View Full Version : Aethor's Locker Auctions #5

04-09-2012, 04:45 PM
this auction is the same as the other four, no peeking, no examining, no bardsinging,no one gets a peek, most of you know whats in this locker i have had for a very long time, most of this stuff is recent and as far back as the First Wavedancer, some of this stuff is padded, and weighted and enhansive, this auction will be one of the richest due to the quality of items involved. note there are 99 items in this locker it is near full. Auction #6 will begin after this one ends, the reason for the sell off, i have what i need on my toons, i dont need any of this stuff.

bidding begins at post and end on 04/13/2012 at 8pm as usual

Locker contents of Aethor Whiteaxe, the Giantman, as recorded in Mist Harbor:

In a deep chest:
a wide-eyed copper baby dragon
a House Phoenix snowglobe
a black iron cauldron
a globular yellowed tallow candle
a heavy kelyn slab
a heavy kelyn slab
a heavy faenor slab
a heavy vaalorn slab
a golden beryl inset eonake rod
a tooled leather backpack
a claw-marked thick leather gauntlet
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a plainly wrapped package
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a chunk of uncooked rolton meat
a vaalin-rim cerulean glass jar
a long-sleeved mauve linen shirt
a mortar
a pestle
a drakar-veined red oak staff

In a clothing wardrobe:
a serpentine aquamarine band
a gold-inset onyx cabochon pin
an ora-edged sea green satchel
a small mesh sack
an ancient rugged leather pouch
an onyx-inlaid star sapphire barrette
a crooked black vaalin hairstick
a whorled sleek onyx wristlet
a golden imflass scroll tube
an onyx-inlaid mithril alloy crown
a thin rat's tail anklet

In a magical item bin:
a burnished mithril alloy orb
a pale crystal lute pin
a wrinkled scroll
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a carved modwir wand
a silver wand
a smooth bone wand
a leafy modwir wand
a carved modwir wand
a black iron cauldron
a small crystal flask
a chipped glass vial
a mortar
a pestle
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a smooth haon wand
a silvery mithril ring
a leather-bound pale vellum tome with brass corners on its cover
an ebony Lorminstra staff
an ivory-inlaid platinum orb
a beryl-inset imflass orb
an enruned silver alloy medallion
a lustrous silver Kai symbol
a star sapphire studded copper tiara
a chiseled amethyst medallion
a pink sapphire studded silver necklace

On a weapon rack:
a scorched orase runestaff
a thanot-hafted vultite flail
a gold-capped orase runestaff
a corroded vaalorn short sword
a faenor-tipped mithglin longsword
a gleaming glaes jeddart-axe
a tan drake knuckle-blade
a carved villswood long bow
a bolt-carved ironwood staff
an ancient hoarbeam runestaff

On an armor stand:
an etched imflass metal breastplate
some embossed vultite half plate
some imflass brigandine armor
a nicked spiked glaes aegis
some brigandine armor
an etched ora chain hauberk
a nicked spiked glowbark buckler
a polished eahnor aegis
some scorched light leather
a jet black imflass hauberk
some imflass brigandine armor

Obvious items: 99

04-09-2012, 05:12 PM

04-09-2012, 05:22 PM

04-10-2012, 10:29 AM

04-10-2012, 12:30 PM

04-10-2012, 12:33 PM

04-11-2012, 12:41 PM
updated 1m by Justdan

04-11-2012, 07:44 PM


04-16-2012, 02:59 PM
updated 3m to havoc once!