View Full Version : D&D suggestions

06-30-2004, 01:37 PM
I'm a DM of d&d 2.5 edition (modified 3 with 2 with role master with my own rules) and I am still, yet, not able to make a good critic (crit) table.

First problem: I want my game to be "realistic", I prefer the fact that a dagger CAN kill (with or without backstabbing) to d20's vision of the dagger.

second problem: I don't like d20's armoring system, so I put some DR (damage reduction) to armor, to make them more appealing (and give a lot of armor class to armorless people).

third problem: I want a fast combat engine; as we are playing now, it is too long:

Any suggestions?

p.s. I ADORE breaking swords, shields, arm cut, leg broken, and such.

I believe that fighters are more than a big sack of health point.

06-30-2004, 04:43 PM
Criticals -
A natural roll of 20 to attack gives the character a chance to score a Critical Hit. Following all attack rolls, the character rolls an additional d20 for each natural 20. A successful To Hit score on the extra roll indicates a critical hit. A d100 chart (below) indicates the result. [An unsuccessful second roll indicates a normal hit, with no critical bonus.]

01-50 Double Dice Damage
51-75 Triple Dice Damage
76-85 Normal + Disarm Weapon/Stun - Opponent Loses Attack
86-95 Normal + Head Struck, Stunned for 1d4 rounds
96-98 Normal + Eye or Ear Damaged, Lose 1/4 Max HPs
Unable to Cast, System Shock to stay Conscious
No Dex Bonus to AC, -2 to Hit
99 Normal + Hand or Foot Severed, Lose 1/3 Max HPs
Unable to Cast, System Shock to stay Conscious
Lose 2d6 hp/round until Bandaged
00 Normal + Massive Bodily Injury, Lose 1/2 Max HPs
Unable to Cast, System Shock to stay Conscious
Lose 2d12 hp/round until Magically Healed.

Fumbles -
A natural roll of 1 to attack indicates the character may have Fumbled. Following all attack rolls, the character rolls an additional d20 for each natural 1. An unsuccessful To Hit score on the extra roll indicates a fumbled attack. A d100 chart (below) indicates the result. [A successful second roll indicates no fumble.]

01-50 Hit Self - Normal Dice Damage Only
51-75 Hit Nearest Ally/Self - Double Dice Damage Only
76-85 Disarm - Lose Weapon/Stun - Lose Next Attack(s)
86-95 Break Weapon/Stun - If Magical, Save vs Crushing Blow*
96-98 Trip Nearest Ally/Self - Normal Dice Damage + 1d6
Stunned for 1d4 rounds
99 Critical Hit on Nearest Ally/Self
00 Reroll Three Times - All Effects Cumulative (Ignore rolls of 00)

* - For all magical bows which successfully save vs Crushing Blow, the bowstring snaps, requiring one round to replace. This does not affect the bow itself or the magical enchantment. All archers are assumed to own several spare bowstrings.

- Critical Double or Triple Damage applies before Strength and Magical bonuses.
- No Strength or Magical bonuses are applied to Fumbles.
- Cases such as "Ally/Self", "Eye or Ear" or "Hand or Foot" are for DM discretion on roleplay, reflecting the type of weapon or natural attack.
- Bleeding damage done "per round" (including unconscious) is recorded at each Initiative roll. This may influence Marching Order decisions.

Summary -
Roll a 20, roll again. - You hit, you Crit.
Roll a 1, roll again. - You bumble, you Fumble.

06-30-2004, 09:46 PM
Use a real, combat-deadly game like GURPS instead. There's a 'lite' ed of the rules online for a free download if you have a PDF reader.


06-30-2004, 11:22 PM
Kuyuk: Your table is great, fumble is more. But your crits one makes cutting limbs, breaking bones and piercing eyes TOO rare.

We use a system such as this one: One every attack, there's 2 dices rolled, one for the attack, and one for the location...

A roll of one with the location means the top of the head, et cetera (We know them by heart already).

So all I need, is a system that goes fast to determine with DAMAGE and/or ATTACK ROLLS when to cut limbs, to insta-kill, bla bla bla.

Gall/depp, will check that out seriously.

p.s. Sorry, mistaken a nick:smug:

[Edited on 1-7-04 by Xcalibur]