View Full Version : SCROLLS scrolls (193) time to share

04-11-2012, 04:02 PM
these are fresh, as checked by Eoghain and Teclys , bid each invidual scroll, mb 1k per scroll

1.On the obscure scroll you see
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(110) Unbalance
(701) Blood Burst
(711) Pain

2. On the silvery paper you see
(219) Spell Shield
(213) Minor Sanctuary
(315) Remove Curse
(202) Spirit Shield
3.On the aged scroll you see
(919) Wizard's Shield
(905) Prismatic Guard
(918) Duplicate
(502) Spell Store
(907) Major Cold
4. On the burnt scroll you see
(406) Elemental Defense II
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(919) Wizard's Shield
(912) Call Wind
5.On the glittering scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1617) Zealot
(1601) Mantle of Faith
(109) Dispel Invisibility
6. On the yellowed paper you see
(110) Unbalance
(101) Spirit Warding I
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(104) Disease Resistance
(404) Disarm Enhancement
7. On the yellowed scroll you see
(1608) Guiding Light
(1712) Spirit Guard
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(1704) Stun Cloud
(119) Spirit Dispel
(1711) Mystic Focus
8.On the old scroll you see
(310) Warding Sphere
(102) Spirit Barrier
9. On the neatly inked scroll you see
(406) Elemental Defense II
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(706) Mind Jolt
10. On the luminous scroll you see
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(410) Elemental Wave
(404) Disarm Enhancement
11. On the neatly inked scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(1701) Arcane Decoy
12. On the glowing scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(505) Hand of Tonis
(409) Elemental Blast
(906) Minor Fire
(508) Elemental Bias
13. On the yellowed scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(105) Poison Resistance
(608) Camouflage
(116) Locate Person
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(607) Sounds
14. On the scorched scroll you see
(117) Spirit Strike
(108) Stun Relief
(610) Tangleweed
(108) Stun Relief
(618) Mobility
15. On the charred scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1119) Strength Of Will
(1110) Empathic Assault
16. On the neatly inked papyrus you see
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
(1616) Vigor
(107) Spirit Warding II
17. On the torn scroll you see
(211) Bravery
18. On the old scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(211) Bravery
(201) Calm
19. On the luminous scroll you see
(214) Bind
(303) Prayer of Protection
(207) Purify Air
(214) Bind
(304) Bless Item
20. On the smeared scroll you see
(904) Minor Acid
(406) Elemental Defense II
(401) Elemental Defense I
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(505) Hand of Tonis
21. On the arcane scroll you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(415) Elemental Strike
(506) Haste
(506) Haste
(905) Prismatic Guard
22. On the crumpled scroll you see
(602) Resist Elements
(107) Spirit Warding II
(110) Unbalance
(106) Spirit Fog
(604) Skinning
(602) Resist Elements

04-11-2012, 04:06 PM
IMO, you should just pawn the junk ones and sell the good ones as a lot.

04-11-2012, 04:12 PM
mb on A, C and F. Also, Briarfox might be right.

04-12-2012, 11:53 AM

04-13-2012, 03:16 AM
bump 1k per scroll is cheap, no interest?

04-13-2012, 07:24 AM
Gonna regret this with my alreday large collection but i have a scroll infusion obsession and hate to see good scrolls go to waste. I'll bid 2k on 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,14,15,18,20

Halfling Guts
04-13-2012, 09:53 AM
1, 6, 9, 10 - 5k each

04-13-2012, 10:09 AM
as of right now i have a buyout offer of 10k per scroll from Jymamon so up yer ante or get off the pot

04-13-2012, 03:42 PM
My offer was a buyout explicitly because I didn't want to wait for an auction to continue to run. For this reason, my offer expires 24 hours from the time of this post.

04-14-2012, 01:02 PM