View Full Version : Enchanting Project slot for sale

04-14-2012, 07:51 PM
It's that special time again.

Please remember no padding, flares or weighting.

Fusion / enhancive items require ayveneh potions for tempering. Sanctified items require eoveneh potions.

These are available in playershops or through respective alchemists but are up to you to acquire before the job.

Please include what the item is, what enchant the item is, and the ending enchant you would like.

Due to the large amounts of messages I've received, I will consider "buyout" being a standard 4-7x enchant job.

Short of that, I'll be taking them in the order in which they were received.

If I do not hear back 3pm EST Monday, the next person in line gets the project slot.

I like getting things started on time, finished on time and delivered on time.

4-5x: 2m
5-6x: 4m
6-7x: 7m



04-14-2012, 09:19 PM
Bump for edit.

04-15-2012, 08:44 AM
Gone, thanks for looking.