View Full Version : Jewellery Sale

04-18-2012, 01:59 PM
Clearing out the jewellery locker. Auction will go the usual once, twice and sold. MB on everything is 10k and BOs accepted for bulk purchases.

a carved snowy white crystal bracelet flecked with silver
Sold and delivered
Sold and delivered
a copper mesh neroli oil pendant (zested)
Sold and delivered
a blown glass ball pendant encapsulating tiny aquamarines
a silver-twined gold ferroniere adorned with beads of abalone
a wide braided gold bangle (holds a gold ring)
a triangular bronze amulet (holds a gold ring)
a beaded silver mesh seer-stone (holds a gem)
a silver lavaliere suspending a column of hexagonal shadowy wraithalines Sold on BO
a smoky black glaes lavaliere suspended from a wrought pewter claw
a latticed electrum wire choker SHOW: An interwoven, open mesh of electrum wire forms this wide choker secured at the back with an intricate braid of cream silk ribbon. Finer filaments have been knotted around gold baroque pearls at regular intersections to maintain its overall integrity, the dusky stones casting a subtle aureate sheen across the piece. Sold on BO
Sold and delivered
a wide choker of wine-dark pearls caught in silver latticework Sold on BO
Sold and delivered
a thin ruby-link waistchain with a frosted onyx pendulum
an ivory silk bangle set with several tiny brightly shining golden glimaerstones (Truthie)
a six-in-one alum chainmail bracelet decorated with glass beads
a six-in-one mermaid's weave bracelet adorned with blue scales CB: 10k Ltlprprincess SOLD
a three-tiered bracelet of alternating pale and gold moonstones (zested)
a bracelet of gold-linked carved moonstone flowers (zested)
Sold and delivered
Sold and delivered
a fire opal wristcuff dangling orange and red feathers (zested) CB: 10k Dayof13 SOLD
Sold and delivered
Sold and delivered
Sold and delivered
a wide vaalorn band encircling feather-etched gold
a green-tendriled white moss agate choker
a midnight-hued necklace of deep blue and ebon starstone orbs
a driftwood and pearl pendant carved with a stormy seascape
Sold and delivered
a thick fel choker dangling a spider encased in tumbled amber
a blue-on-indigo steel chainmail choker woven with silk ribbons
Sold and delivered
a silver and graduated hematite orb necklace
a thick platinum choker edged with imflass granulation
Sold and delivered
a twisted vaalin geldaralad dangling a tiny brightly shining green glimaerstone flower (Truthie)
Sold and delivered
a creamy vaalin hoop earring (holds crystals)
an alum-chained footflower centered with a wisp of blindingly bright smoky glimaerstone (altered Truthie)
a gold-chained footflower radiating from a brightly shining golden glimaerstone moth (altered Truthie)
Sold and delivered
a dark leather anklet with a tiny dangling silver dagger
a polished golden linden box with mother-of-pearl inlay
a round orase jewelry box inlaid with malachite
a square mesille jewelry box inlaid with multihued agates
a delicate white birch jewelry box inlaid with obsidian

Selling as a SET (interchangeable and zested) MB: 50k CB: 50k Ltlprprincess SOLD
a jade butterfly haircomb
a colorful peacock haircomb
a simple silver circlet
an airy silver chiffon veil
a lace-edged pristine white veil

04-18-2012, 02:08 PM
MB on 20
MB on the set.

Winter's Kiss
04-18-2012, 02:10 PM
MB : #15 & #27

04-18-2012, 02:11 PM
mb #20, 24, 25 26, 27

04-18-2012, 03:14 PM
Updated with BOs so far.

04-19-2012, 10:35 AM

04-19-2012, 09:07 PM

04-20-2012, 09:05 AM
Couple of items sold. Please contact me to arrange a convenient pickup, thanks.