View Full Version : Berserk Swing RT & Ideal weapons
03-30-2012, 04:36 PM
So... I'm still swinging the same maul I've been swinging for a month, since I could hold the damn thing. It's a very nice maul, but I'm wondering how much difference there would be between it and a nice claidh...
Would my berserking swing times be slower with a claidh? It hides the RT times when berserking, and I'm wondering if it simply discards the RT in favor of a flat increment somehow...
Also, the maul is +27 with nice flares... would that loss in AS be worth it to swing a mithril (or better) claidh? I'd probably keep both, but if the claidh is a flat-out superior weapon then I might just make the switch (and start the bonding process all over again).
03-30-2012, 05:23 PM
So... I'm still swinging the same maul I've been swinging for a month, since I could hold the damn thing. It's a very nice maul, but I'm wondering how much difference there would be between it and a nice claidh...
Would my berserking swing times be slower with a claidh? It hides the RT times when berserking, and I'm wondering if it simply discards the RT in favor of a flat increment somehow...
Also, the maul is +27 with nice flares... would that loss in AS be worth it to swing a mithril (or better) claidh? I'd probably keep both, but if the claidh is a flat-out superior weapon then I might just make the switch (and start the bonding process all over again).
Most warriors stop using claid higher levels, least that's just what I hear.
I'd stick with the maul myself, you also have access to sigil of major bane too, so when you camp it's nice to have the weighting and the flares.
03-30-2012, 05:37 PM
When berserk went through its last change, the round time for all berserk attacks were set at 5 seconds per attack rounds.. No matter weapon base, encumbrance, under trained armor or other factors.
As for weather using a claid or maul.. My opinion is that claids really only necessary for heavy armored opponents and if i can not generate enough AS.
On a 200 endroll you are guaranteed a rank 1 wound on plate with a maximum of rank 2.
On a 300 endroll you are guaranteed a rank 3 wound on plate and up to a rank 5.
On a 200 endroll you are guaranteed a rank 3 On plate maximum of rank 5.
On a 300 endroll you are guaranteed a rank 4 wound on plate up to a rank 7.
03-30-2012, 05:43 PM
Maul's just fine for 2 handed. Everything is always 5.
04-01-2012, 12:44 AM
Berserking goes by rounds which seem to be closer to every six seconds then five, at least to me. I've never pulled out a stop watch to check though.
Rollis, I think you are off on your numbers, I see a lot of death crits from my maul with endrolls in the 200-300 range against combatants in the temple.
Claids are great for when you can just barely hit what you are swinging at, mostly in the 100-150 range depending on the creature type.
I've hunted with quite a few people who use claids and tend to get about the same number of crit kills that they do, mostly because a maul is crush only and a slash to the head won't always kill. I prefer a maul for two reasons, one is that the ambushing is faster, the other is that I started using mine before it was so common.
If you really want a better weapon watch for two-handers that are +20 and vhcw or better, also 3x claids.
With the warcamping put on as many spells as possible and increase your attack strength by any means you can.
I know everyone says to pile on the MoC for warcamps but something to keep in mind is that Madmountain only had 55 ranks of it for the longest time. Might still only have that much, I forget if he started working on that the last time he was playing or not. I have 1x MoC and rarely want to have more then that. Its a cheap skill at 1x and you get 4 focused at 90 and six open at 100. When you are doubling in it you are paying more then you would for 2x dodge and over 100 ranks you are paying a lot for little benefit. Just my take on it though.
04-01-2012, 12:54 AM
The numbers are correct-- against full plate for a maul - you could score a rank 5 critical on a head shot with an end roll as low as 283, though it is not guaranteed due to randomization. That could be as low as a rank three.
Also -- if the critter was not wearing full plate-- that its head was not covered by plate you would only need an end roll of 250.
These numbers do not consider the natural weighting added from your dex - so the actually numbers are probably even a little lower.
04-01-2012, 03:28 PM
The table below contains the minimum endrolls for each critical rank with a maul. This is without critical weighting. Any DEX bonus, weapon, sigil, or ambush weighting will lower these minimum endroll thresholds, except for the rank 1 crits.
The last column has the possible critical rank outcomes after randomization; there is an equal probability for each result. As an example, it is possible to obtain a rank 5 critical vs scale armor with an endroll of 182, but with randomization a rank 5 will only occur 1/3rd of the time (possible outcomes 3/4/5). A 248 endroll vs scale would guarantee a minimum rank 5, 100% of the time (possible outcomes 5/6/7/8/9).
Armor Group|Cloth|Leather|Scale|Chain|Plate||Randomized
Damage Factor|.550|.425|.425|.375|.300||
Critical Rank|Endroll|Endroll|Endroll|Endroll|Endroll||Crit ical Rank
Rank 1|109|113|116|123|135||1 only
Rank 2|118|128|132|147|172||1 or 2
Rank 3 |127|142|149|171|209||2 or 3
Rank 4|136|156|165|195|245||2, 3 or 4
Rank 5 |145|170|182|219|282||3, 4 or 5
Rank 6|154|184|198|243|319||3, 4, 5 or 6
Rank 7|163|198|215|267|355||4, 5, 6 or 7
Rank 8|172|212|231|291|392||4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
Rank 9|181|226|248|315|429||5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
04-01-2012, 04:27 PM
Since rt doesn't matter when you berserk try a lance, it's pretty fun.
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