View Full Version : hair Accessories

04-19-2012, 12:38 PM
Looking for feature altering hair accessories. PM me with what ya got and what you want for it.

04-19-2012, 06:40 PM
I have:

some silvery blue rivertears - that do the 4 hair alters (from last years Ebons)
a copper-edged scarlet satin ribbon- " "

some lilac hair ribbons - older style

I have more older ones if you need me to look for them...

04-20-2012, 10:51 AM
Would it be too much to ask what the rivertears and older lilac ribbons do? (I mean... what the scripts make the hair look like.)

04-20-2012, 12:50 PM
Sure here it is....

Valid style choices are 1-4. To cycle through all available styles, use PUSH.

Some silvery blue rivertears

You pull your extremely long golden blonde hair up into a ponytail at the crown of your head and then wrap it into a neat, spiraling bun which you secure with your silvery blue rivertears.

You divide your extremely long golden blonde hair into three sections and quickly create a low, loose braid, then flip it up and tuck the end under, finishing it with some silvery blue rivertears.

You shake your extremely long golden blonde hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, then insert your silvery blue rivertears, scattering them throughout your hair in an almost haphazard fashion.

You divide your golden blonde hair into several sections, securing and adorning them with your silvery blue rivertears.

You quickly remove some silvery blue rivertears from your golden blonde hair, and return it to its normal style.

Some lilac hair ribbons

You divide your long titian hair into two sections and tie each loosely with your lilac hair ribbons.

You divide your titian hair into two sections, and then separate each half into three strands. You quickly braid each section, expertly weaving your lilac hair ribbons into the plaits.

You separate your titian hair into two sections at the crown of your head and tie your lilac hair ribbons into them creating two perky pigtails.

You divide your titian hair into two sections, pulling each over one shoulder and tying your lilac hair ribbons into them.

04-20-2012, 01:03 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that these can be worn with your hair bauble but not with a wig.
I found more, I'm going to put them in a flat price sale, just waiting to see if you wanted any of them first.


Some golden bumblebee hairjewels

You divide your blue-black hair into several sections, securing and adorning them with your bumblebee hairjewels.

You pull your shoulder length blue-black hair up into a ponytail at the crown of your head and then wrap it into a neat, spiraling bun which you secure with your bumblebee hairjewels.

You divide your shoulder length blue-black hair into three sections and quickly create a low, loose braid, then flip it up and tuck the end under, finishing it with some golden bumblebee hairjewels.

You shake your shoulder length blue-black hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, then insert your bumblebee hairjewels, scattering them throughout your hair in an almost haphazard fashion.

You divide your blue-black hair into several sections, securing and adorning them with your bumblebee hairjewels.

You quickly remove some golden bumblebee hairjewels from your blue-black hair, and return it to its normal style.

some lacquered ebonwood hairsticks

You divide your blue-black hair into two sections and form them into an intricate knot, securing it with a quick twist and push of your ebonwood hairsticks.

You give your ebonwood hairsticks a sharp tug, loosening the style of your blue-black hair into a chignon.

You twist your blue-black hair into a tight roll and secure it high on your head with a firm push of your ebonwood hairsticks.

You catch up your very long blue-black hair with one hand and twist it into a casual roll, deftly securing it with your ebonwood hairsticks.

You quickly remove some lacquered ebonwood hairsticks from your blue-black hair, and return it to its normal style.
a leaf-carved emerald barrette

You pull back a section of your blue-black hair from your forehead and pin it in place with your emerald barrette.

You pull back one side of your blue-black hair and secure it over one ear with emerald barrette.

You pull your very long blue-black hair over one shoulder, gathering it loosely and securing it with your emerald barrette.

You shake your very long blue-black hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, and slide your emerald barrette into place.

You pull back a section of your blue-black hair from your forehead and pin it in place with your emerald barrette.

You quickly remove a leaf-carved emerald barrette from your blue-black hair, and return it to its normal style.
Also found these that alter your hair:
some water-logged sticks
You place your hands upon your head and manage to rough your hair into a shaggy mess, then carefully insert your water-logged sticks into the tangle of your blue-black hair, where they manage to get stuck.

What others see.... She has very long, tousled blue-black hair that is rumpled into a shaggy mess with bits of water-logged sticks sticking out of it at odd angles

Some rounded sea glass beads

You pull your very long blue-black hair up into a ponytail at the crown of your head and then wrap it into a neat, spiraling bun which you secure with your sea glass beads.

You divide your very long blue-black hair into three sections and quickly create a low, loose braid, then flip it up and tuck the end under, finishing it with some rounded sea glass beads.

You shake your very long blue-black hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, then insert your sea glass beads, scattering them throughout your hair in an almost haphazard fashion.

You divide your blue-black hair into several sections, securing and adorning them with your sea glass beads.

You quickly remove some rounded sea glass beads from your blue-black hair, and return it to its normal style.

04-21-2012, 02:59 AM
Ok so... how much for:
Some rounded sea glass beads, some water-logged sticks and some lilac hair ribbons?

04-21-2012, 11:10 PM
I looked in Player Shops and they are selling between 150-185k each except the sticks couldn't find them at all.