you want to go long robes and short plate bellies.
05-05-2012, 09:21 AM
Here is my stab at a weapon using monk.
A Neartofar troll swings a longsword at you!
You evade the attack with incredible finesse!
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You attempt to jab a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have decent positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 75 + d100: 40 = 191
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Light punch to stomach makes the Neartofar troll gasp.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to grapple a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have good positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 67 + d100: 20 = 155
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Repeated blows to spine forces the Neartofar troll to double over in agony! That's okay, pain is only weakness leaving the body!
The Neartofar troll is knocked to her knees!
The Neartofar troll is stunned!
The Neartofar troll appears to be moving more slowly!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You swing a claidhmore at a Neartofar troll!
AS: +135 vs DS: +4 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +254
... and hit for 102 points of damage!
Gruesome slash to the Neartofar troll's throat!
That stings... for about a second.
The Neartofar troll screams one last time and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a Neartofar troll.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>app tro
The Neartofar troll is large in size and about one foot high in her current prone state.
The troll would have a slight advantage over you.
You search the Neartofar troll.
She had some weathered cuirbouilli leather, a longsword.
She had 160 silvers on her.
You gather the remaining 160 coins.
She had a green errisian topaz on her!
She had nothing else of value.
A Neartofar troll decays into compost.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
A Neartofar troll just arrived!
A Neartofar troll says, "Narmr'r'r'brod ar trubr grod r'r'ghto on."
A Neartofar troll swings a longsword at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You attempt to jab a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have decent positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 79 + d100: 49 = 208
... and hit for 6 points of damage!
Sudden sideways jab to right arm gets through the Neartofar troll's defenses!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to jab a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have decent positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 85 + d100: 58 = 229
... and hit for 9 points of damage!
Fast slap to right arm knocks it out of position!
The Neartofar troll starts to favor his wounded arm!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup jab attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to jab a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have good positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 80 + d100: 55 = 216
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Quick strike leaves a gouge on the Neartofar troll's left hand!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
The Neartofar troll no longer favors his right arm.
A Neartofar troll's flesh wounds regenerate slowly.
A Neartofar troll's left hand regenerates and looks fully healed.
A Neartofar troll swings a longsword at you!
AS: +179 vs DS: +156 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +24 = +87
A clean miss.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You attempt to grapple a Neartofar troll!
Your attack is hindered by holding a claidhmore!
You have good positioning against a Neartofar troll.
UAF: 109 vs UDF: 54 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 79 + d100: 33 = 192
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Firm grasp from behind! The Neartofar troll's vertebrae begin to break!
The Neartofar troll is knocked to his knees!
The Neartofar troll is stunned!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You swing a claidhmore at a Neartofar troll!
AS: +135 vs DS: +2 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +20 = +185
... and hit for 68 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You swing a claidhmore at a Neartofar troll!
AS: +135 vs DS: +0 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +66 = +233
... and hit for 112 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves the Neartofar troll without a left leg!
The Neartofar troll screams one last time and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a Neartofar troll.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>stance def
You search the Neartofar troll.
He had some weathered cuirbouilli leather, a longsword.
He didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, he carried an etched imflass crown on him.
He also left an ayanad crystal behind.
He had nothing else of value.
A Neartofar troll decays into compost.
>get cro
You pick up an etched imflass crown.
>wear cro
You put an etched imflass crown on your head.
05-05-2012, 10:20 AM
You search the Neartofar troll.
He had some weathered cuirbouilli leather, a longsword.
He didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, he carried an etched imflass crown on him.
He also left an ayanad crystal behind.
He had nothing else of value.
A Neartofar troll decays into compost.
>get cro
You pick up an etched imflass crown.
>wear cro
You put an etched imflass crown on your head.
The crown was a nice touch.
05-05-2012, 10:39 AM
This unarmed tier system worries me. I feel as though kills by unarmed monks will take longer than kills by other classes.
For melee, monks need to be able to score a kill about once every 12 seconds. I say 12 because a warrior could open ambush leg then head in 12, or swing a large weapon/two weapons in 10-12 seconds. A rogue could hide then ambush a critters head or eye in 9-12 seconds, the additional 3 seconds coming from a failed hide.
If monks cannot reliably drop critters in 12 seconds, monks are bad.
That said, there might be a solution. Can monks ambush unarmed? They can 2x hiding and 2x ambush. Jab, hide, ambush kick might be the way to go here. Or Jab, grapple, hide, ambush punch. The additional DS pushdown/crit weighting could guarantee the 12 second kill.
05-05-2012, 10:44 AM
According to Finros..
Monks aren't stealthy. They're about as good as warriors, which is to say that stealth is an option if you really want, but they won't have any tricks like rogues or rangers.
05-05-2012, 10:50 AM
I've seen successful warrior ambushers. Nevertheless, it was just an idea. It won't be necessary if a 12 second kill can be achieved without it relatively easily.
05-05-2012, 10:52 AM
12 seconds for a melee kill is pretty quick, especially at the lower levels.
05-05-2012, 10:59 AM
18 seconds will be a good benchmark for lower levels and as an upper limit for higher ones. 18 seconds is about how long it takes if something went wrong. For example, hide, ambush head, crit randomization says no. Hide, ambush neck, there we go. 18 seconds.
For warriors, the equivalent is ambush leg, ambush head, ambush neck, or swing swing swing/focused mstrike swing swing. At least for OHB/OHE users.
05-05-2012, 11:30 AM
So a square can have a level 1 attack spell, but not the most magical of semis.
05-05-2012, 12:01 PM
I think kills will actually be pretty quick once you learn the system. It's a little complicated, but there's certainly a flow you pick up that leads to more damage. I think particularly at higher levels when you have to ability to start attack sequences at level 2, you'll get more efficient.
05-05-2012, 12:02 PM
Bards have a level 2 attack spell. Rangers don't really get one until 616. It is a little odd that Monks get one at level 1, but it fits the idea of a monk. I expect that it has a very low DF.
05-05-2012, 12:07 PM
I expect that it has a very low DF.
Oh, it does. Here's a log of it from Krakiipedia:
>prep 1201
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand
and quietly murmuring the words of the Force Orb spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast oscuro
You gesture at Oscuro.
A translucent orb of force coalesces out of the
air next to Oscuro.
CS: +501 - TD: +273 + CvA: +8 + d100: +98 == +334
Warding failed!
The orb quickly spins about him then strikes!
Oscuro is crushed by the orb for 19 damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes Oscuro's heart to skip a beat.
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
The problem with this log though is that it doesn't tell us how many ranks of Mental Lore: Manipulation the caster had. I suspect it to be 0.
05-05-2012, 12:14 PM
You know damn well that you can't count 1002 as a real level 2 attack spell.
05-05-2012, 12:18 PM
Seems like the best plan is to tk then kick the head
05-05-2012, 12:25 PM
Seems like the best plan is to tk then kick the head
Jace Solo
05-05-2012, 12:27 PM
How do we expect GoS sigils to impact UAC?
Crit weighted fists?
05-05-2012, 12:30 PM
Also, how about armor accessories with spikes and\or flares? How does that work in combination with Iron Skin, and UAC? Any issues to be aware of?
05-05-2012, 12:30 PM
I don't think 1201 will be a viable attack for monks. Its DF is terrible and monks seem to have pretty bad CS. Just playing around in the skill manager with a few builds, I think monks are expected to .5x spells.
Jace Solo
05-05-2012, 12:52 PM
Is it 0/16 for most pures? Wouldn't that suggest that Monks should be somewhere in the 1-2x by cap area? Especially with the low cost of their other core skills it seems like they could be viable at 1x in growth. Maybe not, I don't have it to play around with. What's the cost for paladins and rangers?
05-05-2012, 12:56 PM
0/17 for rangers and 0/27 for paladins
05-05-2012, 01:02 PM
Crit weighting and flares all affect UAC. In fact, you can have up to 3 accessories affect a given attack, but not the accessories you're thinking of. First, there are gloves and boots. These are worn and are basically just a vehicle for item improvements, like enchant, blessing, flares, crit weighting, etc. Kinda like how robes don't provide any defense, but give you the benefits of their buffs. Then second, you can hold certain brawling weapons in your hands to impart their properties to your UA attacks at a penalty to your modifier. Each of the three items has a chance to activate for each attack.
05-05-2012, 01:04 PM
Spells cost like 0/8 for pures.
05-05-2012, 01:05 PM
I foresee immolation gloves and boots in the near future :)
05-05-2012, 03:16 PM
Remember Savants will have access to Minor Mental as well and will likely make use of 1201 as a staple spell early on.
05-05-2012, 03:54 PM
Remember Savants will have access to Minor Mental as well and will likely make use of 1201 as a staple spell early on.
So, 2025 for Savants?
On a serious note, I thought Sirina (or some other senior GS person) said the plans for Savants were on hold for a long time, with no plans for them any time soon.
If your post was sarcastic, my sarcasm meter failed.
05-05-2012, 06:07 PM
So, what services do monks perform (e.g., rogues=locksmith, clerics=resurrections, empaths=healing, etc.)? Alternatively, how easy could a monk cross-train in skills like locksmithing?
05-05-2012, 06:23 PM
Everyone should also post what race they are with their monk, since some I am sure would be interested to see how Unarmed Combat works for the smaller races for example
Stanley Burrell
05-05-2012, 06:26 PM
Seems like the best plan is to tk then kick the head
Sweep the leg.
05-05-2012, 06:43 PM
I'm a half-elf.
05-05-2012, 07:34 PM
So, 2025 for Savants?
On a serious note, I thought Sirina (or some other senior GS person) said the plans for Savants were on hold for a long time, with no plans for them any time soon.
If your post was sarcastic, my sarcasm meter failed.
Granted, savants are likely a long way off. However, if the design scheme dictates that they will make use of the minor mental spell circle, it would stand to reason that the circle itself should be designed with savant use in mind as well as monks. Not every spell in a shared circle is useful to all people, as I'm sure you're aware.
05-05-2012, 07:34 PM
I've yet to post any logs myself, but I rolled up an erithi. Their docs skew them towards the mental-focused classes, so I thought I'd give it a go.
05-05-2012, 08:07 PM
So, what services do monks perform (e.g., rogues=locksmith, clerics=resurrections, empaths=healing, etc.)? Alternatively, how easy could a monk cross-train in skills like locksmithing?
Monks = spawning shit to help you farm. (
Also, any minor mental buffs castable on others.
As far as something that will be unique that no other class will ever be able to do (Savants will get Minor Mental too after all), I don't think they have anything yet.
05-05-2012, 08:12 PM
1713 Mind Over Body
The caster uses his mental concentration to make the physically taxing activities of his group easier to undertake. This reduces stamina cost for all actions by 20 percent. Training in Mental Lore, Telepathy increases the reduction by 5% per seed 3 of skill bonus/10.
05-05-2012, 08:16 PM
We don't know the duration though. Or if you have to remain grouped with the monk.
That might end up being the primary monk service though. Someone needs to test duration/grouping in the beta instance.
05-05-2012, 08:20 PM
It's duration is listed as focus. I take that to mean continuous until interrupted.
05-05-2012, 08:38 PM
Monks = spawning shit to help you farm. (
Also, any minor mental buffs castable on others.
As far as something that will be unique that no other class will ever be able to do (Savants will get Minor Mental too after all), I don't think they have anything yet.
If Sabreon's group gets a monk, OTF is going to implode.
05-05-2012, 08:52 PM
It's duration is listed as focus. I take that to mean continuous until interrupted.
It's been 3 years. Not familiar with the focus mechanic, which is listed as being new. Are there examples?
If Sabreon's group gets a monk, OTF is going to implode.
This is exactly what I was thinking.
EDIT: Well, actually it was more like:
05-05-2012, 08:54 PM
It's been 3 years. Not familiar with the focus mechanic, which is listed as being new. Are there examples?
This is exactly what I was thinking.
I'd imagine Focus is similar to Upkeep.
In this case, see Bards
05-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.
5 minute duration for people not in the Monk's group effectively. Though we still don't know.
05-05-2012, 09:27 PM
I learned 1213 and put it up. It's been running an hour straight and I've been stunned multiple times. It hasn't "renewed" or anything. Still don't know how it interacts with groups.
05-05-2012, 09:31 PM
You ask, "What breaks your focus for spells like 1213?"
Finros says, "For the caster, another focus spell or the inability to think clearly."
Finros says, "Meaning a bad enough head wound."
05-05-2012, 09:56 PM
I was thinking, "Meh," when I heard about Monks, but damn those clips have me thinking I may swap my rogue over. It looks like locksmithing is pretty cheap to learn, too, so that's a bonus.
05-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Also, any minor mental buffs castable on others.
If anyone has access to a 1750 item, would be nice to see which minor mental spells work with it.
Why did I think monks were getting minor mental and minor elemental? I was thinking that 420 could be used to imbed some things. Oh well, don't know why I thought that.
05-06-2012, 07:10 AM
So, 2025 for Savants?
On a serious note, I thought Sirina (or some other senior GS person) said the plans for Savants were on hold for a long time, with no plans for them any time soon.
If your post was sarcastic, my sarcasm meter failed.
Honestly, I don't see Savants being too far off. They require nowhere near as much work as Monks. I think they will be out in 3 years assuming they can convince one of the DEV GMs to work on them. Unless, of course, they declare something else as their next major project. What else would they decide to tackle if not for another new profession? Perhaps the Voln/COL review. Finros may also turn his attention towards the Dodge changes, which would frankly be awesome.
05-06-2012, 08:30 AM
How about replacing 525 with something not so stupid.
05-06-2012, 09:18 AM
Honestly, I don't see Savants being too far off. They require nowhere near as much work as Monks. I think they will be out in 3 years assuming they can convince one of the DEV GMs to work on them. Unless, of course, they declare something else as their next major project. What else would they decide to tackle if not for another new profession? Perhaps the Voln/COL review. Finros may also turn his attention towards the Dodge changes, which would frankly be awesome.
You are certainly more optimistic than me with regards to GS Dev. Although Finros does seem to be the odd GM out, actually getting dev done.
05-06-2012, 09:19 AM
If anyone has access to a 1750 item, would be nice to see which minor mental spells work with it.
Why did I think monks were getting minor mental and minor elemental? I was thinking that 420 could be used to imbed some things. Oh well, don't know why I thought that.
logs from Monk beta... 05-05-2012 11:36 PM Most likely because you are a fucking moron. You stupid festering cunt.
Obviously, that explains it all.
05-06-2012, 10:01 AM
Dodge changes as in.. dodge actually working to let you DODGE combat manuevers? Cause not only would that be logical it would be awesome. Sick of getting hit by charging minotaurs.
Jace Solo
05-06-2012, 12:39 PM
Just to be clear - We understand the ability to convert as:
1) Any class who CAN train in 2x brawling (War/Rog/Pal/Rang/Bar)
2) Any character who IS trained in 2x brawling
Earlier I was under the assumption of 2 but it seems to make more sense for 1 to be the release point. What say you?
05-06-2012, 12:50 PM
I always thought it was 2 which means most likely it is 1.
Lord Orbstar
05-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Will converting come with a fixstat?
Jace Solo
05-06-2012, 01:48 PM
It did with Paladin's right?
05-06-2012, 01:52 PM
It did with Paladin's right?
05-06-2012, 03:43 PM
Just to be clear - We understand the ability to convert as:
1) Any class who CAN train in 2x brawling (War/Rog/Pal/Rang/Bar)
2) Any character who IS trained in 2x brawling
Earlier I was under the assumption of 2 but it seems to make more sense for 1 to be the release point. What say you?
Well, given that May 20th is right around the corner, if it is number 2, it is effectively number 1.
05-06-2012, 05:12 PM
Will converting come with a fixstat?
If I recall for paladins it's just like your first 30 days with a new character again.
Month of instant migration and 5 fixstats to use within in the first 30 days. I could be wrong but that makes the most sense.
05-06-2012, 09:01 PM
You ask, "Another question from the boards, do people who want to convert have to *have* 2x in brawling trained, or do they just need to be able to 2x brawl?"
Finros says, "The latter. Fixskills makes the former condition pretty much irrelevent."
05-06-2012, 09:50 PM
You ask, "Is 1209 working?"
Finros nods.
You nod.
>'i keep getting glows, but no flares
You say, "I keep getting glows, but no flares."
Finros says, "It's sort of a spell flare. When you get that glow, you're cutting through all an opponent's defensive spells and lowering their UDF."
Finros says, "It'll be more apparent at higher levels."
Finros says, "Critters get less defense from spells at lower levels."
You say, "So Krakii's stub... Unarmed attacks give a chance for warding rolls for energy criticals."
Finros says, "I'm not sure where that clip may have come from. Possibly Simucon speculation from a round table."
Finros says, "But yes, incorrect."
05-07-2012, 05:07 AM
Here's how combat gear works. There's two kinds: worn and held. Worn gear (boots and gloves) can't be disarmed, can be enchanted (to add to you UAF and to allow you to hit magic creatures), and can have most of the standard properties available to weapons (flares, weighting, etc.) that are applied to unarmed attacks. Gloves help with jabs, punches, and grapples, while boots help only kicks.
Only certain brawling weapons count as held weapons (I'll get a list later). A held weapon can add to your unarmed DF a little bit, add enchant to your UAF, and can lend it's properties (flares, etc.) to your unarmed attacks, but they lower your MM a fair bit (a part of the combat calculation that's pretty important).
You CAN stack multiple pieces of gear. Up to three, in fact. You can wear gloves and hold two brawling weapons, and all of their effects apply. However, the properties of each piece of gear are averaged by the total number of pieces in play. For example, wearing flaring gloves and holding one heavily weighted weapon would give your unarmed attacks half the normal chance to flare and half the amount of crit weighting (in this case, 5 points). If you wore flaring gloves and held two flaring weapons, each of the three pieces would only have 1/3rd the normal chance to flare, but each one is rolled separately, so you could conceivably get all three flares on one attack. However, your MM would suffer two penalties for the two held weapons.
Non-brawling weapons won't do anything for you in unarmed combat. They just provide penalties. So no holding a claid to get 40 points of weighting on your punches.
It's worth noting that Finros said that the system is designed to favor empty handed attacks, from a damage and crit perspective, over holding brawling weapons. Still, get nice enough weapons and it might be worth it.
05-07-2012, 05:42 AM
How is the defensive side of things looking when completely unarmed as compared to holding some form of brawling gear in hand. Do the Gloves/Boots enchants lend any to your DS as well?
05-07-2012, 07:31 AM
I agree with all that Droit said.
One thing I would add is that with cman Flurry,
(Allows the attacker the opportunity to freely make multiple JAB attacks against foes in the same area. There is a 50% chance of making a second JAB at rank 1, and a 75% chance at rank 2. At rank 3, there is a 75% chance of making a second JAB attack, and a 50% chance of a third JAB if the second is successful.)
You actually can get 3 chances to get all those flares or crit hits every attack.
05-07-2012, 08:25 AM
Great comment above, Droit.
It seems like a lot of work to make gloves and boots weighted and enchanted in addition to factoring them in with current weapons. I wonder how DB items will be effected by this change.
With all the flares and everything, it appears that you can plink things to death with a bunch of flaring items cobbled together, or just go for one shot kills with the method DoctorUnne used.
05-07-2012, 09:30 AM
or just go for one shot kills with the method DoctorUnne used.
Which was what?
Droit, so if one has 10x gloves, boots, and a pair of suitable 10x brawling weapons you're not going to get +200 to UAF?
05-07-2012, 09:39 AM
SEND[Finros] Congratulations on finding a bug! Don't do that again please, heh.
SEND[Finros] Trying to appraise at the pawnshop. It generated a very impressive error message. I have to look into that one.
Trying to sell monk gear I was born with seemed like a good idea at the time.....
05-07-2012, 12:15 PM
Which was what?
Droit, so if one has 10x gloves, boots, and a pair of suitable 10x brawling weapons you're not going to get +200 to UAF?
No. First of all, only one worn weapon will be used for any given attack (boots for kicks, gloves for everything else). Worn weapon enchant adds directly to UAF, but held weapons only add a portion of their enchant. It doesn't make a huge deal anyway because UAF's effects cap out at twice the size of the target's UDF. Look at the combat calculation; it creates a ratio. MM and tier are more important.
05-07-2012, 12:21 PM
How is the defensive side of things looking when completely unarmed as compared to holding some form of brawling gear in hand. Do the Gloves/Boots enchants lend any to your DS as well?
I still think monk DS blows. Gloves and boots don't add to DS, I'm pretty sure. I'm hoping I can convince Finros to address it somehow.
05-07-2012, 12:24 PM
Was there anywhere explaining the UAC calculations and numbers? Because it looks like a hella mess.
05-07-2012, 12:25 PM
Monk DS does blow. At level 10 I boasted a whopping 140 in defense stance. This is with 3x dodging. I could easily take out War Trolls and stuff, but they could easily take me out too.
05-07-2012, 12:30 PM
Was there anywhere explaining the UAC calculations and numbers? Because it looks like a hella mess.
Think of UAF and UDF as AS and DS. Your UAF is lowered by heavier armors and such. I notice that Augmented Plate lowered it by 20. Spells like Strength, 425, etc raise it. MM is a partially random number that changes everytime. It includes the dodging characteristics of the character being attacked, to include any spells such as blurs and mobility that add to dodge. There are a lto of random qualities that Finros will probably never tell us of in the creation of that number.
UAF and UDF aren't really as important as they seem, the MM is the most important from what I have seen.
05-07-2012, 01:59 PM
What race seems to be the best so far in terms of stats?
05-07-2012, 02:14 PM
For the monk prime requisites, elves and half-krolvin seem to be best, with STR+AGI sums of 65.
EDIT: On further investigation, half-krolvin seem better because Wisdom and Discipline are the mana stats. Elves take a nasty -15 hit to DIS. However, Half-krolvin take a -5 hit to WIS. While this hurts spiritual TD, monks can easily access the minor spiritual spell circle and replace it with self-cast spells such as Lesser Shroud.
05-07-2012, 03:19 PM
I like half elf. STR+AGI of 60, only -5 to DIS, decent all around. HK might be the best, but only if you can stomach -10 LOG, which is the exp absorption stat and monk CS stat (though monks will have shit CS in any case).
Dwarves make the best of any profession, it is known. Even Chuck Norris wore a beard in the dwarven style for benefit it provides.
... seriously though, dwarves rule DIS and STR if those stats matter.
05-07-2012, 09:20 PM
Um.. Holy shit. Look at this:
Skill Name: Inner Harmony
Mnemonic: iharmony
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 40
Other Requirements: None
Available to: Monks.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You focus yourself in order to shake off many negative spell effects. You have a 75% chance at rank 1, and a 100% chance at rank 2, to shake off a negative spell effect every 30 seconds. At rank 3, you may shake off a negative spell effect immediately upon assuming the stance.
Vanah gestures at you.
CS: +206 - TD: +111 + CvA: +15 + d100: +93 - -5 == +208
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
... 30 points of damage!
Flames cook your abdomen. Feels about medium well.
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone.
The flames around you continue to burn!
You are still stunned.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
The flames surrounding you quickly die down.
Vanah gestures at you.
Cloudy wisps swirl about you.
CS: +225 - TD: +96 + CvA: +15 + d100: +66 - -5 == +215
Warding failed!
The wisps solidify into thick strands of webbing that tighten about your body!
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
The webs dissolve from around you.
Vanah gestures at you.
CS: +270 - TD: +121 + CvA: +15 + d100: +87 - -5 == +256
Warding failed!
'i sure hope so, because thats so cool
A pall of silence settles over you.
>The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
The pall of silence leaves you.
Vanah gestures at you.
CS: +270 - TD: +121 + CvA: +15 + d100: +63 - -5 == +232
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
The restricting force that envelops you dissolves away.
Vanah gestures at you.
CS: +206 - TD: +111 + CvA: +15 + d100: +53 - -5 == +168
Warding failed!
Your mind goes completely blank.
Forced to stance offensive.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
Your thoughts slowly come back to you as you find yourself lying on the ground. You must have been sleeping.
Vanah gestures at you.
You hear strange noises come from behind and to either side of you.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
You no longer hear the strange noises around you.
Vanah gestures at you.
CS: +215 - TD: +117 + CvA: +15 + d100: +22 - -5 == +140
Warding failed!
You feel a numbing jolt reverberate through your skull! You are stunned.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
You are able to move again.
Vanah gestures at you.
The ground beneath Vanah rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a slender hand enscribed with runes in mid-air.
CS: +206 - TD: +111 + CvA: +15 + d100: +84 - -5 == +199
Warding failed!
You try to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches you with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
A low rumbling noise sounds from within the slender stone hand enscribed with runes that holds you firmly in its deadly grasp. It erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
Vanah sings a melody, directing the sound of her voice at you.
Vanah sings a harmony of depression and lethargy.
You struggle with the debilitating force!
CS: +206 - TD: +100 + CvA: +15 + d100: +98 - -5 == +224
Warding failed!
You feel yourself slowing down in a depressed state!
Your focus on maintaining inner harmony helps cleanse your mind, body, and soul...
You no longer feel the dulling effect of depression.
05-07-2012, 09:27 PM
OK that is completely badass and I am totally jealous as 1635 does nothing against stone fist.
05-07-2012, 09:31 PM
wow that's pretty insane!
05-07-2012, 10:31 PM
Wow. That one and Perfect Self are probably overpowered by a factor of about 3?
05-07-2012, 11:16 PM
I still think monk DS blows. Gloves and boots don't add to DS, I'm pretty sure. I'm hoping I can convince Finros to address it somehow.
Yea that is kind of depressing, Im interested in trying the new unarmed stuff as a Rogue really and would like to see some way of having a survivable defense.
05-08-2012, 02:00 AM
Well, the thing about those is you can only have one up at a time :(
05-08-2012, 02:54 AM
Here is an example of the triple flare Droit was talking about, I was holding a feras tiger-claw in each hand and drakar gloves.
You attempt to jab a thunder troll!
You have decent positioning against a thunder troll.
UAF: 173 vs UDF: 68 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 79 + d100: 12 = 170
... and hit for 21 points of damage!
Hits left elbow, but lacks force.
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a moderate discharge of lightning! **
... 10 points of damage!
Light shock to left leg. That stings!
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a heavy surge of lightning! **
... 30 points of damage!
Heavy shock gives the thunder troll fits!
It is knocked to the ground!
The thunder troll is stunned!
** Your drakar-studded gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 30 points of damage!
Horrid burns seal left eye. Consider an eyepatch.
[You have earned 30 recognition points.]
The thunder troll howls in agony one last time and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a thunder troll.
The light blue glow leaves a thunder troll.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Here is another where the one jab hit and flared multiple times on three different creatures in the room:
R>jab ranger
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm troll ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm troll ranger.
UAF: 173 vs UDF: 165 = 1.048 * MM: 63 + d100: 45 = 111
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Lackluster jab to the mid-back.
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a small shock of lightning! **
... 10 points of damage!
Light shock to left arm. That stings!
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a heavy surge of lightning! **
... 30 points of damage!
Heavy shock gives the troll ranger fits!
It is knocked to the ground!
The troll ranger is stunned!
You quickly pivot and follow up with a jab against a wind witch!
You have decent positioning against a wind witch.
UAF: 173 vs UDF: 156 = 1.108 * MM: 74 + d100: 96 = 178
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Flesh torn from the shoulder blade!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a heavy surge of lightning! **
... 24 points of damage!
Horrifying jolt to forehead. Brain explodes in a stunning display of light!
The wind witch crumples to the ground motionless.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a wind witch suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The bright luminescence fades from around a wind witch.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a wind witch.
You quickly pivot again and follow up with another jab against a wind witch!
You have good positioning against a wind witch.
UAF: 173 vs UDF: 128 = 1.351 * MM: 69 + d100: 81 = 174
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Fist smashes into right eye, temporarily blinding the wind witch. That'll leave a mark!
The wind witch is stunned!
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a small shock of lightning! **
... 1 point of damage!
Mild electric jolt sends the wind witch into spasms.
** As the blow lands, the feras tiger-claw unleashes a heavy surge of lightning! **
... 11 points of damage!
Nasty jolt to back fuses a few vertebrae. Definitely uncomfortable.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Jace Solo
05-08-2012, 04:00 AM
I thought they reflected lightning?
05-08-2012, 12:26 PM
I thought they reflected lightning?
Cast, maybe. Not flares though. I hunted that area for several levels with a ranger using griffin fletchings with no problems. I'd even get death crits from the flares sometimes.
05-08-2012, 07:58 PM
Here are the brawling weapons that work with UAC:
05-08-2012, 10:24 PM
Troll claws and katars dont. Interesting.
05-08-2012, 10:27 PM
Troll claws and katars dont. Interesting.
If any weapons should be on that list it would be those two.
troll claws for sure... but I think, rather obviously, they gave a use to the shit no one uses, amiright?
05-08-2012, 11:02 PM
It's actually done by which brawling weapons are "worn" over which ones are held. Think cestus or tiger claw. Look at the pictures. (
05-08-2012, 11:56 PM
It's actually done by which brawling weapons are "worn" over which ones are held. Think cestus or tiger claw. Look at the pictures. (
Uh, troll claws are quite clearly worn. They're metal claws attatched to a leather bracer.
05-09-2012, 12:11 AM
True. That was probably a balance decision. Who knows.
05-09-2012, 12:14 AM
Yeah, cause troll claws are OP.
05-09-2012, 04:04 AM
You say, "According to your worn/held deliniation of which brawling weapons work with UAC, troll claws should be acceptable, but they're not."
Finros says, "The association is a bit loose. It's more a question of what's convenient enough to use while maintaining the same basic form."
Finros says, "The cesus fits better than, say, a tiger-claw, but the troll-claw is large enough that it would change the basic form of it."
Finros says, "In the end, one could justify any subset with a fair degree of validity. Or none of them for that matter."
You ask, "How does weapon DF factor into UAC, anyway?"
Finros says, "Use of a brawling weapon adds to the DF of the unarmed attack, but it's essentially unrelated to its DF as a melee weapon."
Finros says, "Brawling weapons used in the UCS have two inherent modifiers -- penalties to the multiplier, and additions to the DF."
You nod.
Finros says, "Neither one is numerically connected to its use as a melee attack weapon."
Finros says, "Conceptually, the heavier weapons have greater MM penalties and higher DF additions."
You ask, "Are they all the same, or do they vary?"
You say, "Ah."
Finros says, "Vary. A cestus is light, for example, while a tiger-claw is heavy."
You ask, "Independant of normal DF, but probably similar, relatively?"
Finros nods.
You ask, "Which is considered the heaviest? tiger claw?"
Finros says, "Yup."
You ask, "Even though yierka spur has the highest normal DF?"
Finros says, "Hmm. I think they're about the same, actually. Tied at the top end."
Finros says, "Though I may go back and differentiate everything a bit more to make sure there aren't any ties."
Finros says, "But on the third hand, I'm not sure it'd really be all that noticable anyway."
05-09-2012, 06:12 AM
Well that's certainly disappointing to see them cut out the more entertaining brawling weapons from utility. The Katar I can understand with the dual training requirement, but some of the others I would have liked to see used.
Theoretically, there is no reason a monk can't just dual train in brawling right and fight with brawling weapons under the existing combat system, perhaps only using kicks, etc, for their unarmed system, maybe stowing the weapons and fetching them back out, etc.
It isn't as if the unarmed system is their only way of fighting.
05-09-2012, 08:18 AM
I am surprised people don't just script get/sheathe their weapons for the best of both worlds.
How is that interesting, you fucking moron. Not the know-it-all you used to be.
See resulting discussion and question posed to Finros.
05-09-2012, 09:10 AM
So are creatures going to be using the UAC as well? Or is this a player only system?
While I think it is pretty neat that UAC is layered on top of normal combat so you can just use the same old stuff. The new combat system sure makes the old attack/ambush pattern look... well old and bland.
05-09-2012, 09:18 AM
I agree. I think the requirement with UAC to set up your attacks and create sequences really opens up a new level of combat in Gemstone.
05-09-2012, 09:52 AM
I noticed that the enchant of my brawling weapons weren't making the normal buff to my UAF as they would have to normal AS. Asked Finros about it and found its an interesting formula.
Gloves and boots make the normal add to UAF as it did to AS. +10 gloves or boots add 10 to UAF.
If using a brawling weapon also, it adds enchant of Gloves + .5 * (enchant of brawling weapon)
If using 2 brawling weapons, it adds enchant of Gloves + .5 * Avg(enchant of weapon 1 + enchant of weapon 2)
The total buff to UAF maxes out at +50
With the lower than normal benefit from enchanted weapons, but the nice possibility of flares, perhaps drakar/zorchar/rhimar/gornar finally have a use?
Someone ever ask if gloves/boots have to be special, from a mechanical technical standpoint, or does any item with the appropriate noun work and will henceforth become enchantable?
05-09-2012, 10:08 AM
I am using 4x drakar gloves and 2 4x drakar tiger-claws for a +30 to my UAF and a triple chance of fire flares
05-09-2012, 10:31 AM
>Someone ever ask if gloves/boots have to be special, from a mechanical technical standpoint, or does any item with the appropriate noun work and will henceforth become enchantable?
I asked this on the forums a few weeks ago and the reponse from Finros was that he might open a conversion chamber for gloves/boots to let you use your current stuff. But a tester could get the latest on restrictions/timeframe for that.
05-09-2012, 12:21 PM
Someone ever ask if gloves/boots have to be special, from a mechanical technical standpoint, or does any item with the appropriate noun work and will henceforth become enchantable?
Gloves and boots able to be used with the UCS specifically say as much in the inspection.
Example: After a careful inspection you determine that some gloves are suitable for use in unarmed combat.
05-09-2012, 12:23 PM
So how will monks fare in swarms? Say a grimswarm camp for example.
05-09-2012, 12:47 PM
My monk is GoS and getting decimated in camps, even with all the fire flaring gear.
I bet with outside spells on and haste + cman flurry + Jab, it would be a different story. Maxed flurry is the only multi opponent spell/Cman I have seen so far.
IMO a monk that is self spelled only does not stand a chance in hell trying to solo a camp.
05-09-2012, 12:47 PM
I'm doing a lot better in camps at 35 than I was doing at 16, that's for sure. Krynch stance is perfect for camping a room and letting them come to you. If you're lucky, you can chain together 4 or 5 tier three attacks, which are mostly fatal if you hit the right spots. My DS issues are also slowly going away, so that's good too.
05-09-2012, 12:50 PM
I'm doing a lot better in camps at 35 than I was doing at 16, that's for sure. Krynch stance is perfect for camping a room and letting them come to you. If you're lucky, you can chain together 4 or 5 tier three attacks, which are mostly fatal if you hit the right spots. My DS issues are also slowly going away, so that's good too.
Care to post a log? Also, i'm sure this has been explained elsewhere, but do monks eat too much of a penalty to make use of shields? Even bucklers? Seems a 10x buckler would go a long ways towards solving some defensive issues.
05-09-2012, 12:50 PM
Zzentar what level is your monk?
05-09-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm so glad you all get to see how awesome this system is. It's a shame you couldn't see the unfinished version from a year or so ago. Now THAT was a sight to behold.
This new one holds a good deal of balance though, which is good for the prosperity of the game.
05-09-2012, 12:55 PM
mine is 24, step 6 on GoS.
05-09-2012, 01:17 PM
I'm doing a lot better in camps at 35 than I was doing at 16, that's for sure. Krynch stance is perfect for camping a room and letting them come to you. If you're lucky, you can chain together 4 or 5 tier three attacks, which are mostly fatal if you hit the right spots. My DS issues are also slowly going away, so that's good too.
Which, if any, of the new CMans are available to the other squares/semis?
05-09-2012, 01:38 PM
Rogues get two stances. Slippery Mind and Predator's Eye.
05-09-2012, 01:55 PM
Which, if any, of the new CMans are available to the other squares/semis?
Rogues get two stances. Slippery Mind and Predator's Eye.
Arguably better than getting the choice of 10 stances. You can pick one and have it up all the time.
05-09-2012, 06:13 PM
I just want to say, after reading all the posts here and on the officials regarding monks, mechanics, and what people are doing with them... you people suck at thinking outside the box.
I'm so going to break this system when it's released.
05-09-2012, 09:03 PM
So how will monks fare in swarms? Say a grimswarm camp for example.
Haven't gone up in levels as high as others, but haven't fared well in swarms at all. I suspect I'll do better once I get more ranks in krynch stance.
05-09-2012, 09:17 PM
Hey Droit -
Do you know if the Cmans Stance of the Mongoose and Flurry of Blows are classified as martial stances? I see it in the descriptions of Inner Harmony, Rolling Krynch Stance and Slippery Mind but not in those two. I was under the impression that Mongoose and Flurry were going to be martial stances but it isn't in their descriptions.
I've been trying to update KP, as best as I can (non-beta tester), from posted info here and on the officials.
05-09-2012, 10:02 PM
Yeah, mongoose and flurry are both stances. Finros was very clear that the descriptions for the new maneuvers are a work in progress. Should be clearer soon.
With regards to your non-beta-tester status, I'm going to ask specifically for you to be admitted to the test server. Between your work on mechanics and on KP, you'd definitely be a valuable addition. What's your account, again?
05-09-2012, 11:34 PM
dont know the other cman but as far as Cman Flurry:
>cman flurry
You assume a stance suitable to unleash a flurry of blows.
lasts for four hours.
05-10-2012, 12:43 AM
Rogues get two stances. Slippery Mind and Predator's Eye.
Any caps of Slippery Mind in action? And I can't seem to find a definition for Predator's Eye in this post or on Krakii have that handy?
05-10-2012, 01:17 AM
Slippery Mind is pretty self explanatory. 27% chance at rank 3 in robes to dodge mind and soul affecting spells.
Skill Name: Predator's Eye
Mnemonic: predator
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 20.
Other Requirements: A melee weapon with Base Weapon Speed 3 or less.
Available to: Rogues.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 8
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You have deadly aim when ambushing with light weapons. Your chance to hit the body part you aim for increases by 4% at rank 1, 7% at rank 2 and 10% at rank 3.
05-10-2012, 08:29 AM
Droit, can you throw up your grimswarm camp logs when you get a chance.
05-10-2012, 01:29 PM
Skill Name: Predator's Eye
Mnemonic: predator
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 20.
Other Requirements: A melee weapon with Base Weapon Speed 3 or less.
Available to: Rogues.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 8
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You have deadly aim when ambushing with light weapons. Your chance to hit the body part you aim for increases by 4% at rank 1, 7% at rank 2 and 10% at rank 3.
My reading comprehension might be off, but is this cumulative? 4+7+10 to make 21% at rank 3? Or at rank 3 you get a flat 10% bonus?
05-10-2012, 01:32 PM
My reading comprehension might be off, but is this cumulative? 4+7+10 to make 21% at rank 3? Or at rank 3 you get a flat 10% bonus?
I'd imagine it as 4% at rank 1, with a 3% increase every other rank, totalling 10%
05-10-2012, 02:16 PM
>g ai
[Warcamp, Approach - 5488]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc guard and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 193 = 1.590 * MM: 75 + d100: 28 = 147
... and hit for 13 points of damage!
Light punch to stomach makes the orc guard gasp.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +36 = +84
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +38 = +64
A clean miss.
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
You attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 302 vs UDF: 176 = 1.715 * MM: 103 + d100: 20 = 196
... and hit for 92 points of damage!
High flying kick drives toe deep into the neck, cutting off blood and air simultaneously!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc guard falls to the ground and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
a Grimswarm orc guard.
The guiding force leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +43 = +91
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t gu
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +46 = +72
A clean miss.
A Grimswarm orc guard thrusts with a rapier at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +60 = +113
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Strikes a fingernail.
Bet you'll lose it now.
A Grimswarm orc guard's rapier strikes one of the bony protrusions on your forearms and it is wrenched out of his grasp!
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 144 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 78 + d100: 54 = 210
... and hit for 50 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc guard is stunned!
The orc guard chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc guard goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A Grimswarm orc mage strides in, glowering upon the scene.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +53 = +101
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Blow slides along your ribs.
Almost tickles.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc mage, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +55 = +81
A clean miss.
You search the orc guard.
You discard the guard's useless equipment.
She had 224 silvers on her.
She had nothing else of value.
A Grimswarm orc guard decays into compost.
>t sol
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc soldier.
>A Grimswarm orc mage gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 89 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 79 + d100: 65 = 223
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Damaging upper leg strike.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You evade the missile by a hair!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +86 = +112
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Close shave!
You take a quick step back.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 87 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 70 + d100: 26 = 166
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Sharp twist to neck leaves head dangling to the side!
The orc soldier seems at a loss for words!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc mage, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures at you!
You feel your forehead pulse as your mind relaxes.
The elemental aura around you wavers.
>t ma
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc mage.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +9 = +57
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
...wait 1 seconds.
>Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +215 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +57 = +88
A clean miss.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc mage!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc mage!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc mage.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 210 = 1.461 * MM: 70 + d100: 99 = 201
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc mage is stunned!
The orc mage chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc mage goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>t sol
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You evade the missile by inches!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc soldier.
[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
...wait 1 seconds.
>As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses.
Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +219 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +25 = +51
A clean miss.
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 87 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 83 + d100: 34 = 200
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Strong jab breaks a few fingers on the left hand!
The orc soldier starts to favor his wounded arm!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[ Sigil of Minor Protection: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
...wait 3 seconds.
>...wait 3 seconds.
[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
You attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 80 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 83 + d100: 6 = 172
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Uppercut compresses the diaphragm! The orc soldier doubles over in pain, gasping for air.
The orc soldier chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +4 = +52
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
A Grimswarm orc warlock strides in, glowering upon the scene.
A Grimswarm orc soldier swings a bastard sword at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!
[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses.
>[ Sigil of Minor Protection: +0:01:00, 0:01:52 remaining. ]
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 90 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 83 + d100: 85 = 251
... and hit for 62 points of damage!
Amazing twist-and-pull pulls right hand off like a cork!
The soldier's bastard sword falls to the ground.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 5 seconds.
>t warl
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc warlock.
A Grimswarm orc warlock gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +55 = +103
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Thrust glances off your knee.
Might be stiff tomorrow, but it's okay now.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc fighter just arrived.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc warlock!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc warlock!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc warlock.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 229 = 1.340 * MM: 59 + d100: 34 = 113
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Good blow to gut disturbs last night's dinner! The orc warlock suddenly looks pale!
The orc warlock is stunned!
The orc warlock appears to be moving more slowly!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 5 seconds.
...wait 5 seconds.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc fighter, a bastard sword, a Grimswarm orc warlock that appears stunned, some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You move at the last moment and evade the missile!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 1 seconds.
You feel your mind and body gird themselves against magical interference.
[ Sigil of Focus: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc warlock!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc warlock.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 224 = 1.370 * MM: 68 + d100: 69 = 162
... and hit for 56 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc warlock a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc warlock falls to the ground and dies.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc warlock.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc warlock.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
AS: +239 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +74 = +119
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not much else.
A Grimswarm orc fighter's crowbill strikes one of the bony protrusions on your forearms and it is wrenched out of her grasp!
A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived, limping badly.
A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.
...wait 4 seconds.
>t gua
The orc soldier no longer favors his left arm.
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 1 seconds.
[Roll result: 144 (open d100: 42)]
A Grimswarm orc ranger raises his heel high, bringing it down solidly on your foot!
You howl in pain, hopping around and clutching your foot!
Roundtime: 7 sec.
A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.
...wait 7 seconds.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 7 seconds.
...wait 7 seconds.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard, a crowbill, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a bastard sword, a Grimswarm orc warlock that appears dead, some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.
>t gua
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You evade the missile with ease!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
05-10-2012, 02:17 PM
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 198 = 1.550 * MM: 85 + d100: 53 = 184
... and hit for 51 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc guard is stunned!
The orc guard chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc guard goes limp as she is rendered unconscious!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup jab attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 5 seconds.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
A Grimswarm orc fighter snatches up a crowbill!
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.
...wait 4 seconds.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a bastard sword, a Grimswarm orc warlock that appears dead, some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +237 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +50 = +98
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.
You search the orc warlock.
You discard the warlock's useless equipment.
He had 307 silvers on him.
He had nothing else of value.
A Grimswarm orc warlock decays into compost.
[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You feel your mind and body gird themselves against magical interference.
>[ Sigil of Focus: +0:01:00, 0:01:42 remaining. ]
Could not find a valid target to loot.
Could not find a valid target to loot.
A Grimswarm orc guard is awakened by your attack!
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 160 = 1.918 * MM: 92 + d100: 87 = 263
... and hit for 43 points of damage!
Amazing jab to right forearm shatters radius bone!
The orc guard starts to favor her wounded arm!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
A Grimswarm orc mage snorfles silently in his sleep.
A Grimswarm orc fighter moves over to a Grimswarm orc soldier and stands ready to protect him from attack.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears stunned, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a bastard sword, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
The orc guard slowly comes back to consiousness.
A Grimswarm orc guard stands up with a grunt.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 157 = 1.955 * MM: 94 + d100: 11 = 194
... and hit for 67 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc guard a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc guard rolls over and dies.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The orc guard no longer bristles with energy.
A Grimswarm orc guard seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard returns to normal color.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A Grimswarm orc ranger cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You evade the missile by inches!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t ran
A Grimswarm orc mage snorfles silently in his sleep.
A Grimswarm orc soldier moves over to a Grimswarm orc fighter and stands ready to guard her from attack.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
You barely dodge the attack!
A Grimswarm orc guard snatches up a bastard sword!
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +93 = +147
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*.
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc ranger.
>t gu
You can't target a Grimswarm orc guard.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 141 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 92 = 240
... and hit for 75 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc ranger a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The orc ranger falls to the ground and dies.
A Grimswarm orc ranger returns to normal color.
A Grimswarm orc ranger seems to lose some dexterity.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +2 = +76
A clean miss.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a Grimswarm orc mage that is sleeping, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc soldier, a Grimswarm orc ranger that appears dead and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
A Grimswarm orc pillager rushes in!
A Grimswarm orc mage snorfles silently in his sleep.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
[iSigils]>sigil of defense
You search the orc ranger.
You discard the ranger's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc ranger decays into compost.
You search the orc guard.
You discard the guard's useless equipment.
She didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, she carried a polished bloodwood wand on her.
She had nothing else of value.
A Grimswarm orc guard decays into compost.
A shimmering aura surrounds you.
[ Sigil of Defense: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
[iSigils]>sigil of offense
Could not find a valid target to loot.
A faint blue glow surrounds your hands, subtly guiding your movements.
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
You move at the last moment to evade the attack!
[ Sigil of Offense: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
>A Grimswarm orc pillager slashes with a hook-knife at you!
By amazing chance, you evade the attack!
A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived.
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc soldier!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc soldier.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 93 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 95 + d100: 92 = 282
... and hit for 70 points of damage!
Amazing twist-and-pull pulls left hand off like a cork!
The soldier's large shield falls to the ground.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
The orc mage slowly comes back to consiousness.
A Grimswarm orc mage stands up with a grunt.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
AS: +239 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +98 = +147
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*.
[Roll result: 88 (open d100: 9)]
A Grimswarm orc guard kicks his leg at your groin, but you manage to turn away in time, resulting in a light kick to your leg instead.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a large shield, a Grimswarm orc guard, a polished bloodwood wand, a Grimswarm orc pillager, some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a Grimswarm orc mage, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc soldier and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>t gu
[Roll result: 185 (open d100: 76)]
A Grimswarm orc pillager seizes an opening and brings the blunt end of his hook-knife down on your knee!
You crash to the ground, clutching your knee!
Roundtime: 14 sec.
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +158 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +58 = +174
... and hits for 13 points of damage!
Slash to your right leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
A Grimswarm orc pillager slashes with a hook-knife at you!
AS: +251 vs DS: +153 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +69 = +181
... and hits for 6 points of damage!
Quick slash to your upper left arm!
Just a nick.
A Grimswarm orc pillager's hook-knife strikes one of the bony protrusions on your forearms and it is wrenched out of his grasp!
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
You barely dodge the attack!
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
You evade the attack by inches!
...wait 8 seconds.
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures at you!
You notice a small cloud form above you.
A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived.
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures at you!
You feel the tension in your skin ease and notice that your complexion returns to normal.
The elemental aura around you wavers.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
AS: +239 vs DS: +153 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +22 = +148
... and hits for 8 points of damage!
Minor strike to the neck.
[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard, a churning cloud, a hook-knife, a large shield, a Grimswarm orc guard, a polished bloodwood wand, a Grimswarm orc pillager, some silver coins, a Grimswarm orc fighter, a Grimswarm orc mage, a rapier, a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc soldier and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>t other gu
You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc pillager snatches up a hook-knife!
A Grimswarm orc pillager slashes with a hook-knife at you!
AS: +251 vs DS: +153 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +43 = +181
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Strike pierces upper arm!
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
You evade the attack by inches!
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a falchion at you!
By amazing chance, you evade the attack!
You stand back up.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 250 = 1.228 * MM: 37 + d100: 34 = 79
A close miss!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
AS: +239 vs DS: +193 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +97 = +183
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
Smack to the eye bursts blood vessels.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures at you!
You notice a small cloud form above you.
A Grimswarm orc pillager slashes with a hook-knife at you!
Though dazed, you easily dodge the attack!
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +142 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +47 = +182
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Whoosh! Several ribs driven into your lungs.
You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!
A Grimswarm orc mage gestures mystically!
A Grimswarm orc mage draws inward a moment, then unleashes a torrent of cold energy!
A Grimswarm orc mage hurls a freezing ball of pure cold at you!
AS: +242 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +65 + d100 roll: +29 = +234
... and hits for 57 points of damage!
What was once your left leg seems to have disappeared!
You fall screaming to the ground grasping your mangled left leg!
A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a falchion at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately evade the attack!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The orc soldier falls to the ground and dies.
A Grimswarm orc pillager slashes with a hook-knife at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately evade the attack!
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a crowbill at you!
Unable to focus clearly, you blindly evade the attack!
A Grimswarm orc guard swings a bastard sword at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +77 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +29 = +229
... and hits for 75 points of damage!
Deft slash!
You're spun around and hit hard in the lower back.
Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
The barrier of force around you dissipates.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Like sand through an hourglass, your visions of the future slip away and fade from your mind.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
The thick plates of bone around your forearms begin to crack, then shatter into a fine white dust.
The scales covering your hands turn brittle and flake away.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!
...departing in 10 mins...
A Grimswarm orc guard bellows in victory, holding his sword aloft!
05-10-2012, 02:23 PM
Has Finros mentioned anything about adding more testers?
05-10-2012, 02:29 PM
g ai[Warcamp, Approach - 5488]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>stance offYou are now in an offensive stance.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger just arrived.
>jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 222 = 1.382 * MM: 76 + d100: 13 = 118
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Stiffened fingers poke into belly button.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 222 = 1.382 * MM: 68 + d100: 82 = 176
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Fancy twisting jab to side confuses foe!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>[Roll result: 143 (open d100: 83)]
A Grimswarm orc ranger reverses his crossbow and swings the blunt end at your head!
You step back shaking your head, feeling quite dazed!
>plYou attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 287 vs UDF: 164 = 1.750 * MM: 76 + d100: 85 = 218
... and hit for 66 points of damage!
Well executed strike to the orc ranger's right leg fractures the fibula.
The orc ranger is knocked to the ground!
The orc ranger is stunned!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 25 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 287 vs UDF: 144 = 1.993 * MM: 85 + d100: 99 = 268
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc ranger a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc ranger rolls over and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc ranger that appears dead and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
A Grimswarm orc sorcerer strides in, glowering upon the scene.
A Grimswarm orc sniper rushes in!
>t sorYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc sorcerer!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc sorcerer!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 143 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 81 + d100: 16 = 178
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Hard jab to upper right leg fractures the tibia!
The orc sorcerer is knocked to the ground!
The orc sorcerer is stunned!
Dark shadowy tendrils swirl languidly around a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc sniper cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc sniper fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
You barely dodge the missile!
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
>gnYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc sorcerer!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 65 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 83 + d100: 86 = 252
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc sorcerer a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The orc sorcerer rolls over and dies.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc sorcerer.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a Grimswarm orc sorcerer, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>gnYour heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
>A Grimswarm orc sniper cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A Grimswarm orc sniper fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +247 vs DS: +236 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +12 = +50
A clean miss.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
>[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc sniper!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc sniper!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc sniper.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 152 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 89 = 237
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc sniper is stunned!
The orc sniper chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc sniper goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>...wait 5 seconds.
>Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
>loot[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
You search the orc sorcerer.
You discard the sorcerer's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc sorcerer decays into compost.
>As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses.
>[ Sigil of Minor Protection: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
gn[iSigils]>sigil of focus
A Grimswarm orc sniper is awakened by your attack!
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc sniper!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc sniper.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 152 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 82 + d100: 33 = 197
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Lightning-fast gouge to right socket brings the eye along when it withdraws!
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 30 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>...wait 5 seconds.
>[iSigils]>sigil of focus
jaYou feel your mind and body gird themselves against magical interference.
>[ Sigil of Focus: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
A Grimswarm orc sniper throws his head back and roars silently, shaking off the stun!
>You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc sniper!
All of a sudden, a Grimswarm orc sniper rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc sniper.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 126 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 85 + d100: 89 = 259
... and hit for 34 points of damage!
Hard overhand strike to right shoulder penetrates skin and reaches muscle!
The orc sniper is stunned!
The orc sniper starts to favor his wounded arm!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>phYou attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc sniper!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc sniper.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 124 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 87 + d100: 95 = 269
... and hit for 109 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc sniper falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>You feel fully energetic again.
>lootYou search the orc sniper.
You discard the sniper's useless equipment.
He had 67 silvers on him.
He had nothing else of value.
A Grimswarm orc sniper decays into compost.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger strides in, glowering upon the scene.
>glYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 264 = 1.162 * MM: 71 + d100: 51 = 133
... and hit for 27 points of damage!
Sliding takedown buckles right leg!
The orc ranger is knocked to the ground!
The orc ranger is stunned!
** Your ora yierka-spur flares with a burst of flame! **
... 10 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm orc ranger stands up with a grunt.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger just arrived.
>jlYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc ranger!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 103 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 47 = 195
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Hard jab to upper right leg fractures the tibia!
The orc ranger is knocked to the ground!
The orc ranger is stunned!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>t ranYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc ranger.
>glYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 273 = 1.124 * MM: 80 + d100: 28 = 117
... and hit for 8 points of damage!
Ineffective partial throw as the orc ranger hops back on right leg.
** Your ora yierka-spur flares with a burst of flame! **
... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +253 vs DS: +241 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +88 = +126
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Minor strike under the left eye, that was close!
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t other ranYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc ranger.
>gnA Grimswarm orc ranger throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
>A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 103 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 88 + d100: 90 = 266
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc ranger is stunned!
The orc ranger chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc ranger goes limp as she is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +253 vs DS: +232 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +74 = +121
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Thrust slides along the back.
Cuts a nagging itch.
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t ranYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc ranger.
>gll guYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 152 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 79 + d100: 19 = 177
... and hit for 33 points of damage!
Well-executed reap leaves the orc ranger stumbling to maintain balance!
The orc ranger starts to favor his wounded leg!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You see a fairly typical orc guard.
He appears to be in good shape.
He has a leather breastplate (worn) and an awl-pike.
>A Grimswarm orc guard thrusts with an awl-pike at you!
You move at the last moment to evade the attack!
>t guaYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
>ja...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
You evade the missile gracefully!
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 131 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 98 = 246
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Solid jab leaves bruises on left forearm.
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 25 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc guard thrusts with an awl-pike at you!
You barely dodge the attack!
>t other jaYou hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Arundill echo in your mind:
"it is also easy enough to do in stages, nations first, then landing/mule/haven, then RR don't have to do it all at once unless you are in a hurry"
lUsage: TARGET {player|creature}
You are currently targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
>[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger that is sleeping, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>The orc ranger no longer favors his leg.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
You skillfully dodge the missile!
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t gujaYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
>You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 131 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 54 = 202
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Quick one-two jab causes slight bruising on chest.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
** Your ora yierka-spur flares with a burst of flame! **
... 30 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right eye bakes eyelid.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc guard thrusts with an awl-pike at you!
AS: +212 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +84 = +89
A clean miss.
>glYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 136 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 82 + d100: 27 = 191
... and hit for 49 points of damage!
Right ankle snapped sideways resulting in a clean break!
The orc guard is knocked to the ground!
The orc guard starts to favor his wounded leg!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>l gu
You see a fairly typical orc guard that is lying down.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm, a fractured and bleeding right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his chest and a bruised right eye.
He has a leather breastplate (worn) and an awl-pike.
>Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>gn...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc guard stands up with a grunt.
>[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses.
>[ Sigil of Minor Protection: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 112 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 78 + d100: 22 = 178
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Hard jab to upper right leg fractures the tibia!
The orc guard is knocked to the ground!
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 20 points of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard that is lying down, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger that is sleeping, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>scowYou scowl.
>Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
>A Grimswarm orc fighter treads in, ready for combat!
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +253 vs DS: +232 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +58 = +105
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Thrust glances off your knee.
Might be stiff tomorrow, but it's okay now.
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 107 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 95 + d100: 46 = 236
... and hit for 27 points of damage!
Quick chop to elbow numbs left arm!
The orc guard starts to favor his wounded arm!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc guard struggles to rise but fails in the attempt.
>kn[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 302 vs UDF: 105 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 112 + d100: 62 = 286
... and hit for 131 points of damage!
Magnificent rising side kick smashes through the orc guard's neck, removing his head from his body.
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc guard rolls over and dies.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>...wait 6 seconds.
05-10-2012, 02:30 PM
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc fighter, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger that is sleeping, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>gnA Grimswarm orc fighter swings a longsword at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
You evade the missile by inches!
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>t fign...wait 3 seconds.
>You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc fighter.
>...wait 2 seconds.
>gn[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc fighter!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc fighter!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc fighter.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 110 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 74 + d100: 47 = 195
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc fighter chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc fighter goes limp as she is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>...wait 5 seconds.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc fighter that is sleeping, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger that is sleeping, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>t ran>A Grimswarm orc fighter snorfles silently in her sleep.
>[Roll result: 123 (open d100: 52)]
A Grimswarm orc ranger raises his heel high, bringing it down solidly on your foot!
You howl in pain, hopping around and clutching your foot!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>You are now targeting a Grimswarm orc ranger.
>lootloot...wait 7 seconds.
>You feel fully energetic again.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger snorfles silently in her sleep.
>[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 5 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc guard just arrived.
>...wait 5 seconds.
>l gu
You see a fairly typical orc guard.
He appears to be in good shape.
He has a wooden shield, some cuirbouilli leather (worn) and a troll-claw.
>A Grimswarm orc fighter snorfles silently in her sleep.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +253 vs DS: +232 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +81 = +128
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Minor strike to the neck.
lootThe wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>lootloot[iSigils]>sigil of focus
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>gn[iSigils]>sigil of focus
You search the orc guard.
You discard the guard's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc guard decays into compost.
>You feel your mind and body gird themselves against magical interference.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 136 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 78 + d100: 42 = 198
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
Strong grasp to right hand! Wrist stretches like taffy!
The orc ranger is stunned!
The orc ranger starts to favor his wounded arm!
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 30 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>[ Sigil of Focus: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
...wait 5 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger snorfles silently in her sleep.
>A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
>t guYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
>gn...wait 1 seconds.
>gnA Grimswarm orc fighter snorfles silently in her sleep.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 267 = 1.149 * MM: 66 + d100: 84 = 159
... and hit for 28 points of damage!
Fingers sink deep into soft neck tissue.
The orc guard is stunned!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger snorfles in silence a moment before blinking the sleep away!
>pnpn...wait 1 seconds.
>You attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 225 = 1.364 * MM: 63 + d100: 37 = 122
... and hit for 23 points of damage!
Wild swing connects with the orc guard's neck and leaves a nasty bruise.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup jab attack!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc fighter snorfles in silence a moment before blinking the sleep away!
>The orc ranger slowly comes back to consiousness.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger stands up with a grunt.
>A Grimswarm orc guard throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
>jaYou attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 267 = 1.149 * MM: 54 + d100: 50 = 112
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Weak jab to chest doesn't faze him.
** Your scarlet leather gloves flares with a burst of flame! **
... 20 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard, a Grimswarm orc fighter that is lying down, a Grimswarm orc ranger that appears stunned, a Grimswarm orc ranger, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>gnA Grimswarm orc fighter stands up with a grunt.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 267 = 1.149 * MM: 65 + d100: 31 = 105
... and hit for 1 point of damage!
Grab to the head just tweaks the neck.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger slashes with a hook-knife at you!
You move at the last moment to evade the attack!
>A Grimswarm orc guard gestures mystically!
A calm washes over you.
>scowYou scowl.
>t filootYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc fighter.
>lootstance defensiveloot...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>You are now in a defensive stance.
>lootCould not find a valid target to loot.
>lootCould not find a valid target to loot.
>Could not find a valid target to loot.
>You are enraged by the orc fighter's attack!
A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a longsword at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +243 vs DS: +285 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +42 = +26
A clean miss.
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>A Grimswarm orc guard slashes with a troll-claw at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
>stance offgnYou are now in an offensive stance.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc fighter!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc fighter.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 110 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 76 + d100: 87 = 239
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc fighter falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc hunter strides in, glowering upon the scene.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger slashes with a hook-knife at you!
AS: +226 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +95 = +100
A clean miss.
>t guaYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc guard.
>A Grimswarm orc guard returns to normal color.
>gngn...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in his quiver.
A Grimswarm orc ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +243 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +52 = +114
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Blow slides along your ribs.
Almost tickles.
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
>A Grimswarm orc guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
>gnYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 176 = 1.744 * MM: 53 + d100: 57 = 149
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
A sharp vicious twist snaps the orc guard's neck!
[You have earned 65 prestige points.]
The orc guard falls to the ground and dies.
A Grimswarm orc guard seems to lose some internal strength.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The air about a Grimswarm orc guard stops shimmering.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc hunter, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc fighter that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>A Grimswarm orc hunter slashes with a troll-claw at you!
By amazing chance, you evade the attack!
>A Grimswarm orc ranger slashes with a hook-knife at you!
You barely dodge the attack!
>lootlootgn...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
>[Roll result: 77 (open d100: 16)]
A Grimswarm orc ranger jabs his finger right at your eye!
Your eyes water slightly, but hardly painful.
>gnYou attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You exploit the momentum of your previous strike to make a stronger attack against a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 127 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 87 + d100: 28 = 202
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc ranger a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc ranger falls to the ground and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
A Grimswarm orc ranger seems to lose some dexterity.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc hunter, a Grimswarm orc guard that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc fighter that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc ranger, a Grimswarm orc ranger that appears dead, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
>A Grimswarm orc hunter slashes with a troll-claw at you!
You move at the last moment to evade the attack!
>A Grimswarm orc raider rushes in!
>lootlootloot...wait 1 seconds.
>You search the orc ranger.
You discard the ranger's useless equipment.
She didn't carry any silver.
She had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc ranger decays into compost.
>You search the orc guard.
You discard the guard's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc guard decays into compost.
>gn[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 127 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 88 + d100: 21 = 197
... and hit for 51 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc ranger is stunned!
The orc ranger chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc ranger goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>...wait 5 seconds.
>l[Warcamp, Approach - 16342]
A dirt path leads over a rise of earth and down towards a collection of mismatching tents and huts. The rotting stench of the encampment's inhabitants lingers in the air, mixed with the aroma of cooked flesh and burning wood. A heavy grey haze of campfire smoke hangs over the warcamp and drifts down behind the rise of land, creating a pocket of concealment from the eyes of the nearby Grimswarm. You also see a Grimswarm orc raider, a Grimswarm orc hunter, a Grimswarm orc fighter that appears dead, a Grimswarm orc ranger that is sleeping, some silver coins and an obscured path leading out.
Obvious paths: north
>A Grimswarm orc raider swings a dagger at you!
AS: +254 vs DS: +226 with AvD: +11 + d100 roll: +49 = +88
A clean miss.
>A Grimswarm orc hunter slashes with a troll-claw at you!
AS: +260 vs DS: +226 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +104
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Glancing blow to your back.
That could have been worse.
>t huYou are now targeting a Grimswarm orc hunter.
>loot...wait 1 seconds.
>[iSigils]>sigil of minor protection
lootAs you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses.
>gn[ Sigil of Minor Protection: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
You search the orc fighter.
You discard the fighter's useless equipment.
She didn't carry any silver.
She had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm orc fighter decays into compost.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc hunter!
As you strike, a deep golden light surrounds your hands!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc hunter.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 85 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 80 + d100: 41 = 201
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Arm snakes in under the orc hunter's chin, cutting off the air supply.
The orc hunter is stunned!
The orc hunter chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc raider swings a dagger at you!
AS: +254 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +11 + d100 roll: +36 = +63
A clean miss.
>gnA Grimswarm orc hunter throws her head back and roars silently, shaking off the stun!
>gn...wait 2 seconds.
>You feel fully energetic again.
>A Grimswarm orc raider swings a dagger at you!
AS: +254 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +11 + d100 roll: +58 = +85
A clean miss.
>You attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc hunter!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc hunter.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 159 = 1.930 * MM: 67 + d100: 54 = 183
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc hunter is stunned!
You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Slynt echo in your mind:
"Eh, if you don't have to do Teras and you're based in the Landing area, hit EN last so you can go back to Zul on the way home to finish"
The orc hunter chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc hunter goes limp as she is rendered unconscious!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A Grimswarm orc raider swings a dagger at you!
AS: +254 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +11 + d100 roll: +63 = +90
A clean miss.
>phph...wait 1 seconds.
>A Grimswarm orc hunter is awakened by your attack!
You attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc hunter!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc hunter.
UAF: 307 vs UDF: 105 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 86 + d100: 48 = 220
... and hit for 83 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 60 prestige points.]
The orc hunter rolls over and dies.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc hunter.
A Grimswarm orc hunter seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc hunter.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
05-11-2012, 01:29 AM
A Grimswarm orc pillager's hook-knife strikes one of the bony protrusions on your forearms and it is wrenched out of his grasp!
So awesome.
05-11-2012, 02:05 PM
Any thoughts on 1207 or 1216 yet? How effective are they compared to things like ewave or guards?
05-11-2012, 02:15 PM
Any try a mutant build yet?
05-11-2012, 02:25 PM
1207 is single target ewave. I'm pretty sure they just cut and pasted the code, so that one should be pretty easy to imagine. 1216 is pretty cool; +30 DS for as long as you retain focus with one cast and no renew cost. Guards gives TD though, which is an area monks are middling in.
05-11-2012, 02:41 PM
No. What should I try?
05-11-2012, 02:43 PM
Can you do archer/FU?
05-11-2012, 03:12 PM
1216 seem like a big group winner. Nothing else in the game that nice for so low cost.
05-11-2012, 03:17 PM
Can you do archer/FU?
Tryin it. Kinda sucks so far.
05-11-2012, 05:43 PM
This may have already been asked and answered, but what are the penalties for rigid armor, like Bring? I have a set of spiked Brig that I think is just the thing for grappling.
05-11-2012, 05:57 PM
The penalties for heavier armors result in a lower MM.. A multiplying factor in the unarmed combat system. I believe that i heard that the penalty to MM due to heavy armors was proportional to the action penalty of armors.. Ie heavier armor more penalty which is obvious and could probably be mitigated to some degree with over armor trainifg. That being said.. I did fool around with metal breastplate on my monk who had only 30 armor ranks or 120 skill and was suprised that the MM penalty for plate while beomg so under trained was as minimal as it was. I nelieve the penalty was lass than that if i were holding and item in my hand.
Also, i believe grappling is a hand based attack and would think that spiked armor would not react to those form of attack.
05-11-2012, 06:02 PM
How high can you bring up 1202 with lores, ASG wise?
05-11-2012, 06:14 PM
at level 100 with 100 tranformation lore its Chain Hauberk, but with a +5 transformation lore item or adv guild badge that gets bumped to metal breastplate
05-11-2012, 06:17 PM
So fullplate is possible? :)
05-11-2012, 06:18 PM
>>at level 100 with 100 tranformation lore its Chain Hauberk, but with a +5 transformation lore item or adv guild badge that gets bumped to metal breastplate
Isn't this level 75 with 75 ranks of transformation lore? Next threshold is then either hitting level 105 or getting 105 transformation lore.
05-11-2012, 06:19 PM
Chain Hauberk? I'm getting double chain from my calculations.
(100 Trans lore + 100 levels) / 5 = 40. Seed 1 summation bonus for 40 effective ranks is +8. Base bonus is +6 AsG for 1202, 8 + 6 = 14 = double chain.
EDIT: Nevermind. The trans lore bonus and level bonus do not sum. So you get a separate bonus from both to your AsG. Meaning, 100 trans lore / 5 = 20 = +5 bonus, 100 level / 5 = 20 = +5 bonus. 6 + 5 + 5 = 16 = Chain Hauberk.
05-11-2012, 06:29 PM
The site minor mental spell page gives an example of a character witg 105 minor lental spells and 105 transformations lore and the equivelant armor base is brigadine
05-11-2012, 06:35 PM
The site minor mental spell page gives an example of a character witg 105 minor lental spells and 105 transformations lore and the equivelant armor base is brigadine
For a savant, 105/5 = 21, seed 1 is bonus of 6, 6+6 is 12 for brig. Monks get their level tagged in as well, so 100/5 = 20, so a bonus of 5, for a total of 6+6+5, 17, which is metal breastplate. Broke the monk into separate bonuses because that is how the site does it.
05-11-2012, 06:44 PM
Ops after looking closer at the monk formula i noticed it didnt even take spells into account. Just savants.. Yea metal breastplate looks right.
05-11-2012, 06:57 PM
The absolute maximum would be augmented breastplate at 140 transformation lore ranks.
05-11-2012, 09:04 PM
I added bonus tables (Level and ML, Transformation ) and an armor table to Krakiipedia. Should make AsG calculations easier.
05-11-2012, 09:33 PM
Unarmed combat is a pretty neat mechanic, but the kill rate seems way slower than existing combat systems. Anyone try unarmed while aiming all their attacks ?
05-11-2012, 09:39 PM
MBP with no armor hindrance of any kind would be sick.
05-11-2012, 09:49 PM
Don't think the full CMAN list for monks has been posted yet.
The following Combat Maneuvers are accessible to the Monk profession:
Combat Movement (cmovement)
Combat Focus (focus)
Combat Mastery (cmastery)
Quickstrike (qstrike)
Bearhug (bearhug)
Dirtkick (dirtkick)
Disarm Weapon (disarm)
Sweep (sweep)
Feint (feint)
Headbutt (headbutt)
Charge (charge)
Precision (precision)
Garrote (garrote)
Stun Maneuvers (stunman)
Cheapshots (cheapshots)
Subdual Strike (sstrike)
Multi-Fire (mfire)
Spin Attack (sattack)
Side by Side (sidebyside)
Combat Toughness (toughness)
Surge of Strength (surge)
Trip (trip)
Evade Mastery (emastery)
Cunning Defense (cdefense)
Duck and Weave (weave)
Burst of Swiftness (burst)
Perfect Self (perfectself)
Internal Power (ipower)
Punch Mastery (punchmastery)
Kick Mastery (kmastery)
Grapple Mastery (gmastery)
Mystic Strike (mysticstrike)
Ki Focus (kifocus)
Slippery Mind (slipperymind)
Inner Harmony (iharmony)
Stance of the Mongoose (mongoose)
Rolling Krynch Stance (krynch)
Flurry of Blows (flurry)
05-11-2012, 10:08 PM
Monks totally need to have combat mobility.
05-11-2012, 10:15 PM
Don't think the full CMAN list for monks has been posted yet.
The following Combat Maneuvers are accessible to the Monk profession:
Combat Movement (cmovement)
Combat Focus (focus)
Combat Mastery (cmastery)
Quickstrike (qstrike)
Bearhug (bearhug)
Dirtkick (dirtkick)
Disarm Weapon (disarm)
Sweep (sweep)
Feint (feint)
Headbutt (headbutt)
Charge (charge)
Precision (precision)
Garrote (garrote)
Stun Maneuvers (stunman)
Cheapshots (cheapshots)
Subdual Strike (sstrike)
Multi-Fire (mfire)
Spin Attack (sattack)
Side by Side (sidebyside)
Combat Toughness (toughness)
Surge of Strength (surge)
Trip (trip)
Evade Mastery (emastery)
Cunning Defense (cdefense)
Duck and Weave (weave)
Burst of Swiftness (burst)
Perfect Self (perfectself)
Internal Power (ipower)
Punch Mastery (punchmastery)
Kick Mastery (kmastery)
Grapple Mastery (gmastery)
Mystic Strike (mysticstrike)
Ki Focus (kifocus)
Slippery Mind (slipperymind)
Inner Harmony (iharmony)
Stance of the Mongoose (mongoose)
Rolling Krynch Stance (krynch)
Flurry of Blows (flurry)
The list with a thumbnail description for the new ones and links to each of them can be found here:
All the maneuvers have their own page with up-to-date info on Krakiipedia.
05-11-2012, 10:17 PM
Monks totally need to have combat mobility.
I totally agree. They should also probably lose charge, though.
05-11-2012, 10:27 PM
I'm sure glad they have multi-fire though!!1
05-11-2012, 10:57 PM
Anyone have a breakdown of how stats play into the UAC pieces? Value of Str vs. Dex, etc?
05-11-2012, 11:36 PM
I believe that I heard Strength + Agility were the contributing factor to your UAF. That is if I remember correctly.. I can test to verify by changing those stats later.
05-12-2012, 12:23 AM
how does armored evasion (lowers AP) figure into the heavier armor wearing UAC?
05-12-2012, 12:33 AM
Watching this thread is like watching an economic summit with all the detailed analytics flying around. Only in Gemstone, I like that.
05-12-2012, 03:52 AM
Finros says, "1206 [telekenesis] is delayed for the time being. 1206 is tied into thrown stuff and hopefully won't take too long."
Monks, Voln Review and Thrown Review, all at once?
05-12-2012, 03:22 PM
Anyone have a breakdown of how stats play into the UAC pieces? Value of Str vs. Dex, etc?
UAF = (Brawl rank * 2) + (CM rank / 2) + (STR bonus / 2) + (AGI bonus / 2) + (glove/boot enchant) + ((AVG held weapon enchant) / 2)
What that last bit means is that for held weapons, it takes the average enchant of both held weapons and divides it by two. So if you held a +5 brawler in one hand and a +15 brawler in the other hand, your UAF would increase by 5 (average of 5 and 15 is 10, divided by 2 = 5). I'll double check this when I get the chance.
05-12-2012, 06:08 PM
UAF = (Brawl rank * 2) + (CM rank / 2) + (STR bonus / 2) + (AGI bonus / 2) + (glove/boot enchant) + ((AVG held weapon enchant) / 2)
What that last bit means is that for held weapons, it takes the average enchant of both held weapons and divides it by two. So if you held a +5 brawler in one hand and a +15 brawler in the other hand, your UAF would increase by 5 (average of 5 and 15 is 10, divided by 2 = 5). I'll double check this when I get the chance.
Thank you very much. Would be awesome if someone tossed that up on Krakii.
Next question: Does agi+dex affect UAC roundtimes?
05-13-2012, 09:18 PM
at level 100 with 100 tranformation lore its Chain Hauberk, but with a +5 transformation lore item or adv guild badge that gets bumped to metal breastplate
Anyone done any testing with 1202 from a scroll, or from a 1750 cast of it? Curious to see how the increase in AsG by level, and by transformation lore are modified for non-native minor mental casters
05-13-2012, 10:14 PM
Next question: Does agi+dex affect UAC roundtimes?
It does.
05-13-2012, 10:27 PM
Anyone done any testing with 1202 from a scroll, or from a 1750 cast of it? Curious to see how the increase in AsG by level, and by transformation lore are modified for non-native minor mental casters
I don't think non-monks will have very much use for 1202. First off, only monks get the level bonus to AsG. Second, using a scroll calculates lore at what, 1/3rd ranks? So a scroll caster would require 15 transform ranks for the first AsG bump, 45 for the second, 90 for the third, 150 for the fourth. I guess lbp ain't bad, but it would be costly.
05-13-2012, 11:24 PM
I don't think non-monks will have very much use for 1202. First off, only monks get the level bonus to AsG. Second, using a scroll calculates lore at what, 1/3rd ranks? So a scroll caster would require 15 transform ranks for the first AsG bump, 45 for the second, 90 for the third, 150 for the fourth. I guess lbp ain't bad, but it would be costly.
Lore for scroll/items is calculated at either 1/2 ranks or 1/3 ranks, depending on whether it is a major circle (1/2 ranks) or a profession circle (1/3 ranks). Not sure how it works for a minor circle, but I suspect it is 1/2 ranks.
I missed the part in the spell desc that said only Monks get the bonus, that obviously changes things.
The lore part is what I was particularly interested in confirming/determining.
05-14-2012, 01:28 AM
what happens if monks are holding 2 feras weapons? will it still flare on every hit? and does it shatter?
05-14-2012, 01:36 AM
what happens if monks are holding 2 feras weapons? will it still flare on every hit? and does it shatter?
Yes and yes.
Drunken Durfin
05-14-2012, 07:35 AM
Suddenly my hoard of feras daggers is a bit more useful.
05-14-2012, 11:30 AM
daggers? thats not a brawling weapon!
05-14-2012, 11:39 AM
Anyone try using a splitter yet? I know there's a couple splitting brawlers out there.
05-14-2012, 11:40 AM
Anyone try using a splitter yet? I know there's a couple splitting brawlers out there.
Try them for what? A splitting weapon wouldn't be as useful to a monk as it would be to a warrior or paladin.
05-14-2012, 11:40 AM
there isn't really an advantage with a splitter for monks
05-14-2012, 01:56 PM
It does.
k, hopefully the last one then: What is the base roundtime for the UAC moves?
05-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Hmm. Not sure about base RT for them. Min RTs are 3, 3, 4 and 5. I'll ask Finros next time I see him.
05-21-2012, 02:54 PM
So, anyone still being a monk?
05-21-2012, 02:58 PM
Yes, in D3.
05-21-2012, 05:18 PM
Yes, in D3.
Monk is ultra fun in normal/nightmare....then in hell/inferno it's kinda shitty.
05-21-2012, 05:46 PM
I still monkey around occasionally, but it's not really fun being the only person on the server. Half the point of beta testing is to work with other testers and figure stuff out and bounce ideas off each other, so it's kinda dumb.
Monk is ultra fun in normal/nightmare....then in hell/inferno it's kinda shitty.
My friend went full tank with his monk in inferno and filled all his sockets and magic items with +vitality. It seems to be working very well for him.
05-21-2012, 05:49 PM
Herp me.
05-21-2012, 05:53 PM
Monk is ultra fun in normal/nightmare....then in hell/inferno it's kinda shitty.
They are more than viable on inferno.
05-21-2012, 05:57 PM
I still monkey around occasionally, but it's not really fun being the only person on the server. Half the point of beta testing is to work with other testers and figure stuff out and bounce ideas off each other, so it's kinda dumb.
Someone needs to tell some NiR that they should open monk testing to everyone... I'm just itching to get in and play around with the UAC system.
05-21-2012, 06:02 PM
Someone needs to tell some NiR that they should open monk testing to everyone... I'm just itching to get in and play around with the UAC system.
I did, but it's not going to happen. I think they're gonna shut down the test instance sometime in the next week so they can fix all the issues that cropped up during this round of beta, then possibly re-open it later for further testing. They're considering opening it up to more people during the second, but it almost definitely won't be open to everyone.
05-22-2012, 09:54 AM
They are more than viable on inferno.
Didn't mean they weren't viable, just shitty.
You go from bad ass kungfu ninja to walking dot that that spams a heal/shield.
Drunken Durfin
05-31-2012, 04:54 PM
So, erm...nothing?
05-31-2012, 06:29 PM
So, erm...nothing?
Drunken Durfin
05-31-2012, 06:31 PM
Folder seemed dead. Were the beta monks so hopelessly broken that they gave up?
05-31-2012, 06:38 PM
Folder seemed dead. Were the beta monks so hopelessly broken that they gave up?
Test server is down but Mars has posted a bunch of logs over on the officials.
05-31-2012, 07:13 PM
I'd laugh if monks still aren't released sometime this year.
05-31-2012, 07:23 PM
I think they're gonna shut down the test instance sometime in the next week so they can fix all the issues that cropped up during this round of beta, then possibly re-open it later for further testing. They're considering opening it up to more people during the second, but it almost definitely won't be open to everyone.
Drunken Durfin
05-31-2012, 08:54 PM
Yeah, I saw that when you posted it the first time.
05-31-2012, 09:20 PM
Well there's nothing more to say. They closed the beta to work on bugs and balance. If you have a specific question, I'd be more than happy to answer it.
Drunken Durfin
05-31-2012, 10:22 PM
How do magnets work?
06-01-2012, 12:12 AM
How do magnets work?
You know how when a woman asks if these jeans make her butt look fat, and you know they do but you realize that she wants you to lie to her and say no? Magnets work just like that.
06-01-2012, 12:29 AM
You know how when a woman asks if these jeans make her butt look fat, and you know they do but you realize that she wants you to lie to her and say no? Magnets work just like that.
I've never been good at answering that question.
06-01-2012, 02:45 AM
Fat chicks suck
06-01-2012, 11:26 AM
I've never been good at answering that question.
"They do, but at least it keeps people from noticing your small tits and awful cheek structure."
06-01-2012, 02:10 PM
monk server is still up, I played for a little today.
Suppressed Poet
06-01-2012, 10:18 PM
So once Monks are released will they shut off voln fu, or will that still be an option until they do the voln overhaul?
06-01-2012, 10:20 PM
Voln fu will be gone, but it sounds like they're trying to release the voln overhaul at the same time as monks.
Drunken Durfin
06-01-2012, 10:27 PM
Voln fu will be gone, but it sounds like they're trying to release the voln overhaul at the same time as monks.
"And lo he opened the fourth seal and Simutronics released two major changes to Gemstone at the same time. Then I heard a mighty crack and the Earth was cleft in two..."
06-01-2012, 10:33 PM
Don't forget the thrown review that Finros half-implied was going to be released as well.
Drunken Durfin
06-01-2012, 10:41 PM
I've never been good at answering that question.
My wife was in the dressing room trying on some stuff, so I was being the good husband holding the bags and waiting while leaning on a rack. This woman was looking at herself in the mirror when she turned to me and said "Does this jacket make me look pregnant?"
Shock. It was like I had been given a gift from the universe. A woman who I had no relationship with on any level was asking me THE question. I had no obligation to say anything candy coated. I could just unload all the suppressed urges built up over the years and let loose with a "you look like a bloated warthog" Highlander quote. The temptation was overwhelming.
I nodded in respect to the higher power that had presented me with this situation as I decided to repay this gift with honesty, repaying this gift of opportunity with honesty to make the world a better place. I said "No, not at all."
To which she responded: "Oh, good. I'm going on a job interview and I don't want them to know that if I get the position I'll be going on maternity leave in a couple of months."
Deceitful whore.
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